Shadows of deceit : The Augus...

Por misssflawlesss

182 57 1

In a world of wealth and privilege, the Augustus family hides a deadly secret. When suspicion lands on their... Mais

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Thirteen

4 2 0
Por misssflawlesss


I made my way to the dining room, feeling slightly out of place as I approached. The Augustus family was indeed a powerful one, and now, with all their members in the same room, I felt both excited and nervous. Excited to observe their dynamic and to see the infamous David Augustus who may or may not have killed his brother. Nerves struck me when I thought of Stefan, who I planned to piss off for the rest of the time that I was here. And who may or may not have been responsible for the death of his parents as well.

A room filled with potential murderers, and I was stumbling my way right into it. Great. I let out an exasperated sigh, my brain struggling to process everything in its inebriated state. My legs were still weak from the alcohol, but I was determined to walk as straight as I could across the room so I wouldn't make a fool out of myself in front of the powerful family.

As I stepped into the room, I was surprised to see that only Jessica had already made her way to the dining room. She held a glass in her hand as she watched Martin and some other staff members as they worked on preparing the table.

As I approached Jessica, she glanced my way with a smile before whispering to me, "Did Ms. Ashley sober up?" I responded by giving her a thumbs up as I whispered back, "She definitely did." Jessica laughed softly at my confirmation, a light glimmer in her eyes as we shared a secret and a sense of humor.

I turned to Jessica with an inquisitive look on my face. "Are we early?" I asked. Jessica shrugged, her eyes filled with amusement as she whispered back to me. "No, not really," she said playfully, "my family is into dramatic entrances." She rolled her eyes and leaned in closer to me, her voice still soft and gentle as she made sure only I had heard her.

I let out a soft laugh as Martin signaled to us to sit. He started by dragging Jessica's chair towards the table, her seat being in the middle of the table. He then gestured for me to sit at the edge of the table, and I did so, thanking him as he pulled and pushed my chair into place. The table was large, with more place settings than I could count. I watched as Martin set each place with the proper utensils. The food on the table was a feast for the eyes and the taste buds. The dishes were presented in a stylish and sophisticated manner, the food ranging from a variety of appetizers to delectable entrees and delicious desserts. The presentation was one of grace and class, with the meals garnished with fresh herbs and vegetables to add an extra layer of texture and flavor. The aroma of the food filled the air, the delicious scents mingling together with the atmosphere of formality and high class.

Martin stood by the table, maintaining a formal and focused demeanor as I began to chat with Jessica. As the conversation continued, a loud clank sounded out on the marble floor, drawing both of our attention to the entrance of the room. It was none other than freaking Isaac, entering the room with confidence and style. My eyes widened in surprise as I saw him enter, my mind racing with questions of what Isaac was doing here.

He flashed me a smile as he approached the table and waved off Martin's attempts to seat him in the distant seat from me. "It's fine, Martin," he said confidently, "I'm sitting right next to Miss Journalist right here." I couldn't help but smile as he approached my seat, the energy and excitement that filled my stomach and my face.

"What's the point of asking for my name if you're just going to call me 'journalist'?" I asked Isaac as he sat down next to me at the table and laughed. "If you want me to call you by your name, all you have to do is ask, journalist." He teased as he flashed me a smirk.

Jessica cleared her throat, drawing all the attention towards her. She turned to me with an apologetic smile. "Excuse my brother Ashley," she said, her voice gentle but firm, "he can be inappropriate from time to time."

My eyes widened as I let out a surprised exclamation. "Brother?!" I exclaimed, the alcohol causing my emotions and reactions to run wild. Isaac quickly realized what had happened and laughed at my sudden reaction, before grabbing my hand, his touch sending a flush through my body. He brought my hand to his lips and smiled as he said, "Let's do this again. I'm Isaac, Augustus." he said, his tone charming and confident.

I was left stunned by this realization as I looked for a moment at Jessica. I leaned towards Isaac and whispered to him, my voice full of surprise and curiosity, "And here I thought you were the actual stalker for being here now." He immediately chuckled at my words and adjusted himself in his seat.

So Isaac is Stefan's cousin. From the way Stefan was interacting with both Jessica and Isaac earlier, I could tell that there was definitely some sort of tension between them. I was curious to know more about the exact nature of their beef, whether it was recent or long-standing. However, the lingering effects of the alcohol seemed to have clouded my thoughts, making my mind feel slow and fuzzy. My determination to ask about their past and about their history was there, but I figured it would be better to wait until the alcohol fully wore off and my mind was capable of thinking clearly again.

