Rivaling The Straw Hat Pirate...

By JackieBlueReader

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You embark on a journey gathering your crew and increasing your bounty You later get noticed as one of the mo... More

Introduction : What Made You Become A Pirate
Part 1: First Adventure As A Pirate
Part 2: New Island, Forest Of The Animals
Part 3: The Samurai From Wano...
Part 4: Meeting The Right Hand Man Of The King Of The Pirates
Part 5 : The Sniper & The unexpected Reunion
Part 6: Fates decision....
Part 7: The Jolly Horizon Pirates And Villa Magnum
Story (2/2) Starts Part 8: What Lies Beyond The Dawn Teaser
Part 8:What Lies Beyond The Dawn
Part 9: The Chase Begins
Part 10: Aller Versus Ussop
Part 11: Shank's Bet
Part 12: Realization Of Stakes...
Part 13: The City Of Moltens Peak
Part 14: Redemption
Part 15: To The Center Island : Jewels Cove
Part 16: Akainu's Hunch...
Part 17: Kyyu Vs. Zoro (Swordsman To Swordswoman)
Part 18: Badger Strength
Part 19: To Be A First Mate...

Part 20 : Luffy And (Y/N)

234 6 2
By JackieBlueReader

(Kyyu exhales)

She watches the crystal cave collapse slowly as Marines hone in on that area...

Sanji leans to the nearest tree and smokes his cigarette keeping an eye on Kyyu...

Chopper hops into a standing position and closes his medkit...

"Samurai lady, will you be fine? Is your wound still aching?"

Kyyu looks at Chopper and holds her stomach...

"Im fine, a bit of aching but I will manage doctor-san"

Chopper blushes and starts dancing...

"You don't have to be so acknowledging you idiot!! Ahahahah..."

Sanji puffs out the smoke and calls for Chopper...

"Chopper where did Bonney-Chan go?"

Chopper raises his head and looks around the area, he spins left and right and starts to panic...



(The remaining pirates decide to leave the island, carrying their subordinates)

One injured pirate points to the volcano as he gasps for air...


The captain stops walking as he carries him...


The subordinate keeps his shaking arm high...

"The volcanos getting more vigorous...(gasp)...Where are the others..."

The captain looks around the battlefield...

"We...We gonna have to leave them..."


The captain starts walking again as the subordinate has no energy to stop him...

"C-Captain... Don't tell me they-

The captain interrupts...

"We don't have the power left to fight those damn Marines alright!!!!"

The subordinate pulls his neck back and looks to the ground experiencing grief as they later leave the shore...

Franky runs down the dormant battlefield and finds Jimbei holding his bruised arm with Robin sitting down beside him with worry...

Brook followed him carrying the same concern...

Jimbei looks up...

"Ah Franky, Brook...You guys alright?"

Franky stops running and inspects Jimbei...

"Sir...You seriously need a check up...Hey Brook did you see Chopper anywhere before you joined me?"

Brook spins his umbrella-handle like sword

"Not anywhere, even all the way from the sunny I couldn't find him in my path"

Jimbei raises his other arm...

"No,no don't worry I don't have to burden you guys over a bruised arm...It will heal overtime..."

Jimbei forces himself to clench his fist...

Robin presses down her eyebrows and
Franky raises his eyebrow with worry and Brook bows his head a little with uncertainty...

Jimbei looks at the crystal cave...

"Im willing to fight on...But that cave seems too dangerous to enter"

Brook raises his head again...

"Luffy senpai, Zoro and Nami-San must be in there, I hope they exit in time"

Robin nods and watches the cave...


(You and Luffy stand opposite each other, the treasure orb sits behind you as the crystals from the ceiling start to collapse)

You both hear the clashing from the upper areas coming from both your crewmates and other pirates chasing the treasure...

Luffy's strawhat starts to reflect the bright light coming from all the crystals, his eyes glimmer under his shady hat as if it seemed both enlightened and serious...

The ruby on your sword also glimmered, it even seemed distracting due to its vibrant red like color...

Although the room was quite cold, it seemed as both of you're shoulder coats had offered some warmth...

Luffy takes one step forward, you feel his weight through the vibrations on the ground...


You raised your head with your chin fully shown and rested your arm on your sword...

"I saw you eyeing me back up there, what was that all about?"

Luffy seems to keep still...

"You seem to have stumbled here, pirate..."

Your eyebrows twitch...

"No I fought all the way up here"

Luffy tilts his head as you see his eyes fully...

"What are you gonna do with the treasure?"

You cross your arms...

"Its obviously way more important that what you could've possibly done with it yourself"

Luffy stands up straight...

"Im here to retrieve it for myself, I heard it was dangerous and powerful and I don't want any of my friends to get affected by it, so I'm gonna sell it and share the money"

You interrupted...

"Good, but I'm deciding to keep it for a special someone, it's a gift for them raising me you see?"

Luffy interrupts...

"But what if it puts me and my friends in danger!?"

You interrupt...

"How am I to be so sure that it will be of good hands in your palms!?"

Luffy squats a bit and holds his arm...

"I can't let you have it!"

You quickly hold your sword's hilt...

"I can't either and it's right behind me!"

Luffy stretches his hand to the orb and you simply push it aside to lose his aim...

Luffy retracts his arm and quickly pulls out his leg like a whip...

You jump and Luffy finds the orb in your arms...

"Hey!! It's mine you bastard!"

Luffy blows on his thumb and you see his arm inflate...

Your body nears the ceiling as he jumps toward you...

"Gomu-Gomu-No, Elephant Gun!"

You quickly reach for your sword and coat it with haki...


Luffy punched you across the ceiling back into the main floor of the cave...

A giant crystal falls to you...


Jolter extended her arm and made a platinum like arch that blocked the crystal from hitting you, you tumble and hold the orb tightly...

Luffy lands back into the main floor...

Zoro notices...

"Oi Captain, did you find the orb?"

Luffy points to you who's on the floor...

