' Broken Image ' (boyXboy)

By Fangkun6

1.2K 44 6

(This is targeted for people 16+) "Same with hurting you. Or marking you.." He slid his arm gently down to hi... More

Prologue: - Whitedail -
- evil v.s good -
- brutal acquaintance-
- crazy urge -
- close addiction -
- a sip of caffeine -
- over the phone -
- losing focus -
- return the favor -
- wanting more -
- addictive poison -
- the hero is selfish -
- very unpredictable -
- instant regret -
- get out -
- flames that destroy -
- a burning memory -
⚠️ - fighting for no end - ⚠️
- breaking with every breath -
⚠️ - holding evil back - ⚠️
- love intensifies -
- taking the burden -
⚠️ - forget hope - ⚠️
- outrunning problems -
- who is the villain -
- letting rage control -
- deep rooted killer -
- love hits like a truck -
- the hero & the villain -
⚠️ Epilogue - Away - ⚠️

- cold and alone -

43 1 0
By Fangkun6

~Cleoi, Oxzy's apartment~
His body felt sore all over, moving an inch caused a rippling tear feeling to run up inside him. He groaned out in pain, trying his best to at least lay on his back, he made it, having a few tears fill his eyes from the pain.

"Ha... Eerghh...!"

His mouth felt dry, it hurt to try and swallow down his groans. Looking around, Oxzy turned to his door that was open for Cirilla May to run in and out. Sucking in a tired breath, he lifted his left arm in the doors direction, closing his eyes and focusing with his energy to get water.

The urge fueled his body with strength, causing the room he was in to become colder. Soon his breath became misty when he breathed out, and ice started to crawl from the floor under him. He had managed to get an ice trail to himself, giving cold water to enter his mouth. After doing all that for just a small drink, he felt extremely exhausted.

Having his arm lay limp from the bed, the cold around him started to melt with the less energy Oxzy gave to it.


Breathing felt a bit better, his whole body had a small bit of strength return, only Oxzy had no energy to use it.

Staying with his body sprawled on his bed with a messy sheet and water split from melting ice under him, the hero couldn't help but let his mind wander.

When Oxzy is in this sort of state, his mind reacts in a defensive way. He gets cold, mean and distant between real thoughts, and fake ones. Sometimes he will end up hurting his mind and sanity with thoughts of his lost mother.

The only person who cared for him...

Genna Raith.

A bright woman the age of 49 on that day. Smiling softly, her long black curls fall from her back, covering her skin as pale as the moon. She stayed waiting for her only son, her only family member left after her husband abandoned them.

Her son stayed out, fighting and protecting the town they live in. With all his life, all his power goes into protecting everyone and everything. He stayed out until 2am, fighting and making sure the villain stays away until it's safe, when he finally returns.

Tired with cuts across his body from falling debris, he opened the door as silently as he could, traveling in without no lights on. He gave out a sigh, leaning on the counter that was in the kitchen, feeling thankful he was still alive after his fight.

The light turned on, making the hero flinch, his body automatically acted, turned around, his arm raised. He stopped, seeing his mother covering herself with a long white robe. She folded her arms, looking at the boy she loved dearly a hurt and afraid look.

She rushed forward, pulling him into a hug. Closing and hugging tightly and deeply as her old and frail arms could do. Oxzy hugged tightly back, giving a few winces but overall, happy and finally calm in his mothers arms.

Her hand traveled to his cut and red cheek, her eyes looking up and tears feeling them. She closed them, giving in a few sobs. Blaming herself endlessly, hoping and asking for forgiveness from God and her own child. The woman blamed herself after every fight. Every time Oxzy is like this.

That's the reason the boy at the time couldn't let her see him. Let her take the blame for his own doing. He was doing it not only for her at the time. He did it because it was the right thing to do.

No one else can stop the villain. No one else deserves to die by his cruel hands. So Oxzy stops him from doing so.

He is the only one who can. Only.. Genna wishes so much that she could turn back time. Turn back and never tell her son to keep going. To protect everyone, to use his powers for the good of this town.

"You can stop..." A whisper came from the old woman. Tears rolling down her cheek, a soft but pained look in her eyes. Oxzy looked back, confused and shocked. "Please. Stop... I can't see you like this again."

How many times has the old mother seen her child in such a state? Coming home with bruises and blood littering his body. She held back more sobs, seeing her son tightened and his face full of fear and a mix of determination.

Her head rested on his chest, feeling him breathe with pained breaths.

"You can stop."

