Darkest Days. -(Michaeng)

By Simpin4Twice

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"MOMO" i ran to her lifeless body hanging from the ceiling, pulling her down her breathing shallowed. Preform... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty Six.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two.
Chapter Thirty Three.

Chapter Eleven.

65 6 11
By Simpin4Twice

Chapter song: bird- wave to earth (please listen when Chae is performing)

I got woken up to knocking.

"Mina, wake up sweetie we are getting ready to celebrate Momo" father said from the other side of the door.

Jumping up out of bed, the cold air hit my bare body causing shivers down my spin. Quickly getting dressed in a hoodie and sweats, i open the door a crack. Just enough for me to talk to father but not enough for him to see Chaeyoung.

"Hey dad i'll be down in a second i just need to get dressed" moving my eyes from him to Chaeyoung who was still sound asleep.

"Honey what's wrong" he said trying to push the door open.

"NOTHING" i yelled

"Mina open the door right now" he said in a stern tone.

"Nothing is wrong da-"

He pushed past me seeing Chaeyoung sleeping. He looked between me and Chae with a shocked, confused expression.

"Can we please talk downstairs" i said

"yeah we need to" he said confused staring at me

Closing the door sighing deep, locking the door. I walked over to Chae sleeping and gently shook her. "Babe wake up" i kissed her lips.

"No" she grumbled eyes still closed pulling me into a hug.

"My dad caught us" i simply said

She jumped up out of bed, and instantly started getting dressed. "WHAT" she yelled.

"Babe it's okay i don't think he cares that much, he was just shocked" i said

"are you sure" she said panicked "he's gonna beat my ass, i just know it, i'm fucked that man is buff" she paced around the room gripping her hair.

"Say goodbye to this face" she cried "my beautiful face" she looked in the mirror gripping and smushing her face in different angles making weird faces.

"you're so stupid" i laughed at her continuing to smush her face. "He's not going to hurt you, i won't let that happen" i said grabbing her hands and kissing her.

Walking down the stairs hand in hand i started getting nervous cramps. What if they don't accept me, what if they kick me out, what if they disown me. I felt like throwing up walking into the kitchen seeing them sitting there.

"Mom and Dad" i started, "i would like to talk to you about something" not making eye contact i sat down with Chae.

"what's wrong honey" mother said

"I'm dating"

"oh honey that's great, i would like to meet him-" mother started

"I'm dating a girl" i cut her off. She choked on her juice stunned.

"what" she said staley

"i'm dating Chaeyoung" i said confidently staring in her eyes

She shook her head no "no you're not, the only daughter i have left will not be gay" she said

"Sachiko" father started

"NO AKIRA" she yelled

"YOU DO NOT GET TO TELL ME WHO IM DATING" i yelled causing her to sit down with a surprising look. I've never raised my voice before.

"You will not get to tell me who i can and cannot date, i love Chaeyoung"

"please you don't even know what love is" she muttered

"i love her" i cried "before meeting her, i was planning on ending my life do you know that" i bitterly laughed tears falling from my eyes. " probably not because you were too busy getting drunk to notice ANOTHER one of your daughters suffering right" i said laughing

" that's not fair, i'm 5 months sober"

"just shut up and let me talk" i yelled back

"meeting Chaeyoung has been the BEST experience in my life, she's showed me everyday that life is worth living, she's showed me what it's like to feel loved, what it's like to be happy, what it's like to feel alive again" i cried, Chaeyoung gripped my hand encouraging me to continue.

"When i'm with Chaeyoung it feels like home, i feel comfortable and warm, happy, i haven't felt like this since momo left mom, you WILL NOT take that feeling away from me" i yelled.

"I'm not leaving her and if you can't accept me or even try to understand then you'll be losing another daughter, i will leave and i will NEVER talk to you again i can promise you that" I finished, getting ready to walk away.