Isaac turned to Jessica, his gaze full of mirth as he addressed her." Tell me sister," he said as he smiled "don't you think it's unacceptable for our dear cousin to keep us waiting? We are his guests are we not." She forced a smile as she turned to Isaac to reply. "I don't think you should complain about the hospitality, Isaac." she said, a hint of caution seeping into her voice. "It's his parents funeral."

Isaac let out a faint and almost inaudible hum as he sat next to me. "Hm," he said. "It's our uncle's funeral too, need I remind you?" He paused for a moment, a grin spreading across his face. "I'm hurting,"

Jessica's voice was filled with annoyance and disapproval as she murmured to Isaac, "Clearly." "Behave Isaac," she said, a false smile on her face as she attempted to hold back her own frustration. "We have company," she added, directing the conversation back towards me. I couldn't help but grin nervously as I looked at her.

I felt a warm sensation on my cheeks as Isaac let out a small chuckle and flashed me a small, teasing wink. "A beautiful company, might I add," he said, his tone clearly dripping with flirtatious energy as he complimented my appearance.

Jessica let out a frustrated sigh before she turned to look towards the door. My head turned to follow her gaze, as I felt a new presence enter the room. I looked to see a middle-aged man with dark brown hair and a couple of white strands mixed in, his features resembling Isaac's but with an older vibe added to them.

"Father," she said, her tone reserved as she stood from her chair to greet her father. I watched as David approached Jessica, a gentle and quiet aura surrounding him as he moved towards her.

"Jessica, dear," he said, addressing her with a soft and kind tone. "You look stunning, darling." He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek, a gentle smile on his face as he offered an apologetic look. I could see in Jessica's eyes how thankful she was for David's gesture, and how much she appreciated the attention and care he was giving her.

He gave me a polite, yet warm smile, before approaching me and extending his hand in greeting. With a gentlemanly mannerism, he spoke my name softly and respectfully, offering me a gentle introduction. "Pleasure to have you Miss Ashley," he said, his tone and demeanor instantly commanding my attention with their graciousness and courtesy. As I responded with a polite nod.

He turned briefly towards Isaac with a nod, before turning back to me and offering a smile. Isaac, who had been sitting beside me, returned his father's nod with a small smile of his own.

Martin appeared and guided David to his seat, my eyes following his movements with interest to see where he was being led. I glanced over at the head of the table, noticing that it was empty as I wondered whether Stefan would make an appearance at the dinner.

David adjusted himself in his seat, before glancing towards me with a gentle smile. "My apologies for the circumstances of our first interaction," he said, his tone and demeanor conveying a sincere and genuine apology. "A funeral dinner isn't the kind of event I'd enjoy getting to know a lady like you," he continued.

I returned David's apologetic smile as I glanced back at him, my expression becoming more reserved as I made an attempt to appear sober. "Nor have I, Mr. David," I said, returning his apologies and offering my condolences. I made sure to put emphasis on the word "Mr." to show respect and to indicate my formal response. "Though my sincerest apologies about your loss."

David nodded in response to my apology once again before he shifted his attention back towards Jessica. "And where is my nephew?" David asked, his tone still remaining calm and gentle. "See, that's exactly what I was asking her father," Isaac replied, his words filled with a sense of playful humor.

This time, Martin stepped into the conversation, his tone and manner formal and courteous as he addressed us. "Mr. Augustus will soon be here," he said, gesturing towards the table. "You're welcome to start with the appetizer," he continued.

At his words, the air in the room seemed to shift as I noticed Stefan enter, his calm and calculated manner instantly commanding all of my attention. I could see the tension in his eyes, and his presence sent shivers down my spine. My legs tensed beneath my chair, and I could feel a sense of anger rising within me as the wetness between my legs slowly pooled.

I watched as Stefan walked slowly towards his seat, my heart beginning to pound faster as I watched him move closer and closer towards me. As Stefan reached his chair and sat down next to me, I could feel a sense of regret as I wished that I had asked Martin to change my seat. The scent from Stefan filled my nostrils as he settled down in his chair, my emotions starting to swirl as I felt my cheeks flush as my heart raced.