Could he stop? Can he stop now finally? Take a break, live a normal life with someone he cares for and his lovable pets. Just peacefully alone would be nice.

He knew he couldn't. No way, he had to keep his town safe. He was the only one, and was relied on all the time.

But deep down. He wanted to stop. To push and shout at all the people who rely on his protection, who even hate him. To shout out on how he was done.

Done with everything and everyone. Just like his mother hoped for in her last few days...

"Mgh... Err..!"

Tears silently fell from his face. Small sobs echoed within the dark, cold and forever empty room.

~The Grubs, Imbers home~
The family started to get ready to leave. Kinsey fell asleep so Brit and her left first, the sister carrying her little siblinh while on the phone with someone. Azeral tried to say goodbye while they left, only Brit flipped him off.

He laughed instead of getting offended, walking to the fridge and getting his 3rd beer that night. The oldest sibling started to pack up while the mother was already making her way upstairs to get something.

While the father opened the bottle and the siblings quickly picked up their information, Pierce leaned lazily on the door frame in boredom. His brother stayed close the whole night, watching and listening to the family's drama and "business", but also hoping his brother would talk to him.

The father yawned out, walking past the oldest and to the villain. "You guys should just stay over for tonight!" He said loudly, wrapped his arm around Felix's shoulder but not daring to do so on Pierce. He turned his attention to the oldest who sneered at his idea. "What do you think? We haven't been like this in months! Stay the night like a big family!"

"Yeah no." Corbin said without looking up, stuffing his bag with some papers and letting Octavia put some under her arms before they seemingly finished. "We got work to do tomorrow.

"Work?" Azeral looked at him dumbfounded, giving his oldest daughter and son a look. "Did I really raise you two?"

"No, you were passed out most of the time." Pierce decided to answer, giving a side eye to his father. The father shrank away lightly, hearing sarcasm but no smile from his son. Felix felt his father stiffen and flinch, looking at his brother in approval. "I can't stay either, have stuff to do."

Octavia grabbed her purse before bolting out the door, not even bothering to give her brother a look before dashing out. Corbin looked up to the open door in anger, trying to rush out as well but Pierce stepped in front of him.

The older brother stopped dead in his tracks, his breathing caught in his throat, his whole body shaking violently from the inside. Pierce gave his older brother a smile, looking down at him with half-lidded eyes. "I remember you never used to look at me with such fear brother."

Corbin stayed silent, fearful that if he said something wrong the other side of his face would be burned. So instead, he looked down, keeping the tears from falling out of his eyes.

Felix and the father looked at them, the father feeling scared of seeing something bad or a fight between them happen again. He pulled away from his youngest son, wanted to stop them but he couldn't take another step after moving away.

The young boy just looked in so much appreciation, feeling such joy for seeing his brother scare and humiliate his family. He wanted so much to do the same, to have his brother look at him with pride. A smile lifted his lips, eyes open and full of admiration.

"Sorry. I'm blocking your way aren't I?" His voice was tinted with mockery, turning so Corbin had a chance to leave.

The oldest brother hesitated, keeping his eyes forward to the open door. It was quiet, everyone still in the house watched as the oldest brother stood shaking, the villain watching him with a light smirk. He leaned his face to his brother's face.


With that one word, Corbin ran out of the house, panting and shaking the whole way. Pierce watched him leave, laughing and shaking his head like he heard a good joke. Turning to his father and older brother, he put his hands in his pockets and made his way to the table.

Azeral gulped down, feeling the sweat pile of his brows, he gave his son an innocent smile. "Th-That Corbin!" He stuttered out, shaking slightly when his son was in front of him by the fridge. "Doesn't k-know manners does he..?"

His son gave him a lazy eyed look, which followed with the front door slamming shut. The force making the two flinch, black dust came from under the door, traveling on the ground to where it was summoned from. It went under the villain running up his legs before disappearing.

The father got the message, looking down and saying nothing when leaving up the stairs. He left his own living room in fear from his son, his hands shaking and legs traveling fast up the creaking stairs.

Now it was just Pierce and Felix alone.

Instead of feeling fear of being in a room along with the villain, Felix took the opportunity to talk to him. As soon as his father ran up the stairs, Felix turned to his brother, a smile on his face.

"I got half of the Grubs in my gang now! All by myself." He started off, looking proud and not mentioning anything else besides his own well being. His brother only gave him a raised eyebrow, confused on the way his brother started the conversation. Felix continued, feeling no fear in talking to Pierce. "They need me to take the lead with the gangs. Not only that, but they also respect me since you're my brother! Isn't that awesome??"

