Bioshock: Little Brother re-t...

By Nockris_the_cant

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Follow Ryan Andrew's journey through life becoming Raptures first successful Little Brother, meet familiar fa... More

Chapter 1: The beginning of everything
Chapter 2: Super hero and their female sidekick
Chapter 3:Dreaming of a sweet love under the sea
Chapter 4: The little brother
Chapter 5: Walking tall. A special boy
Chapter 6: Upper Atrium
Chapter 7: Happenings
Chapter 8: New Test
Chapter 10: Stealing?
Chapter 11:Ryan Meets Atlas
Chapter 12: Problems and Big Trouble
Chapter 13: New Arrival
Chapter 14: Surprises
Chapter 15: Mysteries
Chapter 16: Revenge and Payback
Chapter 17: Heart broken
Chapter 18: Rapture family
Chapter 19: The people's daughter and her general
Chapter 20: Past discoveries
Chapter 21: Deeper and deeper
Chapter 22: Discoveries
Chapter 23: Re-encounter
Chapter 24: The General
Chapter 25: Choices
Chapter 26: The truth is out
Chapter 27: Escape
Chapter 28: the end
Chapter 29: epilogue
Editors note

Chapter 9: Confusion

89 1 0
By Nockris_the_cant

Point Prometheus, 12:00 pm

Ryan followed the Big Daddy Rosie around, he showed Ryan what Big Daddies did when not taking care of their Little Sisters. It was basically just repair jobs, making sure Rapture didn't collapse in on itself. Nothing to fancy.

 But every time they were walking around they had that Big Daddy Bouncer following them, it was scary. Why did he want to hurt him? what did he ever do to that Big Daddy? Up until now he's been nothing but nice and helpful to Big Daddies. "You know, Hero. I've met a lot of Big Daddies, but you're the best. I think I should call you a name, not Hero like the other Daddies. It's sure not gonna be Mr. Bubbles. Let me think." said Ryan as he paced around, trying to come up with a name.

 Looking at the Big daddy Rosie he continued to think. He did he felt click in his mind. Then all of a sudden a name popped into his head. "How does Darren sound?" asked Ryan, the Big daddy moaned, he seemed to like it a lot. "Okay, from now on you're Darren." Ryan announced proudly, his eyes caught the Big Daddy Bouncer.

staring menacingly from the balcony on the other side of the chamber. "I think I'm going to call that one Rogue. He is violent and scary" said Ryan. Starring down he saw a bunch of scientists walking around. They were carrying two packages, one was huge, well it was huge to Ryan, they seemed sort of lost. Setting the box down on the ground they walked away. Probably to the bathroom or to get a dose of Adam.

 Curious to know what it was, Ryan went down to investigate. Reaching the smaller box he opened it, inside were books. The slip of paper that it had on said it was supposed to go to the library. Opening the next box he found that they were a pair of Big daddy boots, "Darren, I think you're getting a new partner soon." Ryan said over his shoulder as he took the slip of paper to read. It was supposed to go to Doctor Suchong's office.

Taking the library slip an idea popped into Ryan's head, smirking evilly he exchanged the slips before walking away like nothing had happened.

Later, in Suchong's office:

Goddammit! Those boots need to be shipped here, not to damn library! What kind of idiots is Andrew hiring nowadays? I swear, this kind of bullshit never happen under Fontaine." Doctor Suchong yelled furiously at nobody, an audio diary recording nearby picked it up however. Once he had his say Suchong stop recording and moved onto another matter. It was about the little brother... 

He has been watching his every movement with the Big daddies. To Suchong he could be used for more than just harvesting. He could be their secret weapon against Atlas. Given enough time that is. He just needed to pass one more test to confirm Suchong's hypothesis. Sitting down at his desk he began to work on a pile of scrap metal, it wasn't going to be one for long.

8:00 am, Point Prometheus:

Ryan woke up to a nasty call, "GET UP YA LAZY GOLEMS!" He heard somebody yell. Opening his eyes he saw a nasty looking man gathering all the Big Daddies outside of the vault, getting up Ryan went to join Darren. When all of the Big Daddies were in a line Doctor Suchong came in with a bunch of Little Sisters. He gave one to each Big daddy, Ryan's guess this was the final test that would prove if the Big Daddies were ready to escort the Little Sisters.

 Naturally once Darren got his Little Sister Ryan was going to follow, but he was stopped by Suchong. "Hello there Ryan." He said, the smile that he had on frankly creeped Ryan out. "Hello Suchong?" Ryan said, unsure of what to do. "Today, I have a different test for you. How does escorting make you feel?" he asked.

"Escorting?, You mean like the Big Daddies do? Protect a Little Sister while she harvest Adam, that kinda thing?" Ryan asked uneasy. "You got it." said Suchong.


"Don't worry, you can pass this test. To make it easier for you, here you go, a pistol." Suchong said as he took out a pistol and gave it to Ryan. There was no way Suchong was going to take no for an answer, it seemed. Pushing a Little Sister forward.

 "This is Masha, the Little Sister you will be escorting today. Now hop to it." Ryan recognized Masha quickly, how couldn't he, it hadn't been that long since they'd talked? "Hey, I thought you said you weren't a Mister Bubbles?" Masha half asked, half demanded. Ryan thought about it for several seconds before replying cryptically "So did I."

Taking each other's hand they walked together. It was good to keep her close in hand in case any Splicers decided to pop in. Up ahead he saw Rouge, he didn't seem to be paying attention to his Little Sister. She was walking way farther from her Big Daddy than usual, or recommended. In the first stop Ryan kept an eye on Masha as she harvested. 

