-At Doma's house-

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—Akaza pov—

When we got into Doma's house I firstly noticed all the photos that he has about when we were kids, they were on a map all places were signed on the map when we first met at the pool, wait, why does that picture of us at the public pool has a heart on it? whatever, idc. I remember that day as if it was yesterday...

Flashback moment ;D


baby A: "Ehy u why are u screaming like a girl? it's just a bee-"


BBA: " if u stop yelling, I will"

BBD: "sure, thank u!"

BBA: " ye ye, here it isn't here anymore, are u happy now?"

BBD: "Yess! thank u sooo much, wanna be best friends forever and ever????"

BBA: "whatever, what's your name?"

BBD: "My name is Doma, what's yours?"

BBA: "Akaza"

BBD: "What a beautiful name u have! I love your pink hair they are so cool!"

BBA: "Thank u ig, I like your eyes, my fav color is rainbow y'know"

BBD: "Thanks! My fav color is pink, may I touch your hair?"

BBA: "Sure?"

After that day we became best friends, that was the best day in my whole life. Doma's house was big, the kitchen was cozy and modern in was an open space with the living room with the dining table, the sofa was pink with yellow pillows, like my hair and eyes... The Table was square and made with glass, the chairs were in white wood with black signatures. It had two bedrooms, I wonder why, The first one was closed, he said it was his room I couldn't see what was inside, idrc tho, the second one was the guest room, it looked like a room in a hotel white walls white blankets, a small tv and a little bathroom. 

When we got to the garden I was shocked, beautiful flowers all around a little lake with water lilies in it, it looked like I was in a fantasy story, sunflowers, roses, blue spider lilies (lol), it was wonderful, there were lemon trees and apple trees with flowers and fruits on them, a wedding could happen here! like really 

When we got to the garden I was shocked, beautiful flowers all around a little lake with water lilies in it, it looked like I was in a fantasy story, sunflowers, roses, blue spider lilies (lol), it was wonderful, there were lemon trees and apple t...

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D: "Are u ready to train?"

A: "Sure"

We trained for like 3 hours and a half it was almost dinner time, but when we stopped training it started raining as hell, a thunderstorm started, wind made all fruits fall of the trees and in a minute we were all wet, we went in I had nothing to wear, even my boxers were wet, and I couldn't go home with a weather like this! for god sake, now I have to sleep here with this bitch, atleast he has a guest room.

D: "I think u'll have to sleep here"

A: "yea-"

D: "Let's see for how much the weather will be like this"

Doma turned on the TV to see how the weather will and when it'll change.

TV weather girl: "stay inside your homes, a thunderstorm and wind is destroying all the trees, thing are flying around, the rain is flooding houses, stay safe in your houses, if your house is flooding call help and you'll be rescued to another place to stay for this whole thunderstorm, this weather should continue for 2 days, remember to stay safe. That's all for today kee-"

Doma turned off the TV and looked at me with a big smile

D: "sleepover with my favorite person! For two days!"

A: "mhm"

I blushed, again.

D: "Akaza-dono, you can stay in the guest room, take my clothes and stay here for two days if u need anything ask me alright?"

A: "yea.. thanks."

D: "Np!"

I went to clean my self and that's when I noticed when There was no shower in the guest bathroom.

I was standing there like a dumbass staring in the mirror at myself with only one wipe on.


D: "yes akaza-dono?"

Doma was in my same situation with a wipe around his waist

A: "e-ehm in my bathroom there's no shower nor bathtub.."

D: "Oh y-yea sorry abt that I didn't remember. U can take a bath with me"


D: "Akaza-dono your are wet and cold, you are shaking, and you can't wear anything bc you are dirty, I am in your same situation and if u'll wait for me to have a bath you'll get a cold or a fever, this isn't even the first time we did take a bath together."


D: "Ik. If you don't want to you can take a bath first."

Doma had a sad face, I felt so sorry, my stomach was asking help, I was hurt that I didn't even think of what I was about to say


D: "S-scared? abt what?"

A: "I-I.. I don't know."

D: "then find out"

A: "it's just that when I'm with u I feel like I'm in heaven I-I like your smile your platinum gold hair, your rainbow glowing eyes always full of happiness, I don't know why but my bad temper when I am with u just wipes away, I feel relaxed with u, b-but doing this things like if we were a c-couple just embarass me I feel so cringe that I always go rude and mean, I don't want to make u sad, I don't know why I am like this"

D: "Akaza"

A: "y-yea?"

D: "I love you."

His words opened my eyes

I was shocked the words didn't come out of my mouth. His words were like a cure for all the remorse I had felt before I felt like a god spoke to me Buddha someone who was so important to me, I loved this feeling that the only words that came out of my lips were full of joy and relief.

A: "I love you too Doma."

END >:)

WOW 1003 WORDS?!

heh I know I know I said that'll post every Saturday at 5:00 pm but I love writing so I think that I'll post everyday?

actually I wrote this chapter after writing the first one but it'll come in Sunday morning I think?

well, bye gays ♡

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