After crossing, I became the...

By LunarBunnee

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UNEDITED MTL Title : 穿越后我成了万魔之母 Author : 榆舟唱晚 Jiang Qi registered an account for the most popular holographi... More

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Ch 145 END

Ch 117

60 1 0
By LunarBunnee

★ Chapter 117

◎The Snake of Inferite◎


No one expected that Cornit would appear at this time and this place.

But Jiang Qi would not doubt the loyalty of a demon king.

If it is said that when she first transmigrated into this world, she would carefully try to hide her identity and avoid contact with the devil, so as not to be discovered by them that she was not the real mother goddess, but just a foreign, If the dove occupies the soul of the magpie's nest; then with the passage of time, such worries have not appeared in Jiang Qi's heart for a long time.

Jiang Qi didn't know if it was because of some subsidiary abilities brought about by being a "mother god", but she could indeed sense that no matter which demon king, no matter what attitude they showed on their faces, they would not be interested in the "mother god" The existence of all is respect from the heart.

They will never be a threat to the Mother Goddess. Jiang Qi understood this.

And precisely because of this, it is undoubtedly extremely unreasonable for Knit to stand on the opposite side and use his body as a shield to protect Azazel's actions.

But in the next moment, this doubt was answered. I saw that the white snake who was protecting Azazel and blocked the arrow that would have taken his head off for him raised his head, and those pair of sapphires that used to be the most beautiful in the world The eyes now look to have an extremely dark haze in them, almost dyeing the entire pupil of the eye in a gloomy dark color.

And if you look more closely, you can also find that the flowing gray air current that fills Cornett's pupils and covers it with a whole layer of haze is clearly related to those who linger all the time. The gray, ominous aura around the devil Azazel came from the same source.

Even if a blind man comes, there is no way to say without conscience that there is no connection between them.

There is no doubt that the reason why Cornett did such a thing is probably because he is now under the control of the devil. All of this may not be his original intention, but he is also powerless to resist.

Jiang Qi's slender eyebrows frowned.

She usually does not make any arrangements for the comings and goings and whereabouts of the demon kings, or restrain them. In Jiang Qi's heart, she tacitly assumes that the demon kings are not responsible for her, and she doesn't need to force anyone to surround her at all times.

But even so, the young man who was following behind her the day before turned his head and capsized in the gutter, becoming a marionette controlled by the enemy and standing opposite her. The gap in the middle is not small.

Even for a person like Jiang Qi who rarely has too much mood swings, this is a bit too exciting.

The girl's eyes fell on Cornit for a moment, and then she turned away. As for what she was thinking about in her heart, perhaps only Jiang Qi could understand.

Jiang Qi's sudden attack obviously made Azazel really startled. He admitted that he did have a lot of contempt for this new mother goddess before, at least he never thought that the other party could have such an ability that could threaten him and cause heavy and huge damage.

If it weren't for the fact that he had a backhand in advance, then the person who was greeted by the arrow now might be himself.

When thinking of this point, even Azazel, who always thinks highly of himself, can't help but feel a little bit of fear in his heart.

Fortunately, he is not completely unprepared.

"It's a pity, little moon." Azazel looked at Jiang Qi from the gap in the middle or the exposed line of the white snake's coiled body, and his pair of black eyes were like black holes, as if they could swallow everything in. It was full of malice that was not concealed at all, "It is indeed a good method, I admit that I was frightened just now..." At

this time, the giant white snake had spread out and hit the ground heavily. There was a loud bang—it was a thunderous blow from Jiang Qi, and she never considered keeping her hand. Its original purpose was to inflict heavy damage on Azazel, but Cornitt undoubtedly received the arrow abruptly, so it was naturally impossible for him to remain unscathed.

The white snake rolled on the ground in pain. The sharp arrow transformed from thunder and hurricane had already exploded when it hit the target, and now it has long since dissipated in the air, but there is still gurgling blood flowing out from the wound.

The blood quickly gathered on the ground and formed a whole stream, and flowed to some places farther away, until it finally completely disappeared from sight.

In fact, in terms of the self-healing ability possessed by Knit as the devil, even the most serious wounds can heal themselves quickly, and it will not cause too much hindrance to him.

But after all, it came from Jiang Qi——from the lord of the abyss and the blood moon, the mother goddess of thousands of demons, so the wound naturally existed stubbornly across the body of the white snake. The edge of the wound showed a kind of blackness that appeared only after being burned, but it was horrifying to look at like this.

