Heroes Unite

By Rewr1ter

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You may have heard of some superheroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, etc. However unkno... More

Bios- the heroes
Welcome to Metropolis High
Meet the super teens
Big Bang
Meet Beast and Hazard
Museum Mayhem
Bios-The Villains
Mama's little monsters part 1
Mama's little monsters part 2
What's her name?
Ice Scream
Buzz off!
Beach Blanket Beast
Artful painters
Blue Lantern in Metropolis Part 1
Blue Lantern in Metropolis part 2
Bios-More Villains
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
A Shocking encounter of the strangest kind
Worms of love
Aunts at a picnic
Camp Creepy
Hungry like a wolf part 1
Hungry like a wolf part 2
Superhero Holidays Part 1
Superhero Holidays Part 2
Ace in the hole
Glory Days
Scales of Injustice
Goodnight Diana
Scooby Doo and the Superhero Girls too
The prodigal son returns part 1
The prodigal son returns Part 2
The prodigal son returns Part 3
The prodigal son returns Part 4
Little Doll of Evil
Madame X Files Part 1
Madame X Files Part 2
U.F. Oh No!!!
Gems in the big city
Target Diamonds
Underground Adventure
Scavenger hunting
Demi Diamond Daze
No one like Gwenpool
Madame X Strikes Back
Weekend at Zatara's
Super Mom
If cute could kill
Night Howlers
Brainstorm Front
Date with Danger
Secret Origins of the Teen Team Part 1
Secret Origins of the Teen Team part 2
Bios-Even MORE Villains
Crossover Nexus' epic 4th of July celebration!!! Part 1
Crossover Nexus' epic 4th of July celebration!!! Part 2
Ten out of Ten
Shadow Sister
Going Mental
No Good Deed
Shelly Takes Charge
The night Huggy Wuggy walks
Zara Morbidon
From the Shadows
Beach Breach
Revenge of Zara Morbidon Part 1
Revenge of Zara Morbidon part 2
Take a walk on the dark side
Super Substitute
Chibi Size Me
Night of the living Gems Part 1
Night of the living Gems Part 2
I want a Black Cat for Christmas
Hectic Holidays
Valentine's Day Smackdown
Mochi Mayhem in Metropolis
The Marsh of Misery
History of the Multiverse
A Note From Your Author
Dawn of Darkness: Meet the Ultra Recon Squad
Dawn of Darkness: The coming of Zaakii
Dawn of Darkness: Reign of Shadows
Dawn of Darkness: The triumph of Enma
Author's Note: The Next Chapter

Condiment Kingdom

91 2 0
By Rewr1ter

Synopsis: Roddy teams up with the Condiment King (Also, we see what happened before pirated).

-Monday(Days before the events of "Pirated")-

Everything was normal at the Bank of Moolah, everyone was getting their cash out or depositing their paychecks when suddenly, the front entrance was destroyed by Wrench, behind her was Sprocket, Buster, and bunch of flying wasp robots. Sprocket and Buster pried open the bank vault with their bare hands and the robotic Wasps got to work cleaning it out.

Leading from the back was none other than Roddy.

Roddy: Aha ha ha ha ha!!! I honestly don't care that I'm already loaded, bank robbing is practically the cornerstone of villainy, plus, this is kinda fun!

Suddenly, there was a speeding streak of red that zoomed right past him and knocked his robots out of the air. The blur was revealed to be The Flash with Batgirl on his back.

Roddy: Come on, I just got here! WRENCH!

His robot general heard her master call and readied her arm cannons, before she fired though, Batgirl leaped into the air and tossed her Batarang into the right arm cannon. This caused Wrench's arm cannon to malfunction and blasted her backwards into Roddy, sending the two flying over the horizon with Sprocket and Buster chasing after them.

Roddy: *flies off* NO FAIR!!!


