
By hopeguy14

5.2K 145 11

[This book is inspired by the many mafia books I have read] 15 years ago the Italian family lost the two bund... More

Authors note
Tatoos and piecings
chapter 1 (3rd person)
chapter 2 (cats Pov)
chapter 3 (Cats Pov)
chapter 4 (Cats Pov)
chapter 5 (Cats Pov)
chapter 6 (Alessandrs(dad) Pov)
chapter 7 (Enzo's Pov)
chapter 8 (Cats Pov)
chapter 9
guerro House and rooms
chapter 11 (cats Pov)
chapter 12 (brothers Pov's)
chapter 13 (Cat's POV)
Chapter 14

chapter 10 (cat's Pov)

222 7 1
By hopeguy14

as I enter the house the interior is completely opposite to the outside, inside everything is modern, like the only colors this family knows is black, white and beige.

the halls are quiet, the house must be empty, you can feel the loneliness in the air, you can feel, the lack of love, in moments and houses like this I really miss tri and my parents in law.

I look over the entrance to the house, it isn't homey, it's a shell of a house, not a home, the only thing that makes this place look like people live in it, is the array of pictures hanging on the walls.

they vary from young boys and a gorgeous older woman that I'm assuming is my bio mother. there is a lot of photos of a baby girl, some with the young boys, some with a younger looking Alessandrs, and that woman. and one with the baby girl and a baby boy.

A voice brings me out of my snooping.

"that's our mother." Enzo said with a sad remorseful voice.

"What happened."

he seemed shocked by the lack of love and care in my voice.

" she passed away." he seemed upset.

I would be too if someone sounded like that about someone, I loved dearly that had passed away, but I really couldn't find the urge to care enough to pretend to be soft. don't get me wrong she's gorgeous and was probably sweet, but I have no relationship with her, I really couldn't care.

"Um, the boys are probably on their way home from after school sports. I'll show you to your room." Enzo said.

I had only just turned around and noticed Alessandrs wasn't here anymore.

"Where is Alessandrs?"

"We have been gone for too many days, he has missed a lot of work, he probably won't be home for days."

I didn't respond after that. he led me up the stairs as we entered the hallway, there wasn't any decorations or anything really, the walls were white, it honestly felt like I was in a mental asylum.

"okay so, the rooms are in order from oldest to youngest, so yours is the closet to the stairs, mine is at the end of the hall, if you need anything during the night, come and find me, I usually work in my room after dinner, oh and speaking of dinner it's at 5:30, the boys should be back in 10, so you have 30 minutes to settle in, I'll send someone to come and get you."

he couldn't have left sooner, like I had killed he's family or something.

I have been in my room for 35 minutes, I heard people roaming the house for the last 25 minutes, I've also heard a bunch of people coming to my door arguing and then walking away again.

it was annoying and I just wanted to slam the door open again and shoot them in the head, but I had reminded myself to calm down. I probably just have to take my meds and go kill some people.

5 minutes ago, they all walked down the stairs, I swear they must be elephants, I bet people who live down the hill could feel them running down the stairs. it felt like an earthquake. trust me i have been in one before.

there was a slight knock in the door.

"mm" I opened the door, and it wasn't Enzo standing there but a boy, about my age, fluffy brown curled hair, he had hazel eyes, and tanned skin. he looked familiar but I can't tell from were.

he looked scared, worried.

when he noticed me, he brightened up he had a wide contagious smile. it was hard to not smile.

"Um... hi! I'm Nicolo, I'm your brother, well your twin brother actually, I've missed you a lot, I mean I don't exactly remember you but, I've been told so much about you I feel like I know you. I... uh... oh yeh Enzo sent me to come and get you for dinner."

"Hi Nicolo, call me cat please." I say actually smiling, not failing to also notice the shock on he's face.

"You... have an accent."

"Oh, yes I do, is that a problem." my voice turned cold, and my face dropped the smile and turned hard.

"Oh, oh! no, no its not I just wasn't expecting it, well I was, just not that kind of accent, like an Australian one, like "g'day mate" kind of accent, sorry I'm rambling."

"Yeh you are, and plus that can be considered offensive." I said, I bring back the smile I wore, keeping it only slightly there this time.

the rest of the walk, which felt like an eternity, was silent.

I could hear chatter and laughter from the dining room, it soon stopped as I entered.

everyone was staring at me, looking at me up and down, most faces held love longing, but one held what looked like, and what you would think is hatred, but it wasn't, he was protecting himself, keeping he's walls up. and I respect that.

"Sorella sit, dinner will be served shortly." Enzo spoke absentmindedly.

when dinner was served, it looked delicious.

I think I shocked the boys with quickly I scoffed down dinner. but it was delicious, it was tangy, but still spicy and had just the right amount of spices and flavoring, it wasn't too much, it was just right.

"oh... my...god! whoever cooked this deserves a freaking award or something."

all the guys tensed, some were confused, and some were angry, some just had pitied looks of their face.

the defensive one from before stood up so quickly he's chair flew back into the wall and dinted it. he banged he's fist on to the table; it was like Enzo had just noticed what was going on when he saw me flinch at the noise.

"Sit down Marco." he sounded oddly calm.

I was a little surprised when Marco begrudgingly followed, he's orders.

"Okay, cat there's some things we need to discuss."

Enzo spoke like nothing had just happened.


words: 1022

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