Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow L...

By catharina_2005

12.5K 307 17

It all started in the Valley of Void, close to the border of Mongolia, but still on Chinese grounds. And at t... More

Abandoned at the Door
The Onyx Palace
Unwanted and Banished
A New Home
S1: The Princess and the Po
S1: Bad Po
S1: The Kung Fu Kid
S1: Has-Been Hero
KFP2: Musician's Village
KFP2: To Gongmen City
KFP2: Captured
KFP2: The Truth
KFP2: China's Downfall
KFP2: China's Victory
S2: The Po Who Cried Ghost
S2: Master and the Panda
S2: Present Tense
S2: The Secret Museum of Kung Fu
S2: Momma Told Me Not to Kung Fu
S3: Spiritual Captivity
S3: Leopard on the Loose
KFP3: Teacher Po
KFP3: Jombies
KFP3: Kai the Chi Collecter
KFP3: The Plan
KFP3: Battle in the Spirit Realm
KFP3: The Power of Chi

KFP2: Lord Shen

346 13 0
By catharina_2005

"Po, what are you doing?" Tigress asked

"Don't worry, I've got th-" Po cried out in pain as a pair of cuffs got slapped around his wrists

"No way. Eight-point acupressure cuffs? Just like the ones that held Tai Lung! The more you move, the tighter they get!" Po rambled as a soldier hooked his cuffs on a pole and yanked him off his feet, dragging him forward

"These are the best cuffs"

They were all being lead across the palace courtyard with the soldiers pointing their spears at them to keep them from making sudden movements, although the tight cuffs most likely prevented them from doing so

"I hope this turns out better than your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and then drinking boiling water" Tigress mumbled to Po

"This plan is nothing like that plan" Po replied

"How?" Tigress asked agitated

"'Cause this one's going to work" Po replied as he suddenly lost his footing. Now they all quickly saw that he had stumbled on the edge of a huge crater... with Thundering Rhino's damaged hammer standing on the other end like a macabre memorial. The warriors stared in horror as Boss Wolf mockingly patted the hammer's staff, chuckling

"Keep moving"

The warriors narrowed their eyes as they were being lead inside the tower, where Po spotted something in front of him

"Ah, my old enemy" he began as he gazed up at an enormous staircase leading all the way to the top


"I guess you won't be walking all the way up there at all" Daiyu muttered as she kicked one of the soldiers in the face after he repeatedly kept poking her with his spear


The whole trip to the top, Po was already on the ground wheezing and panting after only 2 flights. That was until the gorilla picked Po up and carried him on his back like a sack of rice

And for the rest of the trip, all that was heard were grunting and thundering steps. After many more flights, they finally reached the top of the stairs as the gorilla flung Po on the floor while Boss Wolf and the other warriors also reached the top

"Thanks for carrying me those last few flights" Po thanked the gorilla as Tigress helped him up as Shen and Soothsayer looked at them, astonished

Boss Wolf kept pointing his spear at Tigress, who kicked it out of his paws and into the pillar

"I threw up a little on the third floor, someone might want to clean that up. Is there some sort of evil janitor or somethin'?" Po asked as Lord Shen spoke

"Greetings, panda! We meet at-"

"Hey, how you doin'?" Po interrupted him as Shen got caught off guard


Soothsayer approached Po and poked him gently in his belly with her cane

"You've grown bigger than I thought" she spoke as she examined the panda, looking inside a confused Po's ear as she did so


She opened his mouth and peered inside


"Look, I don't know who you are, but please step aside, sir" Po said

"That's a lady" Viper whispered as Po took a double take

"Oh, sorry! The beard threw me. It's kind of misleading" Po apologized as Soothsayer stroked her beard with an amused smile, before Po added

"False advertising"

"Enough of this nonsense!" Shen shouted, before speaking again

"Bring the prisoners to me"

The warriors were being led further into the throne room as Po said

"Get ready, guys. Keep your eyes peeled for the- weapon!"

He spotted a tiny model of the cannon on a small table. Quick as lighting, he charged at the model and destroyed it with a swing. Daiyu and the Five stared mortified at him, Crane even pulled his hat down in shame while Soothsayer was perplexed

The cheering and triumphant panda turned around and found himself standing in front of the giant cannon in the middle of the room. The warriors were shoved next to him as Shen approached them, laughing and cackling

"You really think that this is the Warrior destined to defeat me?" He asked Soothsayer

"I do not. I know he is" she answered

"Look at him! A lifetime to plot his revenge and he comes to me ion his knees!" Shen chuckled as Po looked baffled

"Hey, wait. I did not have a lifetime. We only heard about Master Thundering Rhino a few days ago and we came to avenge him!"

That's when Soothsayer stepped in and asked, staring

"You've come to avenge nothing else?"

"Yeah, all those pots and pans you stole. We're going to want those back!" Po nodded

"Nothing else?" Soothsayer asked

"You probably did some other evil stuff on the way, I don't know. What else did he do?" Po asked as Soothsayer got shocked while Viper stuck her tail into Tigress' cuffs and started picking the lock

"You don't know" Soothsayer breathed as Po asked

"Know what?"

Shen laughed again as Po got more and more confused

"What's so funny?"

"Precisely the thing that you clearly do not know!"

"Okay, enough with these riddles! Would you guys just spill the beans?! First the weapon was tiny. Hey, surprise, it's big! And then the lady over here. I think it's a guy 'cause she got a-"

As quick as a lighting flash, Shen aimed a knife in Po's face, immediately shutting him up

"The only reason you're still alive is that I find your stupidity mildly amusing" Shen whispered as his red eyes pierced Po's

"Well, thank you, but I think your evilness extremely annoying" Po scowled as Shen eyes him up and down and scoffed

"Who do you think you are, panda?"

