By Dcoleman80

160 33 0

SCREENPLAY VERSION.... I've lived the last eight years of my life in pain. Pain that should've brought me to... More



4 2 0
By Dcoleman80


Mars, Shell and Kayne all sat around the dining table after Shell and Mars finished setting it up ready for Kayne to bring out the food he prepared. Mars took a glance his way.

Lord, he's dishy. While I stood in our kitchen pulling out the cutlery, I couldn't stop watching him. I couldn't take my eyes off him and his backside while he cooked. Hey, I'm human. Believe me, you'd stare too if you stood in his presence. Oft, talk about "buns of steel" I bet he can crush walnuts with it. Aha!

They were about to dig in when Shell spoke.

"Oh wait, we need drinks."

Shell then stood from her perch and began walking towards the kitchen. Mars lifts her head to watch her go, but Shell suddenly stops walking as she gets past Kayne's seat. She then turned and paused again, seemingly looking like she was about to say something, but she didn't.
Shell just stood there and tilted her head after staring at something on Kayne's back. Mars looked a little worried about the look on Shell's face.

What are you doing, woman? Seriously, she's freaking me out. Shit, what if it's a spider on his back?

With that image, Mars shivered.

"You okay, sweets?"

Shell's eyes lift to look at Mars before moving to his back again. She's looking at him with a shocked, but amused look on her face.

"Yeah, I um... Yeah. Sorry Kayne, would you like wine or a beer?"

Kayne turned his head to look at Shell with slightly raised brows, probably wondering what the hell she was doing too.

"A beer would be great, thanks."

Jesus, I like his voice. It's so smooth it's floating over my body, making me shiver.

Shell nodded and carried on with her task of retrieving the drinks with a grin on her lips.
While they sit waiting for Shell to return, Mars feels a little hot and bothered while taking sneaky glances Kayne's way.

Honestly, he's probably one of the sexiest specimens I have ever seen.

"So, Kayne, what do you call this?"

Mars then pointed down at my food and nervously smiled. Kayne looked shocked that she was speaking to him. They've not spoken since their awkward introduction.

"It's a family favourite, Basil chicken with vermicelli."

He looks proud when he says this. Hell, I would too, if I could cook like this.

"It's delicious."

I also think he's delicious. Hey, I can appreciate a good-looking man when I see one.

Kayne smiled, but he looked shy. Oh boy, those dimples. Yep, they're gonna be the death of me. I want to have a little fun with him, but before I do, I clear my throat. The tension's been building since I first looked into his eyes. It's very distracting. I start by telling him Shell also cooks.

"She's pretty amazing at it actually. Maybe you can compare your food now, see who can cook the best. Whoever makes the best dish can cook for my affections."

Maes said this with a straight face while Kayne looked shocked again, making Mars bite her lip to hide her grin.

"I'm just kidding, relax."

They both grin while he looks a little embarrassed. When Mars saw this, she chuckled.

"Seriously though, it's good."

Mars paused.

"Thank you for making it."

Mars smiled and shyly looked down at her food. Kayne huffs a laugh and physically relaxed.

"You're welcome, Mars."

Oh boy, along with liking his voice, I like the way he says my name.

Mars liked it so much that she discreetly pushed her legs together, and Kayne's eyes saw the movement. This made Mars jump slightly. She attempts to disguise it by coughing, but he notices it anyway and inwardly grins.

Bollocks! Tell me again why we got a glass table.


While Mars is trying to keep it together, Shell finally returns with wine and a beer for Kayne. Mars noticed her still looking amused when she sat down. She has a cheeky grin on her lips.

Oh no, what is she up to now? That look never leads to anything good.

"So, Kayne, I couldn't help but admire your ink work earlier. You seem to have a lot. Tell me, when did you get your first?"

She then looks at me again and Mars sends a look of her own that says "What are you up to?" But Shell only grinned again.

Bollocks! I don't like this one bit, especially since she's using her teacher's voice.

"I was about fifteen. My buddy and I pooled our allowances together and bought the equipment. I guess you could say we got a little carried away."

With that last part, he huffs a laugh. However, Shell's next question floors me.

"Wow, that's pretty young. So, what's the story about the crown the one on your neck?"

Mars coughed and almost choked on her pasta.

Am I hearing this right, he's got a crown on his neck. This is a wind-up, right?

Mars stared at Kayne like she was staring into his soul. While doing this, Kayne's looking between her and Shell with a confused look on his face.

Wait, is he blushing? Oh, that is hot. Bollocks! Stop it!

"Oh, yeah..."