Jiang Qi knew best what effect the thunder strike that Jiang Qi shot would bring.

She even included the authority of [Pollution] and [Assimilation] obtained from Kokol in her attack. Except for Jiang Qi herself, perhaps no one in this world can eliminate this influence.

Right now, the battle with Azazel seems to be out of the mainstream. If the Mother Goddess still has a bit of caring and compassion for [The Sigh of the Evening Bell], then what she needs to do now is to go forward immediately and help Cornett heal the wounds on his body—at least leave himself in the The power in it is erased.

However, it was impossible for Azazel to just watch her approach Cornit.

He has a good idea of ​​the means by which he controls the Demon Lord.

That's not an overly stable method, it's okay to be ordinary, but now, Jiang Qi has proved with her actions that she is not a good-looking vase, but a real power that cannot be underestimated , then Azazel would naturally be worried that Jiang Qi's approach might make Cornit get rid of his control.

So a new round of fighting began again.

Jiang Qi had no intention of fighting, and wanted to check on Cornit's situation as soon as possible; but Azazel was always attacking from the side, which brought a lot of obstacles to Jiang Qi's actions.

However, Jiang Qi couldn't temporarily hand over Azazel to Scarlet—with the precedent of Knitt, she didn't want to let other demon kings approach Azazel again, for fear of reconciling with her subordinates. Like dumplings, come and go but never return.

Out of such considerations, she even thought that Scarlet had issued an order for him to leave this area and return to the royal court.

Wang Ting is the territory that absolutely belongs to Jiang Qi, and it is the base of the theocracy of [Mother of Abyss] and [Lord of Blood Moon]. Unless Jiang Qi voluntarily grants permission to enter, other gods will be repelled and attacked by the power of the mother god just by approaching.

That is a warning from the divine right, and if you ignore this warning and still choose to continue entering, then it is equivalent to voluntarily handing over everything you have, and your wealth and life are in the hands of the other party.

Of course Azazel would not do such a thing. The reason why he was able to persist until now, and even successfully implemented things like stealing the identity and authority of a god, was to be careful, prudent, and take ten steps at a time.

Therefore, Wang Ting has undoubtedly become the safest place now.

"How is this possible...!" Scarlet naturally couldn't agree.

Unlike any other demon king, Scarlet was born with a mission. Be it his power, authority, or everything else—including the birth of [Scarlet]—all are for the purpose of becoming something "useful" for the Mother Goddess.

But now, in the face of danger and powerful enemies, the order given by the mother god is to let him go...

Scarlet felt that there was no way he could do it anyway.

The girl with moon-blue hair turned her head around, and those pair of pure golden eyes stared at him, conveying a certain majesty that Scarlet couldn't refuse at all. "Scarlet... [scarlet wailing]." She said, "My devil, don't you want to obey my orders?"

Scarlet had already begun to have a vague sense of ominousness when he was addressed by her title, and this ominous premonition reached its peak with the opening and closing of the girl's vermilion lips.

Demon King Dang even knelt down in front of the girl on one knee, lowered his head, and held his giant sword in one hand, the tip of the sword pierced deeply into the ground.

"No, I don't mean that." He said, "Follow your wishes, Mother God."

The dragons have a high mobility that is second to none on the entire continent, which does not match their huge bodies. Therefore, Scarlet's figure quickly disappeared from the range of vision.

Azazel did not stop him from leaving, but this did not stop Azazel from opening his mouth and sneering at Jiang Qi.

"It seems that you don't really want them to get in touch with me." Azazel raised his eyebrows, "It's a pity, your dependents are much more useful than Samuel's." Azazel would

" Got" Cornett, a total accident.

The demon king belonging to the abyss did not know why, but he went all the way to the east, infinitely approaching the direction of the city of the sky and the forest of elves - and this is also the time when the previous gods were still able to use the city of the sky , the place where the battleship rushed out from the seal of space.

It is also the happy hometown of Azazel.

If he wanted to kill a demon king, although Azazel could indeed do it, he also had to pay a not-so-small price for it.

And in this process, it will be impossible not to attract the attention of the Mother Goddess and the royal court.

But if you change the track, if you just want to seal a demon king who is not good at spiritual ability, confuse the opponent's mind, and turn him into a puppet that he can manipulate, this is a matter for the devil. Not too difficult.

It's better to say that this is Azazel's housekeeping skill at all! If a devil can't even bewitch and manipulate people's hearts, then it can be said that he is completely disqualified as a devil!

The whole process went as smoothly as Azazel planned, and he easily got a pawn and a new toy.