"No, that one's got it"

You throw to orb to Jolter and she catches it...

"First Mate make sure to protect it!"

Jolter nods and clashes with Nami who blocked her path...

"I'm not letting you have the treasure, Marine lady"

Jolter goes from a distressed grit to a smirk...


(A ship is seen crossing past the entire scattered island...It doesn't seem to sail towards it but rather sightsee)

(A red haired man walks down the ship as he looks at your bounty and Luffy's aswell)

Ben Beckman holds a few drinks and shouts at Shanks from across the ship...

"Ey Captain, I wanna ask..."

Shanks raised and turned his head...

"Why was it that you invited that chap over to this chase?"

Shanks stares at Beckman for a few seconds...

Ben goes from a grin to a smirk...

Shanks raises his eyebrows...

"Ahhhh...That infamous fellow..."

Yassop places the drinks on a table and lights up a cigarette...

Lucky roux eats the meat that was placed by one of the crewmates and listens for shanks...

The crews monkey swings down the flags and eats a banana...

Shanks walks up the deck to a level where anyone can see him...

"Guys...Hearing about this treasure really intrigued me...But knowing this current generation, why don't we let them have their fun"

The crew laughs, slapping their knees and spilling their drinks...

Shanks starts to talk after a little chuckle...

"Aha...Uh...haha...Yeah...But also..."

The crew simmers down as Shanks gains back his composure...

"Knowing this current generation, this infamous pirate has recently joined the grandline 3 weeks ago...And already their bounty surpasses over 200 million...This must mean that they are quite strong ey...And also...I know Luffy has grown to become a very strong pirate too..."

Shanks pins Luffy's 3 billion bounty for everyone to see...

"I thought, hey since this orb has gained alot of traction why don't I tell this (Y/N) fellow about it, knowing my past I know new pirates don't have as good networking as more popular pirates so I had to give em a nudge you see...And if (Y/N) were to somehow hold well in this hunt...Wouldnt that show you guys that we will have good opponents to face when we decide go for the One Piece?"

Ben crosses his arms and the entire crew raises their beer mugs...

"Shanks that is a good idea!"

Shanks smiles and hops down the stairs, he grabs a beer mug and has a drink...

"Lets all toast to the future!"

They toast and the ship seems to have gone pretty far away from the scattered island...


Blackbeard watches the scattered island with two women sitting beside him...

His jewelry glimmers and he smiles with his chipped tooth...

"You guys alright?"

They nod and giggle...


Blackbeard looks at the island again and widens his palm...

"Whoever the victor may be, I will swipe the treasure off of them, they will be injured and vulnerable, zehahahaha!!!!"


Residents of Moltens Peak seem to feel the temperatures rising, they see the smoke clouds almost reach them and they all decide to head down a shore opposite the volcano...

"Everyone Evacuate, evacuate, let's go!"

A dog whimpers as they look around the city...

It sniffs with panic and wiggles it's tail uncontrollably...

It forces itself through small holes and under tables though the pathways...


The dog is raised into a girls arms and is hugged...

"Corgie where were you?! I was looking for you!"

The father holds his daughter who is holding the dog, by the hand, and they enter a ship...

Marines were kind enough to help escort them away...

The shop owner that told Law about the orb still sits inside the shop with a prideful smirk...

"Ah...20 years huh...Thats how long I've wanted to see people actually take the treasure for themselves...Hehe..."

The volcano ash nears the city and a Marine barges in the shop...

"Ah...Sir! You need to get outta here!"

The shop owner takes a puff of his cigarette...

"Im staying"

The marine grits his teeth

"Sir you need to leave NOW!"

The shop owner turns his head away...

"I have nobody left to run to, good sir...I lost my family to aging...I don't know where my children are...They probably out at sea kidnapping more victims...Those scallywags couldnt listen to their old man...My good friends got stabbed to death by pirates and I made peace with that...For some reason...I..."

The marines eyes widen under his cap...

"I actually enjoyed venting out this...I...feel as me staying inside this shop is just...Right"

The shop owner smiles as the Marine tips his hat...

"...Ah...Have a good day sir..."

The marine quickly runs away from the shop and enters the ship where many residents evacuated...

The shop owner sees the volcano lose its trace, as the ash starts to run up the city...

The shop owner attempts to switch on the lighter, but it seems it ran out of gas...

He fiddles with the lighter and his cigarette smoke begins to die off...

He smiles, having the cigarette in his mouth with tears...

"Good luck...Pirates..."

The ash washes the store and the city away, engulfing it in flames...


(The crystal cave finally collapses and pirates fight outside the cave...)

Jolter immediately gains an advantage over Nami and she is stuck, covered in metal...

Zeus comes off Nami's Climatact and he looks at Nami...

"Ah,what a I gonna do?"

Nami's forehead twitches...

"Get me out of here!"

Zoro cuts the aluminum metal freeing Nami...

"Its not that hard to cut through...You all right?"

Nami raises herself...

"That girl is really crafty, she has all sorts of abilities..."

Zoro holds his chin intrigued...


You and Luffy blitz past Zoro in high speeds...

You parry all of Luffy's attacks and he parries all your swings...

You both land in sync to the ground...

And both throw a punch to each others cheeks...

You both fly away from each other and crash land...

You hold the hilt of your sword and you feel your heart beat through your chest...

You see your vision distort and your haki suddenly increases in amplification...

Conquerors haki leaks off and your arms automatically coat themselves...

You raise your arms in panic...

"What the hell! The last time this happened was when i woke up at Senjaku-Yashi!"

Luffy cracks his neck as he raises himself off the ground...

"This one's strong...I thought they were just a regular stepping stool, but I was wrong"

Your haki calms down and you're back to normal you See Luffy right on your face and you jump out of the way...

"Jet pistol!"

Luffy leaves destruction from where you dodged and the boulder seems to fly apart...

Luffy goes from squatting again to standing up and tightening his fist...

"Im not gonna let you easily ward me off!"

You land from the sky and decide to use your sword...

