Utapri- A butler a day

By wingless_otaku

47.8K 1.5K 625

Starish and Quartet are the current rising stars in Shining agency. But~ to achieve even further, the boy ido... More

Butler training starts! (part 1)
Butler training starts! (part 2)
Day 1
Day 1 ~after story~
Day 2
Day 2 ~after story~
Day 3
Day 3 ~after story~
Day 4
Day 4 ~after story~
Day 5
Day 5 ~after story~
~before story~ (Special update)
Day 6
Day 6 ~after story~
Day 7
Day 7 ~after story~
Day 8
Day 8 ~after story~
Day 9
Day 9 ~after story~
Day 10
Day 10 ~after story~
Day 11
Day 11 ~after story~
Day 12
Day 12 ~after story~
Day 13
Day 13 ~after story~
Day finale
Day finale ~after story~
Author's note

Idols in the hot springs

1.9K 66 63
By wingless_otaku

By the fact that there's no private baths, Camus just remained silent and stood there frozen. He didn't knew that such inn could exist.

"Why can't we get a room in a hotel...?" Tokiya asked while looking at the amazing sight of the pond with Ittoki.

"Hm..you guys want a hotel? Why didn't you say so?" Hyuga asked nonchalantly. "We thought that a manly place will make you guys feel more manly... but we'll have to stay for the night since it's already this late. Anyway, the baths are first!"

The idols quickly get prepared for the bath that was awaiting them.


"This feels good!" Ittoki exclaimed as he felt the bliss of having a hot bath.

"Makes me feel like drinking sake," Hyuga commented.

"I wonder how will Ringo look like after taking off his wig?" Natsuki stated out of the blue, which immediately caused a commotion among the Starish boys. Speaking of the devil...

"Ara~ you guys were already in the bath?" A voice said to which the Starish boys just gawked at the appearance of a shota boy.

"Who are you?" Tokiya asked with his deadpan face.

"I'm Ringo. Mou~ you boys had forgotten my face after putting away the wig? That's so nice of you guys..." Ringo pouted right after he said that. Well, that made the Starish looked surprised at his appearance without a wig.

"So, this is a hot spring?" Ai commented as he looked around as if he was analysing the place. Just behind him was Camus. The three of them had their towels wrapped on their waist.

"By the way, guys, are you going to shower with your towel on? You should take off your towel by the time you guys enter this area," Ringo asked as he took his towel off.

"Oh...so I have to take it off," Ai calmly commented as he followed what Ringo just did. Camus was shocked by Ai's bold actions, when Ai wasn't the type to follow other people's orders except for Saotome's. "Camus, hurry up, for Shining's sake."

Camus was like dumbfounded as soon as Ai said that. Well, for Shining's sake...what does that have to deal with bathing with naked people? Camus had no choice but did what they did and went to get shower.

"Myu-chan...he has such smooth looking skin," Reiji pointed out as he tried not to laugh. "Especially his momo." Making the Starish members stared at Camus.

"What's wrong with having smooth skin? And how dare you guys stare at me like that," Camus retorted with his icy cold eyes as he wash his hair. Guess he didn't hear what Reiji said after the comment of his skin.

"Uwaaahaha~ Myu-chan's skin is so soft!" Ringo commented as he washed Camus's back. By that time, Ai was already soaked in the hot springs. The Starish members somehow looked at Ringo enviously as he was the only one who gets to touch his skin.

"Who touched me!?" Masato exclaimed all of a sudden as he jumped off from his position literaly.

"Well, Masato here also has smooth skin..." Ren purred seductively. The Starish members react to Ren's comment and decided to ask what Masato does to loook after his smooth skin.


As soon as they got out of thr bath, the idols return to their rooms, which was being greeted with all sorts of dishes that made them nearly drooled.

"Yosh! It's chow time!!" Syo exclaimed loudly as he made his way to one of the floor cushions.

"So this is how the food is served in a hot springs inn," Ai remarked as he walked into the room with his oversize yukata robe.

"Ai-chan, you looked so pitiful in that big yukata. Lemme fix it for you," Natsuki offered and received a thabks from Ai in the process.

As soon as the idols settle down on their seats, they began their feast with a 'itadakimasu'. The menu for today's main dish was Shiitake ginger fried rice and steamed lobster. As for the side dishes, they have sashimi, deep fried tempura, sushi, traditionally steamed fish and etc. For the dessert, they will be having a cheese apple(idk the name of the snack) and a mango pudding.

"The gohan is so yummy!!! I could taste the mushroom in my mouth!" Ittoki commented as soon as he swallowed the food.

As for Masato, he took a small bite of his food and savour it until Ren interrupt him by gently move Masato's chin(idk how to describe) with his fingers.

"Masa~ say ahh~" Ren asked as he was holding a chopstick with a piece of sushi on it. Masato was glaring at Ren because of his attitude towards him since the time in the hot springs.

"What is wrong with you, Jinguji Ren...?" Masato said right after he swallowed and took the bite off the chopsticks.

"Don't worry, I don't have any interest in guys or you. I'm just having fun messing you up," Ren explained with his closed eye smile. Masato just ignored him and continued savouring the bites of food.

"This sashimi was actually a raw fish that was caught today. The taste was bland but the chewiness is perfect..." Ai remarked as he was chewing a small piece of sashimi. Reiji, who was sitting beside him just laughed weakly.

"At least this place has meat...if not, I would have gone to some other spots to eat," Ranmaru commented as he picked his bowl of rice and ate it with the chopsticks. "Oh, did any of you fed that cat?" Tokiya nodded.

"Anyone wants sake?" Hyuuga asked as he took the sake bottle from the table.

And after a few minutes of eating, the idols decided to have a truth or dare game. It was Reiji's idea as he wanted to at least know more about the secrets that his band members, his juniors and even the teachers were keeping it hidden so well.

"So, minna, I'll spin the bottle first and if the bottle points to any of us, will have to do a truth or dare!" Reiji instructed as he put an empty plastic bottle on the floor. The idols were siitting in a circle, on the tatami floor. For ypur information, thw three Quartet Night members didn't want to join the game but got dragged into it.

Reiji then spins the bottle and it pointed to Ringo!

"Ne~ Rin-chan~ truth or dare?" Reiji began with his goofy smile.

"Eetttoo...I'll go with truth!" Ringo beamed excitedly as he took a sip of the sake from the bottle, which Hyuga was drinking from.

"Do you have anything that scares you the most?" Reiji questioned which made the Starish boys stared at Ringo, full of interest.

"Hmmm...I do have one and it freaked me the whole day until I couldn't sleep a wink! It was really scary!! Just by thinking about it makes me jittery!" Ringo explained in horror, which made everyone in the room became more curious of what he was scared of.

"What made you this scared, Rin-chan?" Reiji asked curiously, which somehow put Ringo in a real pressure.

"It was all because of that day when my deadline for the magazine photoshoot an-" Ringo explained as horror crept onto his face.

"And you got scolded by your fierce superviser?" Ittoki interrupted all of a sudden which made Ringo flinched and yelled.

"AND I HAD TO PULL UP AN ALLNIGHTER TO FINISH IT UNTIL THE NEXT DAY...WHEN I WOKE UP, I SAW A..." Ringo continued yelling like a madman but stoop low when he mumbled, "a pimple that popped onto my kawaii face!"

"Huh? How can you fret over such little things?" Ranmaru stated with his deadpan face on.

"How can I not?! That pimple was so huge and slimy and gooey all at the same time and-" Ringo said but stopped. "Anyway, since you guys made me this embarrassed, I shall be really nice to the lucky guy tonight!"

The bottle was spun and it pointed to Ittoki! Ringo smirked in content as his target was someone who he can make fun of easily. Ittoki chose 'truth' and was being ask this question:

"Do you have someone you like?" Which immediately had Starish members' attentions turned to Ittoki.

Ittoki blushed and stuttered to say a 'no' but was being pressured by his peers.

"I d-d-don't have one, right now...." Ittoki said as he did a pose to stop his pals from staring at him.

"You liar! Your face says it all," Hyuga mumbled as he was slowly drunk. "Just do your freaking dare!" Which made Ittoki stared at him in frightt.

"I dare you to act girly while wearing my collections. Well, that'll take some time before the dare is being done," Ringo dared Ittoki with his evil smile, making poor Ittoki gulped in an instant.

And so, the game continued with laughters filling in the room. Ittoki ended up doing the dare, which somehow sucessfully made the seniors laugh. Followed by thr next lucky man, which was Reiji, he was dared to impersonate each and every of his band's personality, earning him a big-ol-thump on his head from the three seniors.

Masato's turn was next, he was dared to yell out pick up lines to the outside of the inn, which somehow made the inn manager go berserk. And to the next is Ai. He was being asked why he never smile or laugh at anything hilarious. And his answer was...

"There's nothing to laugh at in the first place so why bother laughing?"

"Ouch...you are so cold as always, Ai-Ai," Reiji pointed out.

By the time the game ended, it was already 11.30pm. Hyuuga ended up drunk after drinking up all the sake, together with Ringo and in a short while, they fell asleep on the bamboo mat. For the remaining, they enter their sleeping chambers that they have allocated for themselves earlier on. Since they are only three chmbers, Starish took one, Quartet Night took the other one while the last one was for the senseis.

And so, the idols went to sleep except for Tokiya and Ai who were busy preparing the events for tomorrow.

Next morning...

The sun rays shone into the rooms which made the Starish idols awake in an instant. By the time the Starish members woke up, they could smell the fragrance of shampoo. Guess someone already went to the bath in the hot springs. But then went back to sleep without a care in the world XD

"Ohayo-puu~! You boys are up al-" Ringo greeted as he slide the sliding door open, revealing the four Quartet Night members on their robes only!

"Rise and shine kouhai tachi! It's time to go and have a hot bath before starting your usual routines!" Reiji announced as he pulled Tokiya and Ittoki's legs with his arms.

"Why do we have to be here in the first place?" Ranmaru stated while scratching his head, showing that he's bored.

"Kotobuki, just get over with it and go to the baths," Camus stated while massaging his temples.

"I don't mind getting another bath even though this isn't for Shining's sake," Ai said while looking around the spacious room.

"Looks like Ai-Ai and Myu-chan is taking the hot springs to a liking!" Reiji comented with his cheerful grin.

"Oy, Ren...stop pinching my nose!" Masato stated as calm as possible since Ren was already awake.

"Right right...just wanting you to get up so that we all could go to the baths together!" Ren said as he stood up and went to tske his towel.

"By the way boys, you all will be having a shooting in the hot springs for the hot springs advertisement at 5.30am and since right now you have about 10minutes left, you guys should be awake now," Ringo announced as he clapsed his hands together in delight.

Everyone slowly woke up and got ready for the baths, while Ringo just left them with a grin. Guess Quartet Night and Starish are getting together well. Right after the baths, thr photo shooting and had a luxurious breakfast, they left for their destination at 6.50 since their location isn't far from the Cafe itself.

Starting today, the idols will work as butlers-in-training and will have to serve customers for two weeks. What will these idols experience thoughout their working time in the SS Cafe?

Hey guyss, right after this chapter will be the 'characterxreader' chapters! So please do enjoy

Fyi, there will be some sidestories in each and every of the characterxreader chapters!

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