By QAphrodite5

31.3K 1K 45

Hi guys, I am back with a new story. Before that let me ask you a question. Do you have a lover?? May be yes... More



609 25 0
By QAphrodite5

Christian's POV

The sun's rays fall on the hall. It was already morning. What the heck? I took a quick shower and sprinted towards the college.

I drove my car at high speed. My body felt weak. I kept yawning, and my eyes were filled with water. I didn't notice it from my house. But when I walked into college, I couldn't move. I inched to the classroom.

"Christian ", I heard a call. It was from Natasha.
"What happened? ", she asked. But I can't answer her. I can't stand straight.

She took me to the nurse's room. I don't know how I got there, but right now I am lying in bed. Natasha was sitting beside me.

"Why are your eyes red? Didn't sleep last night", she asked worriedly.

"You said that you would call me", I can barely speak.
"Wait, don't tell me that you waited all night for my call", Now she is mad.

"Me, Nat", suddenly I forgot all words.
"Are you a child? I don't know why you behaved like that. You should need to get slapped so hardly,", she said, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Then do it", I said, showing my cheek for her to slap me.
"Christian!", Nat shouted with a small smile.

"Heyy Natasha", the nurse lady, saved me from this angry bear.
"Give medicine to this boy", She is still mad.
"What happened? ", the nurse lady asked her. Natasha introduced me as a boy, but I am not a child.

"He didn't sleep last night. Now his eyes are red and puffy", she answered on behalf of me.

The nurse came back with an eye drop. No!!.

"Why is this? ", I don't like medicine or these things.
"This will reduce your red eyes", Natasha answered.

"No, I don't like it. It will hurt my eyes", I don't allow to use these items on me. Especially my eyes.

"No Christian. Don't act like a baby", Natasha warned. She is too scary these days.

"No Nat. This is not needed. The redness will go away when I sleep", I said.
"Give it to me", she ordered the nurse.

She took the bottle in her hand and pushed me to bed.
"Open your eyes", That was not a shout, but a roar.

She opened my eyes with one hand and dropped the liquid on my eyes.
"Look. This is simple", Finally, it is done.

I took some medicine to make my spinning head clear.

"Sleep here," the nurse asked me to sleep. My body was too weak to react.

I obeyed her. I slept there like a baby. Natasha's presence made me feel peaceful because I fell asleep in seconds.

I slept so soundly. It felt refreshed. A hand was wrapped around me protectively. A small smile formed on my face. I took the hand and pulled it towards me.

"Christian ", a large body fell on me.
"Philip ", I was stunned to see him here. So where is Natasha?

"Where is Natasha? ", I asked him. My eyes are running from here to there.
"You thought of me as Natasha Miss", he asked. I was silent.

"If it was her, what are you going to do? God, control yourself, Christian,", he was stunned to speak.
"Stop it, Phil", I shut him up.

"What happened? ", he asked, stopping his laughter.
"I didn't sleep last night" , I answered.
"Why? " I didn't reply to it.

"Tell me", he insisted.
"A guy came here last day asking about Natasha. His name is Fredrick," , I explained.

"So? ", he asked.
"I don't know. I have a bad feeling about him", I expressed my worry.

"You always have bad feelings about every guy going near Natasha", he said, not surprised.

"But this is not like that", I don't know why he can't understand.
"So who is he? ", he asked.
"I don't know. I wanted to ask, but then I am not that brave", I wanted to know about this guy.

"So what does it have to do with your current situation", Phil continued with the questions.
"I lost my sleep last night", I finally answered the first question.
"So you were awake all night", He was shocked, which is an understatement.
"Hmm", I hummed.

"What're you doing then? ", he asked, looking at me like I was crazy.
"I watched some romantic movies", I was watching some movies to improve my romantic style.

"No wonder you suddenly became too romantic", he said, looking at his hand, showing the way I pulled him into the bed, picturing Natasha.

I felt good. So I walked back to my class. But my phone pinged. It was a message from the coach.

Christian, don't forget to pick your costumes.

"Phil, I want to pick up the costume from the store", I ran to my car.
"I am coming too", he also ran.

We reached the shop quickly. Without wasting time, I picked up the drama Constumes.

"So let's go back, " Phil asked.
But my eyes caught a sight. It was the same guy, Fredrick.

"Philip, that is Fredrick ", I pointed towards the new creature formed to ruin my mood.
"So? ", he asked.
I ran towards him.

"Yes? ", he said, turning to look at me.
"You are the one who came to our college yesterday ", I asked.
He thought for a while and answered, "Hmm. Yeah".

"Who are you? What is your relationship with Natasha ", I questioned him.

"And who are you to ask? ", he asked back. Wow, he is not backing.

"We are her students ", Phil answered. I have a side eye.

"Well, students, my relationship with her is more than yours", he said, opening his car door and driving off.

" Christian. Are you alright? ", Phil asked. No, I am not. This guy will be a problem for me, for sure.

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