"(I can't have that happening again...)"

You unsheathe your sword and Luffy dashes to you in high speeds...

(you really think you can escape from me?)

Your haki leaks off and you see seconds into the future...
(Luffy hits you with a jet whip)

You blink and you see Luffy dash towards you...

"Gomu-Gomu no!"

You see the whip and duck under it...

"What the?"

Luffy retracts his leg...

"What the?!"

You see seconds into the future again...
(Magma hits you)

You blink and feel hot air near you and Luffy...

Luffy looks to his left and you look to your right...

Akainu throws a beam of Magma towards you two...

You dodge out the way and yous see Luffy grit his teeth in the air...

"Who is?"

Akainu smokes his cigar as he brings back his arm...

Luffy feels his heart beat fast...


You look at Luffy questionably and land on your feet...

You see the burning magma fall out of Akainu and you feel yourself sweating...

"This Marine...Is...Wait hold on...Akainu!?"

Luffy lands on his feet and grits his teeth to a point of total rage...


Akainu returns the distain as he looks at the accomplished Luffy and New pirate...

"You meddling thieves that spawn every week can not stop hurting people, I will take your lives and hang them on a wall!"

Luffy's haki emitted through the battlefield and you look at him...

"(Kyyu did tell me that, a certain someone was related to Ace...Could it be...)"

Luffy brings back his arm...


Akainu prepares himself...

"Thunder Bagua!"

Yamato goes for Akainu and he changes shape out of her range...

"Outta the way!"

Yamato skids, causing rocks to peel off the ground...

"Wheres the treasure...The both of you!?"

Luffy looks at Yamato...


You look at Yamato...


Luffy grabs you by your collar...

"Yamao I'm the one that's gonna take it from this one not you!"

You slap Luffy's arm and he let's go, you grab him by his stretchy chest making it appear like you're grabbing him by the collar...


Yamato raises her eyebrow...

You see seconds into the future...
(Luffy attempts to kick your face)

You see Luffy swing around your arm and his leg reaches your face...

You immediately let go of him and he stands on his two legs failing to hit your face...

Akainu shapes back and he tilts his head...

"We've got some pretty strong pirates huh do we?"

A light passes Akainu and heads toward Zoro, Jolter, Nami and Hyoco who are brawling each other...

Zoro turns his head and ducks...

"Yata no Kagami"

Kizaru appears above Zoro and Jolter, Zoro blocks Kizaru's kick with Enma and Jolter blocks the Kick with her platinum coated arm...


Kizaru appears...

"It seems so Sakazuki"

Zoro grits his teeth and Jolter's eyes widen...

"Whos this guy!? He's fuckin strong!"

Zoro shouts...

"Its Kizaru, a well known Marine fighter or whatever..."

Kizaru causes Zoro and Jolter to skid backwards...

Hyoco spins his knobstick as Nami spins her Climatact walking to Kizaru...

Flames drop down and it is Sabo...

"Ah,no way... Kizaru and... Akainu!? What are you guys doing here!?"

Kizaru snarls...

"Give us the treasure and surrender yourselves...Im willing to rightfully arrest you all with no hassle"

You and Luffy stare at Akainu...

Yamato still keeps eye contact with Luffy...

"Luffy, where's the treasure?"

Luffy shouts back...

"I don't know!"

Yamato looks at you and you focus at Akainu...

The volcano ash reaches the island and you cough a bit...You feel bits falling down your lungs like confetti...



You on your knees and Akainu looks at you...

He produces magma and he tilts his head...

"There's one"

Akainu pulls his arm and throws his magma towards you...



Jolter stands infront of you and blocks the attack...

Her powers seem to be blocking the magma...

Luffy and Yamato watch in shock and you smirk...

The metal begins to heat up and you start to sweat...

Jolter grits her teeth...


Jolter keeps her palms up keeping the metal intact...

Akainu was shocked at Jolter what Jolter could handle, you hold the hilt of your sword and prepare yourself...

Akainu stops generating magma and pulls pack his arm, Jolter drops her arms with exhaustion and you appear infront of Akainu with Yamato...

You both take a swing and he bends his body for your weapons to miss him...

Luffy clenches his fist and coats his arms with haki, he bites his arm and smoke starts to cover him...

"Gear 4: Bounceman!"

You see a black arm that's red tinted fly past your face, heading towards Akainu...

He dodges it and slithers to a spot...

Luffy retracts his arm...

Akainu crosses his arms as he watches all three of you...

Yamato turns to you in silence...

You side eye her for a second, look at Akainu, side eye her again and fully face her...


Yamato with her mace on her shoudler looks down at you...

"The treasure"

Your eyebrows twitch...


Jolter gasps for air and she holds her arm...

Zoro runs toward Jolter and you clash with him...

You feel the aura of Enma, but the entity within you, seemingly numbed it's effects...

Zoro dashes back to Luffy...

"Should I take care of them Captain?"

Luffy bounces with his arms crossed...

"I will do that pirate with the sword, I'm gonna personally beat you up, ya hear Me!?"

You stand up from Jolter...

"Try me, you look like a balloon and your legs look like chicken wings, all curled up and shit!"

Zoro points his sword...

"You don't look like the fighter yourself, idiot!"

You hold your hips...


"I didn't know this piece of grass wanted to be stepped on so badly"

You look at Zoro's swords...

"You even got spade fork"

Zoro screams at you with anger and you still stand there looking at him with distain...

Luffy stops all the yelling and bounces...

"(Y/N)...Lets settle the score..."

You draw out your sword again...

Jolter stands up...


You look at Jolter...

"How did you block all of that?"

Jolter taps her head...

"Just sheer will..."

Akainu looks at you...

"(They're are quite more than normal amount of conquerors haki users in here...These damn pirates keep meddling with things)"

Luffy jets toward you...

"Gomu-Gomu no!!! Kong Gun!"

You block the attack as Luffy drags you backward a bit...

