Prince Charming Or Not ??

By chinachanchal

29.2K 2.5K 996

Every girl dreams of her own Prince Charming.. do they really exist?? Are all prince really that charming... More

Part 1
part 2
part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29

Part 11

870 74 11
By chinachanchal

Here's the next part.. Enjoy and please ignore typos and errors..


Raghav hurriedly gets down the stairs and was surprised to see Abhi, Sid and Vishal there..

They three gets up from the sofa smiling widely and waves at him excitedly.

Abhi, sid, vishal - hiiiii Raghavvvv ..

Raghav (shocked) - What the hell are you guys doing here.. ??

Abhi (smiling widely) - Why..?? Can't we come here..??

Sid (smiling even more widely ) - We just thought it would be great to hang out with you.. Don't you think so..??

Raghav glaring at him - No

Sid - Oh.. Come on dude .. Don't be like this..

Raghav just shakes his head at them..

Raghav - By the way why didn't you inform me before coming here..??

Abhi - We thought we will just surprise you..

Raghav (rolling his eyes) - Yeah right.. More like a shock..

Sid (looking around) - Uhmm.... So...... Where is.... Uhhh... Ragini.....??

Raghav squints his eyes towards them..

Raghav - Why do you want to know about her..??

Sid(shrugging) - Nothing.... Just like that.. Thought it would be nice to meet her again..

Raghav - You don't need to think about her.. You are here to hang out with me, right..?? So we will just do that.. Anyways she is very busy.. She doesn't have time..

Abhi, Sid and Vishal (in a low spirited voice) - Ohh..

Raghav understanding what their intentions were just rolls his eyes..


Half an hour later,

Abhi, Sid, vishal and Raghav were busy in playing video games when they saw Ragini coming downstairs..

They instantly put the controller down and gets up fixing their hair and clothes etc and a silly smile appears on their face..

" Hii Ragini.. "

They waved at her with great enthusiasm...

Raghav shakes his head in irritation..

Ragini was surprised to see them ..Smiling she goes towards them..

Ragini - Hey.. You guys here..?? (She looks at the video games spread there she raise her brows) hanging out, hunh..??

Abhi (blushing like normally teenagers do) - Uhmm yeah..

Ragini (smiling) - Alright then you guys continue.. I won't disturb you.. But did you all had something..?? Should I make something or order for you all..??

Raghav - No Di.. It's alright.. If we will want something then I will order it and murli kaka is also here.. You don't worry..

Ragini (shrugging) - Alright then.. I will let you be but raghu make sure to take care of them properly..

Raghav - Sure.. But are you going somewhere.. ??

Ragini - Yeah but not yet.. There is still some time.. I will get out of your hair.. Have fun..

Sid - Uhmm.. Then why don't you also join us..

Abhi and vishal nods their heads and looks at her expectantly..

Ragini (chuckling) - Me..?? What will I do with you.. ?? I don't even know to play half of these..

Well it wasn't a complete truth as she and raghav compete in video games many times but still teenage boys while playing can get really aggressive and she is still not to that level..

Abhi - That's fine.. We can teach you.. We'll have fun..

Sid - yeah Plz .... come on Ragini..

Ragini - uhmm.. I would have loved to as well but I really need to complete some work before I go.. It's an important site visit today.. Maybe sometime later.. Ok..??

Abhi, Sid and vishal - oh... It's alright then.. Maybe later..

Till then murli kaka comes there with a glass of juice for her and gives it to her..

Ragini- thanks kaka.. Alright guys see you later..

Saying that ragini goes back towards her room while the boys looks on disappointed..

Raghav looks at them..

Raghav - Guys..

No response

Raghav (little louder) - guys..

Getting irritated with no response again, he just smack them on their head ..

Sid - oww..

Abhi - aahh..

Vishal (rubbing her head) - what the hell raghav..

Raghav - she is my sister you bufoons..

A, S, V (shrugging) -  Not our sister..

Raghav picks pillows from the couch and starts throwing it at them..

A, S, V - Hey hey ... Stop..

Abhi gets a hold of a pillow and throws it at raghav, he ducks it and it lands straight onto Vishal.. Glaring at him Vishal throws the pillow which in turn lands at Sid and thus they start a full blown pillow fight..

(Boys 🙄)

While fighting, Vishal throws a pillow towards Sid but he steps aside but someone else was coming towards that side and that person instantly catches that pillow by his hand before it hits him, his face covered by it..

Raghav, Sid, Abhi and Vishal looks on confused..

That person slowly pulls the pillow away from his face and that was

Ofcourse Aditya..