The next day, a train was passing through Metropolis carrying important cargo, until the roof of a car blew open and Roddy along with Beast and Hazard came out of it with suitcases and bags filled with robot parts, high tech gadgets, and advanced computer chips. They brought along some robots to help them carry extra the goods.

Roddy: Nice work guys, all this tech will certainly help built my army.

Before they could hop off, Fast Action landed  behind them on the same train car they're on 

Fast Action: I'm afraid you're gonna have to return those.

Roddy: How about, no! Beast, Hazard, deal our uninvited guest!

Beast pulled out a sledgehammer and Hazard crackled with energy, but before hey could do anything, Fast Action shapeshifted into a mouse. (A superpower he picked up from Beast Boy at some point off screen).

Fast Action: *Smugly* Squeak Squeak! 

Beast: Huh?

Hazard: A mouse?

Although, the reason why Fast Action turned into a mouse in the first place was because there was a tunnel coming up and he was the only one that noticed. Roddy, Beast, Hazard, and the robots didn't realize it until they smashed right into the top of the tunnel and crashed to the ground while the train left with everything they stole still on the roof, leaving them to go to their intended destinations once more. The villains laid in a heap among the broken robots.

Beast: *in pain* Boss, Fast Action got away with our stolen stuff.

Roddy: *irritated* I know.


That night, Roddy had broken into a laboratory and was stealing some chemicals from the cabinets with Rabies, Sprocket, and Buster. Franny also wanted them to snag some rat DNA from the lab rats in the building.

Roddy: Not exactly an extravagant and daring venture, but at least there aren't any superheroes around to ruin this plan.

Night Owl: Like me?

Roddy: Yeah, like- wait a minute, Night Owl!? 

Night Owl: Sup.

Roddy: Get her!

Rabies, always the first to fight something, attacked Night Owl and the two got into a scuffle on the floor, in the meantime, Roddy was making his escape with Sprocket, Buster and everything they stole. Night Owl reacted quickly and pulled out a spring loaded boxing glove, like the ones from cartoons.

Rabies: Hey, where the heck did you- *Gets punched* Oof!!

Before he finished his sentence, he got a hard left hook from the thing that sent him flying and crashed into Roddy and his two robots as they got outside, spilling the chemicals onto the ground. This was also bad thing as mixing certain chemicals wasn't a good idea.

Roddy: Uh oh!

The chemicals exploded, creating an odorous stink cloud around the villains.

Roddy: *cough*cough*cough* Ugh, I'm never gonna get this horrible smell out of my clothes! *cough* Or my nose!!!

Night Owl: *snickers* Smell you later guys! *runs off* Smell you later? Sheesh, I've been hanging with Ace too often.


Bjorn, Bloodbath, the Super Mutant Girls, and whatever remaining robots they had left had just returned to Roddy's lair after a failed mission, they had intended to take over the Metropolis Power Plant and hold the city's power supply for ransom in exchange for complete control of the city. Although, things went sideways when the Superhero Girls and the Invinci Bros arrived on the scene and during the battle, Aqualad's water shorted out the Siege Machine's engine and it exploded on them. The result was them coming home looking black charred and extra crispy.

Roddy: What Happened!?

Sascratch: Let's just say, things didn't go quite as well as we had hoped.

Bjorn: It blew up in our faces.

Roddy: *deadpan* I can see that.


Roddy and his gang were facing off against the Teen Team in front of City Hall as they were about the break in and take it over. Beast, Hazard, Rabies, Wrench, and Bjorn were presently there while Roddy lead from the back as usual.

Roddy: End of the road Teen Team!

Fast Action: I'd probably say the same about you. Minus you, we've got you guys outnumbered.

Spliced: Yeah, and there's also more of us than you.

Roddy: Really? Let me fix that.

He snaps his fingers and Grimbots came out from the hidden alleys and side streets.

Roddy: Now what do you have to say now?

Fast Action: I'd have to say, Suki time to jump in!

Roddy: Huh?

