Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow L...

By catharina_2005

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It all started in the Valley of Void, close to the border of Mongolia, but still on Chinese grounds. And at t... More

Abandoned at the Door
The Onyx Palace
Unwanted and Banished
A New Home
S1: The Princess and the Po
S1: Bad Po
S1: The Kung Fu Kid
S1: Has-Been Hero
KFP2: Musician's Village
KFP2: To Gongmen City
KFP2: Captured
KFP2: Lord Shen
KFP2: China's Downfall
KFP2: China's Victory
S2: The Po Who Cried Ghost
S2: Master and the Panda
S2: Present Tense
S2: The Secret Museum of Kung Fu
S2: Momma Told Me Not to Kung Fu
S3: Spiritual Captivity
S3: Leopard on the Loose
KFP3: Teacher Po
KFP3: Jombies
KFP3: Kai the Chi Collecter
KFP3: The Plan
KFP3: Battle in the Spirit Realm
KFP3: The Power of Chi

KFP2: The Truth

396 10 0
By catharina_2005

Throughout the entire city, every single wolf soldier traveled and leaped over the rooftops towards the factory for help with the final preparations. Down below, Po, Daiyu and the Five stealthily snuck down the street

"This way" Tigress mumbled as they stopped at the corner leading to Gongmen Jai. Tigress peered around the corner, seeing the two wolf guards. And when they heard the howling of the other wolves, they jumped high onto the rooftops and left

The masters quickly entered the jail and luckily for them, it was already empty while Master Ox and Master Croc were still in their cell, who were momentarily unaware of their presence

Until Po tripped, tumbled down and fell face first onto the floor

"You! What did you do? It's chaos up there! What happened to stopping Shen?" Ox yelled as Daiyu and the Five stared at Po, waiting for his answer

"Yeah" Monkey hummed, still waiting

Before Po could even think of something, he turned to Daiyu and then gasped

"Your side"


"There's an arrow in your side, Daiyu! As in there!" Po shouted as he pointed at Daiyu's left side

"What?" She asked as she put her paw on that place, but flinched and groaned in pain

"Oh, would you look at that" Daiyu mumbled, feeling it just now

"Oh, no. It's all my fault, I'm sorry! I should've been more aware!" Po apologized as he felt guilty for not paying attention and kept ranting apologies, until Tigress shushed him

"You need to sit down, not move and not touch the arrow" Crane advised Daiyu

"It's ok, it'll work itself out. It's not even that deep" Daiyu assured, but no one bought it, especially when her voice already sounded so strained and uncomfortable

Mantis sat Daiyu down on the ground with her back against the wall as he inspected the damage the arrow has caused while the others were still waiting for Po's answer for their question

"Hey, guys, come on. Give me a little credit! I meant for him to get away! Because, uh... it was a trick, was a plot. And I thought I might figure out his plot... more"

They all stare at Po and didn't know whether he was lying or that he was actually telling the truth, but that didn't mean that it still didn't sounded stupid and unreasonable

"That makes no sense" Mantis eventually answered

"What do you mean? Sure it does!" Po said as Daiyu shook her head

"Po, we all know that it's not the truth. And I'm practically the lie detector of our- ow!" Daiyu yelled after Mantis pulled the arrow out of her left side in split second


"You're welcome" Mantis shrugged as he threw the arrow away and pushed with full pressure onto the wound while Monkey found a long cloth nearby

"How about giving me a little heads up next time?" Daiyu asked as Monkey tied the cloth tightly around her waist, covering the wound and stopping her from bleeding out

"At least you don't have an arrow stuck in you anymore" Crane smiled, before chuckling awkwardly when given another one of her unamused looks

Tigress got enough proof that Po was lying when hearing Daiyu telling him all that and she knows that Daiyu is the best at detecting lairs

She stepped up to Po as it made him fall backwards on his rear and started interrogating him

"Po, the truth. You had Shen. What happened?"

"What are you talking about? I don't know what you're talking about. I mean, okay, he caught me off guard!"

Tigress knelt down in front of Po and looked him straight into the eye, demanding for him to be honest with her and the others

"The truth" she repeated firmly


They stared at each other as Po opened his mouth, but closed it. That was enough for Tigress to know that if Po wouldn't tell her, he couldn't go with them. That would be too dangerous, too dangerous if he easily got off guard


Tigress stood up, before gesturing to Ox and Croc

"They will keep you far from danger" Tigress spoke as Croc chuckled

"Real far"

Po glanced at them, then turned back to Tigress

"What?" He asked

"You're staying here" she said as she started to slowly walk away, but Po got up and chased after her

"W-w-wait! I have to go ba-"

Tigress whirled around to face Po and with a strong hard stomp on the ground that caused a brief circle of smoke and air, hush fell over the room. The masters stared at the scene... almost in fear, stunned by Tigress' strictness and dominance as Po stared at her

"You're staying here!"

"I'm going and you can't stop me!" Po replied as he tried to walk past her, but she grabbed his arm and twisted him around. Po turned back to her, caught off guard

"Okay. I wasn't ready that time" Po muttered as Tigress took a stance

"Guys, don't!" Viper yelled

"Ready" Tigress snarked as Po pointed to the ceiling while approaching her


But Tigress didn't fall for it. She grabbed Po as he tried to slip past her and tossed him high into the air. Po landed on the other side of the room and spun on his head as he leaped back on his feet, facing the wrong way

Yelling in frustration, he rushed back at Tigress. Croc visibly winced as Tigress countered and sent Po sliding back towards his and Ox's cell

"Stay down" Viper begged Po

"I have to get to him!" Po shook his head

"Then tell me why!" Tigress demanded as Po hesitated, before giving in, yelling

"He was there, okay?! The peacock was there the last time I saw my parents! He knows what happened, where I came from, who I am"

Tigress' angry expression faded to a sympathetic look as she lowered her fists and Po got back on his feet

"Look, I'm going. I have to know. The hardcore can't understand"

Po walked towards the exit as Tigress scowled at his remark he had just made, before lunging at him

"Tigress, no!" Viper screamed

But Tigress did the unexpected. She hugged Po. Po's eyes widened as the other warriors stared in shock and disbelief and Crane's beak fell open, just for Daiyu to close it again

"The hardcore do understand" Tigress said in a gentle voice as she pulled away, but kept her paw on his shoulder

"But I can't watch my friend be killed"

And with that, she turned to the others and said

"We're going"

"Hey, uh. Maybe you can't watch me be killed and I'll just stay with Daiyu to keep her safe as well" Crane spoke with a crooked smile

"Stop being a wimp. You both can handle it" Tigress replied quickly as Monkey nodded

"And she's back"

"Are you sure you're okay?" Crane asked as he and Tigress helped Daiyu get on her feet

"I'm fine. The wound won't hold me back, I promise" Daiyu assured them as they shared one last glance at Po, before leaving the Gongmen Jail

While sneaking through the streets, Crane couldn't help but still say

"I still think you should've stayed with Po. The gunpowder could infect your wound and make you sick and-"

"Crane. I get it, you're worried and you're looking out for me and I'm thankful for that. But right now, my wound is not comparable to what harm and destruction Shen will cause with his weapons. So we need to focus" Daiyu stated firmly as Crane nodded, not giving her more back-talk

"You sound just like Tigress, only firmer with your choice of describing"

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