Part 15

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Here's the next part.. Hopefully you like it.. Please ignore typos and errors..

I am sorry for being so late.. I tried but just this update took so long..


" La.... ksh.... "

Aditya stops in his tracks and turns to look at her.. He frowns in confusion..

He again goes towards her to hear her properly..

Aditya - What did she say..?? Who is that..?? Laksh..??

Befor he could ponder onto it more Raghav comes back rushing to ragini's side..

He touch the back of his palm to her forhead..

Raghav - Is it better now.??

Aditya - Yeah.. I was going to get thermometer only.. Wait..

He goes to bring the thermometer and comes back..

They check her temperature and were relieved to see it going down..

Aditya looks at ragini's sleepimg form and then at raghav..

Aditya - Raghav banna.. I don't think that she can travel in this condition .. We won't be able to go back tomorrow.. How about I make arrangments for you to go back tomorrow..??

Raghav (without even looking up from ragini's face) - There is no way I m going anywhere leaving My di in this state..

Aditya - But you have your college.. You can't miss it for long..

Raghav(determined) - It's not important than my Di.. And anyways I have promised her that I won't let my grades get affected and I never break my promise to her.. But I m not going anywhere.. I will go with Di only..

Aditya knew that this is the answer he will get but he had to try..

Aditya - I know that you are worried but you can trust me.. I will take proper care of her ..

Raghav looks at him solemnly..

Raghav - You are taking it all wrong.. It's not even about you .. Even if it was dad at your place then also I wouldn't have left her.. I can still leave her side at her happy times but never when she is in any distress..

He turns towards Ragini and holds her hand..

Aditya looks at him for sometime and takes a sigh..

Anyways he knew that this would be the result but atleast he tried.. He goes and sits on the couch giving raghav space to be with his sister..


It took two days for ragini to get completely fine .. She was feeling extremely bad for troubling both of them but they reassured her..

Finally they returned back after two days.. Although Raghav and even Aditya were reluctant to let her travel in this condition, Ragini insisted to go back..

Ragini slept due to medicine effect for most of the flight while raghav krpt watching over her like a hawk..

Aditya who was busy in a business magazine saw this and a smile spread across his face....

A car comes to receive them at the airport from royal palace but jatin himself had also came as he was extremely worried about Ragini..

Only after making sure from his own eyes that she was fine, did he felt better..

Raghav and Ragini goes back with jatin while Aditya goes to see them off..

Ragini was about to sit inside the car but she stumbles and Aditya immediately moves forward and hold her hand balancing her..

Prince Charming Or Not ?? Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