Assassination Maze [Kazuscara]

By Loxermp

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There was an announcement of a mysterious maze, whoever reached the end of it would win more than a billion m... More

A deadly challenge/Chapter 1
Scaramouche, assassin?/Chapter 2
Not so deadly/Chapter 3
Reasons/Chapter 4
Little game with an assassin/Chapter 6
Killing machine/Chapter 7
In love?/Chapter 8
Unexpected/Chapter 9
Confusion/Chapter 10
Farewell, my dear victim/Chapter 11
Kazuha?/Chapter 12

A truth among lies/Chapter 5

770 22 138
By Loxermp

Kazuha looked away and then looked back at Scaramouche, he sighed.
After all, his story was really sad, and maybe these were all reasons for Scaramouche to start being a murderer.
Kazuha took a deep breath, maybe if he did this, Scaramouche could stab him in the back, but he didn't really care.

Kazuha hugged Scaramouche tightly, and carresed his hair.
"I do care."...

Scaramouche looked at Kazuha, and his eyes widened for a second, as he wasn't expecting someone to be nice to him again.
"Wh-what are you doing...?"
He was looking away from Kazuha, trying to understand why he was suddenly hugging him.
"...Don't show me any kindness..."
He turned his head back to look at Kazuha, while his lips were trembling again.
"...Y-you don't care!"

"I do care!"
Kazuha looked at him with a honest expression, he wasn't lying or trying to run away this time, neither trying to distract Scaramouche, he really, REALLY meant it.

Scaramouche looked back at Kazuha again, this time his eyes were a bit tearful, as he was trying to hold his emotions.
"W-why would you care about me...?"
He was trying to understand why Kazuha was the only person he had ever met that actually cared about him, despite the fact he was a known assassin who had murdered a lot of people.
"...You should hate me, just like everyone else..."

Kazuha sighed, he wiped the tears from Scaramouche's face.
"Look, you were right, I would like you once I got to know you better."
He looked at him with a serious and honest expression.
"I don't hate you, I'm just afraid of your intentions, the fact that you killed half the people in this maze."

Scaramouche was staying silent, as he was really overwhelmed with the whole situation. He couldn't accept that someone actually cared about him, despite everything he's done. Even his own mother didn't seem to care about him that much, because she gave up on him before giving him a chance.
"...I-I don't know what to say..."
He was looking at the ground, as he dried his tears.
He said it in a really quiet voice, while he was ashamed to apologize.

Kazuha sighed, he grabbed Scaramouche's chin and lifted it up so he could look at Kazuha.
"It's alright..."
He took a deep breath.
"Does that mean you won't kill me...? I'm sorry... I'm still afraid."

Scaramouche was looking at Kazuha with a face of disbelief, he didn't understand how Kazuha wasn't scared of him.
"...Of course I'm not going to kill you..."
He was sounding so confused by this, that he almost sounded like if he was afraid of Kazuha. It was obvious that his entire life had been full of people hating him.
"...Why are you not scared of me... Of what I could do to you if you were rude to me again?"

"Oh, I am scared of you... Believe me."
Kazuha took Scaramouche's hand and placed it on his chest, so he could hear Kazuha's heartbeat. The beats were fast, very fast.
"I'm afraid of you, and every time I'm talking or standing close, my heart races with fear, because I know that at any moment I could die. But maybe you deserve a chance for someone to talk to you, so I try."

Scaramouche was listening to Kazuha's heartbeat, and after hearing how fast it was, he had to feel bad for him.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I don't want you to be scared of me."
He was starting to feel really sad to see that his presence was causing some kind of suffering to Kazuha.
"I won't hurt you, I'm glad someone like you can give me a second chance, even thought I don't deserve it."

"It's okay, don't worry."
Kazuha smiled, his heart was still beating fast, he took Scaramouche's hand away from his chest.

Scaramouche was looking at Kazuha, he wanted to ask him something, but he was a bit embarrassed to do so.
"...Would you want to be friends?"
He was sounding hopeful, like this was probably the best thing that had happened to him in the last few weeks.
"Could... I have a friend... just for once in my life?"

Kazuha smiled and nodded his head.
"Yes, sure."