You simply swing your sword and it passed through Luffy, He could feel his gut wrench and eyes waver from the impact...

Zoro swooped in and Jolter blocked him...

Her staff clashes with Enma and Zoro's eyes begin to look savage...

"Nice staff you got there..."

Jolter looks stern...


"Adam Tree?"


They stop clashing and Akainu shoots projectiles from the sky...

They rain down as you and Luffy trade blows...

"Gomu-Gomu no...Organ..."

You see Luffy's arms begin to multiply...

You felt your haki grow much more precise...


A barrage of attacks come towards you and you dodge all of them fully concentrated...

You find one arm beaming towards you and you gently dodge and place your palm on it as you ran up to Luffy...

Luffy sees your sword directed on his face and he forced himself to bounce on the ground to dodge the swing...

You felt the magma heat irritate your skin but you continued to fight on...


You dash towards Luffy and your haki charges up...

"Gear 4: Snakeman"

Smoke resembling a viper came from Luffy and you see an arm extend towards you...

You see the knuckles directly at your face, yet you moved away from it's contact...

It seemed to dissapear and it returned back at your face this time more faster

You dodge it...

The minute you dodged it you already saw it pressing on your cheek...

You spin after the impact and land on the ground...

Your cheek was aching and your eyes were a bit blurry...

Luffy pulls his arm back and shoots both of them...

You feel the jet like sounds direct at you and you dodge...

"These things are getting really tedious as fuck"

The arms turn to you and you dodge...

"(I see, they get faster the longer they extend)"

Your haki enters a flow state...

You feel the vision of the world dissapear and you stand in a hollow place...

The entity reveals itself and your eyes widen...


You could make up of its shape but the shadows kept you from seeing their skin color, their shape and overall features...

You look at your coated arms and they turn midnight purple...

The entity sits down...

"You know...You're losing right?"

You press down your eyebrows...


The entity points out that you're being rattled with Luffy's Culverin barrages...

"He's too fast for you as it stands right now..."

You clench your fists...

"How the hell am I gonna win the treasure?"

The entity looks at you in silence...

You look at the voided world...

The entity breathes heavily and fixes their posture...

"But to be honest, you're distracting me!"

"How am I distracting you when I helped you see seconds into the future?"

"The constant power creeps you keep making me experience!"

"But to be honest, if I didn't give you this you wouldn't of been here in the first place...You would've lost to Kid..."

You clench your fists...

"That idiot was taken down with my own hands"

The entity bows their head...

"You wouldn't of even recruited Jolter if it wasn't for me!"

"I alone had done my endeavors with my own decisions and thoughts, you did nothing there"

The entity raises their head...

"(sigh)...You are strong willed...Im playing with you...Im not the one that gave you your powers, I'm the ghost that came into you"

You take a step back...

"Get the fuck out!"

The entity grins...

"Nah...Not until you fully study how to use my haki"

"Your haki?"

"Ever since you picked your sword up I submerged inside your body and unlocked a side of you that you weren't aware of"

You cross your arms...

"Can you stop tweaking my body and all of that!"

The entity sighs...

"Look I'm gonna teach you something and want you to fufil my request"

You look at the entity with suspicion...

The entity giggles and stands on their two feet...

"Im from the Void century, and many turned to me as a pirate...I conquer most and fought almost equally with Gol.D.Roger...I happened to be poisoned by a traitor and I can't live without peace...800 years later and here we are...That Ruby in your sword is where I used to live"

You look at the ruby and attempt to pluck it of...

The entity looks at you try but it won't budge...

"I no longer am in that ruby it's just a piece of material now, I live in you now..."

You look at the entity...

"Gol.D.Roger... Void Century...What do you want me to do?!"

You feel the entity smirk...

"Get the treasure orb..."

"That's what I was planning to do-

The entity raised their hand...

"We just so happened to have the same goals with this orb...To put it away in a safe place...When you came in this island I kept nudging you to go on, giving you the strength to keep pushing...And here you are...Im gonna help you amplify my haki with full effect, my mastery over this type of haki will be too much for you, so be careful exerting it"

The entity closes their eyes and you feel yourself exit this void world...

Luffy's attacks rattle you and your eyes beam red...

You unleash a surge of haki that caused Luffy to fall back a little...

Luffy held his head as many remaining pirates watch you both with shock, with Akainu and Kizaru in the background...

Luffy looks at you and transforms back into his base form...

"What was that? Are you telling me?"

Luffy widened his eyes and let out a surge of haki...

Yamato sees and clashes her haki with his...

You see both near you and you widen your eyes...

You feel the image of the entity come out of you as you blinked...

It felt like a light chill leave out of you and your haki blitzes and quickly clashes with Yamato's and Luffy's

Luffy was suprised that you were able to clash haki with him and Yamato takes tight grip of her mace as she keeps her haki flowing...

You felt your haki overexert and it grows huge and causes the rests to implode...

You kneel down and look at the ground as your ears ring...

"(This is too much power...)"

Luffy coated his arms with haki and he dashed towards you...his body had a gold aura as he went for a swing...

You draw your sword and clash with his fist...

Jolter looks from a distance as she clashes with Zoro...

"Ah...What?! Advanced Conquerors!?"

You and Luffy clash for quite a while and you both are pushed away from each other...

Luffy sways his head side to side...

"I don't have time for this...I need to make this quick...That treasure belongs to me"

You tilt your head as Luffy squats...


You feel the atmosphere change...


Luffy goes from a normal smirk to a weird grin...


Smoke comes off him and you feel a certain rhythm come to fruition...

The sounds start to spread across the entire battlefield and you stand there with your haki behaving like an ambience...



You squint your eyes...


Smoke covers the area and you see lightning flash behind that smoke...


You felt pushed back by the sudden change of demeanor from Luffy...

The smoke clears and Luffy bounces whilst laughing


His clothes and hair white with a cloud resting around his shoulder...

His red pupils are beaming as he looks to you...

"Ah...This is the pinnacle of my strength...Glad you could see it for yourself...(Y/N)..."

