Fate's Blades in Orario (DANM...

By Drunken_Crow

60.3K 1.6K 209

A mysterious Blacksmith from legends has returned to modern time as a not a normal Spirit that is known... He... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Walk
Chapter 3: Dine 'N' Dash
Chapter 4: Monster Feria
Chapter 5: Deals
Chapter 6: Test
Chapter 7: Casual Smithy's Day
Chapter 9: Flashback
Chapter 10: Short Times Pass
Chapter 11: Boss Fight
Chapter 12: Night Interruption
Chapter 13: Gods Banquette
Chapter 14: The Attack
Chapter 15: The Rescue
Chapter 16: The War Game
Chapter 17: Smooth Sailing?
Chapter 18: Welcome Home
Chapter 19: Hot Springs
Chapter 20: Red-Light District

Chapter 8: Exploration

3.2K 84 2
By Drunken_Crow

"Hmm... That wasn't too challenging. Even those fire attacks from the hellhound were surprisingly manageable!" Bell grinned, feeling the warmth of the salamander wool he wore alongside Lili and Muramasa" We should find an open area. This isn't a good place to be surrounded by monsters," Lili suggested, picking up a monster core, while small rabbit-like creatures stood before them, their eyes glowing red.

"They look like you" the group stared at the rabbits, and the rabbits stared back. "Who knew Bell had little brothers?" Muramasa teased, prompting Bell to retort, "They're called Almiraj!" As if on cue, the very bunnies pulled out miniature axes and leaped into the air, attempting to strike the group. Their attack, however, posed no real threat, evident from the group's lighthearted banter. "Tiny Bells are angry" Muramasa playfully needled Bell, as Lili chimed in "Can you calm down your little friends?" Annoyed, Bell readied himself to strike them down, asserting, "They have nothing to do with me!"


Muramasa and the group continued to dispatch monsters and descend further into the middle floors. So far, they had encountered no truly formidable foes; all were rather weak. Nevertheless, the monsters' quick respawn rate and their sheer numbers proved bothersome to Lili and Bell. On the other hand, Muramasa effortlessly cleared entire groups of Almiraj with a simple swing of his blade. This consistently impressed Bell and Lili. Muramasa's dependable strength lightened their load, particularly in facing groups of monsters.

Upon reaching the 14th floor, the group found themselves in an open area besieged by hordes of Almiraj attempting to encircle them. Yet, Bell and Muramasa effortlessly cut down the creatures with their blades. Pausing to observe the Almiraj, they opted to conserve energy, heeding Muramasa's advice "Avoid unnecessary movements. Swiftly strike the weak points of the Almiraj" Muramasa instructed. Bell nodded. "Lili, conserve your arrows. Take shots only when you're confident in hitting, and try to anticipate their movements based on one of them" Muramasa impaled one creature through its eye. "Understood!" Lili replied. She managed to follow Muramasa's counsel, predicting an Almiraj's movement and precisely hitting its neck.

While battling the horde of Almiraj, another group suddenly passed right through them. It consisted of only around seven members, with one of them being carried on the back of a tall man who seemed injured. Strangely, they didn't make eye contact as they hurried past.

"Oh no! It's not over yet!" Lili exclaimed with a worried tone. Both Bell and Muramasa followed Lili's gaze to hear the roaring of Hellhounds. "They pulled a Pass-parade on us!" Lili realized, recognizing the disrespectful and perilous maneuver they had just experienced. Typically, such actions resulted in new monsters arriving and often led to casualties. "Not cool" Muramasa sighed. "Let's move! Get to that passage!" Lili urged as the group rushed into a narrow opening in the wall.

As they sprinted ahead, the pursuing creatures were gaining ground, a fact pointed out by Lili. "Lili, keep running" Bell halted abruptly, turning back. "Master Bell?!" Lili called out, but her words were cut short when Bell conjured his magic and cast a spell at the creatures. "Fire Bolt!"

The path behind them was now momentarily clear of monsters...


"Look out!" Bell's warning filled the air as several Hellhounds leaped over him, jaws agape, aiming to bite down on Muramasa and Lili. However, all attempts from the monsters were thwarted as Muramasa swiftly sliced off both creatures' heads and even managed to collect their monster cores in a matter of moments. He handed them over to Lili, who expressed her gratitude for the timely save.

