MY TYPE | George Weasley x Ma...

By kyxoxosan

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" Y/N first hated George Weasley but the more they got to know each other the more they hung out, George fell... More

Intro :3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

82 2 2
By kyxoxosan

Holidays at Malfoy Manor

It was now the Holidays and you were with Theo and Draco in the train going back to Malfoy Manor which is where you're mostly gonna spend your time in. As you made it to Malfoy Manor Draco asked first to his dad, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, if he could tour you and Theo around the house and he said he was fine with it. Draco toured you around the house and told you all the places where you can go to, and not go to. Malfoy Manor was a bit dark but it was alright, Draco then showed you your rooms, of course you and Theo shared while Draco had his own, but Draco always wanted to be with you both so he stayed with you two in your rooms.

You did tons of activities during the Holidays, Draco even taught you how to play the piano, and you had some snowball fights in the backyard, sometimes stayed in the front yard to hang out, relax or read some books. The whole time you weren't bored but yet felt so happy, guessing that it's because you spent your time with your two best friends.

As the three of you were hanging out in the front yard, you received a letter from your owl Argos, you read it aloud for Draco and Theo to hear.

Dear Y/N,

How are you doing? It's me Potter, I've been spending my time with Ron at the Burrow, I'm sorry if I mentioned the burrow or anything and made you remember about- yeah, sorry. But how are you really these past few weeks? I wanted to tell you something important. There have been attacks at the ministry of magic, Mr. Weasley told us about it and we think the attacks are by Death Eaters. Where are you staying at by the way? I'm sorry if I'm saying or asking too much I'm just really curious.


"Damn Potter wants to know where you are, tell him that you're enjoying your time at Malfoy Manor, and why the heck did he bring up the Death Eaters?!"

"Well I don't know why don't you go ask him?" I teased Draco with a smirk on my face.

"Just tell him you're staying at your house, if he knows about what's going on in Malfoy Manor he'll think you're enemies with him." Theo added

"My point exactly," draco replied leaning back on the tree as he made his arms as pillows.

You then just giggle about it, "alright alright, I'll write him a letter in response, and why would you think I'd mention the Death Eaters living here in Malfoy Manor hm?" You added.

"Well I don't know! Instincts of trust issues I guess,"

"Draco Malfoy having trust issues? that's new." Theo joked, chuckling.

"Hey!!" Draco shouted, acting offended and threw a snowball at Theo.

"That's rude!" Theo shouted, as the two threw snowballs at each other while you in the background just laughed until you accidentally got hit by a snowball as well. "Not fair!" You shouted and giggled, you joined their snowball fight and after a little while got over it and went inside to warm yourselves up.

About the letter though, you knew that the Death Eaters had lived in Malfoy Manor but only for a short period of time, the three of you partially know their plan but you know about it. You're not too worried because it's almost 'impossible' that they can bring back Voldemort, although at this point you're keeping it quiet.

"Do you think they're able to bring back you-know-who?" Draco asks suddenly.

"Maybe, maybe not. It depends really." Theo responds

"Well I feel like it's almost impossible for them to bring him back but, who knows." You say, crossing your arms.

"I guess so." Draco replies leaning back onto his chair.

The room had become entirely silent and it was pretty awkward, it was almost the first time the three of you were quietly awkward like this because you always have something to talk and laugh about but this time you don't. These are serious and dangerous days especially when you know the Death Eaters are around and Lucius doesn't like it when they are abruptly mentioned, that's why you three always put a silencing charm so you wouldn't be heard talking about school, the Death Eaters and such.

It's only 3 days until Christmas! And apparently the three of you decided to guy buy some gifts for one another, you probably thought first that you didn't need to buy any gifts because, well, the Malfoys are rich but whatever. As you step into the shop you saw some of the Weasleys buying gifts too, and fortunately you saw Harry and Hermione there as well! You decided to avoid them for now and continued on picking out a gift for Theo and Draco, then you bumped into a tall ginger figure. Oh.. it was George Weasley. Your eyes had widen and apologized, then walking away from him and getting out of the store.

