Mirror Mirror

By Speckall27a6

262 2 0

The Black Bulls have yet another adventure! Gauche begins to act strange after a mission, he's oddly... civi... More

A Birthday to Hopefully One Day Forget
From Self-Interest to Camaraderie
The Call of Adventure
Sweet Apologies and Marie Cakes
Progress in the Dungeon
For the Better or for the Worse?
The Grey Birdie
The Price of Protection
impending doom
Unmasking the Impostor
The glass thickens
What are you doing Grey?
Reality vs Perfection
A Million Years and I'll Still Need You
Slippery Snail
Happy Reunion
"Together As One"
I see you
An Unwelcome Guest

Shattered Trust

11 0 0
By Speckall27a6

Chapter 6

༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ________________________________________________________ ۪۪۫۫ ༄

As Asta and the rest of their group pressed on in their search for the artifacts, their journey took them through winding paths and mystical landscapes. Noelle, holding the scrying mirror, noticed that its surface would emit a faint glow whenever they drew near to the treasures they sought. The mirror acted as their guide, leading them closer to their goal with each step.

However, as they delved deeper into the quest, the nature of the treasure map and the artifacts they were collecting began to reveal peculiarities and unsettling patterns. Vanessa was the first to sense that something was amiss.

Asta: "Alright, guys! We're getting close to the next treasure on the map! Let's keep moving!"

Vanessa: "Hold on, Asta. I sense something...off about this next location."

Asta: "What do you mean, Vanessa senpai?"

Vanessa: "I can't explain it, but I sense a strong aura of dark magic emanating from this location. We need to be careful."

Asta furrowed his brow, concern etching across his face. He trusted Vanessa's instincts and knew better than to dismiss her warning.

Luck chimed in, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Yeah, you're right! This magic feels different from Yami's dark magic. How interesting!"

Noelle glanced at Vanessa, her expression serious. "What do you mean?"

Vanessa took a deep breath, trying to put her feelings into words. "It's hard to say exactly. This dark magic feels twisted, corrupted. It's like a malevolence that reaches deep into the core of its source. We need to be cautious and keep an eye out for any signs of curses or dark magic traps."

Finral, his voice laced with concern, added, "So, what do we do?"

Noelle, her gaze intense and focused, replied, "Well, if we're dealing with curses and dark magic, obviously we need to be extremely cautious. There might be traps or curses set up to protect the treasures."

Asta clenched his fists, determination shining in his eyes. "Alright, let's go!"

As the group ventured further into the location, their eyes were drawn to the unsettling sight of strange symbols etched into the walls and floor. Vanessa's brows furrowed as she recognized the sigils, her voice filled with concern.

"Look at these symbols. They're definitely the work of a dark cult," she said, her tone laced with unease.

Asta's eyes widened in disbelief. "A cult? Here?" he exclaimed, his mind racing with the implications of their discovery.

Finral's voice trembled with fear. "What! A cult!? Wasn't this supposed to be a normal treasure hunt?" he exclaimed, his voice revealing the anxiety that gripped him.

Luck, his face alight with excitement, interjected, "Can we fight them? I bet they'd make for some interesting opponents!"

Noelle, her voice tinged with exasperation, silenced the chatter. "Will you three quiet down?" she snapped. "We don't know what we're dealing with yet. Let's focus on finding the treasure and getting out of this creepy place."

With a nod of agreement, they split up, each member cautiously exploring the area. Vanessa and Asta took the lead, their senses sharp and their instincts honed. They quickly identified and dispelled some of the curses and traps that hindered their progress, making way for the rest of the group.

As they proceeded, the atmosphere grew increasingly oppressive. They entered a chamber filled with scrolls and books, the shelves teeming with tomes that hinted at the involvement of forbidden magic. The air was heavy with the stench of decay, as test tubes and rotting animal corpses littered the surroundings.