Scaramouche couldn't hold back his excitement, and he quickly hugged Kazuha.
"Yaaaay! I have a friend now."
He was trying his best to be happy, while he was sounding really grateful now, since it was one of the things he wanted the most.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!"
He could finally stop feeling alone in this world.

Kazuha laughed and carresed Scara's hair.
"Haha, glad to make you happy."

Scaramouche was really happy to see Kazuha's smile, but he was still worried about all the bad things he could do to him.
"I hope... I won't end up hurting you like what happened with all my previous friends."
He was sounding very worried about Kazuha and what he felt for him, as this was his first friend since a few years back, and he didn't want to get hurt again.

Kazuha laughed in despair and his heart started beating even faster than it already was, it made him even more afraid but he tried to ignore it.
"Let's hope not."

Scaramouche quickly let go of Kazuha when he felt his heart beat speeding up again, as he didn't want to cause him more fear.
"Oh, I forgot you were still afraid of me. I'm really sorry, it wasn't my intention."
He looked at Kazuha with a sad expression and felt his sadness return, like this was the only thing he wanted in his life. Having a friend to talk to and share some moments together.

Kazuha smiled and carresed hir hair.
"It's fine, don't worry."
Kazuha took a deep breath.
"Well, I'm gonna find an exit for this maze... We'll see each other again around, if not, I'll wait you outside the maze."
He smiled.
"Good luck killing the other people I guess... The victory is mine guaranteed! Hehe!"

Scaramouche was feeling a bit overwhelmed by Kazuha wanting to leave, but he couldn't say anything to stop him now.
"Y-yeah... Good luck to you, too..."
He was feeling disappointed by Kazuha's departure, but he couldn't blame him.
"Well, in the meantime, I'll try to kill as many people as possible in here... Hehe! My victory is guaranteed too."
He was trying to act cool again for once, just to hide his sadness.

Kazuha smiled to him, he looked happy.
He waved to Scaramouche as he walked away.
"Good, have fun!"
Kazuha went to another part of the maze which seemed really confusing.

Scaramouche was standing alone, and after a few moments he started walking in a random direction, killing every single person he encountered in the maze.
It wouldn't matter if it was a man, a woman, an elderly person, or a child... He would kill them without a single care.
In the end, Scaramouche wasn't like Kazuha, he wouldn't spare people's lives based on their story or personality.

Scaramouche was eliminating many people, killing everyone he came across, many people were running in fear of him, screams of fear and cries for help, everyone was terrified, each person trying their best to survive but failing.

Even after killing dozens of people, Scaramouche wasn't satisfied. So, he continued his killing spree, not having any mercy for anyone who passed by.
The young man thought that if people hated him, he could at least make their deaths entertaining for himself.
At this point, it could be said that the maze was half empty and half full, as Scaramouche had already killed half the people inside, and the other half were really scared right now.

As Scara passed by, there was a 12-year-old child crying with fear, sitting in the corner of the maze talking to himself:
"I just wanted the money to help my family... I didn't know we would die when we entered here..."
He was terrified.

Scaramouche was passing by and saw the child, he didn't care, he approached the child with a knife ready to kill.

The boy was scared to death by Scaramouche, and he was hiding on the corner, trying to get as far from him as possible. His face was full of tears and he wasn't stopping all of the cries he was making after what he saw.
Scaramouche approached the child quietly, so he wouldn't be noticed by him. His knife was raised as he was staring directly at his prey.
"...I don't take back my words. You stupid people... All of you..."

Scaramouche stabbed him aggressively, blood was gushing from the child's body, the stabbing noises, the screams of fear. Scaramouche was covered in blood, his face, his knife, his hands...

Scaramouche was slowly turning to see the blood dripping from the knife, and the lifeless body of the young boy he just killed. He didn't feel sad, or worried for him, but he knew all of what he was doing would end up having consequences.

This place was starting to look very different... The walls were stained with blood, and there were many corpses on the floor.
Scaramouche kept on walking, with his feet making a very loud sound, due to the wet floor.

Meanwhile, Kazuha was walking around looking for the exit, he didn't find anything, but he arrived at a place that had another letter written, he took the letter that was on the ground...

