BNHA: Class of Heroes(On Hold)

By PiratePhox4

38.8K 1K 465

When a young boy with a knack for drawing gains a power to summon the creatures from his very pages, he must... More

S1E1: First day of school!
S1E2: Hero training! let's go!
S1E3: Just do you're best!
S1E4: The fear of reality
S2E1: that's the point
S2E2: Roaring sports festival!
S2E3: in their own quirky ways
S2E4: cavalry battle
S2E5: Next game! Battle!
S2E6: the next rounds!
S2E7: The end is near!
S2E8: next step! hero names!
S2E9: old friends! internships!
S2E10: What comes next?
S2E11: Final exams incoming!
S2E12: The final! three vs one!
Movie: Two heroes(1)
Movie: two heroes(2)
Movie: two heroes(3)
S3E1 Game start!
S3E2 Kota
S3E3 My hero
S3E4 from one to another
S3E5 The Symbol of fear
S3E6 All for one & One for all
S3E7 Back to school. here comes the dorms
S3E8 Create those ultimate moves!
S3E9 The test
S3E10 Beginning of the tests!
S3E11 Rescue exercise
S3E12 Back to work(studies)
S3E13 Unrivaled
S4E2 work studies!
S4E3 an unpleasant talk
S4E4 GO!!
S4E5 Raid! save Eri!
S4E6 Unforseen hope
S4E7 Vs. Overhaul! the end of the raid.
S4E8 return! the school festival!
S4E9 prepping is the funniest part!
S4E10 Gold Tips Imperial
S4E11 school festival start!
S5E1 All hands in deck! Class 1-A
S5E2 Clash! Class A vs Class B
S5E3 make it happen, Shinso!
S5E4 Operation New improv moves
Updates (+Q&A)
scrapped edit
My hero: Ones justice 2

S4E1 The scoop on UA Class 1A

500 16 7
By PiratePhox4

students: "A newspaper?"

Class A had just returned from a quick gym practice with all might. Hence the class being in their gym uniforms. Standing in front of them in the dorm building was aizawa.

Aizawa: "Yeah. They wanna do a feature on your class for some reason"

Ochaco: "Isn't that amazing, Deku?"

Midoriya: "Mhm!"

Ochaco was leaned in close, causing midoriya to grow flustered.

Kaminari: "That's kinda surprising, huh?"

Kirishima: "Uh, not really"

Ojiro: "Yeah, I mean, the sports festival was on TV"

hagakure: "We've gotta look super cute in case they wanna take our picture!"

Mina: "For sure!"

Jiro: "I think you'll be just fine, Hagakure"

Y/n: "wow.. barely been together for a day, and it's probably gonna be in the newspaper..."

Momo: "we shouldn't be surprised... It is UA after all"

Aizawa: "That's enough"

The students suddenly stood straight. Except for y/n, who sat up straight.

students: "Yes, sir"

aizawa: "It's nothing too exciting. The article's about how you're settling in, adjusting to dorm life, that kinda thing. Principal Nezu thought it would be a good idea. This'll show your parents and guardians that you're happy here. Maybe set a few minds at rest-"

Meanwhile, with the resident little shit.

Mineta: "Newscasters are usually hot. This is awesome, right?"

Sero: "He said it was for a paper"

Mineta: "If she wants to write an article about my sticky balls, I'll give her an all-access pass. I'll let her-"

Before Mineta could go on, he was wrapped in aizawa's scarf.

Aizawa: "I expect you all to be on your best behavior today"

tokuda: "Don't worry on my account, Mr. Aizawa. I wanna get a feel for what dorm life is really like, so there's no need for them to act any differently than normal"

aizawa: "I didn't say you could come in yet"

Tokuda: "I was told I had from 8 AM until 6 PM. So, unless my watch is wrong..."

Aizawa gave a lazy stare, before lowering his scarf, and releasing Mineta, as Tokuda, the reporter, walked forth.

Tokuda: "Hello, everyone, my name is Taneo Tokuda. I'm looking forward to learning more about you all"

students: "Nice to meet you!"

Tokuda: "Now, as I said, you don't need to do anything special. Just go about your day exactly as you normally would. The camera will do most of the work. I might ask an occasional question or two, and I hope you'll answer"

Mina: "He's got such a nice smile!"

Mineta: "That is so not a woman"

Aoyama: "What to do? My sparkling personality will undoubtedly draw the camera like a moth to a flame"

Sato: "Yeah. Undoubtedly..."

Tokuda: "Principal Nezu has probably already spoken to you about this, but I wanna make sure you don't interfere in any way. No offense-"

Aizawa: "I understand. If you need anything, just let me know"

Tokuda: "I'm sure I'm in very capable hands. This is Class 1A, after all. Every student here is a promising hero candidate"

Aizawa: "Iida, if there's a problem, let me know immediately. Got it?"

Iida: "Of course, sir! As class representative, I will carry out my duty to ensure the safety of all my fellow students, no matter wh-"

Tokuda: "That's great, thanks. So, what would you normally be doing this time of day?"

Iida: "Having breakfast!"

Tokuda: "No need to be so formal. Just pretend that I'm not here"


And so, they went on. The class gotten breakfast, and settled down to eat, as Tokuda took photos of the class. Going through breakfast, into the beginning of the day, with the students heading to class.

"Seat number one is Yuga Aoyama. His Quirk allows him to shoot a laser from his stomach"

"Number two, Mina Ashido. She secretes a highly corrosive acid from her body"

"Number three is Tsuyu Asui, whose Quirk gives her the characteristics of a frog"

"Seat four is Tenya Iida, the younger son in the Iida hero family. He can move incredibly quickly"

"Ochaco Uraraka is in seat five. Anything she touches can become weightless"

"Number six, Mashirao Ojiro. His Quirk has given him a powerful prehensile tail"

"Seat seven is Denki Kaminari. He can store electricity in his body and discharge it"

"Number eight, Eijiro Kirishima. His Quirk lets him harden his whole physique"

"Koji Koda is in seat nine and has the ability to control fauna"

"Rikido Sato, number ten. His Quirk changes sugar into immense power"

"Seat eleven is Mezo Shoji, who can manifest things like eyes, mouths, and ears at the tips of his arms"

And number twelve, Kyoka Jiro can use the plugs on her ears to hear quiet sounds, as well as release powerful sonic blasts"

Number thirteen, Hanta Sero. He can shoot sticky tape from his elbows"

"Number fourteen is Fumikage Tokoyami, who can manipulate a monster named Dark Shadow"

"Shoto Todoroki sits in seat fifteen. He blasts ice from his right side and fire from his left"

"Seat sixteen, Toru Hagakure. Her Quirk's invisibility"

"Number seventeen, Katsuki Bakugo. The nitroglycerin-like sweat on his palms causes explosions"

"Izuku Midoriya is seat eighteen. His Quirk lets him increase his physical abilities"

"Seat nineteen is Minoru Mineta. The balls on his head will stick to anything"

"seat twenty is Momo Yaoyorozu, whose Quirk allows her to create things with her body"

"And lastly, seat twenty-one. Y/n tennyson. He's able to bring to life whatever he draws in the book of his"


Y/n: "man, today felt weird"

Wildmutt snarfs.

Y/n: "yes, I know there was a reporter here, but there's something else.."

Y/n sighed, as Momo walked up to the table with a few things in hand.

Momo: "is this everything y/n?"

Y/n: "hm? oh, yea. That's everything"

Momo: "so few ingredients.."

Y/n: "I know. But it's how my mom made 'em"

On the table before them was a can of whip cream, a few small sponge cakes, and.... Strawberries.... Thankfully, the case wasn't open, so wildmutt hasn't realized just yet.

Y/n: "alright, here comes routine. Four arms!"

Hearing this, wildmutt suddenly sprung up, and charged at y/n, but four arms appeared, and grabbed him in a hug.

Four arms: "sorry! Gotta wait till boss makes 'em!"

Wildmutt whimpers.

Momo: "do you really go through this every time?"

Y/n: "yep... Something about creamy strawberry shortcake makes wildmutt go crazy. We have to hold him back or else he'll just eat everything"

Y/n set out the ingredients, and put it together. Taking the sponge cake, he covered the top in whip cream, then put a couple strawberries on top, then a small dap of whip cream on top.

Y/n: "boom!"

Momo: "that simple?"

Y/n: "yep! That's how Mom made them. Wanna try?"

Momo nods, and copied the steps y/n had done, with y/n doing a few more himself.

Y/n: "now.. four arms. Let him go"

Four arms does so, as wildmutt runs forward, but y/n held out his arm. Wildmutt stops, and stared down at y/n.

Y/n: "sit"

Wildmutt sits.

Y/n: "tongue"

Wildmutt opened his mouth, and held out his tongue. Y/n then placed a strawberry shortcake on his tongue.

Y/n: "wait"

Wildmutt waits.

Y/n: "and... Now!"

Wildmutt chomps down, and devours the treat.

Y/n: "good boy!"

y/n scratched wildmutt under the chin.

Y/n: "wanna feed him?"

Momo: "could I?"

Y/n: "of course! Be careful though. He's a lot stronger than you might think"

Momo nods, and grabs her treat, and stood in front of wildmutt.

Momo: "um.. sit?"

Wildmutt sits.

Momo: "uh.. tongue"

Just like before, wildmutt opened his mouth, and held out his tongue. Momo carefully placed the treat on wildmutt's tongue. But she doesn't say anything else fast enough, as wildmutt immediately clamps down into the treat, startling her.

Y/n: "easy wildmutt! she's new to this"

Wildmutt snarfs, and lays down on the ground. Y/n then grabbed the other treat, and held it out to momo.

Y/n: "here ya go"

Momo: "huh?"

Y/n: "I want you to try it! It's good. Trust me"

Momo: "if you say so"

Momo takes a seat next to him, and took the treat from his hand. Taking a bite, Momo suddenly sits up surprised.

Momo: "goodness.. it's good! It's so few ingredients..."

Y/n: "right?! My mom's a genius for sweet treats!"

Y/n smiled, but noticed something. He leans closer to Momo's face, causing her to blush. Reaching out, he cleans off the bit of cream that was on her cheek. Y/n then smirked seeing her blush.

Y/n: "sorry~"

Suddenly, a click of a camera is heard.

Standing there was Tokuda, his camera in hand.

Tokuda: "sorry. Jus thought you two love birds looked kinda cute"

Y/n grew a bit of his own blush, and looked away.

Tokuda: "I hope I didn't ruin the moment"

Y/n: "it's fine.. whatcha need?"

Tokuda: "I was hoping to ask a few questions for the grandson of one of the biggest heroes from America"

Y/n: "uh.. sure. I wouldn't mind"

Tokuda: "my first question. Your furry friend there-"

Wildmutt suddenly lifts his head, turning towards tokuda.

Tokuda: "ah- well, how does he.. do that?"

Y/n: "hm? oh, see, the gills on the sides of his neck act as almost every sense. He smells through them, sees through them, hears through them. And so on. Despite not having eyes, he can see better than anyone"

Tokuda: "I see.. but why gills, I must ask?"

Y/n: "it's a mislead. Seeing gills on a canine-like creature, people are gonna think he can breathe in water. But instead, the gills just lets him intake more air to power all of the senses that the gills replace"

Tokuda: "interesting... But what if the gills are damaged?"

Y/n: "then I take control"

Tokuda: "oh? And what do you mean by that?"

Y/n chuckled.

Y/n: "that parts a secret~"

Tokuda looked at y/n for a moment, before smiling.

Tokuda: "I see... Well then, I believe that's all"

Wildmutt tilts his head. Seeing it, he takes a quick photo of.

Tokuda: "even without eyes, that thing is adorable"

Y/n: "I know right?"

Tokuda: "well then, I'll get out of your hair"

Tokuda bows, and walks off, leaving y/n, Momo, and wildmutt.

Y/n: "that was weird. Now, where were we-"

Y/n turned to momo, only to see her holding the strawberry treat to y/n.

Momo: "you need to eat too y/n"

Y/n: "I'm fine-"

Momo: "y/n"

Y/n: "f-fine..."

Meanwhile, Mineta watched from a distance, growing not only surprised but extremely envious.

Mineta: "what..? How dare he?!-"

Before Mineta could do anything, a clawed hand reached over his face.

Ghostfreak: "K̶̰̻͛͂e̴͑͋͜ë̴ͅp̴̨̣̈ ̸͔͌y̴͝ͅo̴̳͐̚u̷͈͝ṛ̴̛̋ ̶̗̋͒m̸̠͖̈́͂o̸̢̪͐͂ŭ̶̟ţ̸͔̌̿h̴̳̟͋ ̷̝̗̾͑s̴̨̻̈́̈h̴̛͔̋ű̶̻̄͜t̷͈̕"

However, on the other side of the room, Mina and hagakure watched with joy.

Mina: "they finally got together? Yes!!"

Hagakure: "they look so cute!"

And finally, back with the couple themselves... Y/n covered his mouth, as Momo giggled at the sight. Hearing this, y/n couldn't help but smile...

Y/n: "I think my life is coming together..."

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