"H- hey!-" he shouted, his face looked apologetic but you ignored him. He should sighed and continued doing what he was doing.

"hey, what was that? His brother Ron asked. "Wait- was that Y/N??" He added.

"Apparently it was.." George replied.

"Bloody hell George.. you REALLY need to apologize to him."


As you got of out the shop Theo and Draco saw you and went after you, "Hey! Have you gotten a gift for us yet?" Draco asked giddily. You didn't respond, it was as if you were traumatized by every memory you've had with him. You turned pale and empty.

"Y/N? ...Y/N!" Theo kept shouting towards you, he snapped his fingers twice and you finally felt alive.

"I-.. I'm sorry-"

"What happened mate? You look like you've seen a dementor! Unless you-" Draco said before getting cut off by you.

"No no! It's.. it's just that I saw him."

"Him??" The two asked in unison. "Him who??" They asked again.


"Wait, WEASLEY??" Draco asked his tone went from curious to upset.

You nod in response, the twosome's faces went blank but had the urge to punch George.

"Uh, guys?-"

"Where in the bloody hell is the ginger?" Theo asks, lighting up a cigarette.

"Don't tell me you two are-" you take a good look at the two again. "Godric. Please just don't."

"Why not?! George fucking hurt you and you're just letting him get away with it?!" Theo asks angrily as he put his hands on your shoulders and takes a deep sigh. "Listen Y/N, you don't deserve to be hurt. You're special, you're precious like a diamond but he only treated you like you're nothing!"


"C'mon. Please?"

"....No. Theo you know better than this-"

Theo hisses and clicks his tongue, then storms off to find the ginger.

"Theo! Hey! Theo!!" You inhale sharply, sighing. "Bloody hell." You say following Theo with Draco.

Meanwhile with George, he's just walking with his siblings trying to find more shops and stuff. He then spots Theo in the corner of his eye, his own eyes widen at the fact that Theo is coming close to him.

"Nott what're you doing her-" he got cut off by Theo punching his stomach. "Ow! Bloody hell mate! What was that for?!"

"That was for Y/N you arsehole. When the fuck are you planning to apologize to him hm? When?" Theo asks, his voice deep and clear as shit that he's enraged.

"Wh.. well I was gonna plan to but I feel like it's not the perfect time ye-" George says swiftly but he got cut off again.

"Then when? When in the bloody hell are you planning to apologize?"

George went silent. After realizing that their brother was left behind they came back and saw George with a broken and bleeding nose, half beat up because of Theo; They also see both Y/N and Draco just arrive.

"Nott?! What the fuck?!" His twin shouted.

"Tsk." Theo clicked his tongue. "C'mon, let's just go."

"Hold on for a minute Nott." Ron shouted as Theo turned around.


"What in the bloody hell do you have against George?"

Theo's face was blank until it turned into a malicious grin. "What do I have AGAINST GEORGE WEASLEY?" Theo laughs. "Well for one, he hurt my best friend Y/N, and TWO, he doesn't even love him anymore when Y/N is trying his fucking best to be loved by someone. You just don't understand how Y/N feels because of what your brother did Ron. If you were me you'd do the same for your best friend, wouldn't you?"

Ron went silent, he was at loss for words because of Theo's explanation.

"C'mon." Theo said asking for both Y/N and Draco to just stay away from the Weasleys.

As the Weasley siblings had went back home to the burrow, Molly noticed that George was beated up and immediately went to treat him.

"Georgie dear, what happened? How did you end up like this?" Molly asked, pure concern was clear in her tone.

"...It was my fault,"

"What was dear?"

"It was my fault that I hurt Y/N, and because of that I got beat up by his best friends. But I exactly knew it was my fault."

"Ah.. dearie Y/N. Have you apologized to him yet?"

