Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow L...

Von catharina_2005

12.5K 307 17

It all started in the Valley of Void, close to the border of Mongolia, but still on Chinese grounds. And at t... Mehr

Abandoned at the Door
The Onyx Palace
Unwanted and Banished
A New Home
S1: The Princess and the Po
S1: Bad Po
S1: The Kung Fu Kid
S1: Has-Been Hero
KFP2: Musician's Village
KFP2: To Gongmen City
KFP2: Captured
KFP2: Lord Shen
KFP2: The Truth
KFP2: China's Downfall
KFP2: China's Victory
S2: The Po Who Cried Ghost
S2: Present Tense
S2: The Secret Museum of Kung Fu
S2: Momma Told Me Not to Kung Fu
S3: Spiritual Captivity
S3: Leopard on the Loose
KFP3: Teacher Po
KFP3: Jombies
KFP3: Kai the Chi Collecter
KFP3: The Plan
KFP3: Battle in the Spirit Realm
KFP3: The Power of Chi

S2: Master and the Panda

244 8 0
Von catharina_2005

Outside the Jade Palace, Shifu, Viper, Mantis, Tigress and Daiyu were doing their morning chores. Sweeping. The front was quite filthy and some leaves were scattered all over the place, so they decided with some company, the cleaning wouldn't be as bored

Daiyu could feel someone hurrying up the stairs in a hurry and that person turned out to be Po

"Hey, Po! Where did-"

But Po ran past her and disappeared. Daiyu blinked in confusion as her friends were just as confused

"What the heck was that about?" Monkey asked as Shifu shook his head

"I don't know, but it's nothing unusual, I suppose"

Forgetting what happened, they went back to sweeping and chatting, until Monkey and Crane came back, along with a guest as Monkey shouted

"Hey, everybody! Look who we found!"

Tigress looked up to see


"Hey, buddy!" Mantis greeted as Shifu approached him

"Welcome back, young master"

Peng bowed politely to Shifu as he then said

"Master Shifu, I've returned to find the Dragon Warrior"

"Hmm, he rushed in a moment ago. Po?" Shifu called as he and Peng walked inside and Daiyu called out

"He's over there!" But no one really paid any attention to it while Monkey and Crane turn to their friends

"Guess what we found out"

Peng and Shifu walked up to Zeng, in the Hall of Warriors, where he was cleaning an armor with a rag

"Zeng, have you seen Po?"

"Uh, n-no, Master Shifu! He's probably off doing something bodaciously awesome as is his custom" Zeng nervously chuckled, unusually nervous for no apparent reason, but then another Zeng came

"Master Shifu! Have you seen the shift stones? One of them is missing"

The two Zengs looked at each other with big eyes and then slowly turned to look at Shifu, who raised his eyebrow

"A shift stone?"

The Zeng from before tried to escape, but Shifu quickly stopped him while he kept squirming in his grip

"We've seem to have found it" Shifu said as he took away the shift stone and a bright light appeared and "Zeng" revealed himself to be Po actually

"Told you" Daiyu smirked as she eyed her friends, who scowled at her

"Peng! Buddy... I was just, uh, I thought I... I mean, buddy!" Po laughed awkwardly as Peng blinked confused at him, but still bowed to him

"Dragon Warrior, I was hoping to have a word with you. Perhaps we could take a walk?" Peng suggested as Po nodded quickly

"Uh, sure. What do you say, Shifu? Feel like stretchin' those furry little legs?" Po asked, trying to get someone else to come with him so he wouldn't be on his own, but Peng replied

"Actually, I was hoping to speak with you alone"

"Okay" Po replied as he grinned nervously and could feel his paws sweating. Following Peng, they left the Jade Palace. Then Daiyu spoke up

"I know something's wrong, but I don't know what exactly it is that's wrong"

"Well, we know" Crane said as Viper urged him

"Come on, tell us!"

"Well, we don't know how, but Po told us that Peng told him that he's been looking for his uncle... and, um... that uncle is..."

Monkey's voice smoothly switched into a tiny whisper

"Tai Lung"

"What?" Mantis asked as Monkey then said louder

"Peng's uncle is Tai Lung!"

"What?!" Mantis and Daiyu yelled, followed by the others

"His uncle is Tai Lung?!" Viper gasped as Tigress gasped

"He had a biological family after all?!"

