Gift Me Your Wings - Jibo

By HoppeWorld7

1.6K 112 27

Bora, who is a sweet single mom during the day and a dangerous exotic dancer at night, finds out the woman sh... More

1: Far away through the dense fog
2: The night where all the light vanished
3: It was like I saw you at the end of the darkness
4: Even after the moonlight disappears
5: To the place that is nowhere with me
6: Stars shining onto the roads that we walked on
7: Contrarily, between the remaining sincerity
9: Real life is fabulous (Our lives)
10: Through the descending red light
11: Come one step closer to me
12: Spread the wings that will fly away

8: With a single bright ray of light, shine on me

124 7 0
By HoppeWorld7

[Chapter title from the lyrics of 'Alldaylong' by Dreamcatcher]

"Hi, it's me."

There was a pause after Minji spoke the words. She was standing by the window, looking out, not really focusing on anything but the unsteady breaths that were coming from the other side of the call. She bit her lip when Bora didn't say anything, wondering if it was a bad idea to call. But then she spoke up, words scattered into scratchy sounds.

"I know."

That was the exact same words she told Minji today, in the morning, at school.

Of course she knows. She has your number.

"I was wondering if you had time to stop by." The soft croak of her own voice startled her, "Your dress is washed and dry. You can take it." She worried at her lip still, reluctant with what reply she would get.

Again, a pause. But then a quick breath of a reply came, and it felt like Bora was holding in her breath this entire time. "Are you sure?"

Minji worried her brows that met each other high up on her forehead, feeling guilty for making Bora feel this unwelcome. "Yes. Yes, Bora, I'm sure."

Bora's breathing sounds were much sharper now as Minji heard her take a breath, "Alright. I'll be there soon."

The call ended, Minji hearing the beeping sounds before taking her phone down from her face.

She has been thinking about what happened a lot for the entire day. She has been thinking about Bora's face, the shake in her voice, fear in her eyes... She stared down at her hand. She had already taken off the bandages, and now the purple skin was all shown, reddened at the parts that were cut. She got reminded of how she got that injury and then suddenly felt like throwing up.

To not let her mind stay on the thought of Bora struggling against that man, she walked to the kitchen and took a wine bottle along with two glasses, placing them on the small table back in the living room while her mind was heavy with disturbed thoughts.

She realized she didn't like to see Bora in distress. She hated it. She hated herself for not saying anything when Bora thanked her that evening for saving her, or when she asked if Minji's hand was okay.

Then Bora started saying sorry, explaining how she couldn't reveal her identity to a customer, especially Minji, when she's her daughter's teacher, and then--

"It would be simple... If I didn't start getting feelings for you."

Those were the words that kept repeating themselves in her mind. Bora having feelings... for her.

Even thinking about it overwhelmed her.

But Minji knew, in the end, that she had to fix everything. She had to talk to Bora even though she felt so embarrassed, so ashamed, but she had to explain that she wasn't mad.

How could she be? Minji was the one who went to that bar in the first place, she was the one who asked for the lap dance, and who... kissed the stripper without knowing it was Bora. And even after everything that happened, she complicated things even more when she returned to that place once again.

She probably made everything so hard for the woman. And she had no justification to be mad at her.

A soft knock was heard on the door, followed by a ring. Minji's heart suddenly flipped and her nausea became stronger. But she collected herself before walking to the door, opening it to see Bora right in front.

They didn't say anything, but the look that they shared probably already didn't need any words. Minji noticed Bora could hardly lock eyes with her, apprehension fidgeting right through her quick glances.

"Come in" Said Minji as she stood aside, the words coming out softer and quieter than she anticipated.

Once Bora was inside, Minji closed the door and walked her to the living room.

"Wine?" Minji pointed at the bottle on the table, not really knowing what else to say. She was wearing that same green turtleneck sweater that Bora had burrowed, she noticed. She looked all soft and fuzzy.

Bora hesitated a bit, before shaking her head. "No, I'm not really in the mood of alcohol right now."

"Oh," Minji wasn't expecting that answer. She glanced sideways at the brunette woman, who was still standing by the couch. "Then, uhm..."

"Do you have tea?" Bora suggested instead, sitting down and finally looking back at Minji with a gaze that was nervous, but comforting. Minji smiled,

"Yes. I do have tea. I have lots of types, actually." She said, feeling a bit more at ease, but still sounded nervous. Bora secretly found it endearing. "Matcha, Peppermint, uh, maybe Camomille? Or herbal..?"

