The outcast

By marymary-diva17

36.9K 665 113

Lani had always been an outcast to her clan all her life not being seen a true navi, by her family and clan s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Author notes
Lani complicated love life

Chapter 15

844 15 1
By marymary-diva17

That day after the whole fight with her parents lani was keeping her distance from them after all that happened, she didn't want to deal with them right now after what they had said to her. For some reason she really thought her family had changed for the better, and that her parents were finally expecting her but she was dead wrong as they s still saw her as the same old child from the past. Soon village life had started and lani was walking around the village looking for her siblings and friends, as they seem to be only ones with her grandmother there not second guessing her life here and making her feel weak.

Tuk " lani" lani soon looked up to see her little sister coming run toward her soon, followed by everyone else. Tuk soon hugged her sister once the two sister reached each other.

Lani " hey sis how are you doing"

Tuk " I'm doing good and I thought you could use a hug, as you are very sad and I don't like it when you are sad" lani soon smiled at her sister and soon hugged her a second time.

Tuk " yeah hugs"

Lani "'thank you Tuk for making me feel better"

Neteyam " hey how are you doing"

Lani " I'm guessing you know of the fight that happened last night"

Kiri " yes mom and dad told us what happens we are greatly we are disappointed in their actions, we finally get you back and they fail right away"

Loien " my parents know as well about the fight that took place last night as well, they don't seem happy with toruk makto and neytiri same thing goes for tonowari and ronal"

Ao'nung " even if our parents have had small interactions with you since we go here they seem to get in bed terms with the clan here"

Lani " I'm sorry you all are being dragged into my troubles...."

Rotxo " you have nothing to apologize for lani this is their fault in the end you were sent to that inland alone, and now they are trying to act like everything is fine"

Tsireyo " lani we are sorry if we can make time go back those days we would of stand up more and fought more, for you to stay with us and not leaving"

Kiri " so we heard you got in a fight with them about your life here and how they dealt with your so called death"

Lani " I didn't know I become mad with them after all that happened they just came to my home, and started judging my life and thinking they knew what best for me"

Spider " if you may know even my dad questioned jake on his parenting and that saying something when quaritch that man who was once dead now a lives, is better father then you"

Lani " quartich is the reason I'm here anyway he wanted revenge but I had a feeling he could tell Jake, would not c9me for me as I was and always will be his less favorite child"

Tuk " well you are my favorite I like you lani"

Lani " thank you Tuk"

Neteyam " hey I thought you said you didn't have any favorites Tuk"

Tuk " well lani is my favorite sister who is adventurous" the older kids laugh as Tuk was trying to come up with reason why lani was her favorite sibling.

Kiri " it okay Tuk we don't care lani is our favorite sully as well"

Neteyam " hey is you most know I gave mom and dad a ear full and so did grandmother she even still mad at them for what they had done"

Lani " thank you neteyam and I will speak with grandmother later on" neteyam soon brought lani into a hug which made her feel better about everything, she was happy to see that she had her siblings and friends in her corner and she was no longer alone.

Loien " hey I will make sure nothing else happens to you while they are still here, my father will have some words with them to make sure they don't do anything like this again what they did last night was unthinkable and unacceptable"

Y/n " thank you loien"

Tipa " I heard that the tshiak was speaking with your grandmother this morning about the whole situation either women  seem happy about what happened"

Eway " so this day is going to be filled with a lot of tension between adults and beauty much everyone else"

Zio " hey you tokru Makto and neytiri had to coming I'm sorry guys I don't wish to speak ill on someone parent, but what they did was bad"

Neteyam " hey let's go speak about this somewhere else that can make us all comfortable" the group had modded  and found spot that was good for everyone and away from anyone else, as right now there was enough tension made by Jake and neytiri last night and the kids didn't want to start anymore trouble.

Lani " tell me did dad and mom put any work or effort into fighting for me after I was supposedly killed, did they try to get back at the RDA in my name" lani siblings and her friends were very quite after her question that means she got her answer from them.

Neteyam " that first no it seemed like they did mourn for you but it took them so long to fight in your name, even I asked why we didn't get back at the RDA and recoms early"

Kiri " this makes me sick if it was one of us or one of them we will be sneaking revenge right away"

Lani " I don't know if I want them in my life as parents after all that happen dad left me on that inland all by myself"

Tsireyo " wait you didn't see any of the scouts or warriors watching over you"

Lani " they were never there I was anyways anyone and if they tell you other wise they are lying"

Rotxo " it seems like there are more people to be blamed for what happen even due all our parents hold the most, responsibility and quilt as they are the ones that sealed your faith lani"

Tuk " lani of you don't see mom and dad as your parents anymore will that make you our sister"

Lani " Tuk you will always be my sister no matter what I'm still your guys sister and friend but things might not ever been the same between me and them again, to many years have gone by and these years have effects us all in many ways"

Kiri " lani is right we can't force her to make peace with mom and dad if they haven't proven themselves to her and eywa" Loien and Tsireyo were sitting by Iani each one of them giving her comfort a smile had grown on her face, she was so happy to be with them all again. The group was playing in the water having a fun time until something over came, lani, and her vision had become blurry and she felt like she was falling back she could hear everyone calling her name until everything become dark and silent.

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