This seemed easy enough, he didn't knew why he was so worried. Suddenly a scream rang out... it was a Little Sister. Ryan's head darted in all directions trying to figure out where it was coming from. "Ryan... what's going on?" Masha whimpered as she cowered behind him. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Ryan declared, taking her hand Ryan ran to the nearest hidey-hole, helping her up Ryan told her "No matter what happens, don't go out of this hidey-hole unless I come to pick you up." Masha nodded before she crawled into the hole.

 With the pistol firmly in hand Ryan ran to find the source of the scream. Once he reached the balcony of the museum he saw it. A splicer had the Little Sister Rouge was 'watching'. Scanning the area Ryan saw Rogue was nearby. He was seeing what the Splicer was doing, but wasn't doing anything about it. The same feeling he had back at the Little Wonders Educational Facility came back.

Gripping the pistol tighter Ryan got onto the rails before jumping and grabbing one of the many curtains that were hung across the room and slid down. Once on the ground Ryan carefully pointed the pistol and fired at the splicer. It hit the Splicer in the back. The Splicer, which is a Spider Splicer, it seemed, let go of the Sister and stared at Ryan. But before it could do anything else Ryan aimed again and shot it several times, one hit in the shoulder, another in the leg and the final one straight through his head, a lucky perfect shot between the eyes. 

It landed on the ground somewhat near the Sister. Dropping the pistol, his ears still ringing, Ryan ran toward where the Little Sister was laying face first on the ground. Picking her up he shook her a bit. "Hey... HEY, you oka-" His voice trailed off when he saw the blood on the ground. Sisters' didn't bleed unless they were... He'd gotten there too late.

Tears began to fill his eyes as he took her body and held it close. He mourned for the Sister he never knew until his tears stopped. Then something clicked in his head, total rage began to fill his mind. This wasn't his fault! It was Rogues! And there is no way he was going to keep quiet about it! Laying her body gently on the ground Ryan looked at Rogue with the most disgusted look he had ever given to anybody. 

"YOU!" Ryan screamed as he stood up and walked to the Big Daddy, staring at him, eye to...helmet. "IT WAS YOUR FAULT! IT WAS YOUR FAULT SHE DIED! YOU ARE HER DADDY! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER! INSTEAD YOU LET HER DIE! IF YOU CAN'T PROTECT YOUR DAUGHTER FROM ONE MEASLY SPLICER THAN WHAT GOOD ARE YOU!" Ryan yelled furiously at the Bouncer. It seemed that for once Rogue was paying attention, he looked at the Little Sister, then at the splicer and finally at Ryan. He moaned sadly, as if what he had done was catching up to him. "IT'S TOO LATE NOW! SHE'S GONE! AND YOU, YOU WASTE OF METAL AND FLESH, I HOPE YOU'RE TAKEN OUT OF COMMISSION FOR THIS!" Ryan finished, too angry to even yell anymore he stomped away, his head in his hands to stave off the migraine he got from yelling so loud and to calm down, leaving the Big Daddy behind.

Looking through one of the security cameras, Suchong saw the whole scene. His hypotheses was proven correct. Opening a via chat line through a nearby computer he said "Alexander Gilbert... Suchong working on an important project, he wants you to know what it is and if you can help." "Sure, what is this project of yours?" asked Gilbert.

Point Provious, 7:00 am:

Ryan was realised back onto the streets of Rapture, not that he cared anymore. He hoped that Rogue got what was coming to him. Sighing, he went back to his hidey-hole in the Upper Atrium.

Meanwhile in Suchong's office:

Suchong had just gotten back from Andrew Ryan's office, he was furious. He had just given the solution of Raptures civil war on a silver platter and that cheap Andrew Ryan rejected it. At least Alexander supported him on his Big Brother Protector Program. Sighing aloud he went over to a table. Rogue was there. Taking an injection he injected it into the Big Daddy. A Little Sister was waiting near Suchong. Nothing had happened. Growling with anger, Suchong took an audio recorder and began to record a new message:

"Clinical Trial Protector System Plasmid Lot 255 Dr. Suchong/client Ryan Industries. Very frustrating day. I can't seem to get the damn Big Daddies to imprint on the little brats. The protection bond is just not forming."

 Little Sister: "Papa Suchong!"

 Suchong: "Get, get away... maybe if I modify the genetic sequence to..."

 Little Sister: "Papa Suchong!" 

Suchong:"Shush, shoo... sequence to allow for..." 

Little Sister: "Papa Suchong! Papa Suchong! Papa Suchong!" 

Suchong: "Get away you filthy little shit!" *smacks Little Sister* *Little Sister starts to cry* "...What?" 

*Big Daddy roar*

 "What are you doing? Get back... get back! Argh!" When Suchong smacked the Little Sister, something clicked inside of the Big Daddies head.

"YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER! YOU'RE HER DADDY!" That was what Tiny Brother had said. It repeated in the Big Daddies head over and over. One final message, louder then anything he'd heard sounded in his head once. "WHAT GOOD ARE YOU!" His light switched to red. He got it now, he knew what his purpose was! Getting onto his feet, Rogue approached Suchong, "What!" He exclaimed fearfully, backing away from the angry Big Daddy. Rogue roared, scaring White Coat Human. "What are you doing? get back-" Suchong voice trailed off when he tripped and fell on top of the table. The Big Daddies drill slid easily into his body, Suchong screamed... and that was the last sound the Doctor ever made..

 Taking the drill off of his arm, Rogue left it stuck to the table, inside Suchong's body, that would show him not to mess with his daughter! Walking over to the... his whimpering Little One he ran his huge hand over her head as gently as he could, not wanting to hurt her. She smiled and gave him a hug "Mr. B." She said lovingly, he moaned at her, this felt good.

To Be Continued...

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