Part 13: The City Of Moltens Peak

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Your crew sits in silence, they had grouped up at the deck as you were resting in your room...

Jolter looks down, Hyoco and Kyyu rest on each other also downed and lost in thoughts, Aller had an odd demeanor compared to her previous self, Kole crossed his arms and Rojin took a tight grip of his sword...

*Kyyu opened her mouth, breaking the silence*

"Um...So about, what happened earlier*

Everyone sighed in unison...

Jolter held her chin...

"What Captain did..."

Kyyu looked at Jolter interrupting her...

"Its crazy how Captain did that whilst still sleeping"

Kole raised his head...

"W-What happened?"

Hyoco dropped the honey he was eating...

"Captain, had unleashed something we had never seen before, it was as if... A demon of some sorts had emerged"

Kole jolted up

"A demon?!"

Jolter sees the city...

"Captain surprises us alot, but what happened earlier at the shore in Oasis Haven was surely next level"

Kole leans forward

"What did Captain do exactly?"

Aller stood up

"(Y/N) managed to shake off the enemies with this sort of surge, it was as if it consumed the area with its mere presence, but it somehow didn't effect us...It pushed away this Law dude who was teleporting around the damn place, and this white haired chick with red horns who was reeking havoc herself"

Kole scratches his head...

"Holy...Captain did that?"

Jolter gestures around...

"But lets not get trapped in our thoughts, we're nearing the island"

The entire crew sees the beauty of the city in full display at night, it's lights had danced on the ocean waters that were reflecting it

Hyoco chuckles

"You're right, Hey Kyyu want to accompany me? Im pretty sure they have a street vendor that sells snacks there"

Kyyu's tongue sticks out craving food

"Im famished as hell, lets go!"

The ship docks at the shore and many crewmembers had jumped off the ship to explore the city

You were still deep in slumber and your body could not move, it was as if you were stuck in sleep paralysis...

You heard a voice as you were stuck in a hollow abyss


"(Y/N) (???)"

You felt uncomfortable and tried to wake up but nothing worked...

An entity you could hardly make sense of had came closer to you...

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