The Lost Boys (A OC Insert)

By NickFlier1

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I know I already made a Lost Boy story, but it's such a good movie. In this story is going to be James Emers... More

Welcome to Santa Carla/The Mysterious Girls
The Cave/What you are

The Rescue/A Battle

11 0 0
By NickFlier1

Sam was fast asleep but woke up when he heard a creaking sound. He turned on the light to see a stuffed owl sitting next to his bed, it caused him to scream. He grabbed the owl and put it in his closet.

Sam: I wish grandpa would stop giving me these stupid things.

He closed the closet door, he turned around to see James and Michael standing there.

Mike: It's ok, Sam. We know what we are now.

Sam: Don't kill me guys, I'm basically a good kid just don't kill me.

James: We're not going to hurt you buddy.

They heard someone yelling outside, James and Michael opened the window only to see Sarah.

Sam: It's one of the girls from the boardwalk, are they one of them?

Sarah: James, I need to talk to you and Michael, can I come up?

James: No. Sammy lock your door and window, we'll be back.

As Michael and James turned around to go downstairs, there was a gust of wind in the room, the brothers turned around to see that Sarah was already in the room, Sam gasped.

Sam: She's one of them! And don't tell it doesn't make her a bad person, James!

He hid under the covers of his bed.

James: You know where David took us tonight, don't you Sarah?

Mike: That wasn't wine that we drank the other night, it was blood, David's blood.

Sam: You drank someone's blood?! Are you crazy?!

Sarah: James, I'm so sorry. Me and Star tried to warn you guys.

Mike: Me and James are just like David now.

Sarah: No. You're like Star, Laddie, and me. You don't become full-

Sam: Until you make your first kill!

James thought for a second.

James: Why didn't you kill me last night?

Sarah: You were supposed to be my first. That's what David wanted.

James held Sarah by her arms making her look at him.

James: Why did you come here tonight?

Sarah had a few tears rolling down her cheek.

Sarah: I was hoping that you and Mike could help us. For you two it's easy, but for me, Star, and Laddie it's get harder and harder to resist.

James chuckled as he pushed Sarah away, she flew out the window and was gone in a flash.

James: Sarah!

Sam popped his head out the window.

Sam: Don't kill anyone until we get back to you!

Sam ran to his phone and started dialing a number.

Micheal: What're you doing?

Sam: Don't worry I got connections.

Later that day, the Frog brothers rode up the driveway to the Emerson house. Sam opened the door, Edgar and Alan entered the house.

Edgar: Alright where's Nosferatu?

Sam: Who?

Edgar: The nightcrawler.

Alan: The bloodsucker.

Edgar: El Vampiro.

Sam: Mike! James! They're here!

Mike and James came downstairs, to be met by Edgar and Alan. The five of them got in Grandpas car and started driving. Sam saw Grandpa digging a hole.

Sam: Hey Grandpa, is it alright if we borrow your car?!

Before he could answer, they were already gone. Once they got to the cave, Mike parked the car. Edgar and Alan hopped out of the car.

Edgar: Weapons check!

Sam helped James and Mike out of the car, considering them being part vampires, they still don't like the sunlight, and with-it being daytime they are very tired.

James: Sam, we don't want you going down there.

Sam: I'm going.

Mike: Sammy, these guys are brutal killers.

Sam: So are the Frog brothers.

They looked at the brothers checking their weapons.

Mike: If something happens down there, me or James aren't going to have the strength to protect you.

Sam: This time I'll protect you guys. Even though you're vampires, you're still my brothers.

Mike and James smiled at their little brother. As Edgar and Alan started going towards the cave, Edgar turned around and pointed at James and Mike.

Edgar: Just so you know, if you try to stop us or vamp-out in anyway, I'll stake you both without thinking twice about it.

Sam: Chill out, Edgar.

Edgar: Right, let's go.

Mike, James, and Sam walked towards the cave, James whispered to Sam.

James: Where the hell did you find these guys?

Once they entered the cave Edgar and Alan looked around.

Edgar: Holy shit!

Alan: Vampire hotel!

The Frog brothers looked over and saw three sleeping figures. Edgar and Alan pulled out wooden stakes.

Edgar: Here's three of them!

Alan: Let's stake them!

Sam, James, and Micheal entered the cave, they saw that Frog brothers were about to kill Star, Sarah, and Laddie.

James: Don't touch them!

Mike: Stay away from them!

Edgar: Come on. Vampires have such rotten tempers.

James and Micheal went over to where Star, Sarah, and Laddie were sleeping, Mike went to Star and James went to Sarah. James shook Sarah softly waking her up.

James: Sarah?

Sarah: Hm?

James: I'm getting you out of here.

