Dreams (Random Updates)

By WyntyrRose

32.9K 2K 151

This is another CL Stone Blackbourne Toma fanfiction. It will be randomly updated and I do NOT own any of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

1.9K 120 10
By WyntyrRose

"Alright we are all here," Brandon sighed as he came into the living room. "What happened, Luke?" He plopped down on the couch, "and I swear if it's about a new kind of candy I will–"

"I know better than to call a family meeting about candy, Brandon," Luke rolled his eyes, "Seriously, it's like you don't think I can ever be serious."

"Lucian," North warned, making Luke roll his eyes and cross his arms over his chest.

"Fine, then I won't tell you," Luke pouted.

"Mr. Taylor Sr," Owen said as he straightened his tie. "I left an important meeting for this family meeting. Now did I make a poor decision?"

"No Sir," Luke sighed as he dropped his arms. A mischievous smile crossed his lips, "Guess what I saw when I brought Aurora her lunch today, come on guess."

"Oy, are you fucking saying that Salem goes to school with our princess?" Gabe asked, dropping his sketchpad. "Fucking seriously?"

"Yep," Luke bounced on his heels excitedly. "She was trying to go have lunch with him when her mean teacher tried to take her away from him," Luke pouted then smiled, "But I took care of it. I told the teacher that they can eat together."

"Okay," Kota nodded, "what else? You are practically bursting at the seams, just tell us already."

"Rose showed up," Luke blurted out bouncing excitedly.

"What?" multiple men asked.

"And she talked," Luke giggled like a kid at Christmas.

"No fucking way!" Gabe gasped, "you're fucking lying."

"Nope," Luke beamed proudly. "I got to hear her voice before you, he he he."

"Explain now," North glared. "Now, Lucian."

"So grumpy," Luke giggled.

"Mr. Taylor Sr," Owen warned.

"Fine," Luke pouted as he plopped down on the chair in front of him. "She was there bringing Salem and his two friends some lunch. She didn't speak to me but she was very mom to Salem's best friends. Oh," he snapped his fingers, "Aurora now has three best friends and she gave each of them one of her bracelets, so don't freak Gabe when she comes home without them. Oh and Rose got an earlier doctor appointment than normal so she asked the boys if they had their keys to the house and would have to walk home. Apparently Salem's friends crash at their house a lot, like a lot lot, like they call her mom and she said she unofficially adopted them. Jackson and Josh are their names. They had no problem with Aurora sitting with them at lunch and all four of them shared their lunches with each other. They weren't too happy when Aurora told them how she met Salem."

"Fucking hell," Gabe muttered under his breath.

"Anyway, I told them I had no problem picking them up after school when I pick up Aurora so they didn't have to work. Salem said he would let me know. Oh and another thing, apparently Jackson is a little rebel, he had to promise Rose no joyriding."

"Seriously?" Nathan chuckled.

"Yep, and Sally is going to go with Rose. The boys didn't seem surprised that Rose was talking to them. Apparently she just goes nonverbal sometimes, they seemed like it was no big deal. When I mentioned it after she left, Salem said it's something she can't control and Jackson said that it helps that the teachers just accept it. I think it has something to do with stress or anxiety maybe."

"Perhaps," Sean shrugged, "sounds like she has selective mutism, which can be caused by a variety of things. The best thing is to do as they say and just accept it."

"Did she even talk to you?" Nathan asked.

"Yep," Luke beamed. "I told her bye and she told me bye back."

"Lucky bastard," Gabe mumbled.

"Welp," Luke stood smiling proudly, "I'm off to get a power nap before I pick up our daughter and her new three best friends and take them home. Just thought you wanted to know."

Luke took off up the stairs as Raven turned to look at Corey, "School have camera?"

"I'm already checking," Corey said as he typed away on his laptop. Victor opened his laptop and began typing as well.

"Mr. Lee, I think it would be best if you cancel the rest of our afternoons," Owen said as he began cleaning his glasses.

"I'm already on it," Kota said as he pulled his phone off the coffee table in front of him.


The day went by fast and Salem sighed in relief as the bell finally rang, dismissing him from his last class. He grabbed his bag and started forcing his way to his locker. "I swear the day got longer after lunch," Josh groaned as he opened his locker and began grabbing his stuff to shove in his bag.

"Yeah," Jackson said as he tossed his bag over his shoulder. "So what's the plan?"

"What are you talking about?" Salem asked as he shoved some books into his bag before zipping it. He pulled his skateboard out and slammed his locker shut, spinning the lock.

"Goldilocks' dad said he would take us home," Josh shrugged.

"No," Salem shook his head. "You know Mom doesn't like strangers knowing where we live."

"True," Jackson said as they started to leave. "Besides we got our boards."


"Hey Princess," Salem smiled as Aurora rushed over to him.

"Ride with us?" She asked as she took his hand and started pulling him toward where Luke and the rest of the guys were standing.

"Thanks for the offer, Goldilocks," Josh smiled as he dropped his board onto the sidewalk.

"We brought our skateboards, Chipmunk," Jackson said as he crouched down in front of her, "we're just going to skate home."

"But we can take you home," she pouted. "Put boards in back Daddy North's jeep." She looked up at Salem, "Pwease?"

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