You tilt your head overly confused...


Luffy bounces...


Luffy bounces flaping his body to entertain himself...

"What are you?"

Luffy sighs...

"Im Luffy..."

Luffy stops bouncing and he stands up straight...

"The one who's gonna become the king of the pirates and be the very strongest!"

You cross your arms...

"Hmph, i respect that goal..."

Luffy grins and does a pose...

"Gear Fitfh!!!"

You draw your sword slowly and Luffy spins his legs toward you...

He reaches you and you swing for his head...

He bends to the ground and you find yourself in the air...

You see a few seconds to the future
(Luffy swings a devastating punch to your face)

You blink and see Luffy springing from the ground with a chuckle...

You release a haki projectile and Luffy's eyes open wide with surprise...


It hits him to the ground and he coughs out blood...

Although your haki was just as vigorous and loud as Luffy's, you felt as if it flowed out with no sign of exhaustion and that it could remain this way for a while

You drop to the ground and Luffy raises himself...


Jolter walks up to you...

"Captain, who is this dude?"

"It's...Um...The luffy guy..."

"What? No way!"

"Eyes over here!"

Zoro clashes with Jolter...

They skid past you, you begin to see Jolter act differently whenever Zoro shouts to her...

(Kyyu stands up)

"Why do I hear this sound?"

Sanji stands up with her...

"Its Luffy...He went into that form again..."

Kyyu looked at Sanji and at the battlefield...

"Well I gotta go, chef guy, it was a nice talk"

Sanji's eyes turn to hearts...

"You're sure you gonna be fine by yourself ma'am?"

Kyyu grabs her golden sword that has has the blood stains cleaned off...

"I'll be fine, you can go back to-

Sanji spins around Kyyu with his yes bulging...

Kyyu sighs as she looks at Sanji...

"I guess you're not gonna leave me huh..."

The volcanic ash nears your point and everyone seems distressed...

You and luffy travel in high speeds, clashing, and trading blows, your haki seemed to hold off Luffy's ridiculous attacks...

Luffy rips off the ground and you stop running after him...

"Dude...Your different"

You watch Luffy make a paper airplane and it swings toward you as he sits on it...

"What in the..."

You swing your sword projectile again and cut the airplane in half...

Luffy makes a giant fist out of the blue, and he swings it toward you...

"Why did you destroy it!"

You dodge and kick him on the stomach...

He stretches and you wonder why he's not flying...

Luffy looks at you as he carry on stretching...

"Gomu-Gomu-No...Human Slingshot!"

You fly out of the island wuth Akainu raising his eyebrow with a bit of shock...

Kizaru stopped fighting and ended up chasing you and Luffy...

Luffy grabs you whilst you're both flying across the sky...

The volcanic ash drops to the island and almost everyone succumbed to it's effects...

Jolter coughs and Zoro looks at her...

He kneels down and clears his throat loudly...


Zoro runs after Luffy as Jolter follows with caution...

Akainu sees that the majority are escaping the island and he commands Marines to chase after them...

He stares at the ash and walks through It with no care...

You grab Luffy's neck and choke him, but you feel the rubbery effects...


You see the shore and both crash land into a battleship...

A pot falls on Luffy's head and you catch a kitchen knife...

You run after him around the kitchen as he keeps bashing into tables whilst running, you run down doors...

(marines enjoy their late dinner in silence)

*utensil noises*

A Marine wipes his mouth as he's chewing his steak and looks the other two...

"So...(munch)...I ran into this guy right..."


"Ahhhhhh" (Luffy)

Luffy bashes through the doors where everyone is eating...

You chase him down the room with the kitchen knife and Marines watch in confusion...

Luffy taps on a Marines shoulder...

"Hey can I have this meat?"

Luffy points to the meat on the marines plate...

The marine squints his eyes...

"Well I want to eat it myself so...

Luffy stuffs the meat in his mouth as the Marine speaks...

The marine looks at Luffy dodge your knife attacks...

You both exit the room and enter a bathroom...

You enter the unisex bathroom and
Luffy sidesteps left and right to the urinals...

You swing the kitchen knife and Luffy dodges, it ends up denting due to the poles and you throw it away...

You find Luffy with his hand inside the urinal...

You raise your hand...


Luffy looks at his hand...



You give a clean punch to Luffy's face and he breaks through the walls...

You're both outside the battleships interior and you see raindrops falling...

The sea appears more vigorous as the battleship lights start to disturb you...

Luffy climbs up the battleship and you follow...

You finish climbing and Luffy wipes his cheek that has a bruise...

You stand there in silence...

Luffy faces you as his smile fades into a stern expression...

"Im taking this serious now...Im not comfortable with you being able to keep up with me at this rate..."

Haki leaks out of your sword...

"Same with you..."

Battleships swarm by, it give you the nostalgia of when pirates used to fight Marines when you were younger...

They pass your battleship, reaching heights above it...Luffy's white hair grabs your attention as he doesn't break eye contact...

He dashes toward you and you swing up a flag and land in another battle ship...

The waves hit you both and Luffy springs himself to the air whilst you stay grounded...

You feel the water brush your body as your eyes see a distorted white light, eventually forming a blue light...

You watch closely and see Luffy holding lightning...

"This dude..."

You lunge and run around the battleship, dodging Marines that were attacking you and trying to mess up Luffy's aim...

He threw the lighting strike toward you as he laughed...

You distanced to the far side of the ship and you see Marines get electrocuted as Luffy had laughed...

Luffy slowly lands to the ground and he bends the ship...

Everyone bounces and you feel the wind hit your face whenever you dropped to the ground...

You went to another ship and you see Luffy already on your tail...

Hes freakishly fast and he seems to read you well...

(Now (Y/N))

The entity speaks and your haki boosts...

You coated your arms midnight purple and landed on the other battleship...

You unsheathed your sword and coated with with your purple haki...

Luffy glides down to you with his eyes beaming and his laugh never seeming to stop...

