Pot, Meet Kettle

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Hello my lovelies!

i've been on holiday this week (it was slay) i wrote this on the train home and thought ya'll deserved a lil treat so have some reconciliation! apologies if it's a lil short but it felt wrong to just change the subject after writing it lmao

I hope you really like! see ya later


The first thing Harry did when he returned to his home was refill the teacup (that Jacob had gingerly left on the bottom step of the porch) with more wine.

Wine that he was now sipping, the half empty bottle waiting patiently by his feet.

Bella was napping while Bree and Rosalie were out hunting.

Harry was enjoying the moment of loneliness to wallow in his emotions again.

He was getting a little sick and tired of how fragile his emotional stability seemed to be, frustration peaked when unexpected tears bit at his eyes.

What was he even feeling? Wasn't he helping someone? Hadn't he fixed the problem?

He didn't understand himself, he always thought that one day he would, but that day never seemed to come.

A rumble of thunder sounded somewhere in the distance, soon followed by the dull clunks of rain hitting against the roof tiles in a steady downpour.

Harry sighed, wiped away a stubborn tear and took another drink.

A sudden ripple of someone passing through the wards sent the hair on his neck standing on end.

The sound of the front door opening, closing and then footsteps coming up creaky stairs came next. The feet came to a stop outside Harry's bedroom door, hesitated, then pushed the door slowly open. As if afraid to startle the raven haired man.

Jasper, paler than usual, peered down at him from the open door way.

The blonde eyed the bottle of win with dislike, eyes softening when they met Harry's stark green gaze.

Time paused as the universe seemed to put itself back together around them.

Harry blinked away the stars in his eyes and looked down at his now empty tea cup.

"I'm not apologizing." he muttered.

"Neither am I. But we need to talk about what happened." Came the firm reply.

Harry's dull stare turned to a bored glare, the poor teacup didn't deserve his irritation.

He placed the innocent cup on his bedside table, saving it from his cold stare.

He really didn't want to talk about this right now.

Jasper stepped further into the room, blocking the exit with arms crossed.

Harry wandlessly slammed, locked and warded the door behind the blonde. A sick feeling of satisfaction spreading in him when he made the day walker jump.

The wards would prevent anyone from interrupting or hearing the row that was about to happen.

"Why are you protecting Bella Swan? I thought you hated her." the hurt in Jasper's voice confused him.

"This isn't about Bella Swan." he spat back, finally turning his annoyed stare on Jasper.

Jasper's eyes swiftly turned from a honey gold to a burnt obsidian.

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