The room seemed to pulsate with a malevolent energy, the very air drenched in a thick, dark aura. The flickering torches cast eerie shadows on the peeling walls, emphasizing the foreboding nature of the space. The silence was broken only by the occasional flutter of pages or the distant drip of water, amplifying the feeling of desolation and dread.

Vanessa's thread magic quivered as she sensed the lingering traces of powerful spells and incantations that had been cast within these walls. The forbidden knowledge contained in the scrolls and books held a potent allure, yet their malevolence was palpable.

Asta's grip on his anti-magic sword tightened as he surveyed the room. He could sense the twisted intentions and dark desires that had once filled this space, leaving an indelible mark on the very fabric of the room.

Noelle: What is this? The dark magic here is so thick!

Luck: "Aw man, looks like there's nobody in here. The magic is so condensed I was sure that there was someone strong here...Finral! Pretend to be a dark monster and fight me!"

Finral: "Please have mercy on me!"

Asta: " Noelle, is your mirror glowing anywhere?"

Noelle: " It's definitely here but I'll bring the mirror around to see where it glows brighter"

As Noelle walks around the room she gets a sudden vision from the scry mirror:

Noelle looks in the scry mirror and sees a vision of a dark ritual being performed in a desolate location. She sees a group of mages, cloaked in black robes, gathered around a large, ornate mirror. The mirror is inscribed with strange symbols and runes, and it seems to shimmer with a dark energy.

Suddenly, the mirror shatters into a thousand pieces. The vision shifts to creatures with sharp features and a glassy texture. They twist and contort in inhumane ways.

Then a man watched over a sickly woman in bed. He stroked her hair with such gentleness.

Finally, Noelle sees the mages who are now bloodied and injured, sealing the a mirror away. She sees them hiding the mirror, and she senses a powerful warding spell being placed around it. 

The vision turns black and Noelle hears the words..



"Grow... "



Vanessa, concerned for Noelle, approached her with a gentle touch on her arm. "Noelle, are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Noelle blinked, snapping out of her dazed state. "Huh? Oh, sorry. I must have been lost in thought," she replied, slightly flustered.

Asta, his concern evident, chimed in. "Are you sure you're alright? You were walking into the wall without stopping."

Noelle's face flushed with embarrassment, and she shot a glare at Asta. "Shut up, DUMBSTA! I was just...distracted!" she retorted, her voice laced with annoyance.

Finral, attempting to divert the tension, pointed out, "Hey, look! The mirror is glowing!"

The group's attention shifted to the mirror, its surface emitting a faint, ethereal glow. Excitement sparked in Luck's eyes as he licked his lips, his anticipation evident. "Then that must mean the treasure is behind that wall! Lightning God's Boots!" he exclaimed.

Without hesitation, Luck reinforced his legs with lightning magic, channeling his excitement into a powerful kick that shattered the wall. However, instead of revealing the expected treasure, a barrage of dark magic blasted out from the opening, engulfing them like a strong wind.

Reacting quickly, Vanessa called upon her string magic to form a protective barrier around the group. She knew that the shield wouldn't hold for long against the relentless assault of dark magic.

"Finral!" Vanessa called out urgently.

Finral, understanding her plea, activated his spatial magic and swiftly teleported the group away from the onslaught. With a collective gasp, they regained their focus, finding themselves at a safe distance from the wall.

They watched as the gusts of dark magic continued to spew from the broken opening, a relentless force that seemed to have been contained behind the wall. Asta, fueled by his anti-magic abilities, stepped forward, wielding his sword to counteract the dark magic and neutralize its effects.

"That was scary! What was that?" Asta exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of relief and curiosity.

Vanessa, her eyes narrowing, contemplated the situation. "It's almost like the dark magic was being contained behind that wall," she mused, her voice tinged with suspicion.

Luck, deep in thought, added, "It was hard to sense it since this entire area is filled with dark magic. Whoever made this treasure hunt sure is sketchy."

With the immediate danger neutralized, the team regrouped, their determination and resilience unwavering. They collected the third artifact, securing it safely, and continued their hunt for the remaining treasures, navigating through the dungeons with growing confidence.


