Safe With Us

By Caden_walshner

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" I just feel so selfish..." I say as I cry, looking down. I feel two sets of arms wrapping around me, giving... More

Two Idiots
No More
I Refuse
Worthwhile Huh?
Hope You Make It
Regrets and Envelopes
New Hire
Two Months
Our Sam
Smoke Pit
Daring to Hope
*story playlist*
Foot in the Mouth
Thats Enough
A Chance
The Hope to Heal
Sharks in the Water
Im so Tired

First Meetings

131 5 0
By Caden_walshner


I'm frantically trying look pretty.

Ever since Ash told me Sam agreed to have dinner with us I've been ecstatic. Now I'm trying to look my best. I'm really nervous. I mean what if I look bad I mean it's been years since she's seen me last. What if she thinks I look old or ugly or something? 

I've gained a bit of weight and I don't have the same cheer leading body anymore. I'm a bit more round and soft as Ash says. She says she loves it and that it drives her crazy but what if Sam doesn't feel the same? I mean what if she wants a more trim looking woman?

I feel strong arms wrap around me calming my fretting thoughts.

"Honey you look gorgeous. Please stop worrying so much. I know that you're worried about what she thinks bit trust me if she's anything like me she'll be horny all night from looking at your gorgeous body."

I blush
"I hope you're right love. I just don't know what she likes you know. Plus you'd think I'm hot in a potato sack."

"Cause you're a hottie baby. Just be yourself. You remember what I said though right?"

"Yeah no touching and to give her space and to not ask her a million questions. Don't worry honey I'm not going to overwhelm her. I just wanna make a good impression.

I sigh leaning back into her.

It makes me sad that I worry about this when it's our Sammy. I mean we love her but I don't know her anymore. I don't know her hobbies. What kind of music she listens too or even what she looks like.

I tried to get Ash to snap a photo of her but she wouldn't.

Ash snuggles into my hair then lets me go when I whine about my hair.

"Trust me babe if you put on that little black dress she'll be fired up. She might not even remember how to breath."

With that she leaves me after she winks at me.

We get out of the car and head into the restraunt at 5:45 I look around and don't see a motorcycle and I sigh. I'm dressed in a nice dress that isn't too fancy for the restraunt. It's black and ends mid thigh and feels comfortable with white sneakers on.

Ash has on jeans and Harley Davidson t-shirt that I thunk looks hot on her.

We walk in and walk towards a back table.

"She likes being in the back so I think this will put her mind at easy a little bit."

I nod.

Ash sits up a bit then stands up.

"There she is. Imma bring her over here okay honey?"

I wipe my slightly sweaty hands on my dress.
"Yeah sounds good. I'll stay here."


I take a breath and walk towards Sam. She looks great in jeans and a black tshirt and jacket hoodie combo. She's holding her helmet looking around.

"Hey Sam you made it."

She looks over in my direction and stands a little bit taller.

I smile at her nervousness.
"Well let's go she her."

We both walk toward the end of the restraunt where Rose is.

Once we get to the table I turn towards Sam and look at her as her and Rose stare at each other none of us saying anything.

Sam's eyes are a bit wider then usual and I smile knowing what she's thinking. I know that Rose was nervous about what Sam would think about her but I think it's safe to say that there was no need to worry.

Then I look over at Rose and her mouth is slightly open staring at Sam. To be fair Sam has changed a lot and in a good way. I described her a bit to Rose but not too much into detail.

"Well let's get sad and look at the menu shall we?"

They both look at me almost a bit startled and nod. Sam and I sit down next to each other with Rose on the other side.

Sam's head is in the menu clearly trying to figure out what to do or say.

Finally Rose sighs and looks at her. As she does Sam looks up and almost flinches worried about what she has to say and honestly I am too.

"I'm glad you're okay Sam. We've missed you."
Rose looks at her with a teary smile and Sam opens her mouth then closes it.

"I missed you guys too. I'm sorry for disappearing like I did. I wasn't thinking clearly at the time. I'm sorry."

That's the most she's talked in the 2 months we've worked together. Since she seem to try to avoid me at work unless I corner her. I've also asked what the guys think about her.

They all tell me pretty much the same thing. That she doesn't really talk much and only speaks when they say something to her first but that so far she seems like a very hard worker.

Sam then sighs and sets down her menu and looks at Rose. As she opens her mouth she looks up and tenses as I look over I see our server.

"Hey Toni how's it going?"

Toni smiles at me.
"Good! How are my two favorite customers? Oh you brought someone new. How are you doing honey? I'm Toni it's nice to meet you."

I smile.
"This is one of our good friends Sam."

Sam gives Toni a half hearted smile. Toni looks at her and smiles with a slight blush painting her cheeks. I feel my jealousy rearing it's ugly head. 'She's not yours Ash you're trying to rekindle a friendship for now and see where it takes you guys'.

"Well hello there Sam. Are you guys ready to order?"

Rose nods her head and her and I say our orders then look over at Sam.

"Oh um... I'll have the burrito with shredded beef and a water please."

"Of course I'll get those for you guys right away. "

Toni then takes our menus and winks at Sam and walks away. Sam looks down at her hands a looks slightly uncomfortable.

Rose sighs then looks over at Sam with a small smile.
"Not used to getting hit on?"

Sam looks up at her and shifts in the booth.
"No not really. If I'm being honest I'm not quite used to talking to people. I don't usually eat out and get my groceries delivered so i don't really interact with others unless it's at work."

Rose and I look at each other then gently smile at Sam.

After we pay and Sam and I have a slight argument on who pays I give her my winning million dollar smile and I give Toni my card. As we get up and leave the restraunt Rose stops and looks at Sam.

"We had an amazing time Sam.  I hope you had a good one as well. I also hope that we can do this sometime soon maybe?  Or maybe you could come to our house and have dinner instead of going to a restraunt?"

Sam looks off to the side and rubs the back of her neck.
"I had a good time too. Thank you for inviting me. Umm yeah I can do that some time just let me know the day and time."

Rose smiles and looks like she wants to pounce on Sam and give her a hug but holds herself back.
"Awesome could we exchange numbers maybe? "

Rose and I give her our numbers and she gives hers and we start to head our separate ways. Once Rose and I are in the car we sit in silence and then listen to the sound of a motorcycle starting up and leaving.

We both sit back and sigh.

"She really is different."
Rose says quietly.

I look at her and see the sad look on her face.
"Yeah she is. You can still see the old her though can't you?"

"Yeah she just looks so sad Ash. Don't get me wrong she's gorgeous and I can see that beautiful soul of her but she's just... I don't know it's like she's muted you know?"

"Yeah I get what you're saying love. It'll take time and she's definitely gone through a lot. I mean look at her. She's covered in scars and I've only seen her face and parts of her arms. I talked to the guys at the shop and they all say she's real quiet."

Rose leans against the window.
"I wonder what's going through her head. I wish we could have been with her and helped her through whatever it is."

I reach over and squeeze her hand and start the car and start to drive us home. Once I park I quietly say.
"We're here now Rose and I just hope she let's us be there."

"Me too love me too."


Another chapter down my dudes. I'm trying to do maybe ten or twenty chapters before I post so that people will be more willing to read this. We'll see if anyone's into the story I guess.

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