"Mina wait" she said

"WHY so you can insult me again, insult my girlfriend, i love her you're not changing that"

"i'm willing to try to understand" she sighed "i'm sorry for reacting like that, i immediately noticed how you changed when you're with her, the old mina is back and i don't want to ruin that, so i'm willing to understand and accept" she said "come here both of you" she held her arms open for hugs.

"i'm sorry" she said taking me into a hug and kissing my head, she grabbed Chaeyoung kissing her cheeks and apologizing.

Pulling away looking at my father " what do you have to say" i said preparing for worse

"i don't care" he said blankly " i mean i care obviously but i don't care about who your dating is what i mean, i like women too whats not to like" he laughed fist bumping Chaeyoung.

"your dad is too cool" she laughed fist bumping him back.

"Alright let's get to planning Momos celebration" father clapped jumping up and walking out the room. No one followed, marching back in "well come on slow asses" he said poking around the corner.

5 Hours later

Running around the house getting ready, i wore a elegant black sleeveless dress the side having a slit showing my toned thigh and calf, with gloves that went up to my elbow and puffed out. Black heels and a neck piece, light makeup with red glossy lipstick. My hair parted, i wore medium sized diamond earrings. I told Chae to wear something fancy, that was the theme we had every year for momo. She loved fancy themed parties.

"Mina babe hurry everyone is arriving" mother knocked from the other side of the door.

"i'm coming" i said running out the door. She looked me up and down "wow you look stunning mina" she started crying.

"mom don't cry your messing up your makeup" i laughed at her wiping her mascara filled tears.

"I'm sorry baby, i love you so much i don't want to lose you ever, i'm happy your happy with Chae she's a amazing girl and i can tell she treats you right, i loved her from the beginning" she smiled

"i love you mom" i kissed her cheek taking her into a hug "let's go do this" i said taking her hand

Chaeyoung's Pov

i waited for mina downstairs, i wore a tuxedo with heels, combed my hair to the side. Getting nervous i waited for mina by the front door. Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs i turned around.

There she was, so breathtaking, so effortlessly beautiful. Standing there with my mouth wide open i began to cry. That was the love of my life, no one else can compare, no one will ever compare.

"babe why are you crying" she walked over to me with her mother wiping my tears.

"you just... you look so stunning" i cried with loving eyes.

"awe baby" she said taking me into a hug, her mom rubbed my back. She kissed me leaving my lips red. We giggled and cleaned my face.

After Everyone arrived the house was packed. Waiters going around offering little foods and drinks. We turned the dance studio into a ballroom. They said it's where momo would have wanted it.

White silky curtains covering the windows, each table set up with light purple sheets. The window on the roof decorated with hanging diamonds. A flower center piece on each table, flowers lined each window bringing together the room beautifully.

In the center of the room a big portrait of Momo and her family. White and lavender roses lined the picture. Food and other offerings laid under the picture. A banner that read "Happy birthday to our late beloved Momo, today we celebrate her 29th birthday!". Everything was perfect, momo would have loved it.

"Woooooo the party people are here" Jeongyeon busted through the door with everyone else. Each one of them looked amazing. Jeongyeon wore a dark grey tuxedo her hair parted, nayeon matched her with a long white dress with grey accents. Jihyo wore a long red dress accompanying her was Tzuyu in a lavender colored dress. Dahyun wore a white short dress with pink accents to match Sanas light pink elegant dress.

We were all a group of couples. Jeongyeon and Nayeon finally admitted they were together. Mina accidentally spilled the beans at a sleep over about Dahyun and Sana. Jihyo and Tzuyu just started acting like a couple and eventually kissed in front of us. We were all happy, a big happy family.

"Wow you guys look amazing" i said taking them into a group hug. "Look at you stud muffin" Tzuyu hit my arm. I flexed my muscles "you already know" i said wiggling my eyebrows and laughing.

"where's mina?" jihyo asked

"i'll go get her" i ran to the ballroom

"WOOOOOWWWWW" they all gawked seeing mina walk in the room. "You look stunning" they all agreed.