Out of nowhere, Suki swooped in from the air and plowed through the Grimbots with her robotic super strength, I'm not joking, she tore literal holes into the the robots as she flew through them.

Roddy: Aw nuts.

With Roddy's reinforcements fallen, the Teen Team handled the villains and- Well, you probably know the rest from there.

-Saturday(hours before "Pirated" took place)-

Beast and Hazard were in the lair's break room watching T.V., enjoying themselves.

Beast: This is kinda nice, I could watch "Make it Wayne" all day.

Hazard: It really does feel like we've been watching it all day. Isn't this usually when Roddy comes in with a new scheme to take over Metropolis?

Beast: He said he was gonna be working on something for Saturday, I wonder where the boss is?

Elsewhere in the lair, Franny Stein was outside a door marked "scheming room! Do Not Enter when in use". Franny went inside anyway and found her brother fast asleep at his desk covered in crumpled papers.

Franny: Roddy?

Roddy: *wakes up* Huh? What is- Oh, it's you.

Franny: Roddy, I've been hearing a rumor around the lair that you have an evil plan for today, which isn't really a rumor at all since you announced it yesterday after the Teen Team foiled your little assault on City Hall.

Roddy: Yes, I remember. I also remember running into that ice cream cart on the corner upon retreating, it took me almost all night to get all that caramel out of my clothes.

Franny: So, what's this "new" plan of yours to take over Metropolis?

Roddy: My plan? Yes, my plan..............My plan..........Plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan, plan. You ever say a word so much it stops sounding like a word? Weird.

Franny: Roddy, you don't have a plan, so you?

Roddy: Nooooooo!!! I don't!

Franny: Well, it's bound to happen sooner or later.

Roddy: Franny, you don't understand, I haven't had a good evil plan in a whole stupid week! Usually, they would be much more unique, extravagant, or even a little insanely convoluted or something like that. This week's evil schemes however, some of them weren't even that original, robbing a bank, robbing a train, robbing a lab-

Franny: Technically, that was my idea.

Roddy: And there was taking over the city power plant, I tried that one a month ago! Then there was yesterday, invading city hall with only one type of robot!? The Grimbots are powerful and all, but I would usually bring more than just any one type of robot, wanna know why?

Franny: Not really.

Roddy: To diversify my character and stuff! 

Franny: Diversify your- what?

Roddy: You see, most villains would have robots that are exactly the same, with the same kind weapons in some cases, that can get a little boring and predictable. For me though-

Franny: Okay, I get it! So, now what?

Roddy: *sigh* I Don't know. I Might as well get some breakfast since I'm obviously not up for brain storming right now.

Franny: Actually, it's half past 11:00, it's almost lunchtime.

Roddy: A sandwich then.

Although, later, Roddy couldn't really enjoy his sandwich since he still couldn't come up with an evil scheme to do. At the moment, he was sitting by the Siege Machine while Shelly was there doing some further repairs on the vehicle.

Shelly: *looks down* Roddy? Are you alright, you're sulking instead of ordering your robots around.

Roddy: I'll tell you what's wrong, I haven't come up with a good evil scheme all week! I've run dry! This has never happened to me before.

Shelly: Perhaps you merely need a good reinvigoration, to help you feel good about being bad again and restarting you creative flow.

Roddy: Yeah, you're right! A nice simple spread of chaos and mayhem should build me back up from the doldrums, nothing complex, outrageous, or nutty. Now, what to do first?

A little later, the mailman was making his rounds around the neighborhood and was coming up on Roddy's house, the place he dreads the most.

Mailman: *trembling sigh* I hate coming here.

He arrived at Roddy's house, opened the mailbox, and placed some envelopes, a magazine, and a package inside. He thought he was in the clear for once, but as soon as he closed the mailbox though, the sidewalk became a trapdoor and opened below him, dropping him into a pit full of dogs. When he hit the bottom, various meats and gravy were dropped onto him, making him a much more enticing target for the dogs.

Mailman: *scared* Nice doggies?

