The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

4.7K 233 361

After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Take Your Time
Lockdown At The Ministry
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Mystery Solved
Halloween With The Ghouls
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
Back To Business
He's Back
Papa Nihil
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
The European Tour
Another City, Another Country
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
Let's Play Ball!
A Day At The Beach
Training At The Beach
A Nightmare Revisited.
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Father Jim DeFroque
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under

Cluedo At The Ministry

135 6 8
By IStoleTime

Chapter Nine!

Cluedo At The Ministry

25th December 2020- The Los Angeles Ministry  

The faint sound of festive music could be heard throughout the unholy church, the scent of cinnamon and apple drifted down the many hallways. Krampus Day had finally arrived at the Ministry, but the hallways remained still since the Clergy were elsewhere for the unfestive season this year. 

Albany had woken up just before 7am, she showered and got changed while Copia slept. She didn't want to disturb him, he had been up for most of the night preparing sixty-eight little Krampus food parcels of popcorn and cheese for his rats. He did the same thing every year for his rats, it was sweet how he doted over his beloved pets. Albany had already given him her gift last night, she had brought him a gourd calabash pipe that blowed bubbles. Copia's reaction had amused her deeply, he had told her that it would definitely bring him luck when they played Cluedo with the ghouls tonight. 

Albany had left Copia sleeping in her dorm room, she wanted to start preparing lunch for the unfestive day. She had already decorated the kitchen table and laid out two plates with wine glasses, the candles remained unlit for now. The Krampus pancakes with raspberry sauce were being kept warm in the oven for her lover, she had already eaten her breakfast while she stired the cheesy chicken tortellini. Copia didn't join her in the kitchen until just after 9am, but this company was more than welcome while she slaved over a hot stove. 

Albany chatted with Copia while he drank his coffee and ate his pancakes, she told him about past Krampus season traditions her Father use to have at the Italian Ministry. One tradition caused a chuckle from her lover, she had told him about how Papa Nihil made his Sons wear red underwear on New Years Eve. It was meant to bring a successful upcoming year, she suggested they should both try this tradition since next year was still uncertain. A visited from La Befana had peaked Copia's interest, he had also received candy and coal in his end of season stocking when he was a child from Sister Imperator. It wasn't long until lunch was ready to be served, they soon gathered around the kitchen table. Albany continued to speak about old tradition whilst they ate their meal and drank their wine, they were enjoying their first Krampus together without their superiors at the Ministry. Taking a sip of her wine Albany placed her glass down and leaned back against her chair, her hands resting on her stomach she felt full. 

" I think I've eaten too much..." She said, her gaze met with her lover's mismatched eyes. " I think I've prepared too much food this year, it's hard just cooking for two people when there's normally four." 

" True that, but it was still very good." He said.

" Thank you." She said.

" Come now, let's put the leftovers away." He said before he pulled his chair away from the table. " I will make us some coffee, then you can put your feet up for the afternoon and enjoy a slice of panettone."

" That's a nice thought, but I've still got to prepare the cherry eggnog." She said with a sigh. " Not to mention the appetisers, the chips and dips. Luckily Sister sent us a tin of chocolate mostaccioli for Krampus, that's one thing ticked off my list I guess."

" That's good to hear, but I still haven't given you my Krampus gift yet." He said.

" I told you didn't have to buy me anything." She said.

" You brought me something, it's only fair." He said.

" It was just a gourd calabash pipe that blows bubbles, it didn't cost much." She said.

" Hush now, it's time for me to spoil you." He said. 

Albany watched Copia getting to his feet, he then took a silver gift bag from beneath his chair before he approached his lover. He held it towards her, she took it from his hand and peered into the bag. There was white tissue paper hiding something from her sight, she pulled it away and revealed it's contents. She was surprised to find a red silky nightdress with a black lace trim, she took it from the bag and held it against herself. Albany had almost forgotten that Copia had torn her silky nightdress in the heat of their passion, he had gotten over excited when she whispered the word " Daddy." into his ear in the middle of their lovemaking. Their gaze soon met, he was watching his lover closely. Albany immediately kissed his cheek and turned her attention back towards the nightdress, she was surprised that he had remembered to replace it.

" It's lovely, thank you!" She said.

" It's to replace the one I tore." He said.

" I remember, it was mostly my fault for saying that word I will not mention right now." She smiled before she placed it back into the bag. " Maybe I will model it for you later, tis the season to be naughty after all."

" I look forward to you jiggling my bells, but let's get that coffee first." He said.