Bora couldn't help but laugh, "What are you, a tea collector?"

The owner of the house also chuckled, a soft one. It was evident that she felt a lot more relieved now that the other woman made a joke. "Well... You must know much more about my personality, now."

The aura was still awkward, but at least they were smiling.

"I'll have the one that's your favourite."

Minji nodded firmly, walking to the kitchen "Camomille it is, then."

Bora stayed on the couch, quietly staring at the wine bottle that Minji forgot to take away. She clasped her hands together in her lap, shuddering at feeling how cold they were.

She looked around the room. It was the second time she was here, but it felt more familiar than that. As if her eyes were so used to the light of this room, her feet used to walk against the fuzzy carpet.

The feeling wasn't cosy, though. It was solemn and hollow, and Bora just couldn't help but reminisce about what happened just a few days ago.

But Minji wasn't acting cold. It didn't seem that she was angry either. But her eyes that night... The thought of what happened makes Bora's stomach curdle simply, her tongue becoming a cotton ball, absorbing all the wetness; but she tried to move the disturbing thoughts away.

She came here to take her dress.

And she would not let her weak mentality complicate things even more than they currently were. If that was even possible.

"You okay?"

Bora almost jumped at the noise, not realizing that while she was deeply in these concerning consuming thoughts, Minji had come back and was currently sitting beside.

Bora saw two mugs on the table, both of them decorated with pink flowers.

Bora offers a slightly watery smile in confirmation, then turns to stare back at the mug, staring at how the steam arose from the tea like a fog, just like the mist that her mind was currently stuck in.

Minji considers for a moment saying something more to Bora, considers offering some sort of comfort, but then decides against it. So she just reached for her mug and took a sip of the tea, closing her eyes as the hot liquid met her throat.

"God, I'm glad you chose tea" She said before taking another big sip. "Way better than wine."

Bora chuckled, eased up a little bit. She took her own mug, holding it in her hands to receive some warmth for her frozen fingers, then took a sip of her own.

"Yes, it's really good."

Bora saw from her peripheral vision how Minji put down her tea, turning her head towards her and she felt the intense gaze on her skin. Bora breathed out shakily, not daring to return the look. Then Minji puts a hand on her shoulder, careful and soft, and Bora tries not to think about how much she enjoys her touch; she tries not to think about warmth and how she naturally leans towards it. But it was a lot to take in once Minji's thumb started to circle around, caressing her through the sweater.


"I'm sorry..." She said softly, interrupting whatever Bora had to say, even though Bora herself didn't know what she wanted to tell. The brunette woman finally found the courage to gaze back at her, her eyes confused and baffled.


"I'm sorry that I made you feel like you did something wrong," Her hand then fell from Bora's shoulder to her palm, framing her fingers. "I know you didn't mean any of that to happen. Jesus Christ, I was the one who constantly went to that place, and... and I was practically a customer, you couldn't--"

Bora's both hands framed Minji's face then, fingers softly and slowly tangling in her hair. Minji shut her mouth and jerked upright, grabbing Bora's face in turn. They stared at each other like that for a few minutes, in silence, and then Bora broke into a teary smile.

"You don't need to apologize," She said, caressing Minji's face. "It was none of your fault. It was none of my fault. It was just the situation that was the worst that we could ever imagine... At least now I know that you're not angry. I was terrified!" She confessed, taking her hands away. "But I realize how things are... I would understand if you don't want to have any kind of connection with me except for the teacher-parent one."

Minji shook her head. "No, I don't want that."

Bora's eyes shakily gazed at her then, not sure of what she was imploring with that. "You don't?"

Minji didn't answer, instead leaving a soft kiss on her cheek. Bora froze, gazing up at her with flattering eyebrows. She kissed her again, on another cheek this time. The action was nothing but tender and soft, and when Minji pressed another desperate kiss to her cheek, Bora thinks she is probably to blame for turning her face in for an invitation. They caught each other's eyes for a moment, both full of question and plea, and then Minji took initiative and Bora feels lips against hers, softly, quickly, not cautious, just restrained and simple and mournful. Lips repeatedly brush over her own, never lingering too long, not fully committing, in a manner that is brutally innocent and almost impolite in its politeness.

Bora felt dizzy, her mouth keeping up with Minji as the feeling pooled in her stomach, twitching and tightening. Minji was just so delicate, so attentive, tender, it made Bora's heart clench with adoration. She inhaled from her nose, thrusting forward and deepening the kiss. Both of them sensed how this moment was what they have been thinking about for a long time, they knew it only from the way that they needed only less than half an hour of proximity to be holding each other like this, without less than a few sentences told before.