The dogs however, attacked him anyway and while Roddy did find it funny that he was suffering an unfortunate comical situation, it wasn't enough to spur any inspiration for evil.

Shelly: Well?

Roddy: Nothing. Maybe something else.

Elsewhere, Roddy had put his next "harmless little prank" into action. He unleashed a gang of stray cats from a nearby alley into the local fish market, causing some chaos and confusion among the customers as the cats ran rampant attacking the live sea creatures in their tanks and eating the dead ones displayed on the ice and as funny as that was as well, it still didn't spark anything evil from his brain.

Roddy: *sigh* Still no ideas.

Later, he tossed water balloons filled with ranch dressing, mud, motor oil, itching powder, fake blood, paint and glitter down on the unsuspecting civilians from the rooftops as they passed by, people came out startled, dirty, freaking out, itchy, and multicolored from that.

Roddy: Still nothing!

At the Burrito Bucket, Roddy snuck into the kitchen and while nobody was looking, he slipped a bottle of extra strength laxatives into the food and the soda fountain, the stuff was potent and it works fast and hard. A woman who had just finished her meal was hit with the effects right away, her full belly rumbled loudly and soon another person's stomach rumbled, then another, and another after that, soon the entire restaurant was filled with rumbling stomachs and the next thing everyone knew, they were all desperately running to the restrooms, men's and lady's rooms were overfilled immediately. Roddy and Shelly were outside witnessing the calamity inside the restaurant.

Shelly: Now?

Roddy: Nothing, not even a tingle! Though all of that was pretty fun.

Shelly: Perhaps a change of scenery is really what you need, maybe that'll help you get inspired.

Roddy: A change of scenery?

Shelly: Like a walk in the park for example.

Roddy: *rubs chin* Hmm, a change of scenery. Great idea!

Although, his change of scenery was actually his shower. Sprocket and Buster were outside with his clean clothes for after he showered.

Shelly: This wasn't exactly what I had in mind Roddy.

Roddy: What? I needed to shower, the fish market left a too fishy smell on me. But even if I do come up with a new scheme, let's face it, I'm not sure how else I'm gonna take over Metropolis other than with a giant army of evil robot death machines to aid in my future world conquest. I suppose I could probably reinvent myself a little, diversify my minions a bit and maybe a change of clothes somewhere along the way, or something like that. Maybe I could-

Sprocket: Too bad you can't just buy an evil scheme from a store.

Buster: Won't that be something?

Roddy: What did I say about interrupting my thoughts!? You two want me to remove your voice chips again!?

Shelly: Actually, that's not a bad idea.

Roddy: I said I- Hold on, wait, you're actually agreeing with this idea of theirs, to buy an evil scheme!? Are you crazy!?

Shelly: No, it's just like doing a commission with other artists.

Roddy: *confused* Um.

Shelly: I'll explain after your shower.

So later, after the shower, Shelly and Roddy are now at the monitor creating an online ad for their rather unorthodox plan.

Roddy: "Have an evil scheme to share, we buy it and carry it out for you." I still don't understand.

Shelly: There are other villains in the city other than us, surely they want an evil scheme done, but they don't have the resources to pull it off.

Roddy: And we pay them, so we can carry it out together?

Shelly: Exactly, maybe one of them will give you some inspirations for future projects.

Roddy: But I still get Metropolis though, right?

Shelly: Of course, I may be your chief mechanic, but I also know my way around a legal document, some copyright information, some room for loopholes here and there and it should be good to go.

Roddy: Excellent, a villain's a villain, but even we in the villain community are sticklers about an ironclad contract, especially if they're enforced by the evilest force on the face of the planet, a lawyer. Especially my Dad's lawyers, they're powerful, I've seen them work. Either way, it's worth a shot.

Shelly: Great, so now we just wait for someone to answer the ad.

So, they waited and waited and waited and waited................and waited, soon hours passed and no villains answered their site, Until-

Shelly: Look, someone responded to our ad and wants to meet with us!

