Burning Love - Avengers Soulm...

Oleh livwrites69

72.8K 1.5K 141

A story where a not-so-normal girl finds herself soulmates with the Avengers - but does she want to be? Aveng... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 - Time
Chapter 2 - Work
Chapter 3 - Hide
Chapter 4 - Shit
Chapter 5 - Confusion
Chapter 6 - Jealousy
Chapter 7 - Asgard
Chapter 8- Decisions
Chapter 9-Truth
Chapter 10- Raft
Chapter 11- Home
Chapter 12- Pain
Chapter 13 - The Lab
Chapter 14- Calm
Chapter 15- Fucked-up
Chapter 16 - Destiny
Chapter 17 - Forgiveness
A/N - Help
Chapter 18 - 'Home'
Chapter 20 - Safe
Chapter 21 - Happily Ever After
Chapter 22 -The End

Chapter 19 - Outcast

1.3K 23 5
Oleh livwrites69

The morning sun filtered through the windows of Olivia's apartment, casting long shadows across the room. She stood by the counter, a stark expression on her face as she mechanically prepared her coffee. The past weeks had been a rollercoaster of emotions, and Olivia had resolved to shut down any semblance of vulnerability.

A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts, and she sighed irritably. She had hoped for a moment of solitude, away from the prying eyes and well-intentioned words of her mates. When she opened the door, Steve stood there, his familiar smile attempting to break through her defenses.

"Morning, Olivia," he greeted, his tone attempting warmth.

She arched an eyebrow, unimpressed. "What do you want, Rogers?"

Steve's smile faltered slightly, but he persisted. "I thought we could talk."

Olivia's gaze remained unflinching as she stepped aside, allowing him to enter. She closed the door without a word and leaned against the wall, her arms crossed. She didn't bother offering him a seat.

Steve took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving hers. "I want to apologize for how things played out the other day. Tony's words were out of line, and I understand if they hurt you."

Olivia's lips curled into a humorless smile. "Apologies won't change the fact that his words held some truth."

Steve's jaw clenched, his frustration barely masked. "We care about you, Olivia. We're not perfect, but we're trying."

She scoffed, a bitter edge to her tone. "Trying to save the broken soulmate? How noble of you."

Steve's frustration grew more evident, his usually calm demeanor faltering. "You're not broken, Olivia. You've been through a lot, and we want to support you."

Olivia's eyes narrowed as she met his gaze head-on. "Is this what the Avengers do now? Play therapists for their damaged teammates?"

Steve's expression hardened his voice firm. "We're a team, Olivia. We face challenges together, and we support each other."

She pushed herself off the wall, her tone laced with cynicism. "Oh, how heartwarming. The mighty Avengers showing their unwavering support to the outcast."

Steve's frustration was evident as he took a step closer. "You're not an outcast, Olivia. We're in this together."

Olivia's façade cracked for a moment, revealing a flicker of vulnerability before she quickly shut it down. "Save the pep talk, Rogers. I don't need your pity."

Steve's gaze hardened, his patience wearing thin. "This isn't about pity. It's about recognizing that we're stronger together. We're willing to work through this, even if you're not."

She met his intensity with a cold stare. "I'm not here for a heart-to-heart, Rogers. I'm here to get my job done and move on."

Steve's frustration reached its peak as he took a step back, his jaw clenched. "Fine, Olivia. If you're not willing to be a part of this team, then that's your choice."

As he turned to leave, Olivia's expression remained unreadable. She watched him go, her emotions locked away behind a wall of indifference. When the door closed behind him, she let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

Alone once again, Olivia's gaze drifted to her coffee cup. She took a sip, the bitterness of the liquid mirroring the bitterness in her heart. The ache of self-hatred and resentment remained, and she clung to those emotions like a lifeline.

In the quiet of her apartment, Olivia resolved to keep her distance, to guard herself against any hint of vulnerability. She hated the idea of relying on her mates, hated the idea of letting them in. And most of all, she hated herself for the mess she believed she had become.

With every sip of her coffee, Olivia's resolve solidified. She was a solitary figure, a stoic island in a sea of emotions. And as she faced the day ahead, she steeled herself for the battles she knew she'd have to fight – both with the outside world and the war within herself.


The day stretched on, and Olivia threw herself into her work, determined to keep her emotions at bay. Mission reports piled up on her desk, and she methodically typed away, focusing solely on the task at hand. The computer screen's glow reflected in her impassive expression, betraying nothing of the turmoil within.

Hours passed, and the occasional sound of footsteps outside her door signaled her mates' attempts to reach out. Yet, each time they knocked or called her name, she ignored them, maintaining her facade of stoicism. She had built a fortress around herself, shutting out any intrusion, even if it came from the people she was meant to be connected to.

Bruce's voice was the first to break through the walls. "Olivia, can we talk?"

She didn't look up from her screen, her fingers continuing to dance across the keyboard. "Not interested."

His sigh was audible through the door. "You can't keep shutting us out like this."

Olivia's fingers paused for a moment, but she quickly resumed typing, her tone cold. "Watch me."

Later, Natasha's voice drifted into her apartment. "Olivia, we're not your enemies here."

Olivia's fingers curled into a fist, her nails digging into her palm as she fought the urge to respond. She wasn't about to let their words chip away at her resolve.

A soft knock came from the door, and this time, it was Clint. "Come on, Liv, give us a chance."

Her jaw clenched as she stared at the screen, a burning determination fueling her actions. She wouldn't let them break her down. She wouldn't let them see the cracks in her armor.