Your eyes beamed out haki and you pulled back your sword...


You shoot out a conquerors projectile towards Luffy's stomach and he wasn't quick enough to react...

He beamed past 14 ships total and crash landed on the 15th one...

You dash towards him and see a giant fist bulge...

It was coated in haki and it was very noticeable, the fist aimed at you even touched the water with it's size...

Luffy grows the fist as he appears injured...

(Multipe ships near you and Luffy's area...)

Zoro stands on the Sunny with his arms crossed...

"(sigh)...Theres Luffy"

Nami punches Zoro...

"Stop acting like you navigated the ship!

(The other side is surprisingly a ship comparable to the sunny in size but much longer, horizontally)

"Thanks hey...Your wings aren't just for show..." (???)

"Heh...You got an eye for these things"

Aller and Kole is seen standing on the ship...

Kole has his wings spread wide open and Aller has her gun cocked...

"Theres captain"

Kyyu smirks behind them with her golden sword sheathed...

Bonney stands at the very top with a grin...

"Heh...Look at (Y/N)"

Luffy presses down his eyebrows as he finishes growing his fist...

Marines that were next to his fist felt the warmth that came from it, and it's shadows block their view of the area...

Luffy grits his teeth...

"That really hurt you bastard!"

Luffy gasps for air as he aims his fist at you...

You felt like an ant compared to an apple in sheer size...

Luffy pushes his arm forward and the fist moves toward you...

"Gomu-Gomu no..."


You kept your coated arms and attempt to block yourself...

It felt like a literal wall had hit you from impact...

You are pushed back...

(Your eyes beam and you exert your haki out of your body)

It creates an invisible barrier separating you from the fist...

You still left the Ryuo infused attack hit your insides, blood rivered down your lips but you grit your bloody teeth...

Jolter sees you from the ship...

"Guys to your left, Captain is there..."

The ship heads in your direction...

Luffy pulls back his fist and it creates a temporary cloud that covers the moon...

You fall unconscious and Kole catches you...


Luffy gasps for air as he deflates into the sunny into Jimbei's arms...


"Luffy-kun..You did well"


(Hours have passed)

The sun rises and it hits your eyelids...

You wake up and find Rojin crying...


Rojin cries on your chest and you look around, seeing the fresh clouds and the sunlight...

Some animals jump off the waters and you see your crewmates eat at the deck...

They offer each other drinks and food, you see the vibrant sea in the background as they eat and chat to each other...

You raise yourself and look at them...


Rojin shouts...

"Guys Captain is awake right infront of you, what are yall blind?"

Everyone makes a smug look and ignore...

Kyyu pours a drink for Aller...

"Of course Captain would survive that...Ya the strongest of us"

Kole looks at the sea...

"I can't really express this level of happiness so I'm just gonna sit here..."

Jolter side eyes you...


Rojin smiles...

"You know you guys don't have to hide your emotions"

The ship makes a standstill for a few seconds and everyone runs to you...

You felt overwhelmed but it was right...

Rojin watches in the background and prepares himself food...

Kole smirks and Jolter cries uncontrollably, Hyoco's snot came out emotional and Kyyu shuts a tear...

They all swarm over you and you ended up shutting a tear...

Kole opens his mouth as he wipes his tears...

"So you did it...You took care of that Kid fellow..."

You nod...

"Sorry I was such a burden to you Captain, I will never let that happen again..."

Aller holds you close to her...

"Next time anyone touches you, Captain I will be the first to cock this gun to their faces!"

Kyyu laughs and Hyoco keeps crying...


(The strawhat ship sails out the island)

Luffy has a giant piece of meat in his mouth...

"Zoro pass me Franky's cola!"

Zoro turns to the fridge...

"Sure Captain"

Franky interrupts...


Everyone sighed...

Franky's eyebrows twitched...

"Do you want the ship to stop sailing just because of your thirst!?"

Nami responds...

"We know that's not how the ship works Franky"

Robin laughs as she takes a bite off her sandwich...

Nami peels her Tangerine and looks at the sky...

Luffy turned to Zoro...


Zoro jumped up...



Zoro grabbed Luffy by his collar...

"Captain how could you be so forgetful!!!!"

Luffy presses his palms together...

"Ah sorry Zoro please don't kill me please!"

Nami emerges...

"Nami please don't kill me!"

Nami goes from a serious expression to a lighthearted expression...

"Dont worry guys i got something else..."

Everyone looked at Nami...

Zeus comes off Nami's climatact and he spits out a bunch of minerals found in the crystal cave...

Everyone was wowed...

Nami opens one eye...

"Now imagine if this was converted into berries..."

Sanji spins around Nami...

"Nami-swan you're a genius!"

Chopper jumps around happy and Brook laughs with pride...

"Thats Nami for you, hey could you do me a favor?"

Nami looks at Brook...

"Yeah Brook?"

"Could I see your-

Brook is planted to the ground of the ship with his head aching...

Nami's teeth looks like a sharks...



(Marines exit the ash filled island...)

Akainu holds the transponder snail with Kizaru sitting next to him...

"Yeah...Yeah...M...Well Trafalgar D Water Law escaped with just a light injury, Eustass Kid dissapeared, Borsalino said he saw him only by one glance...Bege has been captured but later he escaped...mhm...The horned lady, we have no idea where she went and we don't have any pictures as of yet to make a bounty out of her...The minks have evacuated the same time the pirates did...Okay...yeah...make sure the bounties get sent through"


Akainu breathes heavily as he arches his hands...

Kizaru snarls...

"Those two were out of bounds when they reached the first battleship..."

Akainu looks at Kizaru...

"Luffy and (Y/N) are crazy folks, they managed to destroy over 36 battleships in under 2 minutes...And it turns out neither of them were seen leaving with the orb..."

Kizaru sits back...

"So who could be having this orb..."

"Its been confirmed to have broken apart back at the island..."

Kizaru lifts himself...