Vishal, Sid, abhi and Raghav looks on in horror at the new entry..

Especially Sid, Abhi and Vishal..

Is that who they think that he is..??

And did they just........

Threw pillow on the face of FREAKING YUVRAAJ OF JAIGHAD..??

A, S, V looks on open mouthed not being able to even breath while raghav also looks on shocked..

Aditya raises his brows at them and then look at the pillow in his hand..

Aditya - ....happening...
here ....guys..??

He enunciates between each word making them gulp even more with nervousness..

Raghav composes himself and moves towards him..

Raghav - Urmm.... Uhh.. Khamma ghani yuvraaj..

A, S, V were too stunned to move especially after raghav confirming their doubt on the identity of the person..

God.. What did they do..??

Are they gonna get beheaded for this or what ...??

Aditya- Ghani khamma raghav banna.. Quite a welcome it was..

Aditya smirk seeing their expressions..

Raghav (sheepishly) - Uhh.... Sorry about that.. We were just..

Aditya - playing..?? It's alright.. I understand.. (Putting his hand on raghav's shoulder) If not kids who will play right.. ??

Even the fake smile of Raghav immediately vanishes hearing the word "kids"..

Aditya chuckles seeing this and looks at the other three musketeers who were staring at him wide eyed and open mouth..

Aditya - So.. These must be your friends, right.. ??

Raghav - Uhmm yeah.. (Turning to the trio) uhh guys.... Uhhh.....Guys....You know him.. Our yuvraaj.. Aditya veer singh ji..

They immediately join their hands and make a bow till the waist down..

Even Aditya widened his eyes slightly at this sudden action while Raghav holds his forhead scratching it..

A, S, V - H.. Hello Sir.. Uhmm Yuvraaj ji..

Aditya - Hey please relax.. No need for all these formalities.. You are friends of Raghav banna so consider me as your friend as well..

Raghav rolls his eyes at this sugary sweet talks of his..

It was totally his style..

Raghav - You are here at this time Yuvraaj..??  And no one informed inside about your arrival.. We couldn't even greet you properly..

Aditya - Oh come on Raghav banna.. I only told them not to inform beforehead.. We are like one family.. Why bother with these unnecessary formalities .. Right....??

Raghav (feebly smiling) - Family.. Of course..

(Muttering under his breath) - "maan na maan, main tera mehmaan "

Aditya - Anyways.... Where is Ragini..?? I m here to pick her up..

" Why.. ?? "

This time not only raghav, but other three who were standing there as a statue all this time spoke as well..

Aditya raised his brows at them..

Realizing what they did they immediately shuts up and looks down..

Raghav turns to look at them and then at front towards Aditya..

God.. Where is he stuck.. Why everyone is behind his Di..??

Aditya - We have to go for a site visit..

Raghav (frowning) - Together..??

Aditya (nodding) - of course..

Raghav makes a displeased face at this..

Raghav - She is in her room.. Busy..

Aditya - Oh.. Alright then.. I will just go there.. See you then..

Raghav (shocked) - Hey..
What.... Wait...

But before he could stop or say anything,Aditya had already rushed towards upstairs..

Raghav looks on open mouthed towards the way he had gone..

The trio also comes and stand beside him shocked..

Abhi - So Ragini and Yuvraaj....??

Vishal - No wonder..

Sid - There was no chance..

Raghav(looking at them confused) - Wh.. chance..?? What chance.....??

Sid motion towards upstairs..

Sid - Ragini and Yuvraaj.. Together..

Raghav widen his eyes at this..

Raghav - They are partners..

Abhi shakes his head feeling disappointed while Sid takes a sad sigh..

Abhi - Ofcourse.. All the good ones are already taken....

Raghav (glaring at them) - What nonsense are you sprouting.. ?? What good ones..?? What taken..??

Vishal - They are partners, right.. ??

Raghav(gritting his teeth) - Business....I meant Business partners..

Abhi (sadly) - Same same.. No difference..

Raghav - Hunh.. How is it the same..??

Sid (taking another sad sigh) - First business partners and then life partners.. Hmm..... God do make the jodis in heaven..

Raghav (irritated) - Have you gone all mad..?? There is nothing like that.. And they  aren't the only business partners of each other..

Vishal - yeah but they are most suitable for each other.. One a prince and another not less than a princess.....

Sid - No wonder she won't even spare us a glance..

Raghav - Why would my di look at you dumbos.. ??

Vishal (ignoring his words) - well.. Let's not feel sad.. We can proudly say that we haven't lost to any aira gaira.. We have lost to yuvraaj himself.. I think that should be fine..

