Avatar: Reign of the Titans

By Fossilizer

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In a mystic world filled with endless war and destruction, a young boy named Aang reawakens from an iceberg a... More

Author's Note
A Mystical New World
The Siege

The Arrival of the King of the Monsters

980 15 16
By Fossilizer

The three kids were still in a state of shock after witnessing the falling comet. They were wondering where it came from, as the two siblings from the Water Tribe thought it belonged to the Fire Navy as a signal, causing them to mentally shiver at the thought.

All of them were silent until Aang spoke up.

"Guys... I think we should go check it out." The airbender replied, while the two siblings looked at him with shock.

"A-Are you crazy?! Did you see what just happened when that... thing fell from the skies and crashed into that place like it was nothing?!" Sokka asked while he gestured both of his hands towards the far distance where the comet crashed.

"I know that, but who knows? Maybe, at least, we can give it a try." Aang suggested.

Hearing this, Katara agreed, "Y-Yeah, I think I agree with him. I guess we should go there and find out what it is."

Sokka widened his eyes in total disbelief, "You've gotta be kidding me! Don't you think it's too dangerous?!"

"Come on, I think it's not bad if we only check it out! Besides, Appa and I can give a lift." Aang offered before he took a stance, and then, with his arms bent in different directions, he airbent himself to jump onto Appa.

Katara said happily, "We'd love a ride! Thanks!"

As the girl ran to the side of Appa, Sokka refused, "Oh no! I'm not getting on that fluffy snot monster!"

"Are you hoping some other kind of monster will come along and take us for a ride?" Katara asked while Aang helped the girl climb into the saddle before she pointed out, "You know, before you freeze to death?"

"Uh..." Sokka raised his finger in defiance, but he just stopped and sighed in defeat.

Both siblings were now on board at the back of the flying bison's saddle. One was full of excitement and anticipation, while the other had his arms crossed and a sulking expression plastered on his face.

Looking back, Aang told the siblings, "Okay, first-time flyers, hold on tight!"

Facing forward, the airbender looked down at Appa and excitedly shouted, "Appa, yip-yip!"

Then Aang snapped the reins while Appa let out a low growl. The bison walked over the edge of the ice before he raised his tail. And then, with a mighty jump, he splayed out his six legs, but he was stuck in the air for a moment before crashing into the icy waters, where the impact shot up huge waves. As the bison floated in the water, he started to swim.

Not wanting to disappoint his new friends, Aang tried to make Appa fly again, "Come on, Appa. Yip-yip!"

While Katara crawled on the saddle, Sokka complimented sarcastically, "Wow, that was truly amazing..."

Even though Katara shot her brother a glare, Aang defended the flying bison by saying, "Appa's just tired. A little rest and he'll be soaring through the sky. You'll see."

Then the boy gestured for his giant fluffy companion to take them towards the distance, "Hey, buddy! Think you can take us there where that comet, crashed?"

Appa let out a growl in response before he headed towards the location where the 'comet' landed.


Location: At the crash site

Meanwhile, at the site where the crash occurred, Godzilla groaned as he slowly began to stand. His body was aching all over, and he felt slightly singed, probably from his crash. When he opened his gold-colored eyes, he noticed that he's inside a large snowy crater, no doubt also caused by the crash.

(Imagine Godzilla's in it.)

Then Godzilla slowly began to climb out, his clawed hands digging into the snow and rock as he managed to pull himself out of the crater. His vision was still a little bit blurry, but after shaking his head a few times, his sight had returned. The saurian looked around as he was taking in the sights; he saw nothing but the entire snow, the icy blue sea, and massive icebergs towering over him.

Wait, massive icebergs tower over him?!

Godzilla's eyes widened in total shock as he looked up and saw that the icebergs were indeed towering over him. But he slowly began to realize... he had shrunk! He could still remember when the mysterious vortex absorbed him inside, along with the other Titans. A bright flash of light engulfed them all and shrank them from their original size when they were still inside the mystical tunnel. But what surprised the Nuclear Leviathan even more was that the vortex transported them here into this strange new world, which was new to him since he had never seen such a thing that could send them into other worlds. He also noticed that he's the only one who crashed down on this site since the others were separated into different places after the vortex brought them here in this new world.