" I'll put the leftovers away while you're doing that." She said while she got to her feet. " It's probably the right time to mention that it's your turn to do the dishes tonight."

" Okay, cool..." He said.

" Don't worry, I'll help you." She said.

Albany kissed Copia's lips before he approached the coffee maker, she then began to clear the table. Scraping the food from their plates she placed them on the counter side, the washing bowl was already been filled with hot bubbly water. Albany had already washed most of the pots and pans, that meant Copia didn't have many dishes to wash. Her thoughts were disturbed by the beeping of the coffee maker, her lover's frustrated groans were soon heard. He was having trouble with the nozzle, the situation reminded her of his past battles with the coffee maker in this very kitchen. A smile crept across her features while she continued to clear the table, she couldn't help but snigger whenever her lover smacked the side of the coffee maker.


Later That Day

Darkness crept over the Ministry, the chimes from the old wall clock above the family lounge's fireplace was soon heard. The room had been laid out for an evening of fun and games. There were appetisers, chips, dips and a bowl full of cherry eggnog on a serving trolley with plastic red cups, it wouldn't be long until the ghouls arrived for the unfestive occasion.

Albany and Copia had retired for a couple of hours of slumber after their Krampus lunch, the cheesy chicken tortellini and panettone had laid heavy on their stomachs. Limbs entangled and bodies close they enjoyed a quick nap together, but someone's slumber was soon disturbed by loud snores. Albany had left her lover sleeping, she planned to let him rest before the evening of games began. The family lounge was already decorated with candles and satanic figurines, the fireplace was dancing with flames. The Krampus tree's eerie crimson glow set the sinister mood, the unfestive cheer was strong this night. Albany had already setup the Cluedo game board and made sure the pencils for the game had been sharpened, she placed game pads around the board. The sound of footsteps entering the lounge caught her attention, her gaze was greeted by her lover. Copia was wearing his red tracksuit and his deerstalker hat, he had his gourd calabash pipe in his hand. Albany had brought him one for Krampus like she had promised, he brought it's pipe to his lips and blew a couple of bubbles which amused his lover. His voice broke the silence of the room, he sounded cheerful.

" There you are, Albany!" He said.

" Hello, Copia." She said before she placed the rest of the game pads around the board. " Did you have a nice nap?" 

" It was very good, thank you for asking." He said, his gaze soon fell upon the coffee table. " You've already setup the board game, huh? I could have done that..."

" You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you." She said.

" You're staying in bed tomorrow, it's my turn to make you breakfast in bed." He said while he motioned his hands towards her. " You've done everything today, it's about time I did something nice for you."

" Well I guess it's the season of giving, I'm fine with that." She said.

" Then it's settled!" He said with a smile. " You've spoilt me today, it's been a good day so far. But now it's time for me to kiss you beneath the mistletoe."

" But we didn't buy any mistletoe this year." She said.

" Oh yes we did..." He said.

Copia pulled some mistletoe from inside of his tracksuit hoody, he approached his lover and held it above her head. A smile crept across her features when he waved it above her head, he wiggled his eyebrows at her and suggested that they should nip back to his room for a quick tickle. Albany was unsure where he had gotten the mistletoe from since they hadn't left the unholy church for weeks, but they didn't have time for any intimate moments just yet. Cupping her hands behind her back she closed her eyes and puckered up her lips, they soon shared a kiss beneath the festive plant. His touch was gentle and his lips were soft, but someone knocking on the door frame disturbed their tender moment. Her eyes snapped open when she heard Copia grumbling to himself, she noticed the ghouls gathering outside of the open doorway. The ghouls were curiously watching them from the hallway. Albany smiled at Copia before her gaze focused on the ghouls, her voice soon broke the silence of the lounge.

" Come on in, there's refreshments and appetisers." She said before she stepped away from her lover. " I hope you like Cluedo, if not there's plenty of other games we can play." 

The ghouls exchanged glances, their whispers and chatter were soon heard. Sodo immediately pushed Mountain out of his way and entered the lounge first, it wasn't long until the rest of his kin followed after him.  They approached the refreshments trolley and helped themselves to the chocolate mostaccioli, but the ghouls ended up arguing over the chips and dips. Albany looked at her lover when she heard him sighing deeply to himself, he didn't look too pleased about the mess his ghouls were creating around the wheels of the serving trolley. She reassuringly touched his arm before she joined the ghouls, she helped them laddle eggnog into the plastic cups. If she had allowed the ghouls to do it by themselves there would be a spillage or maybe a ghoul drowning in the eggnog bowl. She still remembered what the ghouls had gotten up to in the hallway on the third floor, they had gotten water and fruit everywhere.