Abhi - Right.. If not me then I guess Yuvraaj is a good option..

Raghav (squinting his eyes at them) - hold on.. Aren't you guys getting too ahead of yourselves.. ?? Hold your horses down..My di wouldn't  spare you monkeys even a second look..Nad not to yuvraaj as well..understood..?? jameen se ughe tak nahi aur aaye bade meri Di p stupid crush karne wale..

(Haven't even grown from the ground and daring to have a stupid crush on my di..)

Sid - Oh is it.. If we haven't grown out from the ground then you also haven't.. You are as same as us..

Raghav - yeah but I am not stupid like you all..

Sid - You... You Called us stupid... You..

The tri look at each other with determination and taking a pillow in each of their hands start attacking on raghav while he runs and jumps around trying to save himself ..


Meanwhile in her room ragini was sorting some papers in files sitting on her bed..

There was a knock at the door and then door opens.. Aditya peeks his head inside with a smile..

Aditya - hey sweetheart..

Ragini gets shocked to see him there and gets up from her bed..

Ragini - You....How did you come here..??

Aditya entering inside with a smile..

Aditya - Of course through the else..??

Ragini - Do you have any manners or not..?? How can you enter in a girl's room just like that..

Aditya - I am yuvraaj Ragini.. Of course I have manners.. I did knock, didn't I...

Ragini - And you didn't wait to get my permission..

Aditya strides inside and sits on her bed casually.. Ragini gets even more irritated by this..

Ragini - Such a shameless guy..

Aditya - oh come on sweetheart.. What's the need of all these formalities between us.. Anyways you should have locked the room if you didn't want anyone to enter..And Do I need to take permission to enter your room as well..?? I thought we were close..

Ragini - we aren't.. And do you say this to every girl's room that you enter without permission.. ??

Aditya - no just you.. Why, were you getting jealous..??

He looks at her with a smirk.. Ragini looks away rolling her eyes..

Ragini - Oh please..

Aditya - You don't even need to be.. I don't go around entering girls room... Well unless of course they invite me themselves.....

He winks at her saying that.. Ragini makes a disgusted face at this..

Ragini - Eeks.. Not interested in hearing that..

Aditya chuckles seeing her face..

Aditya - Dont worry sweetheart, if you won't like, I would not do that.. Alright..??

Ragini - no please.. Don't refrain on my account.. Do as you wish.. Just spare me the details..

Aditya - I would rather create the details together with you..

Ragini (smiling) - would you like to know the number of my sandals..??

Aditya (smiling back) - do you want me to buy you a pair of sandals....?? Ok.. All you have to do is ask..

Ragini - God.. I haven't seen anyone as thick skinned as you..

Aditya - And I haven't seen anyone as much resistant to my charm as you..

Ragini (narrowing her eyes at him ) - Are we calling shamelessness as charm nowadays..??

Aditya (shrugging) - Dont know.. Have to go and check the dictionary..

Ragini - I always had a doubt about your maturity level.. Seems like you haven't even completed your education as well..

Aditya - Aww.. You think about me.. I feel so honoured sweetheart..

Ragini (shakimg her head) - As I said.. Thick skinned and shameless..

Aditya - Much better than a creep.. Right..??

He takes a file from the bed and starts going through it..

Ragini - That as well.. Haven't you heard about personal space..??

Aditya - what personal space between us ?? Hey you have already finished this fike.. Great work.. I m impressed..

Ragini - Why are you here anyway..??

Putting the file aside he stands and walks towards her..

Aditya - you forgot we have to go for that site visit..??

Ragini - And why are you here..??

Aditya - Of course to pick you up..

Ragini - No need.. I can go in my own  Car..

Aditya (shrugging ) - Alright.. I have no problem in going from your car..

Ragini (glaring) - I mean ALONE..

Aditya - Why..?? When our destination is samethen why go in different cars.. Anyways haven't your heard about carpool..?? You know substantial utilizatiin of resources, saving fuel, saving energy, saving environment, saving earth, saving....

Ragini - Alright.. Alright..stop.. I will go with you..... Before you go to the global warming and ozone layer..

Aditya - Great.. Let us go together in one car and do a noble cause for the earth..

Ragini just shakes her head and starts collecting her bag and files while Aditya waits leaning at a wall..

He looks around the room..

Aditya - quite a beautiful room you have.. Nice..

Ragini - It would be even nicer if you enter this room by permission next time..

Aditya (smirking) - Are you inviting me to emter this room again sweetheart.. ??

Taking the files and her bag she turns to him..

Ragini - For now I'm telling you to exit this room.. Let's go..

Aditya (bowing slightly) - After you..