Soon, the Titan King broke out of his thoughts before he began to wander around the place while the icy wind grew frigid, but he just shrugged it off as he was remarkably immune to cold and freezing temperatures back when he was in Antarctica, thanks to his resistance to any extreme temperatures.

Then Godzilla noticed a few turtle seals staring at him with curiosity from afar. He watched these strange creatures before he began to glare at them.

"What are you creatures looking at?" Godzilla growled, causing the seals to swim away from him.

After the creatures disappeared, the Alpha Titan quickly realized something, much to his total surprise.

"By nature's existence... I can speak?!" The saurian exclaimed as he put a clawed hand on his throat. For the first time in his life, he actually spoke through human language, despite the fact that he had never actually talked before through physical communication, yet he understood what humans were saying.

After a few seconds, Godzilla managed to calm himself down and think straight.

"You must calm down, Gojira. There must be some sort of explanation for this." The Alpha Predator replied before he continued to look around.

He took in the scenery around him, as it reminded him of something back in his world. Something rather unpleasant. This place reminded him of when he last fought Ghidorah for supremacy back in ancient Antarctica, where he won over the three-headed monster who was frozen in icy waters near the tip of the continent until he was reawakened in 2019.

Godzilla scowled at those memories of his deceased arch-nemesis before getting back to reality.

"Now I must search for the others and find out more about this new world." The saurian said to himself as he marched towards the cold shores.

But before he was about to swim in the freezing waters, he suddenly felt something approaching from the distance. He could sense that something was coming toward him. As he felt that it was coming closer, a familiar scent hit his mind...


Thinking fast, Godzilla noticed a huge, icy cave ahead of him before he began to march towards the entrance as he hid and waited. Although he's neutral towards humans, he never had the intention to hurt or destroy them on purpose, unless provoked.

The Titan Alpha continued to wait until he noticed a strange bison-like creature coming out of the water before it stepped into the icy shores, and he was slightly surprised at this. Even though he had seen most creatures and Titans from his homeworld, he admitted that it's truly bizarre to see anything like this one. Then he also noticed three human kids climbing down on the creature's back as they were heading their way towards the crater where he had climbed out.

Meanwhile, the three kids and Appa had arrived in the area where the comet crashed. They were utterly astounded when they saw a huge crater in the middle of the snowy ground. The crater was about 20 feet in diameter and about 8 feet deep. But it was noticeably empty—just a large blackened spot within the brown earth.

"Woah! This crater looks huge!" Aang exclaimed in a surprised tone.

"Huge is an understatement... it's enormous!" Sokka corrected him while looking down at the crater, "And it's empty."

"Yeah, but what could've come from something this huge?" Katara wondered as she looked elsewhere in the area, "Do you think it must be somewhere in this place?"

"No idea. What about you?" Sokka questioned the airbender.

"Me neither, but I think I saw an icy cave over there!" Aang exclaimed before he and the others approached slowly towards the cave... the same cave where Godzilla was hiding.

Godzilla, on the other hand, cursed himself for not knowing that he'd be spotted easily in this cave once they entered inside, but he had no other choice but to come out of his hiding spot and confront the three humans. However, he suddenly sensed several presences outside the cave... and it doesn't look good.

Outside, Aang and his friends were about to enter the huge cave when suddenly, Sokka heard loud growls from the distance as he quickly turned around before his eyes widened at what he saw.

"Polar leopards!" Sokka shouted as he readied his spear while the rest noticed the approaching creatures, much to their absolute surprise.

These creatures were indeed polar leopards, and there were four of them! Normally, these huge carnivorous creatures would primarily prey on turtle seals, but they sensed something unnatural in the land. They felt that something had entered their territory, something besides humans. The wild animals followed their instincts, searching or hunting for whatever came into their domain before attacking or killing them. As they made it into their territory, they spotted the three kids and Appa and began heading towards them.

Currently, the polar leopards were growling and snarling viciously at their intruders, showing that they held no fear towards them, especially at Appa.

Appa, seeing this, let out a loud roar towards the approaching wild animals while the three kids firmly stood their ground.

Inside the cave, Godzilla watched the whole thing and was slightly impressed at the three kids' bravery as well as their giant companion. Usually, humans in his world would fear him and the other Titans because of their tremendous size and power, as they caused a lot of destruction and casualties over the years. But something in his being found great respect for them, as they seemed to give off the positive willpower to defend themselves, even in a dangerous kind of situation. Not only that, but the Titan King was also astonished when he sensed something inside the bald boy.