Bora felt the shake in her chest, felt the heat and the passion coming from Minji like a rolling wave, sweeping them both up and carrying them far out to sea. Minji's lips had been so soft, the taste of her mouth sweeter and more intoxicating than the most expensive wine. She felt the tea flavour on the tip of her tongue when Minji opened her mouth with a sigh, and Bora couldn't wrap her mind around anything that was currently happening.

None of them dared to move. Their hands stayed on each other's faces, caressing the skin or softly gripping the hair. The kiss was nothing like the first time it happened in the club; It was innocent, filled with emotion and sensation, and when they pulled back for air, each of them releasing a sigh, foreheads and noses knocked in clumsy bumbles, Minji cracked in a grin and Bora chuckled at the sight.

"I think I got my answer."

Minji laughed "I'm glad you did."

The brunette woman felt her heart swell while looking at Minji's smile, wanting to just take it in and save it forever in her mind. She gently took Minji's injured hand and tenderly kissed the purple bruise, her mouth lingering for a few seconds there before letting go and looking at flustered Minji again. "You look happy"

"I am happy," Minji answered, closing her eyes and just feeling Bora's presence, breathing in her scent. "I've wanted to do this for so long."

Bora's smile broadened, her eyes disappearing in joy. Minji stared in silence, taking in the misty brown eyes, the smeared lipstick over the huge smile that she wore on her mouth, the way her chest rose up and down with quick breathes because of the kiss.

"God, you're so beautiful..."

Bora chewed on her lower lip at hearing that, pulling the other woman in and locking their lips once again.

Coming here for this dress, Bora didn't even dream of this happening. And they probably should've talked more, clarifying each other's positions, at least chat like adults. But here she was now, making out with Minji in her house, on her couch, holding onto her shirt like her life depended on it.

After a moment, Minji grew braver. Her hand moved inside Bora's jacket where the lace of her shirt was slack, and now held her over her ribs, warm, her fingers kneading at her body through the cloth. Bora whimpered, not being able to restrain. Minji's lips against her felt like heaven, but the hands... God the hands, they were too much. She felt the older woman shudder at hearing the sound, and Bora had never seen her so agitated. And yet she held her, forehead pressed to hers, kiss deepening and the tongue entering, though...

Before things would get even more heated, their make-out session was interrupted with a knock.

They broke from each other, looking with wide doe eyes. They were frozen for a few more seconds, but then the bell was heard this time. Minji cussed under her breath, standing up from the couch with a frantic expression on her face and mumbling sorry to Bora before leaving to get the door.

She got more annoyed after she saw who the guest was.

"Hi, Ji" Siyeon's grin was wide as she made herself home with walking inside, taking off her shoes and not listening to anything Minji was trying to say, walking straight to the living room. "Bora was at our house today. I'm worried about the whole situation, by the way." She was holding her leather jacket in one hand, wearing shirt sleeved black shirt that was tight around her body. "I advise you to stop beating around, she is literally so in lov--" She halted in front of the couch, spotting Bora sitting there awkwardly, her hair messy and her lipstick smudged, breath rigged as she quietly waved a hi. The blonde woman stopped moving, gradually turning around to see Minji leaning on the doorframe, shaking her head. "Oh..." She said, realization on her face "Oh!"

Bora quickly stood up from the couch, embarrassment expanding and boosting in the whole room. "I should probably go already. It's getting dark."

"Wait!" Minji follows her to the door, both of them leaving Siyeon behind in the living room. She stopped Bora by the arm and made her turn back around, and her eyes were shy again. She has the most beautiful eyes. They're so dark, sometimes you can't see where the pupil ends and the iris begins, but in the right light, they become like molten amber. They found Minji's gaze as soon as she laid a delicate hand upon Bora's shoulder. "You're forgetting the dress." She said quietly.

The touch splintered Bora's resolve a little more as she found her spine leaning in, caving toward the hand. She cleared her throat. "Right... Uh, can you bring it to me?"

Minji nodded with a small smile, disappearing into her room for a minute before reappearing and handing Bora a bag, in which she guessed was her dress.

"Can I call you tonight?" Minji inquired in a whisper, caressing Bora's hands that she held after handing Bora her dress.