Roddy: *wakes up* Huh? Finally! So, who is it?

Shelly: According to this, his name is Michell Mayo, also known as-

An hour later, they open the door to see Michell Mayo out on their doorstep, of course, you all know him as-

Condiment King: The Condiment King!

To say that Roddy was sorely disappointed was a pretty huge understatement, the joke villain of the DC Universe was the one that had a villainous scheme to pull off with him. The indignity of it all.

Roddy:......................Suddenly, sitting in the shower all day doesn't seem so bad. *walks away*

Shelly: *grabs his arm* Roddy, just give him a chance, he is the only one that applied.

Roddy: Fine, what is it you got.

Condiment King: Well, I'm still working out a few details, but this is a doozy of a plan! I call it, Condiment Kingdom!

Roddy: *sarcastic* Catchy.

Shelly: So, what do you need.

Condiment King: Well, first, I need to procure a few supplies from some of the local stores, some utensils, cooking oils, spices, equipment, ingredients, all in mass quantities of course-

Roddy: Can you excuse us for a minute? *closes door* Shelly, this man is obviously a crazy idiot, a doofus, how can he even possibly be considered a villain!?

Shelly: I know he seems like..............the least likely villain ever to be taken seriously, but there might be something in what he's got cooking up, I believe he did have a run in with one of the Superhero Girls after all, so he might have some know how on how to deal with them if ever necessary.

Roddy: He also lost to the one of the Superhero Girls last I heard and they barely even had to try to defeat him. Are you sure we don't have any other villains signing into this dumb ad? Drago, Yokozuna, Brainfreezer, Livewire, Joker, Poison Ivy, Mama Yao, anyone at all?

Shelly *checks laptop* Uh, no. No other applicants I'm afraid.

Roddy: *sigh* Fine, I suppose we can work with this, as long as I'm ruling Metropolis in the end, it'll be worth it. *opens door* Mr. Mayo, we thought it over and we decided that we will help you make Condiment Kingdom a reality, But you may need some slight modifications to your equipment.

Meanwhile, Babs was in the hideout under Sweet Justice watching some T.V. when the news came on. 

Female Reporter: Meteorologists have discovered that a massive overcast of dark clouds has formed over a mountainous part of the country. Reasons for this are unknown and none have been able to find out these reasons, but it appears to have had a drastic affect on the natural environment. Many scientists believe that it's somehow related to the events that occurred in Metropolis and Beach City some time ago.

Babs: Dark clouds? Is that Zara's fortress they spotted? *gets up* Well, if it is, they better steer clear of it if they know what's good for them, Zara doesn't mess around.

Female Reporter: On a lighter note, local supermarkets and kitchen appliance stores around Metropolis have been attacked by a strange individual who used various condiments as ammunition, ketchup, mustard, relish, mayo, and hot sauce, all made with exotic herbs and spices, leaving a huge mess of it in their wake.

Babs: Condiments, exotic herbs and spices? Gee, if I didn't know any better, that sounds an awful lot like Michell Mayo, the Condiment King. Naw, it couldn't be, he isn't exactly taken seriously as a supervillain, me and Karen barely even had to try with him.

Later, Babs was out in Metropolis, listening to music on her headphones when she felt her foot step in a puddle of something gooey and a little slippery. Looking down, she found that she stepped in a puddle of spicy mustard and it originated from a nearby grocery store around the corner.

She looked inside and saw that the whole place was empty and a mess, condiment splatters, packaged food, and organic produce were everywhere. She spots and individual in the produce section searching for the perfect ingredients, it was none other than the Condiment King himself.

Babs: Holy cow! It really is him! Well, joke villain or not, I gotta do something.

She runs around a corner, into an empty alley, opens her backpack containing her suit and gear, and quickly puts them on, becoming Batgirl. She runs inside and soon found Condiment King further down the aisle into the spice section.

