Double Trouble

By oXMoonBeamXo

56K 1.8K 291

Awakening in the world she thought she knew, Naruko quickly finds that everyone she knew was different and ev... More

Waking up
Getting used to it
The trip
All grown up
One hell of a walk
Its a secret?!
Quite the saunter
I am here
Getting it done
Strong arms
Trial # 2
on our way
Down the rabbit hole
Suprise its a girl
Taking me
Kiss me not
Yet again
For you
A small moment
A moment of silence
A great father
A lesson of sorts
Auther's note
Here we go
The reason we love
Authers note
Planet naruko
The last
A Special; Mizuki Hatake

A crowd

3.3K 101 22
By oXMoonBeamXo

I turned over in my sleep and yawned, it was morning already? I groaned, stretching and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and got up looking around in a sleepy daze, scratching my head. I was in kakshi's living room.

I must have spent the night at Kashi's. I wonder why I slept on the couch though? I shrugged as I got up and headed to the bathroom. I heard the water running when I walked into the hall. "Kashi?" I called as I opened the door, rubbing my eyes. "I had that strangest dream." I told her and was about to go on but was interrupted.

"Naruko! Get out" A man yelled.

My hand shot away from my eyes and I took in the view of Kakashi taking a shower! "gahh! It wasn't a dream!!?!!" I slammed the door and ran into the living room and changed lightning fast. I was about the run for my life, my face was on fire but I stopped in my tracks remembering everything. I sank to the floor. Oh man... after a couple of minutes Kakashi walked into the living room.

He crouched down. "Sorry I yelled..." he said softly. He was rubbing his neck and couldn't look me in the eyes.

I blushed. "sorry I walked in and saw you naked...." I said lightly, still dazed.

He cleared his throat standing up. "Ya, well at least we know it won't happen again because you will be with Naruto and I will not have a clear shower curtain ever again." He helped me up. His voice had been a little harsh but I shrugged it off.

I crossed my arms and let a tired breath out. "ya..." I mumbled.

"Ready to go?" He asked once I had put my pj's in my bag.

I nodded, "ready." We headed to the training area, I thought of something and smirked. "So how late are we?" I asked.

He thought for a second. "about an hour." He said it then chuckled.

I giggled at him. "Glad to see that, that's the same." I said it as I noticed the odd looks from people. I glared at them wondering. "People are staring..." I mumbled.

Kakashi looked around with a lazy look. "They probably think you're Naruto doing his sexy jutsu." He told me.

My face lit up, "sexy?" I asked, a little excited.

He seemed to notice what he said and glared down at me with a nervous look in his eyes. "uhh.. I didn't mean it like that." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

I laughed a little, "interesting..." I said it rubbing my chin. We reached the training area, I saw yellow. "Naruto!" I yelled and ran after him, leaving poor Kakashi to recollect. He was talking to someone.I ignored them and tackled the heck out of him.

"Huh?!? Oh it's Naruko!" He chuckled and hugged me. He stood up as he hugged me.

I started up at him and it hit me....that he had a bit of height on me. "hey no fair! How come you're tall and I'm not?!" I pouted on all fours in his face.

He stared at me and then squished my face. "Oh man, I'm so cute!" He said with a smirk. He poked at my face with a huge grin on his face.

I let out a breath and looked up meeting eyes the color of mint. I gasped and shot up. "woah!" I circled around her. "It's the girl Saku!" I said with a grin. It was still throwing me off...

She raised an eyebrow, "Saku?" She asked.

I nodded looking at naruto, "does she know?" I asked.

He shrugged, she nodded. "So my guy name is Saku? Huh... I'm Sakura, nice to meet you!" She said with a smile. She looked unsure about the whole thing but she stuck her hand out for a hand shake.

I shoved her hand away and hugged her, "oh sakura! You're pretty! Saku is handsome, but you surely surpass him!" I told her shocked. It was strange that everyone's opposite, some looked better in my world but others looked better here.

She laughed a little, "this is odd... Naruko is a sweet, adorable girl, with good taste and then there is Naruto." She said the part about me lightly then the part about Naruto dryly.