'This boy... I could sense that there's some kind of preternatural energy inside him. It felt transpiring for my senses...' The Atomic Titan thought with great surprise when he sensed a strange yet mystical force inside the airbender, as it slightly unnerved him.

However, Godzilla noticed that the mammalian creatures were getting closer at the four, as his instincts told him that now was his time to take action; his senses were rarely wrong.

Outside, one of the polar leopards ran straight towards Katara, who held a horrified expression when she noticed the running feline creature.

Upon seeing this, Sokka shouted in horror, "KATARA, LOOK OUT!"

Aang was about to use his airbending to save Katara, but he suddenly heard rumbling footsteps coming from the cave that sounded like walking thunder... and it was heading towards them. Appa, on the other hand, let out a nervous growl when he sensed a strange presence in the cave as well.

Katara shut her eyes as she was about to get killed by the polar leopard when suddenly, nothing happened to her.

Aang, Sokka, and even Appa had their eyes widened in total shock when they saw something that they would not soon forget. The other polar leopards were on the same page as they slowly backed away from the newcomer.

Katara opened her eyes slowly and was confused about what happened to the polar leopard that nearly attacked her. But then she noticed a huge black shadow looming over her place, which caused the girl to look up at the sight before she froze in absolute astonishment.

Standing before the young waterbender was a huge bipedal reptilian creature, measuring around 12 feet tall, about 17 feet in length, and weighing up to 8 tons. The monster's head and face were blocky yet majestic, and it had gold-colored eyes. The nostrils were separated as they were located on the opposite sides of the lizard beast's snout, just like most reptiles have, while its neck was broad and had noticeable shark-like gills. The creature's teeth were relatively small and not straight-lined, while its large dorsal plates were shaped like maple leaves that were connected on the back of its body all the way down to its tail. Its sharp claws were black and very large, while its feet were wide, resembling those of an elephant's feet with long, large toe claws. Its skin was somehow reptilian and crocodilian-like, but with a much rougher texture, and was a very dark gray, almost black, in coloration. Its body was very wide as well, making the creature's physique somehow bulky, while the tip of its long, prehensile tail was rounded.

It's Godzilla!

All of them were aghast at the reptilian creature before them; his appearance gave a sheer intimidation that gained their attention, while his eyes held fury, solitude, dominance, and even determination.

"W-What is that?" Aang asked in awe.

"No clue..." Sokka shook his head, but he was still in a state of shock.

Katara was still frozen in her position, as she could only stare at the mysterious creature who unexpectedly saved her life from the polar leopard.

Currently, Godzilla uses his clawed hand to grab the polar leopard up from the scruff of its neck. The animal roared fiercely as it tried to attack the reptilian monster with its sharp claws, but it proved to be futile as the Ocean Colossus lifted the polar leopard to turn it around and brought it to his face before he let out a loud roar that gave the poor creature a terrible hearing to its ears.


Of course, the three kids had to cover their ears after hearing the roar as it shook the air itself and caused a massive echo throughout the ocean. To them, they had never heard such a roar before in their lives, as it would make anyone shiver upon hearing it!

Aang and Katara were still in absolute shock, while Sokka, on the other hand, felt that he was about to wet himself after hearing the saurian's roar.

With a finishing bellow, Godzilla tossed the feline predator over to its companion as the two were now lying sprawled near the crater, while the other two polar leopards roared at their new foe. The saurian let out a fierce growl in return, feeling that he was back to his old self.

The fight began when one of the polar leopards leapt towards Godzilla's torso and bit down on his flesh, while the Titan Alpha grunted in pain from the bite force. Although he had immense durability, he could still feel the pain due to his shrunken body. But thankfully, he had an accelerated healing factor that could treat his wounds later if he finished handling these feral beasts.

The saurian grabbed the natural carnivore by the neck before retaliating with a strong punch, which sent the animal stumbling away to the ground. The creature flinched when it touched the left side of its face, and it definitely stung. This polar leopard had gone up against some strong foes before, specifically against other polar leopards and even humans. But it never had been once punched in the face, and by this intruder, who had shown that it was indeed strong. The polar leopard charged once again, but Godzilla used his massive tail to knock back the charging animal with brutal force, rendering the unfortunate beast unconscious.

