Was it Worth it

Від ArticWarrior673

1.8K 49 5

Jennie X Male Reader (Y/N) Callsign 'Striker' is a special forces operator that works along side other operat... Більше

-As cold as they come-
-Let the games begin-
-Stories of War-
-Soldiers Never Die-
-Never Ending Threat-
-True Realisation-
-Here We Are-
-An Empty Promise-
-There's No Easy Way Out-
-No Turning Back-
-5000 Miles Away-
-Time Well Spent-

-How is started-

352 5 1
Від ArticWarrior673

Life has a funny way of making things different. One minute you are studying law overseas the next you are an idol. Or youve just left school and now you're a special forces operative. Life has a funny way of making things change and happen without reason. And that is how this love story began.

Black night off the coast of Nigeria. Pirates are unloading their cargo. Their loot. But little did they know that a surprise was waiting for them. Two miles off the coast in the ocean three high speed boats are on their way to take back what was stolen from the people of Nigeria by these pirates.

OL-Teams listen up we have confirmed targets in the AO all targets are considers hostile. You have permission to engage but we want Akin alive. Check your targets and try and do this quietly we dont need another massacre on our hands. Remember we arent supposed to be here we are doing this as a favour. Keep it clean. Overlord out.

Their general spoke on their radio as the troops have landed on the shore and are now disembarking. Night vision goggles down they were ready for action.

(Y/N)-I don't like this one but it doesn't sound right

JS-You dont like anything thats easy do you Striker

(Y/N)-Least I know my limits hunter

MM-Radio chatter to a minimum lads... Alpha team on me... Bravo on the left... Charlie you take right... we will regroup in the middle and Alpha will storm Akins house... Lets move

The teams split and where making their way through the camp while shooting down targets with her suppressed rifles. Keep everything clean and quiet just like their were ordered. Eventually the soldiers made it to the back of the Pirate leaders groups house. Marcus Miller orders Alpha team to stack up on the door while Bravo and Charlie cover their backs. Marcus AKA Dusty looked in front of him on his left peripheral was the entry point but directly in front was Striker.

MM-Do it

With those two words (Y/N) grabbed the breaching shotgun on his back and shot the hinges of the door of and then the lock before donkey kicking the door open. Once it was open Dusty threw a flashbang inside creating chaos for Akin. With four special forces operators pointing their rifles at him he raises he hands.

MM-looks like checkmate for you then

Akin-No it will be checkmate for you soon.

-Four Months Later-

Soeul South Korea.

Twice and Blackpink had a joint show and where now in a limo on their way back to their hotel to spend the night together partying.

Jh-That was awesome but I cant wait to get back to the hotel and let loose

Sa-Same I need a bath

Li-Can I join you.

Lisa said to Sana in a flirtatious joke attempt

Sa-hehehe Lisa

Dh-Ya Lisa look what you have done you broke our squirrel

Dahyuns comment made everyone inside of the limo start laughing. All except one. Jennie was on her phone again constantly trying to check out if she had received messages from someone. Unfortunately no and her disappointment was shown on her face Rosie noticed and nudged her member lightly to get her attention.

Ro-You still trying to see if he has messaged you yet. Come on Jen we have talked about this. He is just leading you on I mean come every 10 messages you send he sends one and every time you want to be around him he is busy but when he wants you around you go no matter what.

Je-Rosie Taehyung I just going through a lot you dont understand.

Ro-Come on Jen put the phone down and enjoy we are celebrating.

As Rosie finished her sentence the sound of a champagne bottle being opened in the limo was heard surprising the girls and seeing that Nayeon had opened the bottle and started handing out glasses filled with the alcoholic drink to all the singers in the car. Everyone was drinking and partying until the limo had reached the hotel and the girls were all in their huge suite partying like there was no tomorrow. Again all but one. Jennie was again glued to her phone missing out on the fun and games and drinking that is happening in the suite. The clock struck it was 1 in the morning most of the girls were starting to calm down from drinking and start making their way to bed. But not Jen. She wasnt tired rather upset and annoyed that she boyfriend has not called her or replied to her text messages. Despite the time she grabs her hoodie and grabs her mask and heads out for a walk.


She has been walking for nearly 3 hours now, and yet she was still at the same energy level as before. She was no longer in Seoul instead in the woodland area on the outside. Just a little further along she hears the sound of a plane engine getting closer and closer. She looks up and immediately crouches down on the ground in fear as the plane flies just over her head. But this was no ordinary plane this was an AC-130 and this was no ordinary airport. It was a military base.