Gauche, surrounded by the enchanting glow of glassy crystals reflecting countless versions of himself, found solace in the quiet sanctuary of the cave. He sat down, his mind racing to make sense of the bewildering turn of events. Memories of being in the sketchy dungeon with Finral lingered, only to be replaced by a sudden awakening in this surreal world.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Gauche knew he needed to regain his composure and prioritize his actions. Thoughts of his beloved sister Marie flooded his mind, reminding him of the responsibility he held towards her safety. Determined, he reached deep within himself, drawing upon his mirror magic.

Summoning a small, handheld mirror, Gauche focused his gaze upon its reflective surface. With a gentle touch, he infused his magic into the mirror, activating its powers to establish a connection with Marie. The glassy surface shimmered, revealing an image of Marie in his mind.

"Marie," Gauche called out softly, his voice filled with concern and affection. "It's me, Gauche. Can you hear me?"

The mirror acted as a conduit, bridging the gap between Gauche and Marie, allowing their voices to traverse the distance. Though separated by realms, their connection remained unbroken.

" Marie... Marie, are you there?"


"Marie, are you ready yet? We don't want to keep your friends waiting."

Marie: (From her room) Not yet, Gauche. I'm still getting everything together. Just a few more minutes, please.

Gauche: Alright, take your time. I'll be downstairs, waiting for you.

Marie continues to gather her things and make sure everything is prepared for the playtime with her friends.

As Marie hurriedly gathered her belongings, she heard Gauche's voice coming through the communication mirror. Confusion clouded her mind as she believed Gauche was waiting downstairs for her.

"Gauche? I can hear your voice, but I thought you were downstairs. What's going on?" Marie questioned, her voice filled with bewilderment.

Gauche, sensing Marie's confusion, took a moment to compose himself before responding. "Marie, it's good to hear your voice. But I'm not at the church right now."

Marie's brows furrowed in puzzlement. "What do you mean, Gauche? You were just calling me from downstairs, weren't you?"

Gauche's mind raced, piecing together the implications of what he's heard. Marie's words suggest that there is someone who looks like him in his world but Gauche knows for a fact that he is trapped in another world.

"What do you mean?"

Marie gives him a quizzical look "I..." as she's processing how to comprehend her brothers odd statement, she notices how disheveled he looks. "Are you okay? You're hurt!"

Gauche grimaced at his sisters worry. He really hated seeing that look of worry on her face. He hated causing her any form of stress. The mage shook his head and responded "Don't mind that Marie. Oh yes... about our meet up, I got caught up in something but I promise to meet you right away."

"But.... you're already here." 

"That's impossible our meet up is tomorrow morning."

"That was yesterday."

The mages eyebrows furrow in question. Marie believes he is at the church. She also claims that he already met her tomorrow and that time has passed significantly. As he began to retrace his steps of what yesterday was or if he did in fact experience tomorrow already, he felt he was perpetually going insane with every tomorrow and yesterday he thought of.

How could this be? Gauche knows that he has not met his beloved Marie. But Marie claims to have met him two days prior? Who did she meet up with? 



Someone met up with his beloved sister in guise of himself!? Who would dare do such a thing!?

His voice filled with urgency, Gauche explained, "Marie, there's something you need to understand. The Gauche you hear and see downstairs is not me. It's an impostor."

Marie gasped, her hand instinctively covering her mouth in shock. "An impostor? But how is that possible?"

Gauche's voice held a mixture of concern and determination. "I'm not entirely sure, Marie. But I'm serious about this impostor. Don't get near him."

Marie's heart sank at Gauche's words, their weight settling heavily upon her. Confusion and doubt clouded her mind as she considered his cautionary advice. What if Gauche, the one she is currently speaking with, is truly her brother and the one downstairs was the impostor? The thought sent a chill down her spine, and she couldn't help but question everything.

She hesitated in believing that her days of bliss were truly real, her voice trembling as she voiced her concerns. "But Gauche, what if... what if you're the impostor? How can I be sure that it's not you?"