Seconds later, the Nuclear Leviathan sensed that the other polar leopard began to run and charge him with enough force, as he was sent sliding back on his feet a few meters before they both engaged in combat. The two creatures were wrestling with one another until Godzilla overpowered the feral animal with his own strength before he used his jaws to bite the huge beast on its neck and then clamped it shut. The poor predator roared in anguish when its neck was being crushed severely by the Titan's jaws, while a trickle of blood oozed out once Godzilla's sharp teeth latched onto the creature's flesh. It felt enough for Godzilla as he lifted the wounded mammal before tossing it away like a ragdoll. The taste of its fur and blood was still left on Godzilla's tongue, as it led him to his instincts, remembering the time when he and other Gojiras like him hunted several creatures, including Titans, in his world to consume besides absorbing radiation.

Breaking out of his thoughts, he then noticed the same two creatures lying near the crater he had come out of as they got back on their feet and roared at him ferociously. The Titan Alpha roared in return before he charged towards them at great speed; his footsteps also caused the earth to vibrate. The two aggressive mammals had stood up on their hind legs when they saw the saurian charging towards them, before they used both of their strengths to clash with the King of the Monsters. Godzilla growled as he tried to push the two carnivores away, but both of them put up a good resistance, even though they were smaller than him. In the saurian's view, these two wild animals were like his former rival and fellow Alpha, Kong. Then the two natural predators roared as they prepared to attack Godzilla to take him down; the first polar leopard used its sharp jaws to bite on the Alpha Titan's arm, while the other one delivered with a series of claw swipes, leaving scars and scratches on the saurian's body. This caused Godzilla to growl in pain when the bite and claw attacks were definitely hurting him, but instead he took the pain as he would show these creatures that he wouldn't be taken down so easily in a fight, even in a shrunken state. So he used his strength to push them back a few feet before holding them by their necks and then slamming them to the ground, causing the two predators to roar and whine in pain when they felt themselves being slammed to the earth. But not only that, the violent slam also created large cracks around the impact point of the ground.

Meanwhile, the three kids, plus Appa, were equally astounded upon witnessing Godzilla beating up the polar leopards like it was nothing to him, although they had to wince at the saurian's brutal attacks delivered to his opponents. They were surprised even more when the wounds and scars on the Alpha Titan's body were immediately healed, thanks to his advanced healing factor. But one thing they couldn't imagine was that this lizard monster even saved Katara's life from her terrible fate when one of the polar leopards was about to maul her into pieces.

Back in the fight, Godzilla lifted the first polar leopard that was sprawling on the ground before he delivered a wicked haymaker on its stomach, which caused the creature to spit blood and saliva from its mouth before it was sent crashing backwards to a huge rock, leaving an imprint from the immense force. Then the saurian grabbed the other feline by the back of its neck before dragging its face across the snowy ground, which the animal mewled in pain from the intense friction on its face before Godzilla picked the creature up and then tossing it towards its other companions.

As the polar leopards tried to get back on their feet, they immediately saw Godzilla, who was standing tall and proud as a mountain, while his presence alone intimidated the four wild animals, the fear inside them overriding their natural instincts to retreat. The saurian gave a loud roar that held power and dominance as he dared them to try and challenge him once again, despite the injuries they were having. But the natural natives knew that their foe was beyond their own strength and abilities, so they chose to yield and run as fast as they could in all fours, although they were staggering from the injuries they had succumbed to on their bodies.

When Godzilla sensed that the creatures were gone, he gave a deep snort from his nostrils before he turned his attention to the three kids and their huge bison companion and began to approach them.

The four, however, were still cautiously wide-eyed when they all saw the reptilian beast heading towards them. None of them had ever seen a Titan before, not even knowing the fact that he came from another universe and shrank from his original size.

Reacting quickly, Sokka pointed his spear towards the saurian, despite being nervous at the latter's presence, "S-Stay back! I'm warning you!"

Appa let out a loud roar at Godzilla, but to the flying bison's surprise, the saurian didn't even halt or flinch from the roar as he kept moving until he stopped a few meters away from Katara, who was still shocked upon seeing the former.

Then the next thing will shake them to the core...

"Are you alright?"

Upon saying those words, the three kids, including Appa, all jumped in surprise when the creature spoke to them, as it would appear that they never expected that.

"Woah! You can talk?!" Aang asked in disbelief.