Batgirl: Okay Condiment King, hands up and tell me this, why go around wrecking supermarkets and kitchen ware shops!?

Condiment King: I've got big plans in Metropolis, Batgirl and sadly, you don't have a reservation for it.

He pulled out a gadget that she never saw Condiment King use before, it looked like an upgraded version of his condiment gun.

A/N: Imagine it's way more high tech looking than this

He fired a stream of ketchup and mustard at Batgirl, she managed to duck under the attack, but it had enough force to knock a few stuff off the shelf behind her.

Batgirl: Whoa! that's kinda new!

Condiment King: Wait until you see this!

He pulls out some chili peppers that almost appear to be glowing, which didn't look like a good thing. He tossed it at Batgirl, but this time, she brought out her baterang and threw it at the pepper. Although, doing so made it explode and it blew chili power into the air, which irritated Batgirl's senses.

Batgirl: *cough*cough* Gah! It's in my eyes! It's in my eyes!

She was forced to retreat behind a shelf that luckily had water bottles on the shelf, she grabbed a bottle and immediately poured water onto her face to clean the chili powder off.

Batgirl: Well, he's certainly as crazy as ever.

However, unknown to Batgirl, Condiment King had just set his gadget onto the hot sauce setting and fired at a nearby shelf by Batgirl. The hot sauce was so hot though, it actually ate through the metal shelf, causing all the stuff on it to fall on top of Batgirl.

Condiment King: Well, that slowed her down for now. Where to next? *leaves*

After he left, Batgirl managed to dig her torso and arm out of the pile of chip bags, packaged produce, fruits, bottled beverages and other food stuff and pulled out her phone.

Batgirl: *brings out phone* Hey girls, I need a little hand here, I'm stuck under a shelf at the organic supermarket on Main Street.

Jessica: *phone* Why are you over there?

Batgirl: Just get over here, I'll explain later.

Soon the rest of the Superhero Girls arrived and found the store a complete mess, piles of grocery were everywhere. 

Green Lantern(Jessica): Batgirl? Where are you?

Batgirl: Down here, under the pile.

Green Lantern(Jessica): *looks down* Batgirl, what happened!?

Supergirl: Yeah, you look like you were caught in the middle of the mother of all food fights.

Zatanna: Try a full scale food war.

Batgirl: Yeah, hard to believe it was the Condiment King.

Bumblebee: Hold on, the Condiment King did this!?

Supergirl: You were beaten by the lamest villain this side of the Dc Universe!?

Batgirl: Somehow he actually became a significant threat.

Wonder Woman/Supergirl/Zatanna/Green Lantern(Jessica)/Bumblebee: *laughs/giggles*

Supergirl: Yeah, sure, right. 

Wonder Woman: Forgive us Batgirl, but the Condiment King has never been seen as a real threat, much less a villain.

Batgirl: Hey, he was heading in the direction of the mall, you can see for yourself!

Like Batgirl said, Condiment King was going to the mall, the reason for this was to meet with Roddy. He, Beast, and Hazard were waiting outside in the Siege Machine when he received his text from the Condiment King.

Roddy: Huh? *looks at phone* Oh great, he finished his "shopping" Now onto phase two.

Hazard: Which is what exactly?

Roddy: According to him, gather a hundred grills, ovens, heat lamps and any other kitchen appliance from the mall. Should be simple.

Beast: What do we need all that for?

Roddy: I don't know, he left before he could explain the whole plan to us, but we're paying him so we might as well honor the transaction. Time to go to work guys, send in the robots!

At Roddy's command, robots hopped out of the Siege Machine and entered the mall.

They soon got to work robbing a nearby home appliance store and took all of the heat lamps, grills, ovens and whatever kitchen tool would be useful and loaded them into a trailer behind the Siege Machine. At that moment, the Condiment King arrived with bags of ingredients.

Hazard: Okay, we got all the crud you asked for.

Condiment King: Nice work, we make a pretty good team guys!

