Verboten Temptations

By Imbrication

489K 17.5K 7.4K

“N-nothing” I stammered out, trying to scoot back. But he kept the distance filled each time. Soon, my back w... More

Chapter 1: Marcus Meets Dante
Chapter 2: He's A Tease
Chapter 3: Growing Weak
Chapter 4: Mystery
Chapter 5: Dante's POV
Chapter 6: Call Me Crazy
Chapter 7: Unexplained Feelings
Chapter 8: Bro Time
Chapter 9: Sentimental Set-Up
Chapter 10: Let the Drama Begin
Chapter 11: Kisses Down Low
Chapter 12: Things Get Real
Chapter 13: Wild Nights
Chapter 14: Sean's Little Secret
Chapter 15: An Angry Marcus
Chapter 16: Sweet to Sour
Chapter 17: Confessions Gone Awry
Chapter 19: Dr. Feel Good
Chapter 20: Sweet Memories
Chapter 21: Goodbye, New York!
Chapter 22: Home Sweet Home? Not!
Chapter 23: The Boy Next Door
Chapter 24: Valentine's Day
Chapter 25: A Big Little Secret
Chapter 26: F*ck Your Apology
Chapter 27: Chanel Gets Exposed
Chapter 28: Relieving The Tension
Chapter 29: A Chance With Love
Chapter 30: Jaw-Dropping
Chapter 31: Dante's Birthday (Part 1)
Chapter 32: Dante's Birthday (Part 2) - Too Far Gone
Chapter 33: Closure and Apologies
Chapter 34: Kiss This Class Goodbye
Author's Chapter: Behind the Story

Chapter 18: The Blues

11.5K 494 156
By Imbrication

Hello everyone! Here is another update of VT! I hope you are enjoying the story as much as I am. It gets a little slow (boring) in this chapter so just a heads up.

I just want to take the time to thank all my readers and fans. This almost have 5000 reads and I am extremely happy about it. You guys don't know how much I appreciate this!



Benard wraps his arm around Chanel as she cries before placing a small kiss on her lips. No. No. How could this be? My cry became hysterical. Dante pulled me into an embrace now, getting the shocking looks of Sean, Chanel, and Benard. I didn’t care at this point though.

“W-what is this, Marcus?” Chanel asked. My face remained buried in Dante’s shirt. I lifted my head a bit to speak more clearly.

“Fuck you.” And with that, I cried hard, wanting the pain to go away. Why me?

[Marcus' POV]

                Chanel stood there with silent tears rolling down her cheeks. It’s still puzzling to why she’s crying. She pulls away from Benard and steps a little closer. I really need to stop crying like a female; at least in front of these people. I quiet my sobs and turn towards Chanel, wiping my tear stained cheeks.

“I deserve answers, Marcus.” Chanel says with her voice breaking.

“You deserve answers? You have the audacity to say that? You’ve been fucking around with Benard.” I say with a scowl on my face.

“And you’ve probably been fucking around with…him?” Chanel says, sounding like a question. I shook my head.

“Unlike you, I wouldn’t stoop to such a low. I would not purposely hurt you.” I say calmly. Benard rolls his eyes.

“You wonder why your girlfriend cheats. Obviously if you weren’t a fag she-“ Benard sentence was cut off mid-way when Dante lunged quickly at Benard, knocking him over.

“Dante, stop! I don’t want you sent home!” I yell, quickly grabbing a hold of Dante and pulling him off. Benard’s face was flushed with anger as he tried to swing on Dante. Kelsey steps in between everyone.

“Everyone just needs to chill. Stop all this crap!” Kelsey yelled.

“He doesn’t need to use that word.” Dante seethes. I let out a sigh.

“Benard, just shut the fuck up because I still owe you an ass whooping.” I bellowed, though I wasn’t entirely sure if I‘d actually win since Benard was bigger and more muscular. Benard chuckled and glared at me. Dante was trying to squirm out my hold to attack him. I honestly think he would kill him.

“It seems like you guys are more.” Chanel murmured with a scowl on her face. I raised a brow.

“We are nothing but friends. I never slept with anyone else or gave anyone else my heart while our relationship was going.” I spat out. Sean had his head down and was completely silent. I glanced at him then looked back to Chanel who still seemed to not be satisfied with my answer.

