Anime x chubby reader!

By Elyhasnofriends_1

47.4K 459 97

This is just some one shots that I thought of and please please let me know if I should improve on TW because... More

Your scent
A goddess you are...
Just one kiss... LEMON 🍋
Hayikyuu one shots! Lemon 🍋
Dinner date. 🌹TOJI X CHUBBY Y/N (LIME)
I promise! Bachira x chubby reader pt.2
Am I in love? L x Chubby reader
It hurts.....(sad)
Snow flakes (FLUFF)
Tch... (slight sexual message )
Both of us... (LEMON 🍋)
Darling (LEMON 🍋)
Between us. ( LEMON 🍋)
Beach day! (Fluff) one shots!
Our baby (fluff) one shots
Sweet dreams.... (Fluff)
Spoil you (Lime)
He can't have you! (Sexual mention)
Thats a curse? (Fluff)
If they caught someone staring (MHA edition)
Let me show you (LEMON 🍋)
Are you okay dear?
Gojo as a dad (ONE SHOTS)
Cries....of pleasure (LEMON 🍋)
Your irresistible....
You broke up with them (demon slayer) but in their dreams :)
Were breaking up.... (Sad also LEMON 🍋)
You didn't think i saw you looking at me? (LEMON 🍋)
Damn baby (slight Lemon 🍋)
Lets go out! (LEMON🍋)
Aryu jyubei ONE SHOTS (SPICY???)
A suprise!!! (LEMON 🍋)
Megumi one shots
Butterflies (LIME)
Baby fever (
Gojo oneshots .!!!!

"Flowers that don't bloom doesn't mean they aren't beautiful"

484 4 5
By Elyhasnofriends_1

You always were quiet and didn't talk much but when you parents had told you that you guys were going to move so you were expected to finally meet new friends but as the same thing always happens no one talked to you no one walked by you so again you kept to yourself. As the days went on the were the same nothing changed you were happy that at least you didn't get bullied but it was boring having no one to talk to till something changed. A soccer team was coming to your school and you didn't really care what was going to change? It was going to be the same...but the day the soccer team came in it was almost like a pack of wild banshies got loose because almost all the girls there were screaming their heads off.

What was so special about these people I mean they are just soccer playe- wait they are kinda cute you thought to yourself but you only saw two boys that caught your attention fast you didn't know their names but there was one with purple hair and one with white they were both super cute and looked close so they might me friends? Till you snapped out of it to see your teacher snapping in your face so that way you didn't miss the introduction for all of the soccer team so you hurried into the gym you all stood up to watch. As everyone introduced themselves one of the boys you saw introduced themselves "Hello I come from (whatever team) and my name is Nagi Seishiro" he said very lazy oh so that's his name! That's good to know I guess.... Then the next boy you saw that caught your attention "Hi! I'm from (whatever team) my name is Reo Mikage!" He said very cheerful so you thought he might be way happier than the other boy.

Then of course the girls screamed and huddled all next to them cheering for them for some reason you just decided to go home so you walked to your locker to get your things while getting your things out you forgot something in your last class so before you left you had decided that you would get it so you don't forget it. Finally arriving to the class you walk in and close the door so nobody would have known you were in there so you got the thing and was about to walk out till two figures knocked you down and shutting the door then once that happened all you could hear outside was screaming,running,and stomping you were confused and scared but after that you saw that the two figures were none other then the cute boys you saw earlier "what was that?" You spoke one of reo answered in a sound of relief "all those girls kept chasing us and asking for our in numbers" then Nagi replied "so then we ran and hoped that those girls would loose them and now we are here" "oh I didn't see you at the gym were you there at all?" Reo asked you "yeah I was there I was just a little overwhelmed is all!" "Oh I'm so sorry you felt that way!" He crawled to you and hugged you out to spite.

All you could do was blush and from then and there they talked to you more than they talked to anyone else you even got their numbers before everyone else did which was extremely crazy for you! (TIMESKIP) you guys were sitting at a lunch table together as usual but while there you couldn't help but notice that girls were whispering in each others ears and looking at you which was strange and a bit overwhelming so when that happened your anxiety skyrocketed you began to freak out in your head and think about what they were saying about you "y/n are you okay?" They asked super concerned about you you couldn't really but words out and just let out a whimper they then looked around to see that the girls started to laugh and say "look at the fattie she looks like shes going to shit herself!" One of them laughed you didn't even notice because you were to much in your head but mostly what you could remember was reo and Nagi cursing the girls out and saying something super sweet "flowers that don't bloom dosen't mean they aren't beautiful" then your mind went to lala land. When you woke up you saw that you were in a unfamiliar room you sat up to see that reo and Nagi were sitting on a chairs staring at you but as soon as you sat up reo stood up and hugged you "I'm so glad your okay!" He said with so much worry then Nagi got up and hugged you as well .

"Y/n..... we have something to tell you" great what were they going to say? They don't wanna be Friends anymore? They hate me? They think the same as those girls? What if- "we really love you..." wait wait what!??!? "I actually loved you so much from when I first met you to right now." "We've been friends for 1 year I don't wanna be friends anymore....I wanna be lovers instead I wanna protect you and love you forever" reo said "I've thought the same ever since I met you I knew you were different and not the same as the rest I knew you were a charm I needed to keep so here is my way of saying.... Please be mine?" Nagi said you were an absolutely blushing mess but said yes and after that you guys became incredibly close and happy together.

I really hoped you guys like this one I felt like I put my life into this lol 😭


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