Mirror Mirror

By Speckall27a6

262 2 0

The Black Bulls have yet another adventure! Gauche begins to act strange after a mission, he's oddly... civi... More

A Birthday to Hopefully One Day Forget
From Self-Interest to Camaraderie
The Call of Adventure
Sweet Apologies and Marie Cakes
Progress in the Dungeon
For the Better or for the Worse?
Shattered Trust
The Grey Birdie
The Price of Protection
impending doom
Unmasking the Impostor
The glass thickens
What are you doing Grey?
Reality vs Perfection
A Million Years and I'll Still Need You
Slippery Snail
Happy Reunion
"Together As One"
I see you
An Unwelcome Guest


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By Speckall27a6

✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲_________________________________________✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲

Asta smiles as he watches the scene in front of him. It reminded him of his younger days at the orphanage with Yuno and the other kids. But this touching scene doesn't last long as a massive glass creature bursts from the snow, its fist slamming between Asta, Gauche, and Marie.

They quickly spring into action. Asta's demonic form emerges as he wields his anti-magic sword and slashes through one of the creatures, obliterating it with a surge of anti-magic energy.



Asta! Thank you!



TCH! What are you doing here?




Whatever, let's just get rid of these pests!

Gauche remembers that his mirror eye is not modified to make a strong laser anymore but quickly thinks of an alternative. Gauche conjures many mirrors that shoot beams of light into a fixed point of another mirror. The mage reflects the combined energy to the creature which pierces through it, similar to his magnified tool.

However, he still struggles to protect Marie and effectively fight off the relentless onslaught.

Just as the situation seems dire, Noelle and the others, including Simone, arrive to lend their assistance. Together, they combine their strengths to overwhelm and defeat the remaining creatures.

With the immediate threat eliminated, they gather together, catching their breath and taking a moment to regroup.



That was close. Good thing we arrived when we did.



Yeah, we make a great team!

MARIE(looking at Simone)

You... You're the one who was pretending to be my brother.


(glancing at Simone's spirit)

You! You've caused us so much trouble. What are you doing here?



I know I've caused problems, Gauche, and I'm sorry. But your friend Grey is in danger.

The group, remembering previous events, proceeds to update Asta and Gauche on the situation, with Gauche telling Marie to sit elsewhere.


What? Now Grey-senpai's controlled too!?


Somewhat. It seems like Grey does have some sort of control, she managed to use her transform magic even under the control of dark magic.


There are two souls within their body now.

The group turns to Simone as he begins to explain their current predicament.


Reina's mirror magic, Grey's transformation, and the dark entity. The destruction of the chamber has stalled the entity, but it won't be for long. We have around an hour before it breaks free from the rubble.

Then what are we waiting for! Let's go!



Cant, I'm out of mana, and I believe many of us are in a similar predicament.

Luck, Noelle, and Vanessa nod in agreement. Just as hope seems to waver, Charmy and Gordon make their unexpected return, carrying a giant tent and supplies.






Hurry, let's make a tent for all my friends!

They set up the tent and create a makeshift dining area. Charmy prepares a delicious meal, infusing it with her magic to increase the magic power of her squad.


Food time! Let's eat, everyone!

The area is filled with mouthwatering aromas as they sit down to eat, replenishing their strength before the final battle against the entity.


(turning to Simone)

Look, I don't forgive you for putting everyone in danger. But we have a common enemy to fight. So, for now, let's put our differences aside and work together.



We're basically allies at this point so join us! You should be flattered that royalty has given you such privileges.


(motions to a bucket of wine)There's plenty for everyone!

Finral: Isn't he a ghost now?


The Black Bulls are gathered inside the tent, eating their meal. Asta, his eyes filled with curiosity, turns to Simone.


Hey, Simone! Those gadgets of yours are amazing! How do they work?



Thank you, Asta. I was an inventor in my previous life, trained in the finest noble education. These gadgets are the result of my tinkering.

Simone points to Gauches satchel


May I?

Gauche motions for Simone to just go for it, the spirit reaches into the satchel and pulls out a small bag. He opens it, revealing an array of intricate devices neatly organized inside.


You see, this bag was inspired by spatial magic. It may look small, but it can hold a surprising amount of items.

He flips the bag over, spilling an impressive amount of tools and objects that would normally exceed the space in the small bag.

Asta's eyes widened in astonishment.


That's incredible! How did you manage to make something like that?



Years of experimentation and a touch of ingenuity.

As they continue their conversation, the other Black Bulls become intrigued by Simone's gadgets. They start to tinker with them, laughing and playing around, unaware that Simone is left sitting with Gauche and Marie. The atmosphere between the three becomes tense.

They eat their meal in silence until Marie breaks the tension.



Um, Simone, would you like some food? You haven't eaten anything.

Simone tries to decline but notices Gauche's intense stare. He sighs and accepts the offer.


Thank you, Marie. Although, I must admit, as a wandering spirit, I don't feel hunger.

Gauche unexpectedly joins the conversation, albeit in his usual rude manner.



Well, isn't that convenient for you? Not having to worry about mundane things like eating.

Simone's eyes widened in surprise.


(waiting for Gauche's response)

Gauche, if I may ask, what's your full name?



It's Gauche Adlai. What's it to you?

Simone's face lights up with recognition.



Adlai! I knew you seemed familiar! I never thought I'd meet his son.

Marie looks at Simone, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.


Did you know our father, Simone?

Simone nods, a nostalgic smile on his face.


Yes, your father was quite young when he met me. He was a fan of my work and attended one of my conventions.