“OK, Marcus.” Chanel breathes out. Dante was slowly calming down under my hold.

“I will admit, because I could honestly care less right now, that Dante is the person who can help pick the pieces up and get my mind off you.” I seethe out. Chanel’s face scrunches up.

“What do you mean?” She asked with anger in her voice.

“He’s been here for me lately. Him and Kelsey. They tried to tell me but I wouldn’t listen. Dante was trying to tell me that you were no good…and that he was better.” I say calmly, with tears coming to my eyes again. Chanel glares to Dante.

“You motherfucking bitch!” Chanel screams at Dante with balled fist. I could see the spark of amusement in Dante’s eyes.

“It’s funny how you’re so mad but you were getting your salad tossed by Benard. Now mind you, I don’t have a problem saying what I have to say. I don’t bite my tongue for no one and could care less what people think of me.” Dante said with a smirk, only pausing for a second. “You really don’t know how good you had it, because Marcus was being nothing but faithful to you. Even when I kept trying to get with him, he always thought of you, constantly saying how he loves you and can’t hurt you.” He added. Chanel’s mouth was hung open at his response.

“Dante is telling the truth.” I said after being stunned. Dante just put himself out there. In a way I was just put out there but I don’t know. Benard scoffed and began laughing obnoxiously. My anger was rising and I already wanted to pummel him.

“What is Dante to you now?” Chanel asked hesitantly, more tears coming to her eyes.

“A friend, I mean, he just said I was staying loyal to you. How could we be anything more?” I replied as if she was stupid.

“Do you like him?” Chanel asked after a long silence. I froze, unable to speak. Dante remained quiet and just looked between the two of us. Kelsey was still standing in the middle of us all, glancing between Chanel and Benard the whole time. After a long period of silence, Chanel just nodded, assuming the answer.

“I just want to know, why did you do this Chanel?” I asked, blinking away the tears.

“I don’t know…honestly I just don’t know. You just weren’t supposed to find out. I’m sorry.” Chanel whimpered out. I scoffed at that. Now she’s sorry? Sorry won’t fix this heart. Sorry won’t make up for the two years I seem to have wasted on this relationship. I loved Chanel to death. She was my everything.

“Save your apology. I don’t want it. It’s over.” I say, tears breaking free once again. I was ready to just leave but I wanted to do one thing before I left.

“Benard…” I mumble. He looks at me with an eyebrow raised and I walk up to him and punch him dead in the nose with all my might. Benard shrieks in pain and cups his face as blood spills from his nose. I probably broke it. Chanel rushes over to him and I just walk out the room, not looking back. I pass Mr. Howard in the hall and he gives me a concerned look but I ignore it. I just needed to be alone.

                After I spent some time alone, Mr. Howard found me and consoled me. I told him everything that happened. He was like the father I never had. Mr. Howard never judged me and didn’t do so even after I mentioned the stuff with Dante.

“Do what your heart wants. Be it you’re with Dante or back with Chanel, your heart will know best.” Mr. Howard said softly. “And you also have to forgive the ones who did you wrong. You give people power over you when you allow vengeance to consume you.”

I nodded, but I knew I couldn’t forgive them so easily. Benard is irrelevant to me; I never liked him. Chanel and Sean were important people to me and it’s painful that they betrayed me. It’s hard to forgive them.

                Me and Mr. Howard walked back to the practice room so we could get ready for the festival. The whole altercation ate up all the time so we had to go get dressed up and just head to LaGuardia. Benard was giving me dirty looks the whole way there. That’s exactly why I broke your nose, bastard. Chanel tried to talk to me about everything again but I ignored her. The only people I’d even consider talking to is Kelsey, Mr. Howard, and Dante. Everyone else could kiss my ass.

Just as I thought of Dante, he came by my side and shot Chanel a deadly glare. She frowned but left me alone. I wanted to smile but I couldn’t find it in me to do so. Kelsey came to the right of me and smiled sweetly. We walked to the entrance of the large high school. It reminded me of DSA (Detroit School of Arts) back in Detroit. Mr. Howard led us inside and from there, we were escorted to the gym where there were many other bands stationed. Once again, Chanel approached me.

“Marcus I am so sorry. I never wanted this to happen.” She whispered.

“Go away!” Kelsey said stepping in front of Chanel.