Curiosity gets the better of her as she starts to make her way towards the military base. Merly a few feet away from the fence she sees the huge plane that flew over her head. She couldnt see well so she squinted a little to get a better focus on what was going on. She was witnessing what seemed to be foreigners from outside of Korea. Least she knew that much when she could hear them shouting in English. She didnt know what they were saying. She couldnt hear that well, but she did know there were English.

Enough was enough she starts to walk slowly back knowing that she should not be there, even if she is a well-known celebrity. There are just some places she knows she doesnt belong. Suddenly as she starts to walk back further, she hears a dog barking. She turns and sees a German Shepard angry and aggressive ready to charge her. She backs away slowly

Je-Nice doggy... Easy doggy... Good boy

That wasnt enough though. The dog charged her and she ran. In a frantic panic she started to run around the fenced off area, to her it was a good idea maybe the dog would lose interest. Instead it didnt. when all of a sudden she flet teeth on her butt. She screamed in pain. As she felt herself be dragged down to the ground ass first. The dog was now on top of her, and so was two flash lights.


Meanwhile the special forces teams where disembarking the AC-130 and were about to head to their own private barracks on base. Still in full kits with helmets and rifles they were exhausted from the 14 hour journey and were in desperate need for hot food hot showers and hot beds.

MM-Finally some rest need to get the sand out of my boots and underwear.

(Y/N)-Thank you for the information, Captain

MM-Hahaha come on Sergent you telling me you dont get sand in place?

(Y/N)-No I do Cap... I just dont choose to bitch about it

KS1-Captain Miller Sergent (L/N)... we have a situation there has been a trespasser on the outside wall on the west... Rex got em

(Y/N)-I already feel bad if Rex got them. Weird how a dog can be an ass man.

MM-The Sergent will deal with it once we are settled... keep them in the interrogation room

KS1-Yes sir.

The Korean soldier said as he walked back to the cell. (Y/N) looks at the Captain and says.

(Y/N)-Looks like I am going to have to wait for my sleeping then hmm


Jennie was inside of the interrogation room her phone taken off her. It wasnt an issue anyways it was dead. Suddenly the front door opens, she panics and sees one of the foreign soldiers she saw earlier. He sat across from her. Note pad and pen on the table. (Y/N) stared at her for a good minute before speaking in English.

(Y/N)-Miss... can I get you a coffee... tea... maybe some water?

She refused to move her head at all. She was way too scared. She heard about these things she was scared was never going to see home again. Never see her parents again her friends her fans, Taehyung again. She didnt know what to do so she did the only thing she could do. She started crying and screaming.


(Y/N)-Woah calm down your not in trouble I just want to know who you are thats all.

In a panic she gave a fake name to protect herself and her friends and family.

Je-Its Jensoo its a very popular girl name in Korean you wouldnt know since youre not Korea.

A knock on the door followed by a Korean soldier entered handing (Y/N) a file and then leaving. He opens the file and then raises his eye brows.

(Y/N)-You sure that is your really name Miss. Kim.

Je-How did you know

(Y/N)-Jennie Kim. Kpop Idol from a group called Blackpink debuted back in 2016 with other members Rosanna Park, Jisoo Kim, and Lalisa Manoban. Studied in New Zealand until adolescent and then moved back to South Korea to audition for YG Entertainment... shall I go on.

Jennie was stunned. She didnt know what to say (Y/N) on the other hand closed the file calmly and looked back at her. Her eyes were soft and she was indeed scared.

(Y/N)-Listen I know you arent a spy or some whistle-blower. So just be honest why and how did you get here.

She calmed right down and then started to tell the whole story.

(Y/N)-Is that everything

Je-Yeah... Im sorry if I caused any trouble I didnt mean to.

(Y/N)-You didn't... just delayed my sleep haha

She laughed back and eased up a bit.

(Y/N)-Now may I ask do you need medical attention for your injury on your...

(Y/N) didnt want to be crud she instead with his pen he pointed towards her ass. Her eyes popped out of her head and her cheeks started to turn pink. She was embarrassed.

(Y/N)-I am medically trained if you want me to take a...

Je-NO... I mean... no thank you its ok it stopped hurting not too long ago.

(Y/N)-If you dont mind I would rather take a look... Rex is trained to subdue but doesnt mean he doesnt make a mistake... please... if you dont get check it could get infected.