"Yeah...Our investigators saw broken pieces that resembles the orb and that is the only clue we have, it's said supernatural powwr seemed to have died out when it shattered"

Kizaru looks at the floor...

"It makes sense considering it was a ballistic battlefield of constant gunfire and utter destruction"

Akainu taps the table...

"Well that sorts of most of the things, the only pirates we caught are the ones that aren't even as big as the MVP's"

Akainu exits the room as Kizaru looks at the floor...


(Blackbeard is seen holding a newspaper)

"I was about to look for a pirate crew since it saw this as a hoax...But for it to be actually confirmed true is baffling"

The newspaper article speaks of the fight and the loss of the orb...

"(sigh)...what a let down..."

Blackbeard sets sail away from the scattered island...


(You stare into the sea as you had finished eating, a piece of food was on your cheek...)

Jolter walks up to you and relaxes on the hand railings...

"Is this...Our new ship?"

Jolter smiles...


You bow your head with surprise...


Jolter looks at the sky...

"You got a lil something on your cheek Captain"

You notice the big crumb and eat it...


Kyyu walks in and nudges at Jolter...

"So Jolter tell me, why was it that you seemed different when Zoro chased you?"

Jolter immediately shot into a standing position...

Her body jitters and her hands shake...

"Well, well ah... It's just..."

You look at Jolter with a smug look...

"Just admit that he's good looking"

Jolter's face turned red flattered and spins around uncontrollably...

"Maybe,maybe not... Ah... What am I doing, why am I spinning why am I like this, why am I holing my cheeks..."

Kyyu holds Jolter...

"Jeez, calm down... Have some water..."

Jolter drinks a full gallon of water and looks at Kyyu...

"Ah...(gasp)...I need more"


(Zoro sneezes uncontrollably and Ussop looks at him with horror...)



Zoro scratches the inside of his throat as he rubs his ears...

"You okay Zoro?"

Zoro looks at the sky...



(Hyoco stands beside you, fiddling with his knobstick)

"(sigh), we were unfortunate seeing as how we lost the orb..."

Kyyu looks at Hyoco and then stands next to you...


An orbi seen on Kyyu's hand...

You and Hyoco watch with surprise...

"How did you do that!?"

Kyyu rolls the orb around her palms...

"Well I found this falling off Jolter's pocket when she fought Zoro"

Jolter nods in the background...

"No regrets baby!"

Kyyu looks at you...

"So where do we put this Captain?"


(You and your crew dock at a familiar shore)

Your shoes stand on the sand, You, Hyoco and Kyyu smile full of nostalgia whilst the rest of the crew see the island for the first time...

The old man that was your martial arts instructor, turns his head facing your direction...

Your shoudler coat flaps as the sea begins to make noise...

Kyyu's tears start for flow and Hyoco holds his head...

The pirates of the island begin to cheer and they run towards you and your crew...

The old man looks at you, with your flashy attire and and the two that stand next to you, that have grown...

He stands infront of you...

"Hehehe...Its been quite a while...
(Y/N)...And you're already a big pirate huh...HAHAHAH!"

Kyyu wipes her tears and Hyoco looks away as his tail wiggles...

Jolter smiles with pride looking at you...

The old man smiles...

"Welcome back...(Y/N)"

(2 months later)
(You exit your house and walk to a certain area in Senjaku-Yashi)

You pass the pirates that are toasting and you walk down an unfamiliar path...

You turn to your left and see the tombstone of the old man...

You walk up to it with a bright smile and sit beside it...

"(sigh)...Old man...Im glad you were able to go peacefully, it really made me see the world in a better perspective...I...know you're watching over your grandchildren, and I'll be sure to watch over them too for you from time to time..."

You raise yourself and bow seeing the treasure orb stand at the center of the island...

The entity appears and escapes from your body...

"You seemed to have fulfilled my wishes...And you have refined my haki to a point where i don't think you need my help with it anymore...I will give it all to you..."

The entity starts to fly and fades away...

"Im at peace now thanks to this orb...It sits in a private place where it is near impossible to find, plus you commanded it to create an unbreakable barrier...So I don't think much problems higher than polishing your sword will occur...See ya..."

The entity fades away as they solute to you...

You see the two grandchildren of the old man run towards you...

"We will miss you (Y/N)..."

"Miss me? I'll be missing you guys..."

The grandchildren laugh...

"How much do I care for you guys?"

The children open their arms wide...

"As big as the sky!"
"As big as the sky!"

You fist bump them and turn around...

You walk down the shores and reach your ship...

"Ah...it's time..."

You set sail and watch the shores, the seagulls fly past and as newspaper article drops in your ship..

You take it and read an article about the One Piece...

"One Piece huh...Hm..."

You stop by an island and you find the Samurai that Kyyu saved back at Moltens peak swinging their sword in her fighting style...

"Ah you're finally here (Y/N), thanks for everything back there"

You widen your arms as the Samurai had hugged you...

"Yo... Wheres the star? She called me over the transponder snail"

The samurai points behind him and Jolter stands there with her hands on her hips...

Her purple hair billows from the wind as her eyes sparkle...

She turns around and signals for you to follow her...

"Captain, let's go"

You take your first step as the samurai boy follows with you...

You walk down a large garden where you see many people training...

"Yo Jolter you're an instructor now...?"

Jolter looks at the ground and looks at the people rehursing a set of movements...

"Well (sigh)...Yeah, I took inspiration from your old man..."

Jolter slows her movement to walk next to you...

"You know I also perfected my devil fruit so that is nice..."

You keep your eyes forward...

Jolter leans in to get your attention...

"You're not gonna ask, what I did?"

"Oh, um...What did you d-

"Glad you asked"

You both stand on an open field and she finishes stretching...

Jolter raises her hand and she coats her arm with white tinted material...

"So I have 3 different forms that make up my devil Fruit, this is the first...The outermost layer, it has the properties of Ruthenium...Where my defense is quite high, The Exo Form..."

Jolter widens her palms and they coat from white tinted to blue tinted metal...