Godzilla looked at Aang for a moment before answering, "Clearly."

Katara was still staring at the saurian in awe before she realized that he was talking to her, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me a while ago."

Godzilla was slightly surprised when this girl was giving thanks to him, as it gave him a strange feeling inside his being, which was actually rare for him. But he somehow accepted the gratitude and replied calmly, "You do not need to thank me. I was only doing what I felt was right and understandable."

Then Sokka broke out of his stupor before he questioned the Titan King while pointing his spear towards him once again, "Okay, I'm gonna ask a lot of questions to you, big guy! What kind of monster are you? Where exactly did you come from? Why did you save us, even though you're scary-looking? And how come you didn't even have a scratch after you fought those polar leopards? Do not lie!"

Godzilla couldn't help but groan in irritation as the questions were starting to get to his nerves, "By the ancient fossils of my ancestors, what should I say about this?"

But then, he answered to the teen, "Firstly, I do not wish to talk about it, as it might be regrettable for the three of you to know what creature I am or where I came from. In addition, I saved your lives from those... polar leopards you have mentioned, as my instincts told me to do so, or else you would be killed if I didn't. And lastly, my advanced healing factor regenerated my wounds much faster and more efficiently, but it depends on how serious my injuries were."

The three kids thought about it for a moment, as it did make sense that the saurian was telling the truth, although he didn't mention what creature he was or which place he came from.

Then Aang replied in understanding, "Well... that explains."

Now it was Godzilla's turn to ask a question, "Now... could you tell me where exactly I am?"

Katara proceeded to answer the saurian's question, as it was the least she could do, "You're currently here at the South Pole."

Godzilla could only growl in slight confusion as he simply looked at the girl, her statement having done nothing for him. Back in his world, he knew a place called the South Pole, which humans called the southernmost point on Earth, located on the cold continent of Antarctica. Was this the same Earth he's living on?

"Uh, you know? It's where the Southern Water Tribe is located."

Now that caused the Titan Alpha to become confused even more than before. Southern Water Tribe? He had never heard of that tribe in his homeworld besides the Iwi.

"Wait, are you sure that you don't know where you are right now?" Katara asked in shock.

Godzilla merely shook his head, as he had never heard of this Southern Water Tribe the girl had mentioned and wasn't about to pretend that he had. Although he knew about the 'South Pole' part, this world's definitely not the Earth he's familiar with.

"Seriously?! She already told you where you are, and you don't know exactly?!" Sokka questioned in disbelief.

The King of the Titans thought to himself for a moment. He thought it would be best to tell them that he was from another world. But it might confuse the situation even further, and he had the feeling that these humans wouldn't believe him if he did anyway. However, he had no choice but to tell them what really happened.

"What if I tell you that... I fell from the heavens?" Then Godzilla pointed towards the huge crater where he had crashed earlier, "And crashed on that part where I caused a crater?"

This struck the trio into realization, as they knew what the Alpha Titan meant.

"Wait a minute... are you saying that you're the falling blue comet from the skies?" Aang questioned the saurian with widened eyes, while Godzilla raised a brow in slight surprise.

"I take that the three of you saw me earlier; am I correct?" The Nuclear Leviathan asked, to which the airbender nodded.

"Yeah! We saw you falling before you landed here in this place, so we decided to follow you until we reached this destination." Aang answered, while Godzilla looked surprised at this, as he knew that he had sensed them coming towards this place with their giant furry companion a while ago. Then the boy had a huge grin plastered on his face as he continued, "And I didn't know that a cool-talking monster like you would come out of that crater!"

'Cool?' Godzilla thought with mild surprise, as he never expected this from a human. Mostly, humans from his world would fear the Titans or any other gigantic creatures as they knew what they're capable of, but what he heard from the boy was some sort of compliment that humans would say, as this made him estranged about these kids in front of him. He even sensed that the three never held fear towards him, although the other one was a bit cautious about his appearance.

"Cool, huh?" Sokka inquired as he inspected Godzilla for a moment, "I don't know what to say about you, but you're kinda... intimidating, don't ya think?"

"What made you say that?" The Alpha Titan raised a brow before glancing at Appa, who was sniffing him with curiosity.

"Well, I've seen plenty of creatures here at the South Pole, but I haven't seen one just like you before." Sokka crossed his arms; the spear was still in his hand.