Roddy: Yeah, I wouldn't go that far. So what do we do with all of this?

Condiment King: Oh, your mechanic can handle it from there when we get to the warehouse.

Hazard: The warehouse? Why there?

Condiment King: Trust me, it'll all make sense in the end. just tell her to meet us there and we'll be done!

Roddy: Finally! Come on!

As they loaded the last of the ill gotten appliances into the trailer, the Siege Machine took off, just in time for the Superhero Girls to overhear their conversation.

Supergirl: Condiment King and Roddy are working together? I did not see that coming.

Zatanna: But, what are they doing?

Batgirl: Well, that's what we gotta find out.

Green Lantern(Jessica): Okay, but where?

Bumblebee: Well, I'm tracking them now and from the looks of it, they're heading for the restaurant district.

Supergirl: You mean the place with all the fast food joints and fancy restaurants?

Bumblebee: Yeah, that place. 

Wonder Woman: Then let us proceed!

Meanwhile, in the restaurant district of Metropolis, a large warehouse stood on a street corner, most likely used for storing canned goods. Shelly was hard at work upgrading the ovens, grills and other kitchen appliances Roddy brought for her to super industrial size, twice the size of the traditional industrial size.

Shelly: *wipes brow* I'm almost done here, I just finished the blender, the mixer, the microwave, the oven, the grill, and everything else kitchen related.

Roddy: You know, Condiment King may be an idiot, but I think I'm catching on to what he's planning.

Shelly: you are?

Roddy: Yeah, He's planning to-

Before he could finish, a door was kicked open and outside were the Superhero Girls coming to stop him. As usual.

Wonder Woman: Roddy, you wicked plan end here!

Roddy: Come on, I haven't even started it yet! Although, now that you're all here, I can show you what we've been up to.

He pulled out his phone and pushed a robot arm icon on it. Soon, long tentacle arms appeared and grabbed the Superhero Girls and held them in a tight grip, preventing escape or plan foiling.

Roddy: And now that I have a captive audience, it's time I unveiled what me and C.K. have been up to.

Batgirl: About that, why did you team up with the Condiment King?

Roddy: Well, that, I just-Wait a minute, I don't have to explain anything to you, especially since I'll be ruling Metropolis within a matter of minutes.

Condiment King: Ruling Metropolis?

Roddy: Yeah, you had us round up all these parts to construct giant ovens and place them all over the city, so that we can increase the heat in the heavily populated areas around Metropolis so much that everyone will be forced to leave the city and I'll swoop in and take control as ruler of all of Metropolis. I gotta admit, I'm impressed, I honestly didn't think you could actually come up with something like that, but what about the mixers, the utensils and the other stuff, what are those for? If your thinking about a victory barbeque and cake, it's a little short notice for that you know.

Condiment King: Actually, that wasn't my plan at all, I wasn't even thinking about taking over Metropolis.

Roddy/Superhero Girls: WHAT!?!?!?!?

Roddy: Then what's all this for!?

Condiment King: I'm glad you asked, you see, after I was rehired at the Burrito Bucket, it made me think "hey, what if I started a restaurant of my own?" So, my plan was to start my own major fast-food chain, I called it Condiment Kingdom, where I rule the world of reasonably priced fast food and family style dinner and I needed a little help getting started. Once I set up here in Metropolis, I can expand my business elsewhere, Gotham, Central City, Townsville, Beach City, Amity Park, you get the idea. Plus, I've got the mascot to get the people's attention and the mascot is me! Pretty cool, huh?


Shelly: A rather interesting approach, I guess.

Condiment King: I know, right!


Shelly: Roddy?

Roddy:........So,..............I can't conquer the city with this?

Condiment King: Uh, no.

Roddy: You. Stupid. Donkey. *turns his back*

Condiment King: What's with all the harshness all of a sudden, little buddy?