Kayne sighed and with a shy grin he carried on.

"I got that one about three years ago."

Mars jumped a little, shocked.

"Oh, why he got it?"

"Well, it's kind of stupid."

Kayne chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.

Holy crap! I'm shocked! Just knowing he's got that tattoo is freaking me out. Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough why.

"I was sat in my cubicle tattooing somebody while my buddy was in the next room, inking a woman."

"What? Wait, you ink?"

Mars's eyes were wide. Then she looked at Shell, silently asking if she knew this. Shell just shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal. Seeing this, Mars sent a look filled with suspicion.

She's up to something, I just know it.

Eventually, Mars turned back to look at Kayne and saw he was smirking.

"Well yeah, kind of. It's mostly when I'm not modelling."

Mars's eyes bulge again. Kayne continues with his story with a shy grin.

"I was listening in on parts of their conversation, but with the noise of the machines buzzing, it made it a little hard to hear. I heard her tell him why she wanted the tattoo and that one day, she hoped to find her King. After a rough past, she's taking a break to discover what she wants from life. But then she said something about not giving up on finding him. Something along those lines. Anyway, I had this sudden urge to check her out, but when I got there, all I could see was her back. I couldn't see her face and she couldn't see me, but even from the back, she looked pretty hot."

Kayne's face flushed red again and with a little shy chuckle, he carried on.

"For some crazy reason, I couldn't help thinking, 'I could take care of you.' Crazy I know, but listening to parts of her story, made me angry. Hell, I didn't even know her name, and I wanted to protect her! Eventually, I sat back in my chair and carried on tattooing this big fella. I still couldn't get her out of my head and by the time I decided I wanted to meet her, she disappeared. I asked my buddy for her number, but he wouldn't. Said she'd been through enough and she didn't need my crap. As you can imagine, I was pissed. Weeks passed by, and still, I couldn't get her out of my head. I knew, and don't ask me why or how, but I knew I had to find her. So, I got a Kings crown on my neck hoping one day, I'll see her again. That, and I thought it was a pretty cool tat to have. The only downside is the only way to know it's her will be with her queen tattoo since I'd never seen her face."


Mars is stunned into silence.

Well shit! I think I'm in shock. My body's shaking and my mouth's open. I'm probably catching flies. I think I'm breathing. I'm not sure, but now I'm lost for words. What did he do? Why would he do that? It's just crazy. Yes, it's very sweet and romantic, but crazy all the same.

They all sat in silence for what felt like forever. Even Shell looked to be in shock, but then she finally broke the silence.

"Wow, that's some story, huh? It's like a fairy tale. Almost like looking for your soulmate. Maybe even twin flame."

Shell's looking at Mars when she said that last part, and raised her brow when she carried on.

"Who did it for you, you know, the crown?"

Christ, I don't want to hear the answer. Seriously, it'll make it all too fucking real.

"Oh, it was my buddy, Dean, from Headley's Ink."

Oh god, my life!

"Well, well..."

Shell looked very smug when she said this. Mars then watched Shell bite her lip. She's trying to hold her laughter in before she carries on.

"What's the cha-"

Mars jumped in and coughed loud enough to cut Shell off before she could finish. Mars then sends Shell a look that says "Hell no, don't you dare woman!" Shell looked at Mars like she'd lost her mind.
Kayne's looking between them with a confused look again.

"Have I missed something?"

Mars quickly gathered her thoughts before speaking.

"Ah, no, it's nothing. It's just, he did a few of her tattoos, that's all."


Kayne looked at Shell, as if to search for any tattoos.


"They're hidden."


Mars bit her lip and Kayne nodded before huffing out a chuckle.

"Yeah, he was the one who told me about the room and gave me your number."

Kayne looked shy when he told them this, making Mars wriggle in her seat. She enjoys seeing it.

"I know it is nuts and I doubt I'll ever see her again either, but one day I hope to find her whether it's meant to be. Hell, I don't know, maybe I lost my mind that day?"

Kayne said this with an almost sad grin before falling into silence. Mars sits lost in her head while Shell's the total opposite. She's looking quite pleased with herself. Mars sees this too, making her discreetly roll her eyes.

My god, woman! What have you done? You have us a new flatmate, a very sexy one at that! He's full of sexy tattoos and can cook like a boss and to top it all off, he's a tattoo artist. What are the odds? He's also a model and has a crown tattoo inked on the back of his neck. It's the same place as mine. On my fucking NECK!
Dean Headley, you have a bloody lot of explaining to do my friend!