Albany and the ghouls soon gathered around the coffee table, they were joined by Copia. The ghouls chose their game pieces, but there was a problem. There was only six players for Cluedo, it seemed like there wasn't enough characters for everyone to play. Albany decided she would sit out of the game this time while Copia played with the ghouls, but her lover suggested that she could be the murder victim instead of Mr Bobby. Albany wasn't too overly thrilled with his suggestion since the ghouls sometimes took their Papa's ideas seriously, she had even swore that she had seen Swiss motioning the tiny game dagger in her direction. Sodo rubbed his hands together with a sinster smile on his features, she had the feeling that they were plotting something. She dared not move in case one of the ghouls unexpectly pounced on her and played out their Papa's idea, she didn't want to be the Cluedo's murder victim. Her attention was soon caught by Copia's voice, he gave her the Cluedo game cards.

" You're the only one I can trust to share these out evenly between us." He said.

" I guess that makes me the overseer of the Tudor Mansion." She said.

" You're the overseer of any game we play, baby." He said before he shuffled closer towards her on the couch and slipped his hand over her knee. " Choose three cards to place in the clue envelope, let's get this murder mystery rolling!"

" Alright Detective Copia, let's see what you've got!" She said with a smile. " The game is afoot, that's what Sherlock Holmes always says."

" Very true." He smiled.

Albany chose three cards and placed them inside the clue envalope, she then shuffled the cards before she shared them out evenly between the six players. The ghouls and Copia had played rock, paper, scissors to decide who would go first. The game soon began when the tallest ghoul of his kin won the little deciding game. Mountain rolled the dices first, he got four and two. He moved his yellow game piece and found his stopping point, it was then Sodo's turn and Aether soon followed after him. The ghouls and Copia continued to take turns rolling the dices, they eliminated possible clues of their own and in the hands of their opponents by asking questions. Albany helped the ghouls by writing down their suspicions, she was surprised to hear their whispers now and again in her ear. It wasn't long until Copia announced that he had the correct solution, he was ready to solve the murder mystery of Tudor Mansion. His gaze turned towards his lover, there was determination in his eyes.

" Watch me crack this case wide open, the ghouls will even be impressed." He said.

" Okay." She smiled.

Copia gentle patted her knee before he got to his feet, he approached the fireplace and rested his elbow on the mantlepiece. His gaze remained on a flickering candle, he brought his gourd calabash pipe to his lips and blew a few bubbles. Albany couldn't help but smile at him, he was really playing the part of a detective. His serious behaviour was highly amusing, but she fear how sulky he could get if his guess was incorrect. He only had one chance to guess the culprit, the weapon and the murder location. Copia's voice was soon heard, his gaze turned towards his audience.

" Listen, listen..." He said, he pointed his pipe towards the game board. " I think I've solved the murder, it was Mr Saltarian with the candlestick in the dinning room. He was the one who murdered Miss Albany!" 

" Excuse me?!" She asked.

" That's my guess." He replied.

" Mr Saltarian isn't part of Cluedo..." She said.

" If Salty was part of this game it would be scary, but his death would swift because I know karate." He smiled.

" I agree, but you've only got one of the clues right." She said while she checked the clue envelope. " Better luck next time Detective Copia, you've been eliminated."

" I don't like this game anymore!" He said.

" Oh Copia..." She sighed.

" It's stupid!" He frowned.

" It's okay, we can play enough game after the ghouls have finished." She said, her gaze wandered between the ghouls. " There's always charades, we could watch a movie or choose another game to play."

" I will think about it..." He grumbled.

Copia turned his gaze back towards the fireplace while he rested his pipe against his bottom lip, but sniggering from the direction of the coffee table caught his attention. The ghouls around the game board quietly laughed until Aether let out a loud weird snort, his weird sound soon caused hysterical laughter from his kin. Copia didn't look too pleased with his ghouls, he didn't like them laughing at his failure. Albany lowered her gaze while the ghouls continued laughing at their Papa Emeritus, she dared not interfere in case they turned their attention towards her. The empty seat moving next to Albany on the couch caught her attention, her gaze soon fell upon her lover. His features were graced with embarrassment and his gaze remained fixed on the ghouls, he looked sulky. Tenderly touching his hand she felt his fingers entwining with her own, she leaned towards him and whispered into his ear. Albany told him she would make things better when the ghouls returned to their chambers, her little promise caused her lover to smile. 

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