Bora's heart starts a hammer-beat in her chest. Minji is still looking at her, some fond exasperation mingling with the wonder there in her face. "Of course" Bora breaths, eyes closing for a second, and then steps unimaginably closer, and Minji has only to press forward before they're kissing.

The sheer intimacy of it, the closeness it demands, the sudden awareness that she breathes from Minji's lungs, and Minji breathes from hers, it makes everything in her ache in want, need. And then Minji pulled away, grinning at Bora's face before chuckling.

"What?" Bora asked, confused, but still smiling. Though her pupils were dilated and eyes half-lidded.

"You have lipstick literally all around" Minji reached for her mouth and tried to take it off with her thumb, both of them laughing now.

But Bora shuddered as soon as she felt the soft texture of Minji's skin against her lips. She feels giddy, she thinks, pressing a hand to her stomach and wondering at this burst of euphoria.

Both of them were acting like teenagers, really.

"I- I better go now" Bora managed to say after Minji took off the lipstick smudge, now the only stain on the brunette woman's mouth being the redness that the kiss caused.

Minji nodded, retreating her steps. "Yeah... I'll call you."

Bora just nodded her head, gazing at the taller woman for a few seconds before turning around and leaving, closing the door behind.

Minji wasn't sure how long she stood there, just staring at the door, her mind reminiscing about everything that had just happened. Started from the kiss to Siyeon interrupting... And that was the moment she remembered about the blonde woman, annoyance settling in as she flew towards the living room.

She found her best friend sitting on a small chair that was almost in the corner of the room, playing with her golden hair with a pout on her mouth. She flicked her eyes to Minji after noticing her arrive, slumping her shoulders. "I'll have to dye my hair now..."

"What?" Minji asked, confused. She walked to the couch and sat down, staring at the woman to get an answer but after she chose to say nothing, she asked "Why are you sitting there anyway?"

Siyeon pursed her lips out, her eyes judging as she glanced at the couch. "Well I'm not sitting there, god knows what you and Bora were up to before I came." Minji rolled her eyes, trying to argue but was interrupted. "Well, at least you got the game going."

Minji breathed in, trying to compose herself and uncover some patience from deep within. "And remind me why are you here?" She released with a breath.

"I just wanted to tell you about Bora! She was in my house, you know, Yubin is friends with her kid and they're having a sleepover. Anyway... Right, her kid. Do you know the whole situation there? Is she divorced oooorrr..."

The teacher furrowed her brows at that, and after a minute of silence, she heard her best friend gasp, and she was sitting right next to her on the couch in a minute, holding her with the shoulders.

"You don't know?? You haven't asked??"

"She wouldn't kiss me if she was married or with a partner!" Minji reasoned, snapping. "And she has mentioned how she raised Gahyeon all alone, so don't, please."

"Okay..." Siyeon whispered, holding her hands together and sighing out. She sat there in silence for, like, 2 minutes, methodically cracking each of her knuckles, before reappearing right in front of Minji's face again. "You have beer?"

Minji laughs without humour, the sound grating to her own ears while pushing her best friend up from the couch. "Go back to your wife, please! You left her with two kids."

"Except," she says, measuredly, "She's better with kids than I am." She pointed out.

"Siyeon, I'm serious, leave me alone."

"Alright, alright! I'll go and leave you alone so you can think of Bora and ma-- Ouch!!" She yelped when the couch pillow hit her face, her blonde threads of hair now messy and sticking to her face. She stared at Minji. "That was uncalled for."


"Okay, bye. You're an ungrateful friend. I will remember this." She said, throwing the pillow back with her face as serious as ever, but Minji knew she meant none of it and was just trying to joke around, as always. Typical Siyeon.

Once the door was shut and Minji stayed all alone in her apartment, she stared out the window, now dark in the late evening, for a long while.

She takes out her phone, then, wondering if Bora got home already while staring down at the shining screen.

She will wait a few more minutes, she thinks. Let Bora wash her hands, change into home clothes, or even her pyjamas.

Gahyeon's not home, so she will have to sleep alone. Maybe talk to her roommate a bit after taking a quick shower, and then head to her room.

Will she wait for her call? Well, Minji hopes. There's nothing else for her left but hope.

But she feels that this is the right thing. She has never felt so full before, so giddy, so happy, excited. Her hands played with the screen of her phone, randomly scrolling left and right, before finally daring to call Bora. And it was the second time that day that she was in this situation, all nervous and concerned about calling that woman.

But only, it was for a very different reason this time.

To Be Continued 

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