Gauche: "Marie, please. That imposter is not who you think he is. He's dangerous and I don't want him to hurt you."

As Marie thought about Gauche's warning, she scrunched up her little face in deep concentration. Her brows furrowed, and she bit her bottom lip, trying to figure out what to believe. It was all so confusing for her young mind.

Marie: "Okay. So you're the real Gauche... But this fake Gauche understands me and he treats me like a real sister."

Her brothers eyes widened in defense. Did he hear her correctly?

Gauche: "What are you talking about, my sweet angel? I've always been here for you. I've always been a good brother to you!"

Marie flinched at the title used in replace of her name. She hasn't heard it in a long while and she hoped she never had to hear it at all. But now she was sure. This Gauche... she knows him.

"You don't understand," Marie bit her lip "You always put me on a pedestal and treat me like I'm fragile. The Gauche downstairs doesn't judge me like you do."

Gauche felt his chest sinking as Marie's words pierced through him. He struggled to comprehend what she was saying, his mind racing to make sense of her accusations. How could she believe that he treated her like a fragile being? What has he done to make her feel like this?

Gauche: "Judge you?! I would never judge my pure angelic Marie! It's impossible!."

Marie: "See! You're doing it again! You really haven't changed..."

Gauche: "Marie? What are you saying?"

Maire: "I'm saying that I'm staying with him! And right now, we're rethrowing the party that YOU ruined!"

Gauche: "What but you said you the gifts made you happy!"

As Gauche's words reached Marie's ears, she felt a pang of guilt and frustration. A conflicted expression crossed Marie's face, a mix of sadness and uncertainty. She recalled a recent incident involving her friend, Feliza, who had demanded another birthday party solely focused on her after feeling overshadowed by her brothers devotion to Marie. It had hurt Marie deeply, as she had never intended to steal the spotlight from her friend, even if Feliza had indeed overreacted afterwards.

But even worse, Gauche doesn't seem to understand what he did wrong before. He was still focusing on Marie... again. Marie let out an exasperated sigh.

Marie: "You don't get it. You just don't get it."

Gauche: "Marie, please. Don't do this. I just want what's best for you."

Marie: "You don't know what's best for me, Gauche. I'm sorry.. I have to go..."


Marie joins the others and watches as Gauche plays with the kids. She can't help but feel a bit wary of him, knowing that he's not the real Gauche. However, she tries to push those thoughts aside and enjoy the party.

Julie: "Hey Marie, come play with us!"

Marie: "Sure, I'll be right there."

Kid 1: "Yeah, join us!"

Marie sees Gauche carrying some of her friends on his back. Marie joins the game but she can't shake the feeling that something is off because of her fight with Gauche. She keeps a close eye on the "fake Gauche", trying to see if he gives any other signs that he's not the real Gauche.

As they play, Marie's conflicted feelings start to bubble up again. She loves her brother and wants to be loyal to him, but she also wants a better relationship with him. The fake Gauche seems so normal and friendly, and Marie can't help but feel drawn to him despite knowing that he's not her real brother.

Marie: (thinking to herself) "What should I do? Should I confront him and risk ruining the party? Or should I just play along and try to enjoy myself?"

Marie's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the birthday girl cutting the cake. As everyone gathers around, Marie takes a deep breath and tries to put her worries aside for the moment. She'll deal with the fake Gauche later, but for now, she wants to focus on having fun with her friends..


After the depressing exchange between gauche and his sister, Gauche stands in the dimly lit cave, his emotions running wild. Frustrated and hurt, he clenches his fists, channeling his anger into a powerful punch against the cave wall. The impact creates cracks that climb up the surface, releasing shards of glass-like fragments.

The echoing sound reverberates through the cave, catching the attention of a lurking glass creature. It emerges from the shadows, its crystalline form reflecting the dim light.

GAUCHE(angry and defiant) You think you can intimidate me? Bring it on!