The attempts continued, each of her mates taking their turn to reach out. Tony's voice was laced with annoyance. "You can't hide forever, you know."

Thor's attempt was more earnest. "Lady Olivia, we wish to aid thee in thy time of need."

Wanda's plea was tinged with empathy. "We want to help you heal, Olivia."

Even Sam's voice, usually filled with light-hearted banter, was laced with concern. "Hey, don't shut us out like this. We care about you."

Olivia's fingers flew across the keyboard, her eyes fixed on the screen as if it held all the answers. She wouldn't allow their concern to seep into her heart. She wouldn't give them the satisfaction of breaking her resolve.

As the day turned into evening, Olivia finally pushed back from her desk, exhaustion tugging at her. The apartment was shrouded in darkness, the only illumination coming from the dim city lights filtering through the windows. She glanced around, her gaze landing on the untouched meals her mates had left outside her door in a futile attempt to reach her.

With a sigh, Olivia stood and made her way to the balcony, leaning against the railing. The cool breeze brushed against her skin, and she stared out into the city's expanse, a sense of emptiness settling within her.


His voice was gentle, his presence unexpected. Steve stepped onto the balcony, his expression worn but resolute.

She didn't turn to face him, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "What do you want, Rogers?"

Steve's steps were measured as he approached, his voice soft. "I know you're hurting, and I know you're trying to protect yourself. But shutting us out won't make that pain go away."

Olivia's grip on the railing tightened, her knuckles turning white. "I don't need your help, Steve."

He stood beside her, the silence heavy between them. "You don't have to do this alone. We want to be there for you, to support you."

Olivia's eyes glistened with unshed tears, but she refused to let them fall. She turned to face Steve, her expression a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "You don't understand. You can't understand what I've been through."

Steve's gaze held hers, unwavering. "Maybe not completely, but we're willing to listen, to try."

She turned away again, her voice barely a whisper. "I can't let anyone in. I can't risk hurting anyone else."

Steve's hand found hers on the railing, his touch gentle. "We're all flawed, Olivia. But we're a team, and we can face our demons together."

Olivia's resolve wavered, her defenses cracking just a fraction. She glanced at Steve, her gaze searching his eyes for sincerity.

He offered her a small smile, his grip on her hand steady. "You're not alone in this, Olivia."

The breeze carried a sense of connection, a fragile bridge forming between them. Olivia's heart battled with the fear that had held her captive for so long, a fear of letting someone in, of being vulnerable. But as she looked into Steve's earnest gaze, she felt a spark of hope – a glimmer of a possibility that she didn't have to carry her burdens alone.

At that moment, she let herself believe that maybe, just maybe, her mates could help her heal. And as the city lights glowed in the darkness, Olivia allowed herself to consider the idea that vulnerability could be a strength, not a weakness.


The night air grew cooler, and Olivia found herself on the balcony once again, lost in her thoughts. The day had been a battle of wills, her mates' persistent attempts to reach her slowly chipping away at her defenses. As she stared out into the cityscape, a weight settled on her chest, the exhaustion of maintaining her stoic facade taking its toll.


This time, it was Bucky's voice, a voice that held a mix of concern and determination. She turned slightly, acknowledging his presence without words.

He stepped onto the balcony, his expression softening as he looked at her. "We're not going anywhere, you know."

Olivia's jaw clenched as she fought against the swell of emotions threatening to break through. She didn't respond, her gaze fixated on the distant lights.

Bucky took a step closer, his voice gentle. "We care about you, Liv. It's not about pity or charity. We want you to heal."

She felt a lump forming in her throat, her emotions a storm raging within her. She couldn't let them see her vulnerability, couldn't let them see the cracks in her armor. But Bucky's sincerity began to chip away at the barriers she had built.

"I've done terrible things, Bucky," she finally whispered, her voice strained.

He took another step closer, his presence reassuring. "We've all made mistakes, Liv. But that doesn't define who we are now."

Olivia's gaze remained distant, tears threatening to spill over. "I hurt people, people I cared about."

Bucky reached out, his fingers gently tilting her chin to meet his gaze. "You're not that person anymore. You can't change the past, but you can shape your future."

She swallowed hard, the pain of self-loathing almost overwhelming. She had spent so long hating herself, convinced that she was irreparably damaged.

Suddenly, Steve appeared on the balcony, his eyes moving between Olivia and Bucky. His expression was a mix of concern and determination. "We're here for you, Olivia."

Olivia's resolve cracked, and for the first time in a long while, tears spilled down her cheeks. She let out a shaky breath, her emotions raw and unguarded.

Bucky's hand found hers, his grip steady. "You're not alone, Liv. We're with you every step of the way."

Steve stepped closer, his arms encircling her in a gentle embrace. "You don't have to carry this burden by yourself."

Olivia's resistance crumbled as the weight of her pain collided with the comfort of their presence. She buried her face in Steve's shoulder, allowing herself to release the emotions she had held back for so long.

They held her, a united front against her inner demons. And as the tears flowed, Olivia realized that vulnerability wasn't a sign of weakness. It was a testament to the strength it took to face her pain head-on, to allow herself to be seen, flaws and all.

Later that night, as exhaustion finally overcame her, Olivia found herself in the embrace of Steve and Bucky. They had convinced her to sleep in their bed, to let them be there for her. As she lay between them, their warmth enveloping her, she felt a sense of safety she hadn't known in a long time.

In the darkness, Olivia's breathing evened out, her heart finding solace in the connection she had feared. With Steve and Bucky by her side, she had a chance to heal, forgive herself, and build a new future – one where vulnerability was her strength, and where the love and support of her mates were her lifeline.

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