Roddy: *angered* Because, if you seriously think I am paying you for this ridiculous plan, you are sorely mistaken mister! I could've come up with something far more impressive than this, you fast-food jockey! You wasted my resources, my robots, and my time, you grease stained joke of a DC villain! You burger brained bozo!!!!! You half-baked moron!!!!! You-You-You stir-fried freak!!!!!!

Superhero Girls:............


Condiment King:.............Capital W, wow.

Roddy: *calms down* Excuse me, I honestly don't know where that came from, usually my insulting outbursts are less longwinded than that. Anyway, my point still stands regardless, if you were gonna start a business of your own, there are other ways to do it, I have better thing to do than this! 

Shelly: To be fair, the process for a big project like that would probably take forever to get approved in today's marketing world.

Roddy: Still though-*gets hit by a screw* Huh? Who threw that? *turns around*

Behind him, the Superhero Girls managed to escape the metal tentacle holding them, Bumblebee disassembled it while he was distracted.

Roddy: Great, now we have to deal with them.

Shelly: Actually, I did have one contingency. 

She pulled out a remote and pushed a button, then suddenly, the ovens and grills transformed into fire robots.

Shelly: It's just in case thinks went sideways for us.

Roddy: At least somebody is thinking around here. Get them!

One of the oven robots opened its chest hatch  and blasted fire at Wonder Woman, she blocked the fire with her bracelets and managed to redirect the flames into the mouth of another one about to blast fire at her as well. The stream of fire blasted out the back of the other robot and it collapsed onto the one that was shooting fire at Wonder Woman. Supergirl used her super breath to freeze the shell cannon of another robot before it spewed fire at the unsuspecting Green Lantern. At the same time, Batgirl noticed a sprinkler system up above which could help end the fight quick, she used her grappling hook to launch herself to the switch for the fire alarm.

Batgirl: *pulls lever* This should cool their jets.

Upon pulling the lever, a bell sounded loudly and the sprinklers sent water down onto everyone, including the robots, rendering their flames useless and cold. With that little hazard out of the way, the Superhero Girls were able to easily defeat the robots.

Roddy: Well, that was just as disappointing as ever.

Shelly: I'm sorry, I was not informed that this warehouse had fire sprinklers.

Roddy: Let's just get out of here.

The two left the Condiment King behind and ran out the back. Outside, Beast and Hazard were waiting in the Siege Machine.

Hazard: So, how'd it go?

Roddy: Shut up. At least one good thing came out of this adventure.

Shelly: What?

Roddy: I've just come up with a slew of more ideas for my next plan to take over Metropolis.

Shelly: Good to have you back.

They promptly left before the Superhero Girls arrived outside after them.

Zatanna: Should we go after them?

Wonder Woman: I......don't think so. I am actually unsure what transpired earlier.

Supergirl: To be honest, I don't think any of us know what the heck happened today, but what matters is that we foiled Roddy's plan, sort of, and it's all over now.

Suddenly, they were greeted to the sight of bright red flashes and sparks of lights in the evening sky from flares.

Supergirl: Or not.

Zatanna: What the heck is going on!?

Batgirl: *looks on phone* Whoa! Girls, check it out! There's a giant pirate ship downtown and the Teen Team are fighting it! Look!

Batgirls phone was flooded with pictures people posted on the internet news page and Superstapost of a pirate ship on monster truck wheels and pirates rampaging through Metropolis and the Teen Team chasing after the huge ship in different photos.

Bumblebee: Wow, I can't believe we didn't see that yet.

Green Lantern(Jessica): A pirate ship? Best guess, they might have a crazy explanation for this.

So, another crisis was averted, although, I probably wouldn't call it too big a crisis considering it was the Condiment King involved in this. Anyway, with that weirdness out of the way, the girls left to find the Teen Team, leaving the Condiment King behind.

Condiment King: *looks around* You know what, that kid's right, I should've gotten my business running the old fashioned way. *looks at watch* Oh, my shift is about t start! *runs off*

As the adventure continuous.

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