"Are both of you alright?" Bell inquired, his concern for his team's well-being evident. While Lili and Muramasa were both in good condition, Lili was growing increasingly fatigued as the relentless onslaught of monsters showed no signs of abating. Speaking of unending challenges, the resonating roars of more Hellhounds echoed through the air. "More of them...?" Lili sighed.

"These are the middle floors. If you're not determined to keep fighting, you might as well become monster fodder" Muramasa explained, facing a swarm of approaching Hellhounds. As a horde of Almiraj drew closer to their position, Bell remarked, "Looks like we're surrounded" his grip on his knife tightening.

"Leave the Hellhounds to me. You two conserve your energy and magic for the weaker creatures" Muramasa instructed, positioning himself behind the group before confronting the advancing Hellhounds. Following Muramasa's advice, Bell and Lili readied themselves to engage the smaller rabbit-like monsters.

After nearly an hour of continuous fighting, they had delved deeper into the current floor, facing relentless monster encounters. Bell and Lili were showing signs of weariness, though Muramasa remained as steadfast as ever. The majority of the fighting fell to Muramasa, and Lili's bag gradually filled with more monster cores. However, this stopped after Muramasa advised Lili to forgo collecting the smaller monster cores, instead preserving space for larger monsters they might encounter. This strategy not only conserved Lili's energy but also ensured they could gather more valuable resources.

The ceiling finally buckled under the weight of multiple hordes of Almiraj, causing a section to collapse. Muramasa deftly maneuvered out of harm's way, but Bell and Lili narrowly avoided larger debris, although they were grazed by smaller rocks. Muramasa lent them a hand, helping them up, while behind them, the Hellhounds closed in alongside the horde.

"So these are the middle floors" Bell eyes widen, observing their dangerous surroundings just as a blast of fire came hurtling toward them.

As they continue to continue onward, descending further into the floor they were on and continuing to battle monsters. Attempting to backtrack, they found themselves in a precarious situation... Lili accidentally fell through a hole. Bell instinctively leaped after her, and Muramasa, unwilling to leave them behind, followed suit. This unintentional plunge brought them down two floors below.

"We barely escaped with our lives back there. Thanks, Muramasa" Bell expressed his gratitude, patting Muramasa's back. Bell took the lead at the front of the group, with Lili at the back. Curiosity getting the best of him, Bell queried, "Is this what the middle floors are always like for you?" Muramasa nodded. "Yes. However, the last time I thoroughly explored the Dungeon was a solo expedition to the 30th Floor. I camped there to gather materials I needed for crafting a blade and to fulfill a request from Goddess Hephaestus" Muramasa recounted, surprising the group. Bell's eyes widened in shock. "Alone?! To the 30th Floor?!" he exclaimed. "You're only Level 4. Why venture there alone? Didn't Loki Familia undertake an expedition shortly after? That's what I heard from passing adventurers" Lili chimed in, finally speaking up.

"I don't favor large groups when delving into the dungeon. While it might seem worthwhile, it doesn't necessarily enhance your overall skills. The difficulty in leveling up for adventurers nowadays stems from their reluctance to face life-threatening situations, opting for comfort within new Familia's after leveling. Leveling up is beneficial, but if you don't hone your abilities beforehand, you'll never become as sharp and durable as those who sharpen their skills before they cut through" Muramasa articulated his perspective on leveling up. Instead of relying solely on leveling to gain power, he emphasized the importance of refining one's skill set to truly improve.

Bell took a moment to digest Muramasa's words. Lili simplified the concept for Bell, who then nodded in agreement. The idea had a certain degree of logic to it.

"In any case, since we can't ascend due to the cave-in, our best option is to go down to Floor 18" Muramasa suggested, prompting a confused look from Bell. "But that doesn't make sense... Why would we go further down?" Bell queried. Muramasa lightly pinched Bell's cheek. "Any dungeon-goer should understand that there are floors in the Dungeon where you're relatively safe from dangerous monsters" he reprimanded Bell.