Kakashi finally reached us, I pouted. "hey! Don't be mean to him! Now you sound like Saku!" I growled ready to defend Naruto. Suddenly I had abrother to protect. It was nice.

She looked surprised, "what do you mean?" She was caught off guard.

I pouted, "Saku talks to me like that. He calls me a baby and that I'm a shrimp and to stay away from his Sasakia." I told her in a mocking voice.

She laughed nervously,then she looked thoughtful. "That means Sasuke's a girl..." She slowly had hearts in her eyes.

I deadpanned," un... yep your Saku..." I turned to Kakashi, "so! What are we doing today sensei?!" I asked excitedly, putting my hands together. Everyone just stared at me... "what?" They all blushed and looked away, making me shrug.

Kakashi cleared his throat. "Let's play the bell game." He Held up three bells, " I would like to test the team with its new member." He said it with a smile and then looked at me.

I gasped, "Yes!" I jumped up and down excited. I always loved doing this with my old team.


I was hiding in a tree right above Kakashi, who was reading. I sweat dropped... wow... I looked to check on Naruto and sakura. I was hoping this plan would work.

Naruto jumped from his spot, "ahh!" He yelled out reaching for the book.

Kakashi looked up and put the book up.

I grinned and snatched it up. He gasped looking up, "Hia! Bya!" I then ran, this would be the perfect trade. I could hear him coming after me though I saw Sakura coming in for her part.

My job was to get this book over the waterfall, but I knew I needed more time so that's why sakura came into the plan. She was a distraction. She shot from the trees throwing kunai at him as he was coming. He had to stop to block them and I kept going. I let my breath out and reached the waterfall in no time. I was not alone, first kakashi showed up then the others.

"What are you doing!!" He gasped. He looked like he was about to lose his child...

I smiled, "it's a negotiation." I almost purred at him.

He narrowed his eyes. "you wouldn't..." He said it with daringness in his voice. He was having trouble reading me. I could see him having to make serious choices in his head.

I raised an eyebrow, opening the book. I grabbed a page about to rip it. "Want to test it?" I asked. I locked eyes with him.

He glared, "the bells?" He asked, pulling them out. He held them out at arms length not taking his eyes off of me.

I nodded, "give them to sakura and have her check them." I ordered. I glanced at Sakura and nodded toward Kakashi.

He did as he was told. I watched him but listened to Sakura's approval. "They are real." I relaxed only slightly. At least we didn't need to share the bells like normal. I held the book out to Kakashi once Naruto and Sakura had backed off.

"Good." he smirked, "you all pass..." He took the book and checked on it to make sure I hadn't damaged it.

I smiled and hooped to where my bag lay and sat in a tree. In the other world I was in this tree all the time, it was really strange how it was the same but different. I heard footsteps and a lot of them.

"Naruto! Is it true!?" It was a guy's voice, I just sat there listening. I tilted my head normally I could tell who it was but everyone had new voices.

"Is that true?" Naruto asked back dumbly.

"You're like twin from another world!" This was a girl...

"I think it's a bunch of crap!" This was a guy.

I giggled and jumped down. "It's true." I said it with a stern look on my face.

They all stared at me. I recognized a lot of faces and frowned. My eyes landed on one face, I gasped and slumped to the ground.

Naruto leaned down, "what's wrong?!" He asked worried.

"Hina is a girl now!" I said with a pout.

They all looked puzzled, "Hina?... Hinata?!?!" They all looked at the beautiful shy girl.

She pressed her fingers together, "uhh...hi?" She said shyly. Her face was bright red.

I jumped up and went over to her. She was taller than me. "this sucks.... you as a liked me ya know?" I said it in a whisper to her. Watching her face for a reaction.

She blushed really hard, I oohed and giggled. "I'm sorry..." I turned, "hahahahahaha! Kiba is a boy and Neji?! Oh man this is killing Inon is a girl....." I sighed deeply, all my girls gone..

Kiba grinned, "dang she's pretty cute! But what is she going on about?" Kiba was pretty cute for a guy... It was strange though.

Kakashi sighed, "she is from a world where everyone's gender is switched, that is why she is a girl and Naruto is a boy..."

They all stood there thinking it through. "That's awesome, crazy... So I'm a girl? What am I like?" Kiba asked, leaning in.