Tigress blinked when her friends gave her confused and unamused looks as she then cleared her throat, muttering a few apologies and excuse mes

"But, um. How are we gonna tell him that Tai Lung, uh..." Daiyu trailed off as she felt sorry for Peng, since he was basically too late to go find his estranged uncle

"I mean, Po literally, I don't know... "killed" him and now he has to break that news to Peng, who's already so desperate"

Everyone nodded at Daiyu's statement as Mantis hopped and sat on her shoulder

"Well, Po ain't the best at taking things smoothly, so I doubt Peng would even take it well" he shrugged as Tigress added

"I'm sure he'll understand. Everyone knows the story of Tai Lung, his story of how dark and evil his heart truly was. And I'm sure Peng is no stranger to that story either"

Staring down at the village from above, hoping that everything would go well for both Po and Peng. And Daiyu knew how serious this was, because she had heard the story of Tai Lung many times during her childhood

His story of rampaging an entire valley, nearly destroying Shifu and the Five and taking a blank piece of paper that was never meant to be in his possession

"I hope he'll take it well" Viper sighed as she hoped for the best

The hours go by and Po still hadn't returned. It started to go dark and everyone was asleep by now. It wasn't until morning that Po had come back after not having slept the entire night because of Peng's anger towards him

He told them about how it went and felt bad for the both of them. Po also told about how Peng left him his uncles sword and Shifu placed it in the Hall of Warriors

"Perhaps it's for the best, Po. Who knows how much of Tai Lung is truly in Peng" Shifu spoke as Po asked

"You don't mean..."

"I don't know. But when push comes to shove, we show what's really in our hearts" Shifu replied as Po gazed down in sadness, until he heard loud banging coming from the door and Po gasped

"It's Peng! I'm comin', buddy!" Po quickly approached the door, until Daiyu shouted

"Po, don't!"

But it was too late when the door suddenly busted open and an enraged Temutai came stomping inside the palace

"Temutai!" Shifu gasped as Temutai shouted

"The Jade Palace is mine! Let golden mittens and crown of chestnuts be brought to me!"

"What? Uh, mittens?" Po asked as Shifu exclaimed

"He's wearing the Gong Lu Medallion! It greatly enhances the wearer's abilities"

"I will conquer all of China. And then a giant stairway to the moon!" Temutai yelled as Shifu then added

"It also enhances the wearer's darkest, crazed emotions"

"Bow to your invincible moon emperor!"

"Are we supposed to take that seriously?" Po asked as Tigress cried out

"Take him!"

Daiyu and the Five charged at Temutai, but Shifu screamed

"Wait! That medallion!"

Temutai pushed the masters back with his fists, where red energy blasted from. Shifu quickly pushed Po out of the way as the others crashed into him and together, they all crashed into the wall and fell unconscious. And Po got tossed down the stairs as he failed to take the medallion

An hour later, they all woke up bound and chained to a support beam high above the ground. That made Daiyu slightly panicked again as her feet were, once again, disconnected from the ground and couldn't see her surroundings

"Behold. Temutai, Lord of the Moon! Let a stepladder of tofu be brought to me!" Temutai smirked as Shifu tried to reason with him

"Temutai! Listen to me. The Gong Lu Medallion is clouding what little judgement you ever had"

But Temutai wasn't buying any of it

"Liar, you want the moon for yourself! But I will finish you off instead!" Temutai raised his fisted, until someone shouted

"Stop, Temutai!"

He turned around and saw Po standing before him

"You'll pay for your villainy. And also for these doors, which cost a lot, by the way"

"You again. You are getting in the Moon Emperor's last nerve!" Temutai screamed as the medallion glowed a bright red and fire burned in his eyes. Po dodged Temutai's energy blasts and reached the support beam where the masters were chained onto

"Po, what's your plan?" Tigress asked as Po stammered

"Uh, plan?"

Po attempted to take the medallion from Temutai while dodging his red energy blasts, but he quickly failed as he got knocked down and lifted in the air

"You should have worshipped me when you had the chance"

As he raised his fist to hit Po, Temutai suddenly got knocked down from behind and fell on his back. Looking down, he no longer wore the medallion and yelled

"Who took my medallion?!"

"Hello, Temutai. Remember me?"

As he looked up, it was a very familiar face

"Peng! You came back!" Po cheered while also groaning in pain and Temutai nodded

"Oh, yes. You're that nice kung fu kid who tried to kill me. I never liked you!"

The two of them worked together to fight Temutai and finally after putting just enough effort into their work, they managed to kick Temutai out of the palace and watched him bounce down the stairs. Po then turned to give Peng a big hug

"Peng! Yes! Way to go, buddy"

"Can someone please free us now?" Crane called from behind them

"Oh, heh. Right" Po chuckled awkwardly as he immediately freed the others and everyone thanked him for doing it on time this time

When the others were freed, Po and Shifu walked up to Peng, who was staring at the glowing medallion as Shifu said

"Well done, Peng. Now give us the medallion so we can lock it up"

"But the fire inside... it's so beautiful. I can feel it's power" Peng muttered as the Po and Shifu felt bad about his, Peng sounded like he was in trance

"Easy, pal. That thing's dangerous. Now hand it over" Po gently spoke as Peng stared at it while turning to face him, he was quiet for a second, before yelling


Everyone got shocked as Peng put the medallion around his neck and his eyes started to glow and a fire burned in his eyes

"I've never felt so strong before. Like I can do anything. Anything!"