Jennie stood up and slowly but unsurely bent over the table slightly while lowering her sweat pants and her underwear just enough so that (Y/N) could see the dog bite wound. He bends down behind her, he could smell her, she smelled gorgeous. But (Y/N) is a professional ignoring her manly urges he places his hand on her ass and lightly squeezes it to make sure that the wound was closed. Which was not. Jen was as red as a tomato. Nobody has ever done that to her even Taehyung. She couldnt bare to look but soon she felt a stinging sensation which made her jolt slightly she turned her head round in a panic.

(Y/N)-Easy... Im disinfecting the wound... come on just relax Im nearly finished.

She turned around slowly as she wasnt looking (Y/N) grinned slightly knowing that he just had the Queen of Kpop unintentionally shake her ass in front of him. Once he was done he lightly tapped her ass as a sign so she can put on her clothes again. Jennie being deep in though let out a light moan when he did that. (Y/N) noticed it but decided to leave it for now.

(Y/N)-Come with me I'll drop you off.

They made their way to the Humvees he get her in and secured and started driving back to Soeul. While the drive was silent she as sleeping against the window. (Y/N) didnt have the heart to wake her so he decided that he would take her to her room, he took the key card from her pocket and looked at the number. 912. He picked her up bridal style, but before he could entre the hotel another one of her bandmembers had already walked outside and saw you. You quickly put your finger over your mouth to let her know that she needs to be quiet.

(Y/N)-I assume she belongs to you

Ro-Where was she?

(Y/N)-Im not allowed to say but she is ok. Just tired.

Ro-Oh. Then let me help you to her room... I'm Rosie by the way

(Y/N)- (Y/N) nice to meet you

(Y/N) and Rosie made their way up to the top floor and Rosie opened all the doors for him. Unknowingly to the both of them, Lisa, Jihyo, Sana and Tzuyu where awake and enjoying each others company.

Li-Last night... was so good but why do I have someone elses lipstick on my lips

Jh-Yeah you can thank Sana for that.

Sa-Yah, it was mutual

Li-Sure haha... OH MY GOD JENNIE

Lisa screamed at the top of her lungs when witnessed (Y/N) bringing her back to the hotel

Ro-Shush... she is out cold poor thing

(Y/N)-Which is her room?

Ro-The one at the end of the hall and to the left

(Y/N) made his way to her room and he instantly knew it was her when he walked in dude to the perfume smell was the exact same as hers. He placed her down on her bed and then tucked her under the covers making sure she is nice and warm. He plugged in her phone to charge for her just in case. He then left her room and want back to the main room where he had Lisa, Jihyo, Sana and Tzuyu staring at him in disbelieve.

(Y/N)-She should be alright

Li-I'm sorry... who are you

(Y/N)-Oh Im sorry... Name is (Y/N) nice to meet you girls

Ro-Thats Lisa... Jihyo... Sana and Tzuyu

Rosie spoke while pointing to each of the girls in the room


Jh-He's hot... Did I just say that out loud

Sa-Unnie... he is though

(Y/N) shakes his head and comes back to reality for a minute, he looks at his watch realising he has now been awake for nearly 20 hours. Sure he can handle it but at this moment he isnt on mission so he wants his sleep. He looks at Rosie and says

(Y/N)-Make sure she is looked after it was a cold night and dont forget to ask to get a bath and get clean... If that is everything then I leave you girls to it

(Y/N) was walking towards the door until Sana stopped him

(Y/N)-Can I help you Sana?

Sa-Umm Oppa can I get your number please... just in case something goes wrong with Jennie and we need to get help

(Y/N)-Dont you guys have managers for that

Sa-Uhhh... Yes... but they can be useless at times and it isnt good.

(Y/N)-Ok then... here

(Y/N) handed Sana a card with his name on it and read it out loud for the rest of the room to hear

Sa-Sergent (Y/N) Striker (L/N)... youre a soldier?

(Y/N)-Yes ma'am

Sa-Hehe cute... Take care (Y/N)

And with that (Y/N) left the hotel and went back to the Military base outside of the city.


Jennie soon woke up and took a bath and went outside to see the rest of Blackpink and all of Twice hanging out Rosie was the first to break the ice.

Ro-So... What happened last night Jen

Je-Nothing happened I went for a walk and then went home

Tz-Are you sure unnie hehe

Je-Yes Tzu

Sa-So you didnt walk outside of Soeul

Ji-And grabbed by the military outside of the city

Jh-And questioned as a spy

Li-Only for you to fall asleep in the car ride back.