And Azazel is sure that this pawn will play the most suitable role where he should be -

such as now.

He was undoubtedly using this method to offend Jiang Qi.

But the maiden goddess was much calmer than Azazel imagined. She didn't answer, but focused on whether she could use the folding fan in her hand to slice Azazel directly into sashimi.

This is a battlefield that no other creature is qualified to participate in. Jiang Qi and Azazel have not fully recovered their authority, and some of them are still left out, so they are not considered to be full of power; the other has just taken over this power It didn't take too long, and this power was so different from his original one that he still couldn't fully control it in such a short time.

All in all, neither of them is a complete god, but they are both more powerful than any other existence on this continent.

If this situation continues without any other interference from external forces, it may end in a loss for both sides, or it may be that someone wins with a very slight advantage—but it will definitely pay a heavy price for this victory. And at a huge cost.

But right now, the two of them are not the only ones on the battlefield.

The giant white snake had stopped rolling back and forth at some point, but lay flat on the ground limply, covered by the gray airflow and turned into smoggy pupils that looked like incomparable holes, almost Like two dark blue diamonds embedded in it.

If it wasn't for the slight ups and downs of the White Snake's abdomen, it would almost make people think that he had died so peacefully.

But if anyone can get a little closer to Cornett at this time, or if someone from the two opposing players can pay attention to glance in Cornett's direction, then he You will be surprised to find that under that layer of gray air flow, deep in Cornett's pupils, the hands representing the hour and minute hands are rotating rapidly.

They have never turned so fast like they are now, and they can hardly see the traces of their actions, and can only roughly capture a little afterimage.

Cornit's body is the Inferite (infinite) snake.

This is a far more rare and rare fantasy species than dragons, goblins, and sea monsters. Even if you search the entire Arcadia continent, there may be only one of them.

Time and space are extremely special authority. Even when the abyss was conceived, it never considered that it could really get a suitable [container].

The Infinite Snake is a race that was born miraculously in the gap between space and time. Perhaps from the birth of the world to the destruction of the continent, there will be no second birth.

And as the only one in the world, the only rare species with no semicolon, Cornit, or the snake of Inferite, he has a little, different from ordinary people, which can save his life when his life is dying. Ability to live.

This kind of ability is naturally extremely precious and rare. Even Cornett only has that one chance.

However, he was originally a fantasy creature with strange abilities, and usually wanders and lives in the cracks of space-this place is not a place that ordinary people can reach.

What's more, even if someone has a hard time, or can't think about entering the space crack for a while, the part behind the space is vast, even far wider than the known area of ​​the Arcadia continent.

It may not be easy to find a free-roaming Inferite snake among them.

What's more, in the future, Konit will become the devil again and get the power to be separated from the abyss, so it is almost impossible to encounter a situation that can threaten him and put him in a dying state.

All in all, although Cornett has such an ability, he has never triggered and used it—so, let alone other people, even Cornett himself does not know that that ability can be used to save the day. In what way will the chance of turning a corner and turning a corner be presented.

But now, there is no doubt that due to Azazel's obstructive behavior, Jiang Qi couldn't check on Cornit's situation in time.

Therefore, this ability, which even its own master almost completely forgot because of its too weak sense of existence, finally played its original role at this moment.

In White Snake's pupils, the pointer that had been rotating at a high speed finally stopped and pointed to the position of "XII".

At this moment, the world froze slightly, like an old-fashioned projector whose playback was not smooth enough.

This stutter is so short, even less than a blink of an eye, probably no one will be able to notice it. Immediately afterwards, the thick and heavy bell sounded suddenly between the heaven and the earth, no more, no less, it could be struck twelve times, echoing between the heaven and the earth for a long time.


Jiang Qi and Azazel were the closest to Cornett, so they were also the ones who sensed the change immediately. When the first bell rang, they stopped the battle they were currently engaged in, and looked towards Cornett with aspirations.

But it's too late.

I saw that the space where the Inferite snake was originally located suddenly split open, forming a long crack. This slit is like a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, just swallowing it whole, it completely encloses Cornitt.

But that crack didn't close just like that. On the contrary, it began to expand at a speed that people couldn't even react to, and soon came to Jiang Qi and Azazel.

Any attack was meaningless, the crack just "bounced" suddenly, and "enclosed" Jiang Qi and Azazel together, leaving no room for struggle and resistance.

It was calm again here, as if nothing had happened.

Whether it was the devil king, the devil, or the owner of the blood moon, all... disappeared.

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