Eternal Souls

By Radical_Honesty

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Jaune Arc Always wanted to protect people but he was always the weakest. No-one believed in him. Little did e... More

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Strategy and Secrets


734 11 0
By Radical_Honesty

Name : Jaune.

Age : 16-First chapter                                                                                                                     18-Currently

Personality: Friendly to most people as long as they treat him with respect like he will do for them. Serious when provoked does not tolerate bullying or disrespect, He can become quite violent if witnessing this. Mostly he will try to get on well with other people. Jaune is a bit of a ladies man as he likes to seduce girls but sometimes he comes off like an idiot with his goofy antics and overly dramatic actions. He has a soft spot for pretty girls but will not actively pursue them if they show no interest. Jaune is also kind of a practical joker and can get into trouble sometimes as a result of a prank.

Jaune has only normal intelligence so he does need to study but will always pay attention to anyone who can help him become stronger either through training or strategy. He has a need for validation as he never got it from his cruel Father and as such will try and impress everyone he can.

Likes: Girls !!!, Dancing, Fighting, Good food, Jokes, His Mother, His Sisters, Raziel.

Hates: Bullies, Disrespect, Cruelty and 'That Man'.

Casual appearance.

Combat ready.

Wears a dark blue cape over his right shoulder with this symbol.

Equipment : Jaune carries an ornate sword engraved with runes for normal use. He keeps this one on his hip in a dark blue scabbard.

Jaune also carries the Vampiric Reaver blade, This sword drains the blood of its victims and channels the power to the Balance Emblem that Jaune also carries. Jaune only use's this weapon if he really needs to or against Grimm and instructs everyone to never touch it due to its dangerous blood sucking ability.

When Jaune is not visibly armed he still has access to the Spectral Reaver, A flamelike blade of energy that can emit from either hand, This blade can kill anything but it eats the souls of it's victims. Obviously Grimm have no souls so it only does damage to them but Jaune recieves no benefit from killing them.


Basic abilities: Jaune has supernatural strength, Durability and Stamina and Agility, But normal speed as such his enemies can outrun him if they're faster. Although Jaune has a resistance to physical damage he is not invincible in the normal sense, If he takes enough damage or becomes drained to the point of collapse then he will be forced into the spectral realm until he recovers. Jaune also doesn't require food or water but he still enjoys a good meal especially with friends.

(A/N Jaune has enough strength to lift a few tons but he's not Saitama level strength or even All Might strength)

Semblance (Undiscovered): Aura Amplification Jaune can use the power of his own Aura to enhance an allies Aura or their Semblance, Jaune must be in physical contact for this to work.

Secondary Aura: Due to having two souls, The other being Raziel. Jaune has a second Aura which is amazingly powerful but this is only used during times of extreme stress or danger.

Telekinesis: Jaune has the power to move objects with his mind, These objects can be up to the size of a person if they are any larger then it won't work.

Telekinetic bolt: This can be fired from Jaunes hand to push objects that are out of his reach or if the Reaver is active it has effects based on the Reavers current element. Fire burn's enemies, Darkness blinds them, Light also blinds enemies, Air can smash through walls. Water freezes enemies.

Immortality: Jaune has become a Soul Reaver and as such is immortal, The only way to actually kill him is to destroy his soul in the spectral realm where no-one living can go. If Jaunes physical body is killed then it will disintegrate and he will be forced to devour souls in the spectral realm to rebuild it.

Soul Absorbtion: Jaune can consume the souls of his enemies if they have a soul and use the energy to heal himself or refill his own aura. It must be noted that if this is done to a Human or Faunus while in battle it will drain their Aura as that is their soul manifested as a shield. If Jaune consumes a soul which contains a Semblance he may gain an ability the soul possessed. This only works if the soul has a discovered Semblance. 

Shift: Jaune can shift into the spectral realm, In this place no-one can follow him. He can absorb the souls around him to restore his body if it gets damaged. If Jaunes body is destroyed then he will automatically be sent to the Spectral Realm until he has enough souls to rebuild his body. Time doesn't exist in the spectral realm and so even if it takes Jaune an hour to collect souls for his return to the physical realm for those in the real world it will in reality have been a mere second or two.

Phasing through matter: This can only be done in the spectral realm, And it may only be done with obstuctions that have openings like gates or cell bars.

Blood Reaver powers: This sword drains the blood of it's victims and as such does work on the Grimm as they do have blood allowing Jaune to channel it into the Balance Emblem at which time he can perform powerful feats. 

Teleportation: Jaune can use the power of the pillar of dimension to appear behind his enemies one by one while delivering deadly blows to them

Inspire Hate: Jaune can cause conflict bewteen even the most loyal allies by using the power of  the conflict pillar to turn them against eachother.

Lightning: Jaune can use the power of the pillar of energy to send multiple arc's of lightning to harm his enemies who surround him.

Slow time: Jaune can use the power of pillar of time to slow down time in his immediate surroundings to move with immense speed while his enemies move in slow motion.

It must be noted that these powers Require blood to activate by absorbing it through the blood Reaver and as such cannot be used against people Jaune doesn't wish to kill, However the Grimm are highly vulnerable to these abilities as they are creatures that Jaune enjoys killing.

(A/N Before anyone says the Grimm don't have Blood then whats the red stuff inside ?? (see below) In this story it's Blood and we don't know what else to call it as the Grimm come from black tar gunk stuff in the land of darkness so ?? We don't know)

Soul Reaver Powers: The Soul Reaver is a deadly weapon to any creature with a soul, To creatures without a soul it can only do normal damage based on the active Reaver.

Invisibility: Jaune can use the Darkness Reaver to cloak himself from vision and move unseen to launch surprise attacks.

Sunlight: Jaune can use the power of light to emit an incredibly bright flash from the Light Reaver to stun and blind his enemies.

Fire: Jaune can use the power of the Fire Reaver to light his enemies on fire or send out a blast of flame in all directions.

Whirlwind: Jaune can use the power of the Air Reaver to blast a whirling vortex of wind around him to push back enemies and preventing them from getting close.

Ice: Using the power of the Water Reaver Jaune can unleash a blast of ice in all directions, freezing enemies in place, Jaune can also freeze bodies of water. 

Earthquake: Using the power of the Earth Reaver Jaune can slam the ground with the blade and cause tremors to knock his enemies off balance and stun them for a time. The Earth Reaver can also make pillars of rock from the ground to stand on.

Soul Consumption: If Jaune uses the Waith Blade form to kill an enemy their soul will be devoured by the blade causing their death, Jaune can allow the Wraith blade to embrace any weapon he is currently holding or use the blade in it's full Wraith form.

Berzerker Mode: While in this state Jaunes body will shift and change to reflect the other soul in his body. This form is only activated during times of extreme stress to his mind, Jaune can if he isn't careful go out of control and attack anyone he see's but if he activates this intentionally then he will keep control of his mind but still be much more aggressive than normal.

Berzerker mode.

(A/N These are all of Jaunes abilities based of the LoK Wiki and his own character, We tried to not make him to godly powerful, But come on he eats souls and is basically immortal so we don't know how to give him any weakness that would make sense. Jaune still needs to breath and can be overwhelmed if too many enemies attack at once so that could stop him temporarily also he can't run super fast so his enemies can out run him. Raziel can only see what Jaune see's so he doesn't have awareness of eveything around him and that means that stealth attacks can work to stop him temporarily)

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