Je-Wow... guys such imagination I am impressed... no that did not happen

Na-Oh... so you dont know a man named Sergent (Y/N) Striker (L/N)

Jennie froze in place and started to go red. Remembering what he did to her in that cold steel room. She secretly wanted something to happen again.

Je-How do you know that name?

Sa-So all that did happen? Hehe

Je-Shut it squirrel

Li-Calm down Jen we only know him cause we were awake when you came back and he was carrying you in his arms

She says while hugging herself as a way to tease her unnie. And it worked Jennie started to show red tints on her cheeks and was trying to imagine it.

Tz-Look at her I think she liked it

Tzuyu was starting to tease her too. Jennie couldnt take it anymore and ran back in her room. Once she was alone she heard the faint sounds of laughter coming from outside. Bitches she thought to herself. She didnt hate them. She loved her coworkers. But sometimes they do take teasing too far.

She sat on her bed and picked up her phone. She looked to see if she had any messages, just the usual her members and twice did send a few photos and videos of last night and even a few worried texts here and there. But still nothing from her boyfriend. he must still be tired she thought to herself as she decided to get back into bed. She know deep down that she was only making excuses for him.


Back at the military base (Y/N) finally rested his head on his pillow. It only felt like pure ecstasy to him for a brief moment before his phone buzzed. He opened his eyes thinking it would probably Cpt. Miller asking him to meet for another assignment. But it was an unknown number. (Y/N) was confused for a minute as he looked at the message. He relaxed once he read it knowing who it was. A curious squirrel.

Sn-Oppa its me Sana I hope you got home safely. Im sorry about Jennie if she caused you any trouble. Message me back when you get this :)

(Y/N) chucked and then heard a little whine coming from below him it was Rex, he was laying on the floor with his head up looking at (Y/N) with a tilted head.

(Y/N)-Dont judge me just cause you cant talk to female dogs doesnt mean I cant talk to girl.

Rex kept staring.

(Y/N)-We just met she is a friend of the woman whos ass you bit.

Rex relaxed and put his head on the floor to sleep. (Y/N) remembered what he did to Jennie in the interrogation room she did have a great ass. He shook his head after he thought that and then replied to Sana hoping that she is busy so he can go to sleep.

(Y/N)-Hey Sana I Just got back about 20 minutes ago. Had a quick shower and now just about to sleep.

Sn-Thats good oppa, listen I wont keep you for long. The girls and I talked and we would like to invite you over for dinner tonight at about 7pm as a way to say thank you for bringing Jennie back to us and as well as a sorry for having to put up with her. What do you say oppa ;)

(Y/N)-Sure sounds like fun. Mind if I bring Rex he has been dying to get out of the base now that we have landed.

Sn-Sure oppa, that fine with us. See you tonight.

(Y/N) put his phone down and slowly drifted off to sleep.

-8 hours later-

(Y/N) wakes up from another restless sleep. Price to pay for being where he is and what he does for a living. He checks his phone to check the time 16:10. Groaning from being slightly restless he tries to close his eyes again but fails due to Rex jumping on his bed wanting something from him. The dog lays down on (Y/N) chest while looking at him with puppy dog eyes.

(Y/N)-You want to go for a run dont you

He didnt have to say more the word run was enough for Rex to start wagging his tail knowing thats exactly what he wants. He might be a war dog but he is still a dog. (Y/N) stands and grabs Rexs harness and places it on him grabbing his lead and his backpack he granted what the dog wanted.

(Y/N) was also using the run as a distraction he didnt want to remember what he did months ago in Nigeria. After running the perimeter of the base which took a good half an hour they both went back to the base to get ready for the dinner with the girls.


Meanwhile the girls are preparing dinner in their suit. Despite being in a hotel they had a huge kitchen for the 13 of them and they thought why waste the opportunity they might not get this again. Besides a certain few members wanted to impress (Y/N) with their cooking skills and mannerisms.

Jh-Yaa Sana your making a mess

Sa-I said I would be making some sushi for him

Ja-Yea sushi not fish and rice salad, your making a mess.

Tz-Come on calm down besides your making it hard for me to concentrate on the frosting

Tzuyu said while she was try to frost a cake that she made. A simple vanilla cake with buttercream frosting. The rest of the girls were in the main room laughing and giggling at what was happening. Jeongyeon to go into the kitchen and help out with the dishes. 14 people to cook for was a big task but with the more of them helping it might make things easier. While there were cooking and doing their own thing the doorbell randomly rang. And all the girls looked confused. It was only 5PM.

Li-Umm Sana did you tell (Y/N) 5 or 7?