"To be honest, my brother's right." Katara agreed as she replied, "I mean, your appearance looks strange in some sort of way—your size, scales, spikes, everything! How strong are you actually, aside from the fact that you forced those polar leopards to retreat and even healed your wounds quickly like it was nothing?"

Godzilla didn't know how to say this, but he thought it would be difficult to tell them, "Barely that you even know."

"I see..." Katara muttered before her eyes widened as she exclaimed in worry, "Oh no, it's getting late! We should get home, or Gran-Gran might be worried about us!"

"Gran-Gran?" Godzilla repeated.

"She's our grandmother, and she's the one who took care of us when Sokka and I were young." The girl answered to the saurian, "I hope she's not getting worried too much."

"But how are we-" Sokka stopped as a realization came into his mind before he turned to Aang and asked, "Hey, Aang. Do you think your bison could actually fly?"

'This creature can fly?' The saurian thought in disbelief as he looked at Appa for a moment. He was astonished that this bison-like creature could fly, despite the lack of wings. But he will soon find out if it's proven to be true.

"Well, he's still a bit tired, but I can still take you home." Aang answered, while the two siblings sighed in relief.

Then the airbender turned his head to Godzilla and asked, "Are you coming with us?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that you're not familiar with this place since you told us that you fell down from the skies." Katara added in agreement.

This shocked Godzilla, as he could only blink at their statement. For once, the saurian didn't really know what to say or think at the moment, as things were getting pretty fast. He'd just met these humans, and they were already offering him to join them. Needless to say, he was rather hesitant to take their offer, but should he accept it?

"Are you kidding me?! The village will freak out if they see a huge monster like him!" Sokka shouted at the two with disbelief.

"I apologize for your offer, but I'm sure that, Sokka, am I correct?" Sokka gave a nod in response before Godzilla continued, "He's indeed right, since your tribe might fear me because of my appearance."

The saurian knew the possibilities of how their village would react if they saw him, as they would either scream, run away, or even assault him with their weapons.

"Don't say that. Of course, they'll be glad to see both of you with Aang." Katara replied to the Alpha Titan.

"K-Katara!" Sokka exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, she's right! I mean, look at Appa! I think he's happy to meet new friends. Right, Appa?" The airbender asked, causing the flying bison to grunt in agreement, while Sokka couldn't help but sigh in defeat.

Then Aang walked towards Godzilla before he stopped a few meters away from the former, who simply looked down at him. The boy looked up at the saurian and said, "Trust me. I know you think that people are afraid of you, but I'm really sure that there's more to you than meets the eye."

Godzilla stared down at the boy with surprise and amazement as he saw something in his eyes: trust. He had to admit that these humans seemed to be more different than the ones from his world, but never in his life had he trusted a human being since he's neutral towards them.

Then the Nuclear Leviathan thought for a moment, knowing that they were right since he wasn't familiar with this new world. Not only that, he will also have to search for the other Titans, who were separated to different places because of the vortex that brought them here. But he let those thoughts aside, as he would have to join with these humans since it was clear to him that they wanted to repay him for saving Katara's life, so the reptilian Titan was left with only one option.

"Now, are you coming with us?" Katara asked as she approached the saurian.

Godzilla took one last glance around his surroundings before answering, "Since I had nowhere to roam, I guess I will have to join you for now."

This caused Aang and Katara to smile in return.

"Then what're we waiting for? Let's get going!" The airbender grinned before he gestured for Godzilla to join with them, which the former followed.

As Appa stepped into the cold shores, the two siblings climbed onto the flying bison's saddle once again while Aang jumped on Appa's head using his airbending skills, which shocked Godzilla as he couldn't help but look amazed at the boy's extraordinary ability. This reminded him of some of the creatures in his world, specifically Titans, who can create devastating gusts of wind when in flight or even have the ability to control and affect the weather. But seeing a human capable of manipulating the winds astonished him greatly.

Are there any humans capable of manipulating strange powers in this world? If so, it would be surprising for him, as he had never seen any humans having unusual abilities in his homeworld since they mostly rely on science and technology.

Meanwhile, Aang noticed the saurian's surprised expression and grinned sheepishly, "Oh! I forgot to tell you that I'm an airbender, hehe!"

'An airbender? So that's why he can control the winds? Fascinating.' Godzilla thought with sudden interest, as he would have to learn more about this new world.