Lili chimed in to support Muramasa's point. "Master Bell, he's right. This is our best chance. If we can join forces with a higher-level adventurer, our survival odds will increase" she explained to Bell after Muramasa had finished his mild scolding. Bell turned to Muramasa. "But you're already Level 4, right? Can't you just get us out of here?" Muramasa contemplated by placing a hand on his chin before shaking his head.

"Technically, I could. However, cave-ins aren't my strong suit. Trying to force our way through would likely exacerbate the damage and trap us, along with others on the lower floors. The Loki Familia should be on their way back up from Floor 50, and it's reasonable to assume they'd take a break on Floor 18, given the number of adventurers they have with them" he elaborated on his decision not to attempt an immediate escape.

Bell nodded in understanding, inquiring about the best way to reach Floor 18. However, Lili interjected, reminding Bell about the floor boss located on Floor 17. She explained that the Loki Familia would need to defeat it to proceed further. Given the recovery time required after tackling the Goliath Floor Boss, the timing would be tight. With this knowledge, they descended through the pit, a mechanism that allowed them to skip floors and continue their journey. Lili employed a pungent stink bag to ward off potential attackers.

A horde of Minotaur's appeared before them. Bell chose to engage them solo and managed to defeat the entire group within a minute. Muramasa observed the young adventurer's growth, reflecting on how just a month ago, Bell had been a mere Level 1. The rapid progression was astonishing.

After the battle, Bell was visibly fatigued, struggling to stand. Using a new magic he had acquired during a brief test with Muramasa on the lower floors with the salamanders, he seemed drained. Muramasa positioned himself beside Bell, providing support to help him remain upright and assisting him in continuing their descent. Bell appreciated the swordsmith's presence and help, leaning on his strength to move forward.


Continuing their descent into the dungeon's depths, both Lili and Bell began to show the signs of extreme exhaustion. Lili eventually succumbed to fatigue and passed out, while Bell's weariness was unmistakable in his gaze and fighting stance. Muramasa found himself limited in how much he could assist, as he carried Lili. He had to leave their bag behind to retrieve potions for the two of them. Gently, he administered a potion to Bell and carefully poured small amounts into Lili's mouth, ensuring she instinctively swallowed it.

Bell continued to fend off the Hellhounds, but his strength was rapidly waning. He eventually found himself on the ground, struggling to move due to his weakened state. Frustration mixed with determination as he mentally urged himself to get back on his feet.

"Come on, get up!" Bell silently yelled to himself, trying to summon any remaining energy to stand, but his efforts were in vain.

In the nick of time, a sword sailed through the air and struck down the approaching Hellhound, ending its threat. Bell's gaze shifted slightly to see Muramasa with his arm outstretched. Muramasa swiftly approached Bell, crouching down beside him. "Bell, can you move?" he asked, concern evident in his tone.

"I..." Bell attempted once more to rise, but his body was unresponsive, lacking the strength he needed. Frustration and disappointment weighed heavily on the white-haired boy.

"I've got you" Muramasa assured, offering his support to Bell. He helped Bell stand, taking some of his weight. "Thank you, Muramasa... I'm sorry for causing all of this trouble" Bell apologized earnestly, his voice tinged with gratitude and remorse.

"My boy, it's quite alright. You have yet to grasp the full extent of the challenges the dungeon can throw at you. Being caught off guard is a common and dangerous occurrence" Muramasa comforted Bell, his tone understanding and wise. Bell emitted a soft, low hum, acknowledging Muramasa's words.

Muramasa stopped right Infront of a pit. "This will get us to Floor 17" He realized though he turned to look at the unconscious Lili and Bell who is barely conscious. Muramasa lean forwards and quickly placed Bell and Lili more up on his back as he slide on the smooth ground downwards for a few moments before exiting though a small hole as they finally made it to Floor 17. 

Navigating through narrow cracks in the wall, they entered a radiant chamber adorned with a massive crystal wall.

"Here we are... The Great Wall of Lamentation" Muramasa whispered, stepping forward. His steps grew quicker and more urgent, each one causing the crystal wall to tremble. Soon, the wall began to shatter, sending crystalline fragments in all directions. With his hands full, Muramasa was left to dodge the incoming debris.

Gradually, the grotesque floor boss known as Goliath unveiled its formidable visage, emitting a resounding roar. "Fantastic, It seem that we arrived just before time" Muramasa sighed. He continued to maneuver through the chaos, avoiding both falling rubble and the Goliath's grasping hand, which proved futile in its attempts to catch him due to Muramasa's speed.


The floor boss unleashed a deafening roar as it attempted to swipe at Muramasa. Swiftly moving, he managed to slip through a narrow crack on the other side of the room. In a display of remarkable agility and speed, Muramasa propelled both Bell and Lili into the air, sacrificing himself to absorb the blow from the Goliath. The impact sent him hurtling across the chamber, and his head struck the wall, causing a slight but noticeable bleeding.

Undeterred by the injury, Muramasa regained his footing almost instantly. With a surge of determination, he sprinted with unparalleled speed, racing against time. Only seconds remained before Bell and Lili could be crushed by the Goliath's massive hands.

In a final burst of movement, Muramasa leaped forward, intercepting the plummeting pair. He pulled them close against his chest, using his own body to shield them as they collided with the wall of the narrow passage. The impact inflicted a bit more damage on Muramasa, but it wasn't severe enough to pose a grave threat.

This was his moment to seize. Muramasa took the opportunity to retreat quickly, ensuring the safety of Bell and Lili. With Bell now unconscious and the floor boss still looming, Muramasa's priority was their escape and survival.

Navigating the descent with impressive skill, Muramasa expertly maneuvered through the slide while securely holding Bell and Lili against his chest. Despite the twisting motion, he maintained a steadfast sense of direction, using the wall to propel himself back onto his feet. Employing controlled movements, he crouched as though riding the slide with remarkable precision, all the while shielding the two unconscious adventurers.

The slide continued until Muramasa spotted a glimmer of light emanating from a sizable opening. "Floor 18, at last" he breathed a sigh of relief, a smile gracing his lips. He looked down at Bell and Lili, relieved to find them unharmed though profoundly fatigued. "These kids certainly know how to make things difficult, but they're still just children afterall" he murmured to himself, his tone fondly understanding.

As the slide transitioned into solid ground, they found themselves in a serene and inviting environment. Bright green grass stretched before them, leading to a colossal tree. The area was surrounded by lush forests, while above, bright crystals emitted a radiant light, simulating the effect of sunlight. The scene was nothing short of breathtaking.

"Huh, Muramasa?" A women spoke soft words which held Confusion in them. Muramasa looked straight ahead to see a golden hair girl.

"We meet once again, Ais" Muramasa chuckled as she walked up to him and looked surprised to see a unconscious Bell. "Bell?" She thought with a tilt of her head.







Here is a quote that I made that will give some information about our MC: Senji Muramasa.  Think of this as a thank you gift for supporting this book.

"Adventuring is about stepping out of our comfort zones and into the unknown. It's about embracing the thrill of exploration and discovery. 

These dungeons hold mysteries that can ignite our imagination and curiosity. They challenge us to overcome obstacles, face our fears, and emerge stronger and more confident.

Adventuring isn't just about physical challenges, though. It's also about the friendships and bonds that form along the way. 

So, whether it's the thrill of discovery, the satisfaction of overcoming adversity, or the camaraderie that comes from shared experiences, adventuring holds a special place in our hearts. It reminds us that life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and every step into the unknown can be an opportunity for growth and fulfillment.

Adventuring can become easier for those who are always discovering the unknown and exploring though not all adventures are easy, We come to understand that adventuring will not only challenge you physically but also Mentally and Emotionally. Deciding on a whim and hoping not to die is common, But to be strong to not face these challenges means over coming said challenges, With your head high and resolved as sharpened as your blade. You must never stop, Do whatever you can to survive for another day" 

These are the very words that always echo in Muramasa soul that was given to him by the very man who saw he saw as his own brother despite that could die in any seconds. These very words inspire Muramasa to continue, He was never like that man and his adventure, He was a ordinary blacksmith and no Hero... However... Heroes are never born.... They are made by the hearts of those who stand up for the weak and innocent and defeat the evil and bad.

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