||| The Love in Hate ||| Douk...

By GlowingSoulOwner

6.7K 98 330

This is my first story, it can maybe be cringe? This is my AU there's no demons, hashiras and upper moons ar... More

-A normal day-
-At Doma's house-
-A night together-
-Morning, again-
Sorry not a chapter
-Problem solved-
Thanks guys!!!
-Spicy night-
-Morning dumbass-
-Sweet Ending-

-Back to school-

348 5 20
By GlowingSoulOwner

—Akaza's pov—

Today I got up early, before douma could open his eyes. It's 5:30 AM, I go in the kitchen and make pancakes for me and douma, I eat then I go change, I let douma sleep, I hope he doesn't wake up too late, I head to the door and go out going to school.

The bell rang and I went in my class, I didn't see douma in the halls, I hope he's ok.

I am screwed.

I was in class, we were doing an exercise and a random guy started talking to me, I was in a bad mood due to douma, I ignored him for a bit but he still asked me things, I got so mad that I screamed:


Teacher: "SOYAMA! (akaza's surname) DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL FOR 2 HOURS!"

That's really good right?! ugh I hate this teacher I wanna beat him up so much, but first after class I'll need to talk to that guy that made me get detention~

*Break time*

A: "Hey you! Motherless bitch come here~"

RandomGuy: "What do you want?"

A: "Beat you up bc you gave me detention~"

RG: "Wha-"

I gave him a punch right into his left eye then another one in his stomach, he was crying, what a crybaby

A: "I spare you, for now, BUT don't you ever talk to me again, got it?!"

RG: "Y-yes... *cough cough*"

A: "Good boy~"

*Back in the morning*

—Douma pov—

Mmmh what time is it?
Akaza-dono left a note on the bed it said "Good morning dumbass, I made pancake eat it and head to school, see you there"

I better hurry up! I get off the bed and go in the kitchen to eat the pancakes, they were delicious!.
I wear my uniform and run out of my house to go to school, it was already 8:03 AM, I'm gonna get detention!

When I arrived to school was already 9:20 AM, I am screwed...

I walk in class when the next lesson started, the teacher literally yelled at me

Teacher: "Douma Hashibira! (sorry for manga spoiler but I had to but a surname) you are absolutely late 1 hour of detention after school! Don't you feel bad?!"

My mind went blank

D: "Sorry Miss but your lessons are boring and I wanted to skip some of them by sleeping"


I didn't answer and I went to sit next to Tengen, like always.

*in detention*

—Akaza's pov—

I walked in the class to get my detention and I sat down waiting to the teacher to come, then I heard someone calling me

K: "Akaza-dono~"

It was a female voice, I turned around from where it came and then I found out it was that koyuki bitch, she came next to me and sat down.

K: "Akaza-dono? Why aren't you talking~?"

A: "Go. away."

K: "Mmmh.. let me think about it, what about no?"

A: "Shut up and go sit somewhere else, the sit next to me is occupied"

K: "By who~?"

Shit what do I say now?!

D: "By me."

A: "Douma?"

D: "Hi darling~ Now can this slut go somewhere else and leave that sit to me?"

K: "Why should I huh? Akaza-kun likes me, he loves me but he still doesn't know, now you are the one that has to go away"

Koyuki started to look at me but I was looking at douma, I was shaking he looked like he'll kill her an time soon he had a creepy smile on, a shadow all on his face.

(something like this frfr)

the the thing happened.

Douma grabbed Koyuki by her neck and literally made her fly making her fall on the floor next to the wall, then he went to her and kneeled down to face him, he grabbed her chin with force and said to her with a serious tone, still with that creepy face on

D: "Don't you dare talk, walk next to or even breath to me or my love ever again, got that slutty bitch?"

K: "Y-yes! *cough*S-orry! *cough*"

D: "Good."

He then took a break and closed his eyes, breathed in and out and then walks back to me like nothing happened with his happy face like always.

A: "Are you ok Douma?"

D: "Sure thing darling!"

A: "Y are you here?"

D: "I was late and I said to my teacher that hers lessons are boring, and now tell me why you are here"

A: "I screamed "CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU MOTHERLESS BITCH?!" to a guy who was annoying me and my teacher gave me detention for 2 hours"

D: "I need to stay here for 2 hours too!"

A: "Alr"

The teacher after 2 minutes entered the class, Douma gave Koyuki a death stare to prevent her to say something to the teacher about what happened before the old man could enter the class.

END >:)

I needed to do something so I rushed this a bit to make it in time

Words: 842 

Well, bye gays~◊

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