My Heart, Your Soul

By SeriouslyAwkwardAmy

4.9K 397 52

Harry had been a lot of things in his life, but happy hadn't been one of them for a very long time. He and Ja... More

Wedding Rings And Stupid Things
Imprinting and Annoying Questions
Practically Impossible, Theoretically Improbable
The Fall Out
A Wizard, A Vampire And A Werewolf Walk Into A Bar
Well Then

Pot, Meet Kettle

719 55 15
By SeriouslyAwkwardAmy

Hello my lovelies!

i've been on holiday this week (it was slay) i wrote this on the train home and thought ya'll deserved a lil treat so have some reconciliation! apologies if it's a lil short but it felt wrong to just change the subject after writing it lmao

I hope you really like! see ya later


The first thing Harry did when he returned to his home was refill the teacup (that Jacob had gingerly left on the bottom step of the porch) with more wine.

Wine that he was now sipping, the half empty bottle waiting patiently by his feet.

Bella was napping while Bree and Rosalie were out hunting.

Harry was enjoying the moment of loneliness to wallow in his emotions again.

He was getting a little sick and tired of how fragile his emotional stability seemed to be, frustration peaked when unexpected tears bit at his eyes.

What was he even feeling? Wasn't he helping someone? Hadn't he fixed the problem?

He didn't understand himself, he always thought that one day he would, but that day never seemed to come.

A rumble of thunder sounded somewhere in the distance, soon followed by the dull clunks of rain hitting against the roof tiles in a steady downpour.

Harry sighed, wiped away a stubborn tear and took another drink.

A sudden ripple of someone passing through the wards sent the hair on his neck standing on end.

The sound of the front door opening, closing and then footsteps coming up creaky stairs came next. The feet came to a stop outside Harry's bedroom door, hesitated, then pushed the door slowly open. As if afraid to startle the raven haired man.

Jasper, paler than usual, peered down at him from the open door way.

The blonde eyed the bottle of win with dislike, eyes softening when they met Harry's stark green gaze.

Time paused as the universe seemed to put itself back together around them.

Harry blinked away the stars in his eyes and looked down at his now empty tea cup.

"I'm not apologizing." he muttered.

"Neither am I. But we need to talk about what happened." Came the firm reply.

Harry's dull stare turned to a bored glare, the poor teacup didn't deserve his irritation.

He placed the innocent cup on his bedside table, saving it from his cold stare.

He really didn't want to talk about this right now.

Jasper stepped further into the room, blocking the exit with arms crossed.

Harry wandlessly slammed, locked and warded the door behind the blonde. A sick feeling of satisfaction spreading in him when he made the day walker jump.

The wards would prevent anyone from interrupting or hearing the row that was about to happen.

"Why are you protecting Bella Swan? I thought you hated her." the hurt in Jasper's voice confused him.

"This isn't about Bella Swan." he spat back, finally turning his annoyed stare on Jasper.

Jasper's eyes swiftly turned from a honey gold to a burnt obsidian.

"Then what is it about?" the creature asked, voice deathly calm.

Harry suddenly felt a little out of his depth.

"Shouldn't you know? Oh great empath! The one who values everyone's emotions except mine!" it was the anger talking now, the irritation growing into something ugly.

"What are you talking about?! You know I value how you feel over anyone else!" Jasper spat back. The possessive edge to his words was not lost on Harry.

"I'm talking about how you listened to the feelings of your fake brother, sister and father over me!" Harry cried back, the tears were building in his eyes again.

"Harry, you know that that baby could kill Bella and my family." the deathly calm tone was back.

Harry hated it.

"I fixed that for you. The wolves agreed to a new treaty. I know how to help Bella when the baby comes. So all your families posturing was for nothing." Tears be dammed, Harry was not going to fold.

"My family does their best to protect us all." Jasper rebutted.

Harry shook his head and laugh.

"Fat lot of good they've done so far. Put a human in countless deadly situations, then tried to control any choice she had when it finally fell apart around them!" Harry was shouting now.

