Mafia's Taken Sister

By Kayla_craxy

129K 2.2K 300

When Isabella's mother took her away at a young age she grows up in an abusive and controlling household. She... More

1- My life
2- Pain is the answer
3- Yeah, No
4- Flight
5- Mhm
6- WOW
7- dinner and rules
8- now you know
9- Broken arm running
10- Questions
11- Accident
12- Hospital
13-It's a date!
14- Shopping time
15- Over stressed
16- Workout/Allergy accident
17- Hospital visit
19- Runaway part 1
20- Runway Part 2
21- Fake ass Barbie
22- Party
23- Deep convo
25- Hair and trouble
26- Emotions
27- Backstabber
28- dress troubles
29-Shopping Mayhem
30-Deep Ball shit
31- Double D
32- I can't
33- The Last chapter

18- Family

2K 40 1
By Kayla_craxy

Isabella Pov

I was currently blasting music on my speaker while singing along as well as studying quantim physics, Number theory and Thermodynamics. I already knew all of that I just loved practicing. At my old school every year the principal would ask if I wanted to skip a few grades but I always fucking declined scared of how Henry would treat me. I should be in univerisity already.

My music was really loud and I was practically screaming the lyrics that I hadn't realised Marketti had knocked on my door. I didn't hear him so I continued. Then finally I noticed the door slightly opened. I turned my music down slightly to be able to actually hear him.

"Hey Bella, I came to tell you its 5:20 and you should start getting ready" Marketti said politely.

"Yeah of course, I will have a quick shower and get ready. Will you go get me some gelato please, choc-chip preferably." I asked.

He nodded then left. I got off my bed and packed my textbooks and notes up and placed them on my desk. I always hated working at desks as it made me feel squished between wood. Anyways, I went t my walk in closest and pulled out my dress, some boots, jewellery and hair accessiories. I had grabbed my mother's necklace without realising. It brought back many memories but I replaced my hurt look with a cold emotionless glare. I was gonna show myself to the family as tough cold female that grew up without that fucking support. Wihtout their fucking guidance. Without the whole family shit.

I looked my outfit choice over and then went to my bathroom and showered. I had a quick 5 minute freezing shower then got out, dried myself and got changed. Then I looked myself in the mirror before pullng out my makeup bag to apply a new layer of mascara and powder. I looked alive once again.

"Beh ciao, sei assolutamente incredibile e quel vestito ti si addice" He said while looking at me. (well hello, you look absolutely amazing and that dress suits you).

"Grazie. I am coming down in a second and can you tell Marketti he didn't bring any gelato up like I asked so he can expect a slap over the head" I giggled sarcasticly. (Thank you) Rondi exchanged the funny gesture but straightening up and saluting me before leaving. I could hear him yelling to Marketti and it was hilarious. I looked myself over before grabbing my phone, earbuds and a spare hair tie that I placed around my wrist. I put my phone and earbuds into a small handbag then left my room to go downstairs. It was now 6:10pm so everyone would definetly be here. I walked down the stairs and went to the lounge room where I heard all the chatter and laughter. The moment I entered it fell silent.

"Stupenda, questa è mia nipote!" I think my grandmother said. (Gorgeous, this is my grand-daughter!) I wasn;t really paying much attention as I was doing my best to calm my breaths and stop ym hands from shaking. It was one busy room.

Sitting down was my 2 aunties, 3 uncles, 5 cousins and my grandparents. All my brothers were stanidng around the couch or were offering drinks and sparking conversations. I Greeted eveyone and Marketti told them to introduce themselves. Iza must have seen my hands shaking or something as he came bside me and held my hand. It was comforting but I was still anxious.

"Hello dear, Im your grandmother Hope but you can call me Granny" A older lady said while coming to give me a hug. I went into fight mode but was luckily stopped by Iza.

"She doesn't like being touched very much." He said letting go of my hand after realizing I probably didn't like it. I hated it but the comfort was nice. She just nodded and stood back.

"I am your grandfather Alexander but call my Pops" A older man said while looking at me in the eyes. He was trying to read me. Sucks to be him because I am one tough cookie to be able to read. I kept my emotionless glare and gave him a slight nod.

"Alright Granny and pops" I said with a monotone voice.

Next was my uncles.

"Hey hun, I am your uncle filippo but you can just call me your favourite uncle as I am the most handsome and fun one. I am 29" a tall middle aged man with black hair and icy blue eyes said while smikring like a completely insane man. I didn't change my look. I just thanked him. It was awkward and my hands were shaking like crazy but I did my best to hide them. My breaths were getting quicker, all I had to do was let everyone finish then eat dinner then bid goodnight then leave. I can do it.

"Sup, I am uncle Alberto. I am 27 I will be your favourite and I can spoil you rotten" Another tall man said. He had a Aurben coloured hair with one green eye and one blue just like me. I nodded and said I would call him Uncle Al, He liked that idea as well.

And lastly was, "buonasera splendida ragazza, mi chiamo Luca e sono il più intelligente e serio dei tuoi zii. I am 31" I liked him already. (good evening gorgeous girl, My name is Luca and I am the smartest and most serious one out of your uncles.) He had one green, one blue eye but had blond hair. He was tall as well. I was faily tall but short compared to everyone else.

"Va bene così zio Fil, zio Al e zio Lu" I replied keeping my emotionless look. (Alright so Uncle Fil, Uncle Al and Uncle Lu)

They smiled widely.

Next was my aunts and cousins. 2 aunts and 5 cousins.

I listend carefully and to sum it up Auntie Aldina has 3 kids named Natalia, Lia and Leonardo. 2 girls aged 12 and10 and one boy aged 14. They also had 2 dogs, Charles and Chip both Australian shepards. Auntie Aria has 2 kids named Adriano and Raffaele. Both boys which were twins aged 8. They didn't have any pets. Auntie Aldina was married to Luca and Auntie Aria was married to filippo. After the introductions I couldn't do it aymore, My anxiety got the best of me and I ran through the house to the back door. I ran out of the back gate and down to the lake. I took my boots off and socks and placed my feet in the water attempting to calm myself down again. I am so glad I hadn't puched anyone. I wanted to so many time but I didn't and now that I didn't let my anger out my anxiety got the best of me.

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