“Move bitch.” Chanel barked. Dante stepped up.

“Oh my God! We are out in public in front of other bands. Can we not do this here?” Dante asked with irritation.

“Exactly. Go back over to Benard.” Kelsey said with so much disgust. Chanel frowned and walked away with her long, black gown flowing behind her which all the girls had on for the festival. I swallowed my tears as Chanel disappeared from my sight. Why did she have to do this to me?

                After we were signed in, all the bands were redirected to the auditorium so that we could get ready to play. The festival was really nice and I think we did great. We played the songs we had been practicing for so long and it really paid off. When they finally released us, we headed back to the hotel. Finally. I stared out the window the whole drive, just thinking to myself. Who would’ve guessed that me and Chanel would be over? It was like we were so perfect for each other. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks as my mind flashed through the memories of me and her…

***** [ Flashback – Sophomore Year, September 2010] *****

                “Just ask her out, damn!” Sean said, pushing me into Chanel’s geometry class.

“Would you stop?! I’ll ask her when I’m ready.”  I say, trying to retreat.

“Oh no, you are going to ask her out today. You’ve been putting this off since last school year!” Sean said, keeping me rooted in the class room. I sighed and turned to search the class for Chanel. It doesn’t take long to find her, sitting there looking so amazing. She saw me and smiled, nervously pushing her hair out her face. I walk up to her and smile.

“Hey Chanel.” I say nervously.

“Hi, Marcus.” She replied, smiling. I glanced back to Sean and he was giving me the thumbs up. My gaze returned to Chanel who was staring at me.

“Wow you’re beautiful.” I mumble out loud. I quickly feel my face heat up as I realize what I said. Chanel’s face lights up and she shyly looks away. Her pretty brown skin just glowing from my compliment.

“Thanks Marcus.” She giggles out. Suddenly, I feel the urge to take the bull by the horns.

“So how would you like to go out…like date?” I ask nervously.

“I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that for longest. Of course I will go out with you.” Chanel beams. I smile and she smiles. I turn and look at Sean and give him a thumb up. He smiles and nods mouthing “Finally”. I smile and look back to Chanel.

“We can go to the Riverwalk afterschool if you like.” I say.

“I’d love to.” Chanel replies.

“See you then.” I exclaim. Walking out her class, feeling so accomplished. Nothing could’ve brought my mood down…

*****[ Present– February, 2013] *****

                Tears fill my eyes as I recall that day. Just remembering how we couldn’t wait to finally start going together was sad. Before I even knew it, we were outside of the hotel. I climbed off the bus, quickly walking up to the room. I laid down on a bed and cried silently into a pillow. Why did this have to happen? What did I do wrong? I heard the door to the room open and close but I didn’t look up. If it was Sean, I wouldn’t have wanted to see him anyway. I felt a warm touch on my back, causing me to look up. It was Dante…

“I’m so sorry Marcus.” Dante said softly, stroking my back slowly. I wiped my face and shook my head.

“You don’t have a reason to apologize. You tried to warn me and I didn’t listen. I didn’t listen to you or Kelsey.” I reply sadly. Dante stands and go gets a wet cloth to wipe my face. He gently wipes at my eyes and cheeks, removing the trace of tears.

“Chanel is a fool and this is her lost. She didn’t deserve you.” Dante said. I couldn’t respond. I always felt I didn’t deserve Chanel. Dante puts the cloth away and hugs me. This catches me off guard and I don’t even register what he is doing at first. I slowly brought my arms around him, feeling so at ease. Dante looks me in the eyes and smiles.

“I like you Marcus. I like you a lot. It kills me to see you hurt like this.” He said softly. I looked at him for a long time without saying anything.

“I like you too, Dante. More than I probably should at the moment.” I murmur. Dante smiles and starts to get up. But I grabbed his arm, pulling him back down. I needed to feel real good and Dante’s lips would probably do the trick.

“Kiss me.” I whisper, getting a shocked look from Dante but he leans in and kisses me passionately. I feel my sorrows dissolve as I feel Dante’s soft lips against mines. This was exactly what I needed. I pulled away and a smirk played on my lips. I think I’m going to listen to my heart. Yeah, that's proabably a good idea.


What do you think? Did Marcus handle everything appropriately?

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