Deep Thoughts || Nick Sturnio...

By sturniolosarefunny

16.4K 374 561

Nick Sturniolo meets a delicate boy and immediately knows he's different. But the boy doesn't know what to kn... More

Meet the Cast!
02 TW⚠️: Physical Touch
05 TW⚠️: Physical Touch
09 TW⚠️: Physical Touch
11 TW⚠️: Panic Attack
14 TW⚠️: Physical Touch
16 TW⚠️: Physical Touch
19 TW! : Suicide/Mentions of Suicide
20 TW: Suicide/Mentions of Suicide
21 TW: Suicide / Mentions of Suicide
36 TW: Blood and Trauma
38 TW: Torture
40 TW: Tornado, Blood
41 TW: Blood
46 TW: Physical Activity


246 8 6
By sturniolosarefunny

The group all happily walked back to the van, so glad that everyone was alive and safe.

Chloe and Hailey just wanted to get back to the hotel and shower because they both smelled like poo.

Matt and Aubrey walked hand in hand, and so did Chloe and Hailey. So Chris and Nick walked hand in hand as a joke that made them all laugh.

Hailey and Chloe kissed whilst walking which made Nick abruptly stop to tease them when suddenly a forceful power was shoved into his back which made him fall to the ground, a brown liquid spilling everywhere causing a mess.

Nick looked up at the rude person that pushed him over and his jaw dropped very visibly.

It was the guy.

"Watch where you are going dude. Don't just stop like that." He rolled his eyes, completely over it.

Nick just sat there dumfounded, staring deeply over the handsome man's features. He stared back for a second, before breaking the silence.

"You want help getting up or?" He asked coldly, his white shirt glowing in the sunlight and grey shorts flowing in the wind.

Nick was starstruck before snapping back to reality and coughing awkwardly.

"Uh no, I am all good thanks." Nick smiled, getting up and dusting off his knees. He had coffee all over his shirt, but at this point he didn't care.

"Are you okay?" The brunette asked, like it was mandatory. "Uh yeah, I think so." Nick replied, stammering out his words.

"Alright." The mysterious brunette replied coldly, before stepping around Nick rudely and walking off.

The others just stared at Nick for a moment before looking back at the brunette strutting away.

Suddenly, Nick just started running back to the brunette, shouting for him to stop, he didn't know why, but his body just spontaneously decided to do it.

The boy turned around to see Nick huffing and puffing behind him. "Uh did I miss something?" He asked, turning around to face the panting boy.

"Can I just at least get your name?" He asked, still out of breath. "Aiden." He simply said with a questioning look.

"Uh that's a good name." Nick laughed awkwardly as Aiden's face started to ease at Nick's behaviour.

"What's yours?" He asked politely, but he secretly just wanted to get away from the obsessive seeming boy.

"Nicolas. Or uh-you can call me Nick." Nick said, staring at him for a second before coughing out a laugh. "I mean, like, everyone calls me Nick. Not just you. Not that you aren't like everyone else. I'm sure you aren't you seem amazing. Uh-like in a nice way." Nick blurted out and the boy was confused by Nick's behaviour.

"Nick it is." He smiled politely before turning around and rolling his eyes as he walked off.

Nick just stood there, embarrassed about how he had just acted. And he didn't even get his number. Again.

He was busy feeling stupid when someone all of a sudden tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to see everyone looking at him, but Chris standing right in front of him.

He suddenly pulled him to the side, giving the group a look for them to entertain themselves for a moment and they did.

"Was that the boy?" Chris asked in a hush tone so that the others didn't hear.

Nick just sighed deeply, looking up to see Aiden disappear. Again.

"Yeah." Nick sighed, looking at Chris with a let down face. "I just ruined any chance I ever had." Nick said, looking back down to his feet. Chris nudged his shoulder softly which caused him to look up and see him smiling at him.

"What?" Nick said grumpily. "You'll see him again. I can feel it." He said wisely, and something deep inside Nick could feel it too. He smiled and Chris knew that he felt it too.

Suddenly Nick's phone pinged loudly which caused them to snap out of their stance. Nick pulled it out to see a message from Vanessa.



Vanessa Philips
Hey Nick! Was wondering if you and your brothers wanted to meet up for dinner tonight?

Nick Sturniolo
Hey Vanessa! We just had a pretty rough day but we'll be there. Chris has been dying to see you😉

Vanessa Philips
Okay cool! See you tonight. Meet at ##### ######?

Nick Sturniolo
Yep sounds good. Be there at 7:30

Vanessa Philips

"Wanna go out for dinner tonight Chris?" Nick asked quietly. "Just me, you and Matt-" Nick continued, seeing Chris's doubtful look.

"I don't really want to-" Chris was cut off by Nick.

"And Vanessa."

Chris's heart jumped at the mention of her name. "Yes." Chris immediately said before coughing.

"Uh, I mean, sure." Chris said, trying to act cool but was jumping inside. Nick started laughing really hard that he almost collapsed.

The group turned to them at the commotion and started smiling seeing their friends laughing.

The group continued walking back to the van, laughing and joking about everything, happy that they were all together again.

But in the back of Chris's mind, was Vanessa. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Her beautiful blonde locks bouncing off of her head in perfect curls. Her glossed lips curling into a shining smile that lit up the room. Her gorgeous crystal blue eyes glimmering at him as he was drowned by her beauty, her kindness, and her heart. He just couldn't stop..

In the back of Chloe's mind, was Hailey. Her perfect features looking gorgeous everyday. She hadn't realised how much she relied on Hailey and how much she truly liked her. She felt butterflies in her stomach everytime she was around her. Was this what love felt like? No. She liked Chris. She wanted Chris. But deep, deep down, she knew what she really wanted.

In the back of Hailey's mind, was Nick. She felt upset that he picked this mysterious boy that he had never talked to over her. She was mad that he wasn't there when she needed her the most. When she was at her lowest. She had always been there for Nick. Always. But he had still left her to be the second option. Even though he always called her his best friend, she thought that he didn't truly like her. He was just doing it out of sympathy.

In the back of Nick's mind, was Aiden. His beautiful brunette hair in perfect curls. His plump lips in a tight smile. But he had ruined his chance by acting dumb. Even if he did ever see him again, he would feel embarrassed. He felt upset that his lover boy only thought of him as annoying and a weirdo. Or even a stalker. Like the way he had ran up to him just to ask for his name was very stalkerish. Oh my god I completely ruined my chances of ever knowing him. His deep thoughts fogged up his mind and slowly zoned out of his friends conversation, only being able to think about the Greek god of man who wouldn't leave his mind no matter how hard he tried to get rid of him.

Everyone is in deep thought. And finally some more Aiden content!! Will Nick ever get to see Aiden again? Did he really ruin his chance?
Will Nick and Hailey's friendship ride along a bumpy road or is Hailey just overreacting again?
Does Chloe love Hailey or Chris? Her thoughts are confusing her, but who will she end up deciding?
Will Chris win over Vanessa's heart or will he get caught up in the mess of Chloe?
Read on to find out!!

Thank you guys for all of the love and support and I know this chapter is a couple hours late but this chapter is a lot longer than the others so it took a bit longer to write. Sorry about that guys:) hopefully see you guys tomorrow!!

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