Sa-7 so who is at the door

Lisa went to answer only to find Taehyung standing looking slightly smug

Li-Oh hey Taehyung what brings you here

Ta-Im here for Jennie she ready

The rest of the girls looked confused until Jennie came running out of her run looking ready for a date. Make up on hair in a pony tail her new purse and nice short dress and amazing heels. She want to Taehyung and hugged him when she saw him.

Je-Im eating with Taehyung tonight, see you later girls have fun.

Li-Wait Jen (Y/N) is com-

The door was shut before Lisa could finish answering here Unnie. The rest of the girls looked still in shock but shrugged it off and went back to what they were doing.


(Y/N) was standing outside of the girls hotel room about to knock when he looked down at Rex who was sitting next to him looking up at him.

(Y/N)-Now remember what we talked about ok just remain calm and have fun we are on leave for God knows how long.

(Y/N) knocked on the door and waited for the girls to answer he was still in his patrol uniform. His army jacket on with it tucked into his cargos with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows with his boots wrapping around his ankles and his beret on. The door opened revealing Nayeon.

Na-Oh you must be (Y/N) come in

She opened the door for (Y/N) and Rex followed by his side. As soon as his stood in the middle of the room he had all the girls staring at him and Rex baring one of them of course. Tzuyu was the first to react to the Rex.


(Y/N) got a little nervous not knowing what Rex would do but he did the exact opposite. Rex rolled on his belly as the rest of the girls came over and started to pet him. His mouth was open and his tongue was sticking out showing off his adorable side.

(Y/N)-Thats a first.

The girls laughed at your remark. Jihyo was the first to stand and come over to (Y/N).

Jh-Nice to see you again (Y/N)

(Y/N)-Likewise Jihyo Im sorry Im still in uniform I came from a meeting about work.

Jh-Its fine come on Ill introduce you you have already met Lisa, Rose, Sana and Tzuyu

LiRoSaTz-Hey oppa

Jh-The rest are Nayeon, Jeongyong, Dahyun, Mina, Chaeyoung and Momo they are from my group Twice and the last but not least Jisoo she is from Blackpink like Lisa, Rose and Jennie.

The rest of the girls introduced themselves to (Y/N) before going back to Rex

(Y/N)-Nice to meet you all Im-

Dh-We know who you are Sergent

Dahyun said while doing a funny salute.

(Y/N)-I assume someone said something

(Y/N) said while raising his eyebrows towards Sana who looked slightly red from the embarrassment. They all exchanged small talk before dinner was served at the table. It was filled with Korean and Japanese dishes from sushi to bibimbap. All the girls with (Y/N) sitting at the end of table with Rex next to him again.

(Y/N)-Wow this looks amazing girls thank you for the food.

Sa-Its no problem try the sushi I made it.

Sana said while grabbing his plate and putting some sushi on it. She was sitting to (Y/N) right while Jihyo was sitting to his left. She but some Korean fried chicken on his plate.

Jh-I made the fried chicken please eat as much as you want.

The all started to eat and they girls were curious about (Y/N) so they started asking questions

Li-So (Y/N) we know you are a soldier so what do you do?

(Y/N)-Well I am part of the special forces so I do all the counter terrorist missions

Mo-Whats that like?

(Y/N)-Well Momo its tough but someone has to do it

Ro-Where are you from anyways if you dont mind me asking you?

(Y/N)-Im from England North Yorkshire to be exact

Na-How did you end up in South Korea?

(Y/N)-I am not allowed to say its part of my contract

The girls were curios but didnt want to pry

Ch-So (Y/N) do you have a girlfriend?

With that question all the girls had their attention on him

(Y/N)-No Chaeyoung I am single why do you ask?

Ch-No reason

(Y/N)-Sana you ok?... you have gone red all of a sudden

Sa-Oh I am fine Oppa dont worry

(Y/N)-So I am assuming all of you girls are from Korea

Jh-Well most of us are, but Sana, Momo, Mina are from Japan, and Lisa is from Thailand and Tzuyu is from Taiwan.

(Y/N)-I see

Sa-Have you ever been to Japan Oppa?

(Y/N)-I did once when I was in the Army before the special forces I was on deployment there though I dont really count it as I was on base all the time doing training with the JSDF

Mi-Where did you stay?

(Y/N)-I was stationed in Okinawa for 4 months like I said I dont count it as I was constantly training but it was a fun experience. I would like to go again properly to Japan to see the sights properly

Mo-I can show you around Oppa let me know when and we can go together.