Making a face at him, she storms out of the room with Aditya following behind..

They were walking in the corridor..

Aditya - Are you angry..??

Ragini turning and glaring at him..

Ragini - No.. I m extremely happy to see you.. Just your mere presence makes my whole day..

Aditya - Hmm.. I thought so..

Raginin- Ughh...

Aditya - You know normally people treat guests with smile.. Asking them for refreshments etc.. Have to say this is kind of new type of welcome I have received..

Ragini turns and smile fakely

Ragini - Is that so.. I m so sorry.. What would you like to have... Water, cold drink, coffee, tea, juice, arsen or maybe Rat Poison..??

Aditya (chuckling) - I think I would prefer orange juice with a pinch of arsen.. Maybe two spoon..

Ragini - Sure ..

They both come down stairs..

Ragini sees the guys and goes towards them after asking a staff person for  a glass of orange juice..

Ragini- hey guys having....... (She looks around and saw all the scattered pillows and their messy state) Ahh I see.. Having fun..

They all stand dumbfounded seeing her there..

A, S, V hurriedly tries to set up their messy apperances and smile goofily at her..

Aditya raise his brow as he notices this.. He can't help but be amused seeing those red tints on their ear and their blyshing goofy mannerism seeing her..

Sid - Sorry.. We .. We just..

Ragini (smiling gently ) - It's alright.. You guys were just enjoying.. No issue.. But yeah , Raghu you clean up all this mess yourself....Don't put it on some staff.. Alright..??

Raghav nods his head obediently..

Even the trio can't help but be amused at his docile behaviour for his di..

Abhi - don't worry Ragini.. We all will help him with it .. We will clean up all this before going..

Ragini (smiling at him) - Thats really sweet of you..

In response abhi gave a blinding smile as if his whole surrounding has brightened..

Aditya control his laugh seeing this and comes towards them..

He places his arm around her shoulder and looks at her with smile..

Aditya - They will manage here.. They are responsible kids.. You don't need to worry about them ..

Aditya faces them with a smile and is met with four faces staring at him with their mouths hanging open..

Ragini frowns at him but ofcourse she would not say anything to him in front of those guys..

He is a yuvraaj after all.. Crown prince..

Insulting him in front of people..?? Yeah he would probably hang her before she could do that..

At that time a staff member comes with a glass of orange juice....

Ragini takes it from teat and offers it to aditya..

Ragini (with a wide smile) - Here.. Have it yuvraaj..

Aditya takes it with  a smile as well..

Aditya - Aww.. Thank you sweetheart.. You care so much about me..

A, S, V, R - Sweetheart..??

Aditya saw their faces turning pale from the red glow they had before..

Shrugging at them he rurns to look at her and takes a sip..

Ragini - How is it.. ??

Aditya - Hmm Nice.. But not exactly how I ordered it.. There is something missing..

He smiles looking at her meaningfully.. Ragini rolls her eyes..

Raghav - Is it not good..?? Is there something missing..??

Aditya - Nothing.. Just two spoons of a....

Ragini - We are getting late.. Shall we leave..?? Yuvraaj..

She looks at him pointedly..

Aditya - Sure.. Let me just finish this first..

He finishes his drink.. Ragini looks at the guys who were now looking dispirited..

Ragini - I might be late Raghu.. Dont worry ok.. And take care guys.. You kids have fun..

A, S, V - KIDS ...... ??

Aditya almost choked on his juice with laughter noticing their face..

It had literally went from ☺😍 to 😳☹️😥🤒

He can't help but feel bad for these poor guys..

Someone got a little crush and they literally got kid zoned..

Even Raghav can't help but let out a snicker seeing their faces..

Aditya - Let's go.. Sweetheart..

Ragini - Yeah.. Bye guys..

She waves at them and goes away while they all waves back slowly at her looking toatlly dispirited...

A, S, V - Bye Ragini .................... Didi.....

What's the use of hoping now.. It's the real prince himself in front of them..

Who could even compete..


As ragini and Aditya goes out of the door, the trio look towards Raghav..

A, S, V - And you said she doesn't like Yuvraaj at all.. ??

Raghav (rolling his eyes) - She is not interested.... None of you have any chance.. Neither you and nor that Yuvraaj.. So better you all stay away.. She has better things to do than to think about all you kabootars..

A, S, V (looking towards the door) - Didn't seem like that just now..

Raghav heard this and looks towards the door as well with a frown..


Here it is.. I know it's short.. Again I wanted to post a longer part but decided to update this much, rather than make you guys wait..

Hopefully you like it.. Plz do give your feedback..

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