The glass creature swiftly moves, slamming Gauche into the ground with a force that knocks the wind out of him. Gauche, now disoriented, struggles to regain his footing. In that moment, Gauche's mind raced, his thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Memories of the hurtful exchange with his sister still lingered, he refused to acknowledge the hurt he was feeling. Not wanting to accept that his precious sister had a part in it.

Gauche's eyes dart to the mirrors he carries with him. An idea sparks in his mind.

In a split second, Gauche's gaze shifted towards the mirrors he carried with him. The dim light in the cave seemed to intensify as an idea sparked in his mind. With swift and determined movements, he positioned the mirrors strategically, angling them to catch and redirect the ambient light towards the glass creature.

As the mirrors aligned, a dazzling interplay of light unfolded. Beams of illumination danced and ricocheted off the reflective surfaces, converging into a concentrated ray aimed directly at the creature. The radiant energy cascaded through the cave, casting a brilliant web of shimmering reflections.

The sudden onslaught of intensified light hit the glass creature like a blinding storm. Its crystalline form refracted and fractured the beams, causing them to scatter and disperse. The creature, momentarily caught off guard and disoriented, flinched and recoiled, its luminous eyes shielding against the blinding radiance.

GAUCHE (seizing the opportunity) 'Now's my chance!"

Gauche scrambles to his feet, using the distraction to make his escape. He dodges around the creature, its disoriented movements buying him precious time.

As Gauche emerged from the cave, his steps heavy with a mixture of relief and regret, a heavy burden settled upon his shoulders. The weight of his impulsive actions and the consequences they had wrought hung in the air around him, a reminder of the price he had paid for his anger.

His voice barely a whisper, Gauche spoke to himself, his words laden with a touch of resignation.

GAUCHE (whispering to himself):
Karma, huh? I guess frustration only brings me more problems.

Leaving the blinded creature thrashing in confusion behind him, Gauche sought solace in a secluded spot. His heart raced, the adrenaline coursing through his veins gradually subsiding, allowing him to collect his thoughts and assess the aftermath of his encounter with the glass creature.

With trembling fingers, Gauche reached up to touch his face, his breath catching in his throat at the unexpected warmth and stickiness that met his touch. A surge of alarm shot through him as he pulled his hand back, stained with crimson.

GAUCHE (stunned) "What...?"

His heart sinking, Gauche hastily retrieved a mirror from his belongings and held it up before him. His eyes widened with shock and disbelief as he gazed upon his reflection. The left side of his face was smeared with red, a stark contrast against his usually pale complexion.

GAUCHE(confused) "Why is my face bleeding...?"

As Gauche nervously pulled back his hair to reveal his left eye, a rush of anticipation mixed with trepidation coursed through him. His breath caught in his throat as he beheld the reflection in the mirror. What he saw defied his expectations and left him reeling in disbelief.

The mirror eye, the unique and reflective orb that had been a defining feature of his appearance, was gone. In its place, he found.....

a left eye

It mirrored the one on the right side of his face. It was a disorienting sight, a profound shift in his identity that made him feel lightheaded.

With trembling fingers, Gauche reached up to touch his left eye, his fingertips brushing against the now ordinary iris. The familiar sensation of having two eyes again washed over him, but it felt foreign and unsettling in this moment. The absence of the mirror eye left a void, a visual reminder of the consequences of his actions.

He touches his left eye, feeling the familiar sensation of having two eyes again. It sends a shudder down his spine.

His voice carried a tinge of annoyance, tinged with a sense of self-directed frustration.

GAUCHE (in disbelief):
No... my mirror eye... it's gone!

He couldn't help but touch his left eye again, as if confirming the reality of its presence. The sensation was all too familiar, but the absence of the reflective surface left him feeling incomplete. It was a stark reminder of the irreversible consequences of his actions, a physical manifestation of the toll his anger had taken.

The weight of annoyance settled upon Gauche's shoulders, mingling with his other emotions. He clenched his fists, a mixture of regret and frustration coursing through him.

GAUCHE (realization sinking in):
TCH! This is so annoying!

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