His face was lit up with excitement to tell his older brother this, Pierce gave him a tight smile. He felt bored with his younger brother talking on and on about his new found position in the gurbs. Pierce honestly didn't care for such things like gangs and the drug deals the grubs were in control of.

He found himself nodding off, turning his head, he closed his eyes while Felix leaned beside him with his mouth continuing. His mind seemed to drift, his thoughts traveling to both Rosamee and Oxzy. His thoughts couldn't seem to be consistent with who he wants to think about.

"Give the hit to me!!" A girl with short blond hair braided up to the tips with red dye at the end says with a playful tone. She was sitting by an oak tree outside of Whitedail high school. Sitting with her was her best friend Mercy and boyfriend Pierce.

Mercy gave a few puffs of smoking looking at the shorter girl in the red dyed man's grasp. His arms around her shoulder, keeping her close and eyes closed in relaxation. She rolled her eyes, but gave the drug to her friend.

Rosamee took a few hits, the smell making the man open his eyes, without saying anything she gave the rest to her boyfriend, earning an annoyed groan from Mercy. She giggled at her, looked up and moved closer into Pierce's touch.

He gave a smile, looking down at her. Leaning down, he was about to hiss her forehead, only she moved her face for a kiss. He gave in, kissing her gently at first before it turned into a messy kiss.

Mercy gagged, turning her face away before snatching the drug from Pierce. She turned her whole body so she didn't have to see their PDA.

The bell rang and a mess of kids their age ran outside of the school doors, annoying the group. Pierce moved away and asked for the time, Mercy gave an annoyed reply causing him to snicker at her childishness. The group got up, Rosamee holding Pierce's hand while they made their way to the school, walking around it to the entrance.

Mercy hit others that came in her way, laughing at their reactions, Rosamee scolded her but couldn't help but laugh as well. Pierce just watched as the girls made fun of others, feeling a warm burst of joy in his chest.

Mercy kept walking, a smaller girl rushed past her, hitting her shoulder and falling over, dropping her bag and things within it. She grabbed everything in a hurry, ignoring whoever she bumped into.

Mercy sneered at the girl below her, seeing how the short black haired girl ignored her, Mercy stomped her foot on the girl's hand that was grabbing a book. The younger girl on the ground let out a cry, pulling her hand to her before finally looking up. Her face turned white when she met the stares of the three Seniors. She stuttered out unknown words, shaking when her eyes caught Pierce's bored look.

Mercy leaned down to her, questioning the girl with a mean look. The younger girl gave a silent apology, having the three laugh. Rosamee commented on her pathetically, joining Mercy to lean down towards her and mock the girl.

The girl who knew whose group she had bumped into began to apologize and stay on her knee. A wrong move and she might be dead, she knew who Pierce was and his friends, knowing that even in school he still had the power.

The girls continued to bully the poor girl, laughing at her while others walked past and ignored the seniors bullying a freshman. One person took notice of the commotion, seeing how they picked on an innocent girl, the hero growled angrily.

The black haired male with curly hair was coming over to pick up a friend, seeing how everyone ignored it, he walked over. Shouting out to make his presence known, the girls stopped taking a few steps closer to Pierce. The villain's face grew a smile, seeing Oxzy who had graduated last year in the school entrance come over.

The hero kneeled down, helping the freshman up. Her face lit up red, a look of shock and admiration as the male helped her with her stuff. She lingered close to him when he turned to scold the three.

The girls rolled their eyes but kept quiet. Pierce stayed silent as well, watching Oxzy scold them with a stern but soft face. The villain wasn't exactly listening, he couldn't help but just stare. The girls noticed his silence after the hero finished his scolding, Mercy looked at him and rolled her eyes the 10th time that day.

Rosamee looked at him herself, giving a confused look to him. He didn't even look at her. She jabbed her elbow in his chest a bit too hard. He looked down and stepped back, getting the message the girl was sending. Stepping in front of the two, he was a few inches from Oxzy, having grown a bit taller his senior year, Pierce could now look down at the man.

He defended himself and the girls, acting bored even if he was totally interested now that the hero was here. Oxzy fought back as well, trying to talk sense into them even if he knew there was no point.

Pierce mocked the man, looking around and seeing how all the attention was on them, his hands pulled up and his surroundings became hotter. It made the hero sweat in the increasing heat. He gave a small warning, his own hand staying below him but his fingers jutting out as the atmosphere began to cool down.

The weather began to change, switching between hot and cold, Oxzy didn't want to continue this. He shook his head, lowering his voice into a whisper for only Pierce to hear.

Pierce smiled, showing white teeth and a grim look in his eyes showed along with his smile being the opposite. He agreed to whatever the hero said, dropping his hand and turning away without another look. The girls looked confused, Mercy turned away, not caring anymore, and just wanting to leave. Rosamee, on the other hand couldn't help but keep a guard up. Looking at Pierce for answers, he didn't answer, giving nods to her questions. She got frustrated, seeing the hero leave and encouraging others to do the same.

The mood totally switched when the hero showed himself to her boyfriend. Not only did his weird behavior change, but her questions fell on deaf ears. Feeling fed up, Rosamme grabbed at his arm, wanting to pull him for attention. Only she pulled her arm back in pain, his skin was hot to the touch. Red, sore burns now covered up her bright skin.

Pierce noticed what he did without meaning to, his skin burning hot with energy and rising anger. He had burned his girlfriend by accident. He washed away the guilt, seeing the girl growl at him in confusion for the burns.

He rolled his eyes, giving his girlfriend a look. "Don't touch me next time."

With that, he turned and continued walking forward, ignoring his girlfriend's angry yells for attention.

A cold breeze and a waving hand in front of Pierce's face snapped him out of his thoughts and memories. Felix called for his brother's attention, earning an annoyed growl from him. Immediately, Felix stopped, turning away and leaving Pierce's sight in view.

"Sorry, are you okay brother?" He asked with genuine concern, only Pierce ignored him.

Turning to the door, Pierce walked closer with dust opening the door for him, Felix ran after him, trying to  continue a conversation with the man who had no interest in him the whole night. Even if Felix knew that, he still tried, still wanted Pierce to notice him and talk.

"So are you going home now? I can walk with you and tell you more progress about my gang if you want-?" Felix continued, following Pierce out the door before it slammed from behind him. Felix jumped, seeing how the door almost crushed him with a loud bang. Instead of feeling scared, he was more intrigued and persistent on being with Pierce. "You could always have them help you with jobs or if you don't want to do it they will. I could get them to do anything, just say the word."

His mouth continued to blare, causing Pierce to stop in his tracks when he realized his brother would follow him. Felix stopped as well, a smile bright on his face as Pierce turned his head in his direction. "Are you gonna continue?"

His voice was a low growl, a warning with his eyes glaring and wind picking up his spiky hair. Felix gulped, not exactly knowing how to answer. He knew he should leave the villain alone, to not entice him anymore or annoy him. But he just wanted to be closer to him.

His urge would get him hurt, or even worse. Hated.

Breathing in the cold air, Felix answered. "I.. I'll stay if you don't want me to follow you brother."

"I don't." Pierce growled out, not giving another breath before continuing his walk.

With his word, Felix stopped following him. He turned back to his father and mothers house, then to his older brother. Felix couldn't help but understand what Pierce was thinking about. What polluted his mind while he jumbled words out.

Rosamee. He thought with a growl, jealousy ran up his spine and to his mind. He walked back into the parents house, thinking of treacherous things to do.

Pierce continued, walking through the Grubs at night with sirens and cries in the background. Begging and the smell of drugs and weed all around his surroundings, only his mind was full of thoughts, memories, and silence.

It was quiet, no one dared to approach him. They ran or hid in fear when he approached.

They looked at him in fear. Rosamee looked at him in fear that day. Those days leading up to it, the growing concern and fear.

The look in her eyes-

A burst of flames lit up the villain's palms at the end of his hands, fire began to run up his clothes and burn everything on him. He gave no indication of the fire spreading through him. It was coming from inside him, the anger and grief all pilling up into a burst of rage.

Not again. He will kill everything in sight if given the chance.

His annoying brother is no longer there. He gave out an angry sigh, turning to his right at lightning speed, his hand swinging from behind him before throwing itself to the ground. A ball-like motion of blurry red fire and striking blue currents ran up his arm, onto his shoulder causing strength to rocked within him.

He threw the ball of light energy into the closest thing to him, the energy fire and mix of electricity blew and blew up a building that was on his side. The building was already crumbling away, the blow hand hit the inside and blew it to bits, throwing bricks and ash around his surroundings.

The villain's expression remained stern, grim and emotionless as fire began to spread around him. Yelling and screams for help echoed around him.

He didn't listen.

He never did.

The cold breeze blew through his hair, making his body shiver from the inside. Walking forward and away from the mess, people scattered and fell in a hurry to escape.

The villain didn't care.

And he never will.

A bit of backstory for both Gemma and Rosamee. I like Genna more^^

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