"Who do you think I am, peacock?" Po sassed as Shen's beak formed into a sinister yet amused smile, before chuckling, making Po chuckle as well

And soon, the both of them were laughing their heads off while Daiyu and the Five watched, visibly flabbergasted

"Why are we laughing?" Po laughed as it slowly died down

"Yes, why?" Daiyu asked, mostly directed at Po

"Take aim" Shen ordered as Boss Wolf aimed the cannon at the cuffed warriors while the gorillas opened the balcony doors behind them

Viper continued picking the lock as Po and the masters prepared themselves when Boss Wolf raised the lighter of the fuse


Boss Wolf lit the fuse as Shen laughed evilly, but then realized that nothing has happened

"Well?! Light the thing!" Shen shouted

"I did!" Boss Wolf replied as he lit the fuse again, but a flash of green doused it faster than the eye could see

Boss Wolf tried it again. And again. And again. Then Mantis kicked the lighter out of the wolf's paw and held it above his head like a wrestler held a trophy belt

"Fear the bug!" Mantis screamed

Shen stared at the cage that Po was holding. Inside was Mantis's action figure as Po laughed. At that moment, Viper picked the lock and Tigress leaped free. She struck off the cuffs of her friends as Crane leaped into the air and blew the soldiers with his wings. A gorilla collided with Boss Wolf, knocking him down and Shen was stunned

"Get the weapon!" Po shouted as they sprung into action

Tigress leaped onto Po's back, jumped off and struck the mouth of the cannon, flipping it in the air. Shen staggered backwards as Po leaped at him with a battle cry. Mantis jumped into the air and kicked the cannon in mid-air, sending it crashing hard through the floor. The cannon tumbled down the interior of the tower and smashed to pieces on the ground floor

Up above, the masters cheered at their success of destroying the weapon. And Po was trying to deal with Shen, which didn't went as he had planned in his mind

Tigress looked back when hearing the sounds of heavy breathing and is shocked to see Po staring at Shen, making no move to attack him

"You... you were there" Po muttered in horror

"Yes. Yes, I was" Shen grinned as he rushed to the balcony and leaped off the edge before Po could react, flying towards the Firework Factory in the distance. Po and the other masters gathered at the balcony as a shocked Soothsayer was being carried away by a gorilla

"You just let Shen get away!" Tigress turned to Po, but then Mantis spoke

"Well, at least we destroyed the weapon"

"Yeah, but we destroyed only one weapon" Daiyu replied as Monkey sighed

"C'mon, Spots. Why do you need to be such a negative-"

But the loud booming scream of Shen erupted through the night sky


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several cannons were fired at the palace as they all stared in shock and horror at the flaming cannonballs flying right toward them

"Aw, no. He's got way more" Mantis gasped

They got blown backward as the cannonballs exploded upon impact with the top of the tower. Though most of the warriors were mostly unharmed, but Crane held up a burned wing

"My wing!" Crane cried out as Tigress and Daiyu rushed to his side

"Crane!" Daiyu gasped as Tigress shouted

"Po, help!"

Po ran forward, but yelled as he began to fall through the whole in the floor

"Watch out!" Tigress screamed

"Po!" Viper yelled, she managed to grab Po's leg just as he fell through the floor. Upside down, Po found himself staring at the floor down below. Mantis tried to help Viper to pull him back up

"Help me pull him up!" Viper grunted as Mantis held her tight and pulled her with him

"No, get him down. Use the ropes!" Tigress said as she picked up Crane and held Daiyu's paw

Viper let go of Po, who rapidly descended the tower interior by sliding down the lantern ropes dangling down the middle. As the other warriors descended along with him, Tigress jumped down from the rope into the floor, carrying the injured Crane and letting go of Daiyu's paw once her feet touched the floor

Po lost his grip as he screamed while tumbling down. Monkey screamed as he ended up begetting squished under Po's read when they reached the floor. Po rolled away as the other masters joined them at the bottom. Tigress put Crane down and rushed over to Po, grabbing his arm

"Po, come on! We need you to concentrate!"

"I got it, I got it!" Po yelled as they ran to the exit, but debris collapsed and blocked the exit before they could reach it

"We're trapped!"

"This way!" Tigress gestured as they ran towards the stairs. On a higher level of the tower, she smashed a hole through the interior wall. At once, they got assaulted by dozens of flaming arrows from wolf archers

"Get back!" Tigress yelled as the others moved back inside

Tigress deflected more arrows and jumped along the outer wall. She then spotted the city in the distance, which gave her with the swaying tower an idea. Catching a flaming arrow aimed at her head before running back towards the hole in the wall

"The only way out is up!"

Tigress grabbed Po and pulled him outside as the others yelled


The tower began to topple as Po and Tigress swung each other up the exterior while the others climbed up alongside them. They continued to do so, until the angle allowed them to run up as well as climb, taking up more speed

"To the top!" Tigress shouted as Viper shouted as well

"Come on, keep going!"

Po turned to Daiyu and yelled while running

"I'm gonna hold your paw, so you won't lose sight of us!"

"You better not let go of me!" Daiyu yelled back, at least glad for Po's reassurance

The falling tower headed more towards the ground as a cannonball barely missed Monkey, singing Crane's hat which he was carrying. And then, they reached the top

"Here we go!" Po screamed as he grabbed Daiyu's paw

And with that, they jumped off the very edge. As the tower crashed, the warriors cleared the outer wall, evading flaming arrows while yelling as they dove down the sky and fell toward the city street. They landed on the rooftop and disappeared out of sight, temporarily safe from Shen and his wolves

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