Wedding Rings And Stupid Things

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Well, well, well. I keep my promises eventually y'all. It's very hard to start again, just starring at a blank page lmao

I had planned to post this in January for my birthday but um, as you can see that didn't happen but here we are! i have a lot planned for this so please sit back and enjoy the first instalment!

just PSA this is following both parts of breaking dawn but obviously will be a bit different lmao

I really hope you enjoy this and are just as excited as me to see what comes after


 Harry had never given much consideration about how he would die.

He never needed to. From age 11 it had been confirmed that he would most likely die at the hands of he who must not be named. Later on he wondered whether a teacher would finally finish the job. Then the threat of Voldemort returned, until he was a cloud of dust in the ruined great hall.

After, a war torn Harry assumed that misery or a hero's death was the death for him.

But after everything he had been through, now where he currently sat, being bored to death was the most likely course of action.

Harry stretched his stiff limbs, for the third time, and tried not to fidget in his seat beside Jasper as the ceremony dragged on.

The two had eternity to read each other sappy poems, yet they were really going to waste the mortal half of the audience lack of eternity to make their 'undying love' (no pun intended) clear?

It was a day to remember in the mostly depressing town of Forks. Watching bland 18 year old Bella Swan marry 17 year old Edward Cullen. The crowd probably thinking about the older girl is taking advantage of the younger, love-struck rich boy.

If they only knew the reality.

Harry had been surprised and slightly alarmed when he was placed with the rest of the Cullen family and labelled as the grooms brother.

It had caused him to send an apologetic Jasper a stern look.

Even sat amongst a mass of people he could still feel the stares of other high-school students burning into his skull every now and then.

Harry had decided that muggle school was absolutely pointless and that whatever normal actually was it was well out of Harry Potters reach.

He dropped out.

Why he ever thought it would work was a loss to him. He decided to blame fate, she'd probably planted the thought in his head because she thought he and Jasper were cute together.

The current rumour mill was that Harry had been kicked out for nefarious reasons and was using his own love-struck rich boy to live a life of luxury rather then face juvenilia detention.

If they only knew the reality.

It was embarrassing that rumours about Bella and himself were so similar. He was far more interesting than her, he deserved the rumours to match.

Jasper had out rightly laughed at him when Harry shared a similar thought with him only days ago.

Harry looked around the garden, as weddings go it was one of the most visually lovely he had been to. And he had been to a lot of weddings.

Family and friends as well as allies and colleagues.

He had been best man at Ron and Hermione's wedding. That would always have a treasured, soft place in his heart.

My Heart, Your SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora