
By eldog333

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Nineteen year old Isabella starts her first year at university, meeting all kinds of new friends and foes. On... More



1.4K 45 96
By eldog333

"Oh.. I don't know I—" I turned my head away feeling the familiar heat rise in my face.

Toms slender fingers grazed over my jaw, and grabbed my chin turning my face back; we were so close our noses were touching. I gulped trying to calm the fire that rages inside of me anytime he's near, but it didn't work. The only thing I could focus on was the pounding inside my chest and the intense look in Toms eye.

He leaned in closing the distance that separated our lips, and for the second time tonight I was throughly seduced by a Kaulitz twin.
Is that their secret magic trick or something?
The ability to make women swoon.
I allowed his kiss to deepen, his tongue found his way along my bottom lip and just barely peeked inside my mouth before I pushed him away shaking my head.

"I can't.." I had my hand on his chest holding him an arms length away from me. My eyes were down; I couldn't stand to see his face right now knowing I'll just get dragged back into him.

"That's too bad." He clicked his tongue, moving away so we were no longer touching. "Was it not good the other day?" His tone was back to its usual cocky demeaning manner.

I shook my head, meeting his eyes. "No, it was good. That's not the problem."

Tom quirked a brow, "oh? Then what's the problem babe?"

I furrowed my brow. "The problem is I don't want to just have sex with you Tom!"

His determined face flashed with confusion, "I don't understand."

"Let me know when you figure it out 'babe'." I mocked.

Without saying anything else I left the kitchen, leaving a somehow confused Tom. I didn't want to bother Bill so I went all the way to the end of the hall where the guest bedroom was.
I would just go home, but I didn't drive here and I'm not asking Tom to take me.
I don't understand him! I don't understand how he doesn't know what I mean when I say I want more than sex.

He's dated women before, so it's not like it would be a first for him. At the same time I don't really know a lot of details about his dating history, or why he doesn't date in the first place. There's got to be some kind of deep reasoning behind his 'fuck and go' policy. Thinking of it though he is trying to get me to have sex with him again, which would be breaking his rule.

I need to talk to Bill.. he would know more and help me better understand Tom. That'll have to wait until tomorrow though. I pushed open the door to the guest bedroom and saw a lump on the covers of one of the beds.


Upon further inspection I realized it was Georg—

Double shit..

I totally ghosted him for pretty much the entire night. At least he's asleep, I can give him my apologies in the morning. I tip toed over to the empty bed on the opposite side of the room and slid under the covers as quietly as I could. Slowly I managed to drift off to sleep.


"Hey.." Georg shook my shoulder lightly coaxing me awake.

"Mmmm" I groaned my eyes still shut.

"Bella hey." He tried again, "Bill wanted me to wake you up for breakfast."

I opened my eyes finally, finding a smiley Georg a foot in front of me. My face flushed instantly; I probably look crazy right now since I didn't get a chance to wash my make up off last night.

"Thanks." I mumbled smiling softly and sitting up to stretch.

"No problem." Georg walked over to the other bed and sat down gently.

"I owe you an apology." I broke the only mildly uncomfortable silence.

Georg looked up. "What for?"

"Two things actually. You invited me here last night and I kissed Bill and then disappeared for the whole night without saying anything. That was shitty of me, so I'm sorry for that." I let out a breath waiting for any sign of irritation, but there was none. He just shrugged and relaxed back into the bed.

"It's okay. I just asked you to come with me, I didn't think that meant we were dating or anything." He smiled, but I still felt guilty.

"What was the other thing?"

"Right! Um.. so this is probably going to make me seem even more shitty," I chuckled nervously, "When you first asked me to come with you,, I only said yes to make Tom jealous." I felt a weight off my shoulders after saying it out loud.

Georg laughed lightly, "I know I'm not dumb. Actually, everyone knows you like Tom. Except for Tom somehow."

I groaned wanting to cover my face out of embarrassment. "Is it really that obvious?"

"Yes, insanely, but don't worry I think he does too. In his own way."

A sharp heat spread throughout my chest, and a bittersweet hopeful feeling. "What makes you say that?"

"He came over last week and wouldn't stop talking about you. I won't spill all his dirty secrets, but he never usually talks about a girl that much, especially after having sex with her."

My eyes opened wide. He told him! I mean I guess I can't be surprised, but it's still embarrassing.

Oh god! I really hope he didn't give any details. I want to crawl out of my skin right now.

"Wait wait wait— you asked me to come with you after you knew me and Tom hooked up?" I quirked a brow at Georg.

He smirked, "Yes! With good reason. I could tell you two were having some kind of issue, and I wanted to push him in the right direction. You're forgiven for using me for jealousy purposes because I planned that all along." We both laughed a little.

"You're very sneaky." I joked.

"I try! But Bill ended up doing it more than I did. I couldn't tell what Tom was thinking after all that happened."

"He kind of started it; Well, Natalie did." I chuckled lightly.

Georg stood heading towards the door. "We should probably get going, I think Tom wanted to see you." He raised his brows twice causing heat to run up my face again.

"Really?" I asked finally pulling myself out from the comfort of the bed.

"Mhm.. go get your man." Georg lightly pushed me out the door and followed behind me.

In the kitchen we were greeted with Bill and Tom who sat on opposing sides of the small wooden table. They made quite the spread of breakfast foods, toast, eggs, waffles, sausage, bacon. I licked my lips feeling my stomach growl as me and Georg took our seats.

Bill was on my left and I greeted him warmly, "You sleep okay?"

He nodded, smiling back just as bright before shoving a fork full of eggs in his mouth.
I then turned to Tom on my right. "Goodmorning Thomas, did you sleep okay?"

He rolled his eye at the incorrect name, but managed to reply in a tone that wasn't super snarky.

"Why yes Isabella, my slumber was great. Would've been better if you took me up on my offer though." He winked and I almost choked on the water I had in my mouth.

I could hear Georg snickering quietly, and I didn't even want to look over at Bill to see his face. Instead I looked down clearing my throat to prevent a coughing fit.

"You wish." I decided to go with, honestly I couldn't think of a better response that wouldn't make the rest of the people at the table uncomfortable. Tom doesn't seem to mind doing that though.


The rest of the morning was pretty peaceful, and honestly refreshing in comparison to the past few days. I helped the boys clean up the insane mess that was left in the house and backyard.
Once we finished I sat idly on the couch while they played some zombie game for a few hours. After a bit I figured I had ran up my welcome and made my exit.

I stepped outside feeling the warmth from the sun dance across my skin. The gravel crunched under my feet, and then stopped once I reached the hard pavement of the side walk.

"Hey wait up!" I heard the front door to the house swing open. I fully expected Tom to be the one coming out, but this time it was Bill.

"Hey! Did I forget something?" I asked turning and coming to a stop. Bill took a few long strides until he was standing in front of me.

"Do you want a ride back?" He asked, a bright smile splayed across his lips.

I returned the gesture following his lead to the car, "That would be great, thank you."

The drive back to campus was comfortable. Bill played some of his favorite songs along with a private concert where he sang his heart out to Brittney spears. I couldn't help but join in on the fun. My spirits were fully lifted until Bill asked if
he could come in with me to talk to Natalie.

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea Bill." I told him, reaching for my bag in the floorboard.

He ran a hand through his hair letting out a shaky breath. "I know.. but I need to have some type of closure."

I sighed, "I get it. Come on let's go talk to her." I reached up a hand to pat his back and got out the car waiting for him to follow me inside.

Once we got through the corridor I turned the key in the knob, but when I opened the door I was surprised to find Natalie's side of the dorm fully empty.

"What the hell, where is she?"


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