As the saurian stepped onto the shores, Katara questioned, "By the way, can you swim in the ocean? Because I've noticed the gills on your neck."

"Indeed. I can swim by undulating my tail in the vast currents of this cold ocean. I also have amphibious lungs, with which I can spend my life on both land and water, as well as the gills on my neck to breathe and stay underwater indefinitely. But I have to close them when I'm on land so that I can use my lungs." Godzilla explained, while the three kids looked utterly surprised at his unique biology. Not only did he have immense strength and healing abilities, but he could also adapt to both environments, whether on land or at sea.

"Wow..." Both Katara and Sokka muttered in awe.

'I wonder what other abilities he has.' Aang thought with amazement as he wondered, 'Maybe I should find out soon.'

As Appa began to swim, Godzilla followed next as he swam through the icy waters with his tail moving like a crocodile while ignoring the freezing temperatures since he had become used to the colder places in his world. Then the two massive creatures continued to swim throughout the cold ocean, heading their way towards the Southern Water Tribe, where the two siblings lived.


The scene switched to the metal ship that kept on sailing through the freezing waters as the sun started to set. At the top of the ship, Prince Zuko stood at the metal railings, thinking about capturing the Avatar as he wanted.

Then Iroh soon approached his nephew and informed him, "I'm going to bed now."

The old man yawned with contentment before saying, "Yep, a man needs his rest."

Noticing that his nephew still hadn't moved or reacted to his words, Iroh pointed out, "Prince Zuko, you need some sleep. Even if you're right, and the Avatar is alive, you won't find him. Your father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all tried and failed."

"Because their honor didn't hinge on the Avatar's capture." Zuko retorted coldly, "Mine does."

Looking back over the icy waters, Zuko replied with determination in his voice, "This coward's hundred years in hiding are over."


Now it switched back to Godzilla and Appa, who were still both swimming through the icy seas. Aang laid lazily on his back, Sokka rested on his side at the back of the saddle as he was sleeping, and Katara crawled to the front to get a better look at the boy.

"Hey." Katara called out as she leaned on the front of the saddle, with her head resting on her arm.

"Hey." Aang replied back nonchalantly before he asked, "What'cha thinkin' about?"

"I guess I was wondering," Katara wondered with some questions in her mind, "Your being an airbender and all, if you had any idea what happened to the Avatar?"

This surprised the boy, as he was quick to say, "Oh, no."

The girl looked at Aang with confusion before the latter gave her a weak smile and replied, "I didn't know him. I mean, I knew people that knew him, but I didn't. Sorry."

"Okay. Just curious." Katara said as she slanted her eyes in disappointment for a second. But she decided that it was enough for now, so she smiled at Aang once again before saying, "Good night."

"Sleep tight." Aang replied back to her.

However, when Katara wasn't looking, the airbender uncomfortably turned around and held a guilty look on his face.

But unknown to Aang, Godzilla was listening to their entire conversation as he began to wonder as well. This 'Avatar' person seemed to be prominent in this world as it sounded that he's some kind of mysterious yet powerful being, but he decided not to say anything as he and Appa continued to float throughout the cold seas of the South Pole.

Things are getting much weirder in this new world, isn't it?


Hey, everyone! Fossilizer here! It took me a very long time to finish this new chapter, and I hope you like it! Oh! I watched the new teaser of the MonsterVerse series, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, as well as the trailer for Godzilla Minus One, as I got excited about it as a Godzilla fan. But the trailer for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire has not yet been released, so we'll have to wait longer.

In this chapter, I did my research on various fauna residing in the world of Avatar, and it seems that I picked the polar leopards since they're mostly common in the South Pole. Although they don't have an official image from the show's wiki, I found a few fanarts of what a polar leopard looked like as it was shown on top. I don't own the images, videos, and fanart, as I explained in the last chapter.

By the way, I edited the biography, especially the Titans' shrunken size, for some reasons. But in the future, I will publish a whole biography for all of the MonsterVerse Titans and creatures. (That includes Amhuluk, Tiamat, Camazotz, and even the other Titans as well.)

In the next chapter, Zuko and his army attack the Southern Water Tribe and demand that the Avatar be surrendered to him. But during the attack, Godzilla also appears to prevent Zuko from further attacking the tribe.

I don't own both of these shows since they were owned by their respective owners and companies.

Fossilizer out!

Next Chapter: The Siege

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