"I planned to when I saw him, but.. he ran away from me, like he was scared of me, like.. traumatized.." he paused for a moment, a few years escaping his eyes already. "I don't know what to do mum.."

She sighed, "I'll try and talk to his parents at the ministry if that's okay with you, okay?"

George then nodded, feeling comfort from his mother.

It was about nightfall and the fireplace was roaring, the three friends were covered in separate blankets and they were telling such fantasy stories to one another, it was also raining pretty hard. There were some thunder and lightning but not that much.

Draco lets out a soft grunt as he sat down coming back from the outside grabbing snacks for theirselves. "Hope you enjoy 'em! Just made them last week too." He says all giddily.

Theo makes an expression like he was squinting his eyes almost 'despising' Draco's cookies. "Are you sure these are edible?" He says jokingly as he grabs one.

"Yeah they are. Now take a bite!"

"Alright alright-" Theo takes a bite from the cookie, crunching on it. "Mm.." he said tasting the cookie. "Wow! This is- actually good holy shit-"

"Yeah!! And here you thought I'm a bad cook, well that's a lie!" He said laughing.

Y/N just laughed along, enjoying the night before Christmas day. The next morning, Y/N was still asleep but woken up by the two to eat breakfast; they then went to open their gifts that was left under their bed.

"Aw what's this?" Y/N asks all giddily at the sight of his gift.

"It's a journal." The two answered in unison.

"A journal?" He said as he opened it. "What for though?" He adds, smiling at the journal and flipping the pages.

"Well it's just a place where you can write your most favorite memories!" Draco replies, smiling with his hands on his hips.

"Aww that's cute" Y/N responds happily, adoring the journal.

"Time for mine!" Draco shouts happily as he opens his gift in a kind of beastly way but trying to be careful of it. He let out an excited gasp seeing the gift. "Holy shit!! This is what I've always wanted! The new updated booster for your broomstick for quidditch! You guys couldn't have.." he said in an emotional way, smiling and hugging his present.

"We know you always wanted it so- there you go!" Theo replied chuckling as he gave a soft nudge to Y/N

"Alright, it's my turn." Theo said smiling at the gift as he unwraps it. "Woah! 5 boxes of my favorite cigarettes, a new quill, AND 3 new black and silver lighters!" He said as he looked at the gifts one by one then turning the two of them. "Thank you guys." He said smiling, as he went to get a cigarette from one of the new boxes as he lights it up with the new lighter. He huffs, "best day of my fuckin' life."

Then they laughed and smiled the whole day away; when night falls they were opening more gifts and telling more stories to scare each other. A blizzard happened so they couldn't even go outside to the balcony, though they were enjoying their time together.

"Alrighty listen up! I've got a story to tell, the most scariest, even scarier than hell!" Y/N said in a hoarse voice, trying to frighten them.

"Are you really trying to make your voice scary Y/N?" Theo asked jokingly.

"Of course! It's gonna be a story that'll be scarred into your head for the rest of your life." He replied turning his voice back to a normal tone, he cleared his throat and proceeded to tell the story. "Now let me continue. 'Hear ye! Hear ye!' A poor fella from one of the town said, holding a wanted poster of a certain witch. 'Look out for this witch! For she holds a toxin inside of her.' The townspeople couldn't believe their eyes though, for the witch was too beautiful to be one. 'Scammin' us again are ya?!' A folk shouted, then another, then another. They threw tomatoes at him for faking the fact that this beautiful lady is a witch. The next day, a new woman got into town with such beautiful greyish green eyes and hazel hair, she looked like an angel! The men swooned over her, even the women did! She all chuckled at this, enjoying her time already."

"Great start, I'm still not scared." Theo said grinning.

"Neither am I" draco responded nudging Theo's arm.