Eventually, Mars finished her dinner and before heading up to her room, she took her dishes to the kitchen. She didn't eat all of it because her stomach was in knots. Before she left, she addressed Kayne.

"Thank you again for the meal, Kayne. It was the best pasta I've had in a while."

Mars then looked at Shell who was still sitting at the table with Kayne.

"Sorry sweets, he's got you beat on this one."

Mars chuckled and Shell glared. Moments later, Mars excused herself, taking her dishes to the kitchen. Kayne watched Mars's backside as she walked away.

Holy crap, she's hot. Every time she spoke, I couldn't stop watching her lips. I kept on imagining what they'd taste like if I kissed them. Then I couldn't stop the image of them wrapped around my dick either. I know, it's bad. I think I'm losing my shit over her.

As she washed her dishes, her mind began to wonder...

What's gonna happen when it all comes out and he eventually discovers it was me that day? I have no words, He cannot be talking about me, can he? Dean's my tattooist, yes. For a long time, he's been one of my best friends. Yet, I don't remember seeing Kayne at the shop. I think I'd remember seeing him but then he said he also models and only tattoos in his free time. Plus, I've only ever ventured in there for my ink and I don't have a ton.
When he looked at Shell, searching for her tattoos, I had to think of something to get him off the scent. I couldn't allow him to find out it was me that day. Hell, the only ink she had was one on her hip. And it wasn't even Dean who did it, it was me. Reluctantly she said yes, allowing me to ink her first. What's even funnier, she's never even met Dean.
I felt bad lying to him, but I had to do it. I couldn't tell him it was me. That's a lot of questions I can't answer. Not yet anyway. Christ's sake, I only got my crown after a year of trying to piece my life back together after my bastard ex made my life hell.
My grandma, God rest her soul, would tell me and my sisters to hold out for our King. And my ex wasn't because he almost destroyed me until there was practically nothing left. He pulled me down and mentally and physically tortured me. He'd cheat with whoever would fall for his charms. All the while I sat at home, waiting, thinking he loved me. He'd tell me so every day. Without fail, no matter what he did to me, he'd tell me he loved me. That soon turned out to be a big fat lie! Just when I think he couldn't get any lower, he proved me wrong.

Cut to a memory of Mars at twenty years old, carrying a box into Ashton's home after moving out of her Mothers' home. Her face was one of doubt while Ashton walked behind her looking smugly happy.

Age 31, black hair slicked back. 6ft3. Slender, with muscles. Smoker. Biker style: dirty black ripped jeans with a key chain, and red checked shirt, and biker books. Tattoos all over his body with spaces for Mars to fill in later. Inked fingers are full of big silver rings. Drives a custom-built Black & Gold Harley Davidson Slim motorcycle. (Looks like Billy Huxley)

Bring back to Mars in the kitchen. She sighed as she carried on narrating.

We were together for about two years. The worst thing I did was move in with him. Everything was good before then. I mean, I spent all that time thinking could he be the one... But then, I kept thinking there was something not right about him. I just couldn't place it, not until I moved in with him! After a few weeks of living together, things started to change. He began staying out a lot and when he eventually came home, he was off his face. He began to treat me like I was nothing.
God knows why I put up with that. I guess my stubbornness impeded me from walking out because everyone told me to do it. Everyone warned me he was no good. I didn't want to believe them. I didn't want to prove them right. He'd always tell me he loved me. I was still young, and I thought he meant it. I guess I was just scared of being alone after he got into my head. I know now that it wasn't "love". Love isn't supposed to be hard work and there's not meant to be pain and anger either. I knew it wasn't meant to be.
One day, he got up and left the house. I assumed it was to do his dodgy dealings, ones he thought I was unaware of. Well, I got a call from my bank later that day, asking why I emptied my account. I  was livid. I wondered how because I hadn't even been to the bank that week. What the hell is going on? They said it was cleared out online the day before. The only other person who could do that was Ashton! He took the whole fucking lot. By the time the police questioned him about it, there was no trace of it. Now he's serving time in Durham jail for the assault on a kid and fraud. I'm still down twenty-five grand but I know now not to trust any fucker with my money or my heart.
My uncle Stephen and Mr Benjamin made sure he got time. Only, I still say the bastard should've got more than four years. Hell, especially after what he put me through.
Fucking Ash-hole! One thing I know for sure is, nobody will ever get in my head again. Nobody will ever treat me like that again.
I'll be hiding this tattoo for as long as I can. I can't allow myself to get side-tracked. I can't get all worked up again over a man. I need to focus on my dream. It's all I want and need now.


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