"This is my second form the Meso form...Just like how when you cut the hardish outer layer of a fruit you get the softer like texture of it...This is pure platinum that I can manitupate, I mostly use this form to craft stuff, although I don't usually use this for defense, it's stronger than Gold...I can also manipulate the area and turn it to platinum if I could"

Jolter crafts a spear and throws it to you...

"Woah it's actually sturdy!"

Jolter smiles and she clenches her fist, it coats from blue tinted to black tinted...

"Now this is my third and final form, the Endo form, the deepest part of the fruit...This I normally use for defense since it carries the properties of Osmium...Its very strong, but the downside is that it shatters after breaking, compared to Platinum, which dents first...Believe me, I've tried..."

A soldier cocks their gun and Jolter crafts a wall with her third form...

"Shoot away"

The bullet shatters upon impact and no scratch is seen on the wall...


Your jaw drops...

"You've been training like hell these past months"

Jolter chuckles...


She bows...

"Im your first mate after all, I've gotta keep up with you one way or another"

"OHHH CAPTAIN!!!" (???)

Hyoco runs with honey dripping off his mouth

"Captain I'm ready, I'm ready I'm stoked!

Hyoco runs with a bag full of honey...

Jolter grits her teeth...

"Why didn't you, pack any clothes!"

Hyoco catches his breath...

"(gasp)...I only need honey fam"

Kyyu struts over from the house in the corner, she rests her arm on her katana as she passes the people training in the garden...

"You doing alright, (Y/N)?"

The Samurai boy runs over to Kyyu and latches himself to her as she walks...

"Been quite a while huh?"

Kyyu grins...

"Heheh...Yeah, and I wanted to show you our new bounties"

Your jaw drops again...


Aller runs with Rojin chasing after her...

"Hey leave it to me!"

Rojin grabs her shoulder...

"No it's my job as the powder monkey!"

Aller throws the bag full of gunpowder to Kyyu...

"Take it!"

Kyyu distances and circles you trying to avoid Rojin who's also chasing her...

You see a black feather fall down your face, you grab it and see a shador behind you...

It was Kole and he is seen holding a bunch of logs...

"Oh, Captain...I passed by the ship and it seemed to still be the way I left it, even through these past months"

Kole fist bumps your shoulder and walks by to drop off the logs...

Jolter is seen with a toothpick in her mouth as she pages through the papers...


Kyyu chuckles...

You immediately face her...

"W-What happened!?"

"Ah... Our... Our bounties bounced!"

Hyoco stops eating his honey...

"Hm? What did I get?"

Jolter reads...

"Hyoco the Honey Badger, 546 million berries!"

Hyoco drops his honey and it spills on the ground...

"Kyyu they changed your title, Kyyu the celestial princess, 928 million berries"

Kyyu squats to the ground...

"Jeez, they didn't hesitate!"

"Rojin the musketeer, 300 million berries"

Rojin' eyebrows press down...

"What the fuck did I do to have a bounty this high?"

"Aller the Demon Sniper, 780 million berries"

Aller tilts her head as she reloads her gun

"Not bad not bad"

"Kole the Lunarian shipwright, 600 million berries plus a 100 million for capturing and reporting him to the government"

Koles eyes widen...

"How the fuck do they know I am a lunarian!?"

"Jolter the purple phoenix, 1,2 billion berries!?..."

Jolter drops the paper and looks at the sky in disbelief...

You walk up to her and take your paper...


The crews jaw drops as they stare at you in disbelief...


You hold your head and walk in a circle...

"These Marines are not playing guys... Yo..."

(Sabo enters his island of the revolutionaries)

He walks across the house and smirks...

"So luffy fought their captain huh? And they were almost level with each other...7,2 billion total in bounty...Thats impressive..."

Sabo enters the house as he tips his hat...


(Your crew had packed their stuff and they all look around the ship again)

(Some sit at their spots and watch the sea)

You feel the brightness of the ocean hit your eyelids as you walk up the stairs...

The ship sails for just a bit and you pass a steep lane that leads you to see a fleet of pirate ships heading on one direction...

You look at your shoudler coat and slowly wear it...

You pick up your sword and sheathe it...

Kyyu holds her katana, Jolter places her one leg on a stool, Hyoco holds his knobstick, Kole holds the sail, Aller cocks her gun and Rojin finishes polishing his sword...

You hear every creak as you reach the highest point at the nose of the ship...

The entire crew is silent as you hear the sea's ambience...

The 1000 sunny is seen overtaking your shop in the distance, Luffy kept silent as he looked at you...

"Oi, (Y/N)..."

You look at Luffy...

He raises his arm and flexes his fist...

"Good luck, shishishi!"

You turn around as Luffy turns around to face his crew...

"Guys, thank you all for sticking beside me, none of us would of created something beautiful without each other's efforts, The Jolly Horizon Pirates will sial onward... Ive decided, that we chase the ONE PIECE!"


Rainbows form from the waters as the ship rocks forward...

From across your ship Luffy, Zoro, Brook, Ussop, Chopper, Sanji, Robin, Franky and Robin watch your crew as they all prepare themselves...


You swiftly look to your left and see an island...

A bunch of pirates sit on their knees and raise their pirate flag...

Bonney stands there with a smirk carrying her flag aswell...

Jolter stands next to you...

"Those are the people that we saved at Oasis Haven?"

They all solute and Bonney chuckles...

"Hey Milkshake...Thanks for an awesome journey!"

The pirates then raise the Jolly Horizon Pirates flag and solute once again...

You felt honor bestowed upon your crew and you bit your bottom lips stunned at what you saw...

You let out a soft voice that Bonney understood...

"...alright... "

Bonney went from a chuckle to a full genuine laugh and all the pirates stomp on the ground cheering your crew on...

The silence looms and your shoulder coat billows...


All your crewmates look at you with a smile...

Jolter crosses her arms...


"SET SAIL!!!!!!!!"



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Jackie Blue Reader

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