I smirked, "Kiba was like my best friend! She loved hiking and dogs and shopping! " I said it thinking of Kiba back home and how I was already starting to miss her.

He looked disappointed, "man....I sound like a girl." He grumbled.

I rolled my eyes, "You baka, that's because you are in my world." I stood up and stretched. I hugged Kiba, he smelled like my Kiba. He didn't seem to know what to do. "You smell like my Kiba." I sighed.

He blushed, "well you smell... uhh... Nothing like Naruto... Like flowers." He said it with a blush spreading across his face.

I smiled, "aww really?" I looked at Naruto who looked confused.

We all chatted for a while and mostly everyone had to leave. Kakashi was leaning on a tree reading which shocked me. Kashia never read... I shrugged, waving goodbye to everyone. It was just back to me, Naruto and sakura.

Sakura looked at her watch, "oh man I have to go, see ya later guys." she waved while taking off.

Scratch that, now it's just me, and Naruto. He looked at me with a cute smile. "Naruko, you're so cute!" He said it gleaming at me.

I blushed, "You're cute to naruto... but I'm shocked at how good looking everyone is with their genders changed." I laughed a little thinking about the day.

He snickered, "really?"

I nodded, "sept for the ones that I'm used to being guys."

He laughed, "like Saku?!"

I nodded, "It's not that she is ugly or anything like that ....She is really pretty actually but I used to have a crush on Saku... and Hina... Inon was annoying though... " I snickered, I looked at Kakashi and leaned into Naruto whispering. "But... I'm the most surprised with kakashi..." I whispered to him in a super low voice.

Naruto tilted his head, "what do you mean?" He asked.

I blushed, " just look..." I rummaged through my bag and pulled out a photo of Kashia. We crouched down and looked at it while next to each other hiding it.

"Wow... she's pretty hehe." He said with a happily dumb smile.

I cringed, well I can't say much since I think kakashi's hot.

"What are you two troublemakers do- is that Kashia?" Kakashi's voice came from behind. He was caught off guard by the picture.

We looked over our shoulders at Kakashi who was crouched down behind us.

I gasped while hiding the photo. "what?! Uh no?" I looked away fast.

He laughed nervously, "I'm not an idiot. I literally just saw it..." He mumbled.

I laughed, "Alright fine." I turned sitting on my butt. I handed him the photo, he took it looking at it with his one eye.

He handed it back, "so she wears a mask also." He said it touching his own.

I snickered, "yeah but I have seen her without it." I said, bored. " I have to say people would be shocked.

Naruto gasped, "what?!" His head snapped to me.

Kakashi panicked, "really?" He asked.

I sighed, "it was when I was taking a shower with her." I tried to explain then stopped when I realized it sounded very bad.

They both inhaled and blushed.

I laid back in the grass, "yeah, I know it sounds weird." I shrugged, I wasn't a lesbian or anything. I looked up at the sky, "She was my best friend in a way.... But also my powerful sensei!" I smiled and thought of the endless memories.

Naruto snickered, "that's weird best friends with this old man." He said it looking at Kakashi in disgust.

That hit Kakashi hard, making me laugh hard, "oh naruto! That's not nice! Kakashi isn't that much older then us." I stood up and sighed, "I'm hungry..." I tried to change the subject.

Naruto got excited , "ramen?!?!" He said it loudly jumping up.

I gasped "yes!" I began to agree.

He jumped up grabbing my hand. I grabbed kakashi's and we both got dragged toward the roman shop. "Naruto! Gosh we could have walked." I said it once we stood breathless outside the ramen stand.

He just smiled and drolled. I embarrassingly looked at Kakashi who had passed out. I flopped on him, he grunted. "Kakashi don't feel down, I don't think you're old." I giggled and hugged him.

Naruto froze looking creeped out. "eww Naruko you look like a perv!" He said it while leaning on the stool.

I laughed, "I do not!" I said it while still hugging kakashi.

He glared toward me. " You're right... but it still looks too... touchy." He said it with a look of distaste.

I felt kakashi starting to heat up. Is he sick? I got up and helped him up, "Lets get some food." I sang. I hurried over to the benches.

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