Marie's eyes widened with excitement, eager to hear more about their father.


Please tell me more! I've never heard stories about him before.

Simone reminisces, his voice filled with warmth.


I remember this adventurous little boy, scaling the walls and running up the ceiling to skip the line and shake my hand. He even created a magic tool to do it. He was incredibly idealistic and loved opportunities.

Marie smiles, imagining what her father was like.


He sounds amazing..

Gauche rolls his eyes, though a brief smile tugs at the corner of his lips, reminiscing about what could have been a happy family.


(looking contemplative)

That memory took place three years ago from my perspective. I must have lost track of time in the mirror world.

Gauche corrects him, his voice softer than before.


Actually, our parents died nine years ago.

Simone nods, understanding the confusion.


Yes, time doesn't pass the same way in the mirror world. Gauche, you're fortunate that your time there hasn't affected you.

Simone turns to Gauche and Marie.


I apologize, Gauche, Marie. I don't expect your forgiveness, but I promise to tell you all that you need to stop the dark entity and save your friend.

Marie thanks Simone for his honesty and accepts his apology, grateful for the chance to hear stories about their father. However, Gauche's stare remains intense before he finally speaks up.


(slightly cold)

What about the people in the mirror world?

Simone nods, acknowledging Gauche's question.


While I was trapped in the mirror world, I created tools to protect the victims of my experiments from the influence of the dark entities. But when the mirror chose a substitute for you, I had to leave them behind.

Gauche's eyes soften as he remembers the people he left in the mirror world. He sighs and crosses his arms, choosing not to delve further into the topic. The tension between them lingers, but the conversation shifts as Finral approaches the group.


(trying to lighten the mood)

Am I interrupting something? What's going on?

Simone and Marie exchange a small smile, appreciating Finral's presence. Simone then turns to answer Finral's question.


Ah, Finral. Were quite alright.



Well if you don't mind me asking, what is your magic anyway? It's also mirror magic like Gauches isn't it?


No, my magic isn't a mirror attribute like Gauche's. While we both possess mirror magic, our abilities are quite different. My mirrors are more focused on psychology and the mind, not intended for combat.

Charmy and Gordon, intrigued, chime in with their own questions.


So, what did your mirrors do to us before? We were put in a trance or something, right?



Yes, I remember feeling strange when I looked into your mirrors.

Simone confirms their experiences, explaining the nature of his mirrors.


Yes, that's right. My mirrors have a psychological effect when people gaze into them. It can put them in a trance-like state or evoke certain emotions. It's a unique aspect of my magic.

Marie listens attentively, while Gauche's gaze remains fixed on Simone, though slightly softened.

SIMONE (smiling)

Reina, on the other hand, had a feisty personality. Her mirror magic was strong, and she even attempted to join the Magic Knights before she was cursed.

At the memory of Reina, Simone sighs heavily.



Please do not... blame Reina. The entity has taken control of her soul. We must save her by stopping the entity itself.

The rest of the Black Bulls stand, ready for the upcoming battle. Gauche turns to Asta, a serious expression on his face.


(turning to Asta)

Are you ready, Asta?

Asta pumps his fist in the air, a determined grin on his face.


(raising his voice)

Hell yeah, I'm ready! It's time to go and defeat this entity once and for all!

As if on cue, the clouds outside darken, casting a shadow over the hideout.

Simone steps forward, addressing Asta directly.


I have good news and bad news. The entity has influence over the dimension that I created, there's a strong chance that they can alter perceptive reality using my formula.


(lost in confusion)

Ah... yeah.. I get it..



What he means is, the entity could have reality bending abilities thanks to Simones formula.



That sounds scary!


It is indeed a terrifying concept, but it is possible to defeat the entity before it becomes too powerful. As of now the entity has not yet fully tapped into the power of the young blood it has acquired.

The spirit turns to Asta with a serious demeanor


Young man, You must strike your friend Grey with your anti-magic sword. It will destroy the unstable dark magic within her. Grey should remain unharmed, and only Reina's soul and the entity will perish.


But if the entity truly has taken over Reinas soul, then she will also perish along with the entity.

If that's the case than we shoul-



No. Reinas condition was bound to kill her one day. I was selfish and stubborn to not see that. Now look how it turned out.

Simone looks at the darkening clouds moving past the swirling snow.



Please release Reina from the entity. Please.

Asta looks into the eyes of the weary spirit, seeing years of turmoil and grief spread across his face.



You got it.

Gauche turns to Marie, his voice filled with concern.


Marie, Simone will take you back to the orphanage, it's not safe here.




Yes you, it's not like you'll be useful here, simple gadgets won't be enough to stop that monster.

Simone frankly agrees with Gauches albeit rude but true statement, but he was more surprised he would allow Marie to be with him despite the impostor situation.


You seemed to have learned your lesson already so you better take good care of Marie. Or I might kill you.


Gauche! Don't be so rude!


I said I 'might'!

Simone grabs a device and opens a portal back to the orphanage. He holds Maries hand as he looks back at the group and bids them goodbye.


Before I go, I must warn you mirror magic is still a rare magic that can confuse the mind. Please be careful.


You got it Simone, just make sure Marie gets back safely!

With that the group goes to fight the entity, before Simone takes Marie into the portal he gets lost in his own thoughts.

Simone: I hope they'll be alright.

Marie, seeing his worry, grips his hand with a sure determination.

Marie: Don't worry Mr. Simone! Asta and Gauche are a great team! They always win in the end!

Simone smiles softly at Maries uplifting assurance, the two walk hand in hand back into the spatial portal where they will be safe.

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