Jasper stared at him, a searching look on his annoyingly perfect face.

Harry was tempted to punch him.

"Control." Jasper breathed.

Harry shivered without his consent.

"That's what this is about. Control." black eyes stared into his soul, Harry looked away.

"Edward loves Bella and he would love her baby too. Like you said the problem with the wolves is solved." the tone was gentler now.

"That didn't stop him from hating her baby." Harry glared at floor.

"Edward was terrified, he acted out of fear." Jasper insisted, Harry rolled his eyes.

This whole thing was a fucking mess.

Harry forced himself to meet Jasper's black eyes again.

"That excuse is long worn off on me. I'm not letting anyone near that baby, unless Bella herself chooses to go back to them." He informed him, matter-of-factly.

The temperature in the room turned cold. Jasper's eyes turning impossibly dark.

"You're mine, not hers. That baby is not yours." Came the wounded voice of a beast.

Harry stared at the vampire he loved, insecurity was getting the better of him. He felt like Harry was choosing Bella over him.

"I am not interested in Bella Swan. I'm interested in protecting my moral values." That seemed to release some of the tension in the room.

Jasper seemed to be taking calming breathes.

"You don't want her?" Jasper asked, eyes screwed tight as if fearing the answer.

Harry recoiled in disgust, how on earth had Jasper come to these conclusions.

"No." he replied, disgusted.

More tension eased out of Jasper's shoulders.

When he opened his eyes they almost looked a human brown, half way between black and golden.

"I can't give you a child." Harry held back the urge to scream in frustration.

"This isn't about having children! If I wanted to be a parent again then I'd call my son and talk to him!" That finally seemed to snap Jasper out of his pity party.

His eyes fazed back to gold, as he stared at Harry stunned.

"Son?" he asked incredulous.

Harry huffed and wordlessly summoned a photo from his bedside table.

It was a moving photo of an 18 year old Harry and a 18 month old Teddy giggling happily on his lap, hair and eyes turning from his usual sandy blonde and blue eyes to match Harry's jet black and green.

He handed to photo to Jasper.

"My Father had three best friends at school. One of them was a werewolf called Remus Lupin, that baby is his son; Teddy Lupin-Potter. Remus and his wife died in the war I won. I was Teddy's god father, I raised him after his grandmother couldn't anymore. He's my son, by all accounts."

Jasper absorbed this information.

"None of this was ever about me wanting a baby or wanting to be with Bella Swan." Harry stated, trying not to gag at the idea of dating Bella Swan.

Silence filled the room.

"I'm sorry. I let my insecurity and jealously get a hold of me. I know you wouldn't want that. I just didn't understand. But now I think I do." Golden eyes sunk into emerald green.

"I love you and I'm sorry you felt I was ignoring how you felt. I was trying to protect us by hiding from the unknown. I should have thought about how that might remind you of other peoples stupid decisions." Harry looked away, not wanting to feel the shame that burned in him.

Jasper joined him on the edge of the bed.

"Shhh." soothed the blonde, cool hands coming to cup Harry's face.

Harry let himself he man handled into a hug, hot forehead resting against cool. More tears leaked from closed green eyes.

"I know, it's okay. They're gone and I'm here now. I'm sorry I wasn't before darlin', I just didn't understand." Jasper continued to sooth, Harry crumpled under the tenderness.

He gripped onto Jasper like a life line, pressing his head more firmly against him. Wanting to be closer.

Strong arms wrapped around him, the calming pressure one hand rubbed his back while the other guided his head onto the crook of his shoulder.

A shoulder that was soon damp with tears.

Harry lost track of how long they sat there.

Jasper savoured the feeling of having his mate in his arms again, counting the precious seconds. 


Oh hey, What did ya think?

they're so cute right? i hate the misunderstanding tag but i think i can excuse myself for this lmao.

hope you're all doing well, much love and see you sooooooon xoxoxo

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