Peng punched and kicked the air and when he stopped, he created a large hole by shooting a flurry of red energy blasts at the wall. Peng started acting more unusual and violent and it sort of scared them

"You were right, Po. I don't have to be afraid of power. I should embrace it" Peng lifted a support beam in the air

"And never let it go. Never!" He shouted as he threw the support beam over the other's heads, who could duck away just in time

"And that's why we can't have nice things" Crane muttered while Peng started laughing and cackling at the immense amount of power he felt coursing through him

"It's the medallion. His darker emotions are coming to the surface. Peng's too dangerous now! We have to get the medallion away from him. Do whatever you have to do!" Shifu told them as Po protested

"What? No, wait! Let me talk to him"

Po slowly walked up to Peng, who was busy admiring his new stronger abilities and said

"Okay, Peng. Just give me the medallion before you-"

Peng pushed Po and sent him crashing into the wall as Tai Lung's sword rested above Po's head. Peng walked up to Po with the fire in his eyes and growled

"You want all the power for yourself. You destroyed my uncle and now you want to destroy me" He took the sword and raised it above his head

"Well, Dragon Warrior, take your best shot"

Shifu, Daiyu and the Five jumped in, but they soon got humbled by Peng and eventually, he and Po fought someplace else, before flying and bouncing down from the stairs. The masters groaned and grunted in pain and frustration while recovering from the hits they've took

"Is everyone alright?" Shifu asked as everyone got up while Daiyu helped Tigress stand up

"Most of us are" Monkey replied as Daiyu growled lowly in frustration

"I don't get it! How can Peng possibly be that emotional over a family member, who he's never even met before and try to almost kill all of us? I understand losing a loved one is very hard, but we're talking about Tai Lung here. Everyone knows his story by now"

"I know, Daiyu. If only I could show him what Tai Lung had become, I definitely would. But unfortunately, that is not the case here. All we can do is hope that Peng would understand it when he start to look back on it"

Daiyu nodded understandingly and just sighed softly, still worried for Peng as she deeply cared about him. Crane wrapped his wing around her shoulder for support as she punched her nose bridge

"You really do care for him, don't you?" Crane asked as Daiyu softly smiled

"He's like a little brother to me, like the annoying yet sweet type. I told him myself"

Both of them turned to their left when they heard muffled giggling and saw it was Monkey and Mantis making puckered lips and kissing sounds, which quickly made them make step away from each other

Glaring at the two of them, they were lucky they didn't made eye contact, because then only Crane would be able to see her flustered face, but Daiyu could still feel his raising heartbeat that just wouldn't stop

Just then, Peng and Po returned with Peng holding the medallion in his paw, letting the others know that he wasn't a power-hungry, violent fighter anymore

Shifu quickly stored the medallion in a box as Zeng took it away to safely lock it up

"Well, Peng. What are your plans now?" Shifu asked as Po chuckled

"You're kidding, Master Shifu? Peng's gonna stay here and train with us! Right, buddy?"

"Po..." Peng mumbled, before Po spoke

"Ooh, I forgot. Don't forget your sword" Po handed Peng Tai Lung's sword as he took it

Peng paused, before smashing the sword onto the ground and breaking it into pieces, leaving everyone shocked and taken back

"Now it can't hurt anyone. And neither can I. Kung fu is over for me, Po. Forever" Peng confessed sadly as Po then asked with sadness and disappointment


"The medallion enhances the wearer's darkest emotions. That means somewhere deep within me, there's evil and a thirst for power"

"But, no. You overcame the medallion!" Po tried to comfort Peng, who was fearful, doubtful and upset, but Peng wouldn't buy it

"Thanks to you. But what if you're not around he next time?" Peng asked Po opened his mouth to speak, but closed it as he looked down in sadness

"It's inside me, Po. I can't take the chance. Goodbye" Peng said as he walked out of the Jade Palace

Everyone else sadly watched Peng leave the Hall of Warriors and step down the stairs back to the village to get his stuff and leave

"Poor kid" Viper sighed as Mantis placed claw on her back to soothe her and nodded

"I honestly feel so bad for him. He's starting to think he's evil, but we all know that that's not true"

"But this is his own choice. If he feels that kung fu is not meant for him, obviously none of us are going to force him to think otherwise" Daiyu said as Po nodded

"Maybe... maybe you're right. He probably is better off without kung fu or his uncle... or me"


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