"Let's get this party started" sana said taking a glass of champagne walking to the ballroom dahyun running behind her.

We all sang and danced for a while, sitting down to eat and drink more. I got up getting my guitar and running up on stage.

"Ahem" i cleared my throat into the mic. All eyes were on me now.

"Hello my name is Son Chaeyoung i am mina's girlfriend, it's a pleasure to meet you all" i bowed. "I would like to say a few words"

" i never got the pleasure of meeting Momo, from the stories i've heard she seemed like a amazing radiant human, it makes me regret not meeting her, i know how hard this has been on mina and the Myoui family in general, the way they talk about her seeing their eyes light up, the smiles on their faces makes me wish i met her" i paused tears falling down my cheek. " I know it's hard for the Myoui family to celebrate her birthday without her but i wanted to let them know we are all here, we are here for Momo, we are here for you, Mina i will always be here for you, i love you so much" i pointed to her " and i want to sing a song dedicated to Momo"

"It's called bird" the music started and i began strumming on the guitar.

Bird, how does it feel to fly?

Hey bird

Do you look down or forward?

Hey bird

Even if you cover your eyes in the clouds

It will pass through

Bird, how does it feel to fly?

Hey bird

Your scent is all the way down to here

Bird, what things are thrown into your eyes?

In the clouds, it will pass through

I'm still looking at the wind

That's left after you've passed

The music ended, the crowd cheered loud. I bowed and walked to mina who was crying. I hugged her and kissed her head to calm her down.

"that was beautiful" she cried messing up her makeup. "Thank you Chae, i love you" she said taking me into a kiss. She got up and walked to the stage.

Mina's Pov

Wiping my tears i walked up to the stage i took the microphone. "Hello everyone i'm Mina, Momos little sister" i began "Losing Momo has been the worst thing in my life, it's hard waking up everyday not being able to talk to her, it's hard not being able to hug her, to tell her i love her, i was the one who found momo, it ruined me, it's hard for me to express my feelings" i cried " so i'd like to dedicate a song to her instead, this song helped me a lot when she passed, it expresses how i feel even when i can't express it myself thank you all for being here and celebrating My bestfriend" The music started.

I used to float, now I just fall down
I used to know but I'm not sure now
What I was made for
What was I made for?
Takin' a drive, I was an ideal
Looked so alive, turns out I'm not real
Just something you paid for
What was I made for?
'Cause I, I
I don't know how to feel
But I wanna try
I don't know how to feel
But someday, I might
Someday, I might
When did it end? All the enjoyment
I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend
It's not what he's made for
What was I made for?
'Cause I, 'cause I
I don't know how to feel
But I wanna try
I don't know how to feel
But someday I might
Someday I might
Think I forgot how to be happy
Something I'm not, but something I can be
Something I wait for
Something I'm made for
Something I'm made for

I bowed as everyone cheered, all my friends and family were crying. I got down from the stage, taking my mother and father into a hug as they cried on my shoulders.

Jeongyeon jumped on stage "Everyone get a drink in your hands" she waited for everyone to get a drink. "This is for Momo, cheers to Momos 29th" she yelled swinging back her shot. Everyone took a shot and started dancing again.

"Momo would have loved this" mother smiled crying. "Yeah she would have" i smiled hugging her.

A/N: Hello 👋🏽

firstly i would like to apologize for the next couple  chapters 🤭

i'm sorry for including 2 singing scenes i thought it would be meaningful for both of them to sing, one dedicated to momo from chae and one from Mina expressing how she feels about the loss of momo.

If you're interested chaes song is called "bird" from wave to earth, i highly recommend wave to earth they are just a vibey group if you like that type of music, i personally love wave to earth i'm glad they are getting more recognition recently, i love listening to them high and writing

Mina song is "what was i made for" by billie eilish everyone knows that song i thought it would fit perfectly with how mina feels about her sisters death.

Thank you for reading please take care of yourself, eat well, drink water, get rest
I love you 🤍

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