"Well I'm not done yet. 'F-father! That woman! There! She has the same eyes and face of the witch you warned everyone about! She's here in the town!!' The son of the poor said, complete fear filled in his eyes. 'They should've listened to me when they had time.. everyone in this town is doomed.' On that day, the father and son rode on their wagon to get out of town before they die because of her. The night came and the witch had a chance to kill everyone in the town for power and energy. She can smell fear all from a mile away. She started going house to house to suck the life out of them, they cried and pleaded to her not to kill them but she did it anyway. She didn't care at all, her beauty was dead and now she's released an intoxicating plague all over the town. Everyone died at her hands while the father and son had escaped."

"The end! Right?" Draco asked, somehow he's starting to slightly sweat.

"No, that was just the beginning." Y/N replied, a grin spread acrossed his face, Draco gulps nervously but he's willing to listen.

"Now, you'd think that the father and son survived right? Well.. they got across a swamp and there was a small hut there, probably where the witch lived. So they planned to creep onto the hut, peeping if anyone is there. 'jars full of eyeballs, fingers, blood, wands and a broomstick... this is the witch's house...!' His son said as he observed the inside, little did they know the witch was behind them. She pushed the two of them inside as she slammed and locked the door behind her. 'ah, what delicious dinner I have before me.' She said with a devilish smile, her blood curdling already as she licked her lips. She handed her hand out as her wand flew to her, then pointed it at them. 'please have mercy! We didn't mean to enter your house!' Said the father before his soul got sucked by her, she gasped. 'Oh! How delicious. Time for the little boy for a dessert.' She murmured under her breath, her eyes interlocking with the boy. 'please don't kill me! I wanna live! Please let me live!' He cried out, kneeling and bowing to her. The witch's eyes had widen, surprised by the boy's actions; she knelt down looking at the boy. 'hm, you remind me of someone dear boy.' She said as her hands got to his chin, he gulped, he was afraid because he didn't want to die just yet. 'listen to me little boy, you are young. I don't just kill kids for no reason, now.. You can either run away and tell officers, or.. you could live with me. I'll teach you magic, dark arts and such. What do you say?' She asks, her deceiving form slightly turning back, her voice was hushed and quiet trying to keep him calm. 'i-..' the boy muttered, looking down. 'i always wanted to learn magic, my father though didn't want me to because he said it was cursed..' the witch felt sympathy as she smiled warmly at the boy."

"I thought this was scary.." Draco said, hugging Theo already from fright.

"Well that moment is already done, does this story have a good ending or not?" Theo asked, trying to push away Draco but gave up and let him hug him.

"You'll see how it ends," Y/N cleared his throat before continuing. "The witch then raised the boy, taking him in as hers; she told everything about the wizarding world to him, Hogwarts, spells, charms, potions, everything. When he got his acceptance to Hogwarts, both of them were so happy. He even got sorted into his mother's old house, Ravenclaw. The only problem was that he was bullied and he took it so personal he took his own life, leaving his mother in shambles. She avenged him, taking out all her anger on Hogwarts. But she was defeated, now the two of them are dead, some remember and some have forgotten. The end."

"Woah.. that was, a rollercoaster of emotions.. wait, if you said that some have forgotten— how come you know about it?" Draco asked, pulling away from Theo as he crossed his arms.

"Ah! Well my mother told me all about it, it's one of my favorite stories too." Y/N replied with a slight smile.

"Oh yeah when is she coming home to your place soon?" Theo asked as he lit up a cigarette.

"Mm, not sure yet. I haven't gotten a letter from her either these holidays too."

"She's probably still resting from all the work, you'll probably get a letter next week since we're going back." Draco said as he moved and laid himself down on the soft carpet.

"I guess so, goodnight then you two" Y/N responds as he laid down as well and took some pillows.

"Goodnight." Theo replied as he put out his cigarette.

Hi!! Author here:3 did you like this chapter? Lmk! This is probs one of the hardest chapters I've thought of- but anyway, some chapters will take longer due to school and writer's block. Voting and commenting really helps motivate me to continue this story>:)

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