"Scaramouche is a great manipulator, lies and pretends better than anyone just to gain their trust, I'm writing this while he's looking for me, I'm one of the last two survivors. The Signora is close to finding her way out, she seems to be fine with Scara but he'll end up killing her anyway... as for me... I'm his next victim... Signed-"

Kazuha read the letter, and was shocked, he didn't know who wrote it, apparently the person died before finished writing, the letter had some blood on it. Kazuha was starting to think that maybe he could survive until the end, but maybe he'll be killed by then, after all, this maze really was deadly.
This was the second letter that Kazuha had found, the letter looked to be over 500 years old, which means that Scaramouche was immortal, since at that time he also killed.

Scaramouche was still walking around, and after hearing a sound coming from behind him, he was feeling curious to see what it was.
He turned around to see Kazuha reading some kind of letter on the floor, and that interested Scaramouche a lot. He couldn't help but walk towards him and ask what was written on the letter.
"Hey... Mind sharing that?"
He put on a smug look, like he was expecting Kazuha to give him the letter right away.

Kazuha turned and looked at Scaramouche, at the moment he was scared to see Scara covered in blood, but he passed the letter to Scaramouche.
He smiled, kinda afraid.

Scaramouche read every line of what was written on the letter, then looked at Kazuha to see his reaction about the horrible things he had just read.
"Did you know that I am immortal?"
He was curious to see if Kazuha was scared to hear it or not.
"It's interesting what the letter said about the Signora, don't you think?"
He was still trying to avoid explaining why he had blood on him, since that would make him look like a serial killer or something.

Kazuha looked away.
"No I didn't know but it's pretty cool that you're immortal."
He looked again at Scaramouche.
"Hm... Yeah, I've read a letter that Signora had written too..."
He sighed, and gained courage to ask.
"Y-you're... Not just using me to kill me when I'm the last survivor, right?"

Scaramouche was caught off guard by Kazuha's sudden question. He didn't have a good answer for him, since he was actually planning to do exactly that.
"Uhh... Hehe, you are a very smart guy, you know that already, right?"
He was trying not to sound too nervous, even though he was starting to feel a bit scared now, since Kazuha had a higher chance than before to discover his true intentions and plan
"I mean, uh, yeah, I won't kill you."

Kazuha stood up and approached Scaramouche, looking at him in the eyes.
"Hm... Did you lie about your backstory to make me be close to you, or was it really true?"
He was starting to doubt, but his voice was still calm and friendly.

Scaramouche felt like his previous lie might be uncovered at any moment now, and he had to think quickly about this.
"...Maybe I exaggerated a bit."
He was starting to get very nervous about this, and he sounded scared.
"But I was being honest... With the important details."
He was sounding very nervous now, and started to sweat profusely.

Kazuha sighed, his face wasn't surprised, not at all.
"Yeah I knew it, I've read Signora's letter, I don't even know why I thought you really wanted me as your friend..."
He had a bored and sad expression, he sounded disappointed.

Scaramouche was feeling a lot of stress upon hearing Kazuha talk about the letter he had found, since he knew the real consequences of that.
"W-wait, wait, wait! Kazuha, please listen to me, I'll explain."
He sounded like he was starting to have a panic attack, he couldn't stand this situation anymore.
"I just wanted a friend, I thought having one would make me feel better."
He was sounding very sad, like he was at the verge of a complete breakdown.

"It's not like I believe you, but it's okay I guess, we just met today so it's not like I care..."
Kazuha didn't express any emotion at all, but he did like Scaramouche, even if they met hour ago.

Scaramouche was feeling a deep sense of defeat, he had failed at everything he had done since the moment he was created. Having a friend was the only good thing he could think about, and now he had also lost that dream.
He sounded frustrated and angry at the same time.
"You don't care about your own wellbeing, right? Maybe I should just kill you now, it's not like you'll do anything to stop me."
He was staring at Kazuha with a very intimidating expression.

Kazuha looked at him and laughed.
"Hey! I wasn't done talking!"
He got closer to Scaramouche.
"We only met today but I may say you're quite good looking."
He winked, he wasn't doing this to escape, he really meant it.