She said to (Y/N) while giving him a seductive wink.

Sa-Ya no fair I was gonna offer to show him around.

(Y/N) and the rest of the girls laugh and Sana pouting.

(Y/N)-So am I right to say you are all idols?

Ji-Yep Kpop idols to be exact

(Y/N)-Im guessing you all enjoy it

Ro-We do but

Jo-It can be hard sometimes

Dh-Plus all the crazy fans and stalkers and annoying rumours

Li-It can really mess you us sometimes.

(Y/N)-I can only imagine but each job has-

Before (Y/N) could finish Jennie and Taehyung entered the suite. Laughing and giggling before they noticed that everyone at the dinner table was staring at them. Jennie locked eyes with (Y/N) and turned slightly red while (Y/N) showed a blank expression.

Ta-Hey who are you?

Jh-Calm down Tae this is (Y/N)

Ta-What are you doing here

(Y/N)-Having dinner with these lovely ladies who invited me over and made me some amazing food.

Some of the girls giggled. Some of them blushed. Rex turned around and was facing Taehyung with anger on his face.

(Y/N)-I would calm down with the threatening gestures towards me

Ta-Oh yea you think I am scared of you just cause youre a solider. I am a idol I can destroy your career with a single phone call.

(Y/N) stood up and looked Tae dead in the eye from a distance and replied.

(Y/N)-And I can take your life with a simple blow of a whistle.

Taehyung didnt like hearing that and tried to step forward but Jennie was holding him back. Rex got angry and started to bark aggressively. The girls at the table started to get scared a little and (Y/N) noticed. He raised his hand slightly and Rex calmed down but was still on guard.

Ta-Ha just as I thought you are pathetic and weak good luck having a job tomorrow.

Taehyung kissed Jennie aggressively to assert dominance but (Y/N) didnt care instead he as busy easting his food. Tae then left with Jen still standing at the door.

Ji-Still dont know what you see in that man

Je-He is sweet and kind if you only give him a chance Unnie you would see what I am talking about

Li-Come Jennie we are just worried about you and the way he is towards you plus (Y/N) is our guest and see what he was doing to (Y/N).

(Y/N)-He didnt bother me

Je-Ugh... whatever

She said as she made her way to the coach and laid down while being on her phone again.

(Y/N)-Like I was saying earlier... each job has its own perks and... issues.

Jh-I assume you have your own issues too (Y/N)

(Y/N)-Yea, for starters, the perks are amazing I get to travel the world, have coworkers I call my brothers and sisters and even have Rex here... but... the issues out way the perks with my job

Na-Like what Oppa

(Y/N) takes a deep breath thinking if he even should mention to these innocent girls the issues. He lets out a sigh. Then he finally speaks

(Y/N)-Sometimes you go out on mission and you dont know who wont come home after. But that is something we live with knowing that the stuff we do people can be free.

Everyone was silent. The saw it in action movies and read it in books but never met anyone who was in that position. (Y/N) sensed the room and even saw Jennie in the corner of his eye listening to him. He looked at the girls and said something to ease the tension.

(Y/N)-But one definite perk... I got to have a home cooked meal with some of Koreas most beautiful women.

All the girls giggled and slightly blushed from the comment. Eventually the table was cleared and Tzuyu came back with the cake she made and started offering slices to everyone. (Y/N) grabbed his and started to inhale it in like he had never had cake before.

Ch-Slow down Oppa you might choke.

(Y/N)-Sorry it's been a long time since I last had cake, I'll tell you that

Jo-You dont have cakes in the army?

(Y/N)-Well we do but they are rather dry and slightly taste of sweet bread who made it?

Tz-I did Oppa

(Y/N)-Well if you ever decide to open a cake shop let me know I'll be your number one customer

Tzuyu blushed at the comment and tried to hide her face a little. As this was happening Jennie had moved on to laying down on her stomach, so her ass was towards everyone. Rex noticed this and made his way towards her. He jumped on the coach behind her and laid his head on her ass prompting her to turn around.

Je-Hey your dog is on my ass

(Y/N)-Sorry about that. He is harmless unless I give him command but if he does that it means that he likes you. Like I said to my squad mates, and I'll say it to you girls... it is very weird how that dog is an ass man.

Everyone laughed at what (Y/N) had said. Jennie however just rolled her eyes at the situation. The night went on with joke and laughter. (Y/N) exchanged his number with the rest of the girls excluding Jennie but she secretly wanted to before he and Rex did bid farewell to (Y/N) for the night.

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