Compared to Isaac's playful and cheerful demeanor and David's courteous and welcoming manner, Stefan's demeanor was noticeably different. His actions were in stark contrast to those of Isaac and David, as Stefan seemed to lack their warmth and social awareness as he took his seat and offered me no greeting. It was clear that Stefan's personality was drastically different from the other two, creating a noticeable shift in the atmosphere of the table.

I felt a sense of failure and disappointment as Stefan showed no reaction to seeing me seated next to Isaac, when he had specifically told me to stay away from him just a few hours earlier.

If he truly didn't care, then wasn't it unnecessary to act that way and embarrass me earlier? I couldn't make sense of Stefan, who seemed to be an overly complicated and unpredictable person. As I let out an involuntary scoff, Stefan and the other guests turned towards me. I could feel myself turning red as I realized that my actions were being witnessed by everyone and couldn't help but curse under my breath as I swore to never drink at important events again.

My attention was drawn to Stefan's hand as I watched it reach for the neatly folded napkin on the table. I noticed the detail of his masculine and strong hand, as it slowly moved towards the napkin. The veins were prominent, flexing with each movement as the hand extended to take the napkin. I glanced briefly at his forearm, noticing the way the fabric of his shirt was folded. I silently thanked the Lord for this, as the sight of his arms filled me with a flutter in my stomach.

Suddenly, the soft sound of the napkin being unfolded in the air broke my trance, as I quickly composed myself and cleared my throat. I looked up and back towards Stefan as he placed the napkin on his lap, sending glances in my direction. We made eye contact for a moment, the intensity of his gaze filling me with a sense of excitement and intrigue.

"Uncle," Stefan spoke in a firm and commanding tone. His words drew my attention, as he sent me a final glance before moving his attention to David. "I would like an explanation on why you didn't make an appearance at the cemetery earlier." he said, his tone stern and intimidating, but yet filled with a calming composure.

I watched as David motioned for Martin to come serve him the food on his plate, before he cleared his throat and spoke to Stefan. "I'm afraid the weather caused a delay to my flight." he said, his tone remaining calm and gentle.

Martin moved to serve the rest of the dinner guests, while Jessica said something in an effort to lighten the mood and change the subject. "The food smells incredible, Martin," Jessica remarked, her words filled with praise and appreciation. "My compliments to you and to the staff."

Martin acknowledged Jessica's compliment with a subtle nod of appreciation as he continued to serve the rest of the dinner guests.

Isaac, who was seated next to me, let out a small chuckle as he looked towards Stefan. "The weather couldn't have been more gloomy." he said, his tone hinted at a sense of provocation and his expression carried a small smirk, drawing attention to his intentions with the comments. "Perfect for a funeral" he added.

I looked towards Stefan, expecting to see a response of anger or irritation from him as a reaction to Isaac's comment. However, Stefan remained unfazed by the statement, his expression remaining calm and serene as he let out a deep small chuckle that sent chills up my body.

Isaac maintained his gaze at Stefan, waiting for a response, but Stefan ignored him as he turned his attention back to David and spoke.

"Jackson insists we appear to be more..." He paused, running his finger along his jaw before speaking again. With a subtle gesture of his hand, he continued. "Bonded." The words carried a sense of calculation as Stefan's focus was on appearances and the appearance of connection and unity within the family. "And having you miss your own brother's funeral can raise more questions," Stefan added in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Don't you think it's too late for you to care about the public's eye on my father's relationship with yours?" Isaac stated, his tone dripping with a provocative and challenging demeanor. Isaac's words finally caught Stefan's attention, his gaze shifting towards Isaac after he spoke. Stefan's expression remained calm, but a spark of intensity was evident in his eyes as he listened closely to Isaac's words. The implication of Isaac's words struck a nerve, reminding Stefan of the past lawsuit that had caused tension between the families and drawn a lot of public attention.

Isaac continued, his words cutting deep and bringing the tension to a new level as he whispered with a slight chuckle. "Or does this relate to the fact that people think you're the murderer?" he said, his words drawing me in and sending a wave of shock and nervousness through me. "You want my father to make you seem what?" Isaac continued, his words bringing a sudden sense of apprehension and uncertainty into the conversation. "Innocent?" he whispered, his words hanging in the air as their implications sank in.

I noticed that despite Stefan's seemingly calm and unconcerned demeanor, his jaw ticked slightly at the sound of Isaac's words, giving a slight indication of the tension and pressure under the surface.

"Isaac-" Jessica began, before she was quickly interrupted by Stefan's authoritative voice. "I see you still haven't managed to tame your son, uncle." Stefan stated calmly and with a touch of amusement as his eyes remained fixed on Isaac.

Stefan's lips curled into a subtle smirk as he continued his response to Isaac, his words filled with a sharp and cold edge to them. "You forget yourself, cousin," Stefan stated bluntly. "Your desperate attempt for attention is not only desperate but also pathetic," he concluded, as his words cut through the tense air like a knife.

I turned my attention to Isaac as I noticed a flash of anger in his expression despite his attempt to keep calm. "Gentlemen," David spoke up, attempting to diffuse the tension and steer the conversation in a more suitable direction. "It is inappropriate to exchange such words in the presence of these lovely ladies," he said, his gaze shifting to me as he apologized for the tense situation. "My apologies," David continued, "It's been so long for us to have a family dinner that it seems we've forgotten the table etiquettes."

I found myself at a loss for words as Isaac cut me off. "Ms. journalist here is part of the family now father." Isaac stated, placing his hand over mine which was resting on the edge of the table in what seemed to be a display of intimacy.

Isaac smiled at me, causing me to look back at him uncertainly while I began to feel a bit overwhelmed and out of my comfort zone. However, my thoughts were quickly interrupted as I felt a sting on my leg which startled me. It took me a moment to realize that Stefan had kicked me with his leg under the table, and while the kick wasn't hard and wouldn't attract attention. But the sudden sensation made me jump and react.

I looked at Stefan with a surprised expression, but he remained unfazed and instead gave me a subtle smirk before taking a bite of his food. His expression suggested a sense of satisfaction with himself and his actions, as if he was pleased with having caught me off guard.


David turned to me, his tone and demeanor suddenly shifting as he asked a question in an attempt to lighten the mood. "Tell me dear," he began, his voice filled with warmth and kindness, "do you enjoy your job as a journalist?". I took a moment to process David's question, but eventually, I found the words to express my feelings on my job as a journalist. "Yes, I do." It was brief but sincere. David nodded in response to my reply before saying, "I admire that, your job is not easy, especially with the public scrutiny. It takes courage to be a good journalist." David's words and praise were appreciated, and I had to agree with him.

"It's true," I agreed with David turning my glance to Stefan, "especially with the amount of received criticism and judgment, it takes effort to do my job." I knew my words were aimed at him who had always judged me for my profession.

I watched Stefan, as he bit his lip and attempted to suppress his smile, but his smirk never faded from his face. His expression was almost mocking and teasing, as if he couldn't help but be amused by my words.

Asshole. I thought again.

"I'm sure Ashley is a great journalist, and I'm excited to read what she has to say about our family." Jessica said as she flashed me a smile. Her words rang through my head, and as I continued to consider her request, a feeling of worry began to grow. I realized that I wasn't really going to write something very flattering for the family. I knew that I had to remain professional and impartial. Jessica's words began to fill me with a slight feeling of guilt since I knew I couldn't deliver what was expected of me. I will only deliver the truth.

I smiled back at Jessica as a way to mask my inner thoughts and feelings.

"What she has to say about Stefan, you mean?" Isaac piped in, his words coming after a few seconds of silence from me. His tone was sharp and challenging, and as he placed his arm behind me and flashed a smug smile.

"I advise you not to expect something..." Isaac began, but then paused before continuing his words "complimentary."

"I think that's for Ashley to decide," Stefan said calmly, barely casting a glance at his cousin.

Isaac smiled and laughed confidently in response, his tone carrying a smug and self-assured demeanor. "Oh, I'm sure she agrees." he said as he looked into my eyes, his words pierced through my confidence and began to unsettle me. I felt my composure wavering, but I chose to remain silent and maintain my professionalism despite Isaac's taunting and provocation.

"Isn't that right, journalist?" Isaac whispered as he leaned in towards me, but his voice was loud enough for Stefan to hear over the sounds of the dinner table.

I moved in my seat as I grew more uncomfortable with being stuck in the middle of the tense situation between Isaac and Stefan. I had noticed previously that Isaac liked to poke at Stefan and try to get a reaction out of him, but I didn't expect to be dragged into their conflict. As I continued to remain silent and ignore Isaac's words, I couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed.

I reached for my glass of wine and took some sips, allowing myself to give in to the temptation of alcohol for the moment. Is this night ever going to end?

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