Scaramouche's expression changed slightly, he was feeling confused, surprised, and even a bit flustered by Kazuha's compliment.
"...What did you just say? You... You think I'm 'good looking'?"
He had a blush on his face, even if he tried to hide it, since he wasn't expecting Kazuha to compliment him so much, even under the circumstances.

Kazuha laughed.
"Yeah, well, I know that this maze will probably last 2 days, so no one will know about this."
He got closer to Scaramouche.
"I'm gonna admit, you're good at manipulating."
Kazuha grabbed his waist and kissed him. He didn't want to distract Scara this time, he really thought that Scaramouche was good looking.

Scaramouche felt all of his insecurities and worries suddenly go away, in that moment he didn't care about what Kazuha knew about him or what his plans were to defeat him later. He felt happy for the first time in his whole life, and he finally felt love after spending an eternity as an emotionless being.

He also kissed Kazuha, and the two of them were together now, like two lovers sharing a romantic moment by having a passionate kiss, in the middle of a deadly maze.

Well, Scaramouche flirted that way with Signora as well 500 years ago, and with several women who participated in the deadly maze, but he always did it to gain their trust and kill them in the end. It was the first time Scara had done that to a man, and he doesn't regret it.

Kazuha pushed Scaramouche to the wall and continued to kiss him.

Scaramouche stopped feeling nervous, he started feeling very excited, because it was the first time in his life that he had felt real affection coming from someone else. His heart was beating very fast, and he didn't care about what was happening.

He kept kissing Kazuha, and for once he was thinking about nothing but the pleasure he felt in that moment, without thinking about his past, the plan or what the future could be. It was the first time he was being sincere about his feelings, and he enjoyed every single little second of it.

Kazuha stopped for a second, he was without air and both of them were covered with saliva in their mouths. Then, Kazuha went closer to him and kept kissing Scaramouche.

Scaramouche wasn't bothered by all the saliva on his face, not because he didn't notice it, he knew about it, he liked it. He let out a happy noise and continued kissing Kazuha with a lot of passion.

After a few minutes, he finally broke the kiss. He looked at Kazuha again with a very deep look in his eyes.
"You know... This is the most fun I've had in my entire life. And I've been living for many, many years."

"Heh, very good."
Kazuha rested his head in Scara's chest.

Scaramouche slowly put his hands on Kazuha's back, and then put him to rest against his chest.
For a moment, it seemed like nothing else mattered, only the both of them.
Even if their bodies were covered in blood, and they were in a dangerous maze, it felt like they were the only two people in that world, in that time.
It felt... Perfect.

Kazuha was covered in blood because of Scaramouche, he had blood because of killing, and the fact that Kazuha was touching him, made him be covered in blood too.
Kazuha kept resting his head on Scara's chest.

Scaramouche was starting to get a bit sleepy, he hadn't even felt that emotion in his entire life, but he enjoyed it nonetheless.
"Kazuha, if you don't mind me asking, have you ever kissed anyone before?"
He was feeling a bit curious about that, and wanted to know. If Kazuha had not done that before, Scaramouche would feel happy for being the first.

Kazuha looked at him.
"Huh? No."
He was being honest, he looked at Scaramouche again and smiled.

Even tough Scaramouche had kissed lot of women in the deadly maze 500 years ago, Kazuha was the first man he kissed.

Scaramouche felt a sort of prideful happiness hearing that, and he decided to say a bold lie in that moment.
"Neither have I."
He smiled softly, and looked at Kazuha with a very intimate and genuine look.
"I'm very happy that you were the first person to kiss me, Kazuha."
He put his hand on Kazuha's cheek.

Kazuha laughed, not in a bad way, because he knew that Scaramouche is a liar.
"Ha, good lie, I know about Signora, I found her letters, remember?"
He chuckled

Scaramouche laughed.
"Of course, it's been years since I've had any kind of affection, and I think you're very cute. What's wrong about it?"
He looked at him with an intense gaze, a look that made his feelings obvious.
"Is it because we're both men? That doesn't change anything, I only like men like that. You can't understand how happy you have made me... It's something I never thought could happen."
Scaramouche approached Kazuha and began touching him.

Kazuha laughed.
"Then I'm up to it, nobody will know so."...

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