James took off his jacket and wrapped it around Sarah's head, to protect her from the sun light. He picked her up bridal style and carried her to the car while Micheal carried Laddie. James sat in the backseat with Sarah on his lap, with James falling asleep and Sarah cuddling into his chest. He smiled down at the sleeping girl in his arms. Micheal came out with Laddie wrapped in Mikes' jacket, he sat Laddie in the back with James and Sarah. He later came back out with Star in his arms, wrapped in a blanket. He sat in the backseat of the car with Star in his lap, the Emerson brothers fell asleep. A few minutes later, Sam and the Frog brothers come running out of the cave.

Sam: James! Mike! Start the car! We got to go!

The three made their way up the stairs to the car. Sam went to his brothers trying to wake them up, but it was no use. Alan was freaking out.

Alan: We blew it man!

Edgar: Shut up!

Alan: We unraveled in the face of fear!

Edgar: They pulled a mind scramble on us! They opened their eyes and talked!

Sam got in the driver seat.

Sam: I'll drive.

Alan: We don't ride with vampires.

Sam: Fine then stay here.

The two brothers looked back at the stairs then at each other.

Edgar: We do now.

Alan: Yeah.

The Frog brothers hopped in the car while Sam started it, he threw the car in reverse.

Edgar: Burn rubber!

Edgar stepped on the gas making the car go towards the cliff, the three screamed while Sam pressed on the brakes, stopping the car before it went off the cliff.

Edgar: Christ!

Sam: "Burn rubber" does not mean "warp speed"!

Sam threw the car in drive and drove back to the house. By the time they got to the house, James and Mike had woken up.

Mike: Where are we?

Sam: Back home buddy. Come on let's get inside.

Edgar carried Laddie while James carried Sarah and Mike carried Star. They went inside to find Nanook barking at them.

Sam: Cool it Nanook!

Edgar: Your dog knows a flesh eater when he sees one.

Mike: Put him outside Sam.

While Sam was putting Nanook outside, the others made their way upstairs but were stopped by Grandpa.

Grandpa: James! Micheal! Do you two know the rule about taking the car without asking and not filling it up with gas?

James and Mike: No Grandpa.

Grandpa chuckled.

Grandpa: Now you do.

The brothers rolled their eyes and made their way up to Micheals room. Mike laid Star down while Edgar placed Laddie next her, James laid Sarah on the other side of Laddie. The two older Emerson brothers fell asleep on the floor next to the bed while Sam came in and the Frog brothers were moving to the door.

Sam: Ok guys we definitely blew plan A.

Edgar: Now we activate plan B.

Sam: What's plan B?

Edgar: We don't know, we only have 2 and a half hours to come up with one.

Sam: Why, what's in 2 and a half hours?

Edgar: The sun's going to go down and they'll be looking for us.

As the Frogs left the room, Sam looked back at his brothers, Alan came back and grabbed Sam by his shirt and pulled him out of the room. The three hopped on their bikes and rode down to the boardwalk, to Max's Video Store. Once they got to the boardwalk, Sam rode his bike into the store. He saw his mom helping customers, he rode his bike right up to his mom.

Sam: Mom!

Lucy: Sam, what're you doing with your bike in here?

Sam: Mom listen to me. Santa Carla is crawling with vampires.

She turned to the customers.

Lucy: Will you excuse me? Come on Sam, get you bike out of the store.

Lucy started to usher Sam out of the store.

Sam: Look there's evidence on my sweater, please we got to do something. Mom you got to tell someone.

Lucy: Ok just stop.

Sam: Mo-

Lucy: No not another word. I can't believe you're doing this, I'm seeing Max tonight and you're trying to ruin it for me.

Sam: No I'm not!

Lucy: Sweetie there's nothing wrong with Max, I don't know why you don't want me to see-

Sam: I'm not talking about Max, alright?! To hell with Max!

Lucy looked at her son with upset look on her face.

Lucy: I'll deal you later young man.

She walked away.

Sam: Mom-

Lucy: No.

He rode his bike out of the store, up to the Frog brothers.

Sam: Looks like we're on our own guys.

Edgar: Good, that's how we like it.

The three rode to a church. They went up the stairs of the church, when they entered, they had interrupted a baptism. The boys went to the Holy Water and filled up canteens full. Once they were done filling the canteens, they rode back to the house. Sam went to find Grandpa in his taxidermy room.

Sam: Grandpa? The Widow Johnson called she said to pick her up at 7 instead of 8, ok?

Grandpa: We got a date tonight?

Sam: I guess so, she said not to be late.

Grandpa: Well, I probably should freshen up then.

After a few minutes, Grandpa left, the three brothers looked at each other.

Mike: Come on we got work to do!

The Emerson and Frog brothers started to prepare to whole house, Sam was in the kitchen crunching up garlic, the Frog brothers set he fireplace on fire, Mike was locking all the doors and windows, and James was gathering all the sharpest object he could find. The Frog brothers and Sam filled up a bathtub full of Holy Water and garlic, they filled up their water guns. Mike and James looked out the window, watching the sun set. Sarah and Star looked up at the brothers.

Star: They'll be coming for Sarah, Laddie, and me, won't they?

Mike: They'll be coming for all of us.

The sun had finally set on the horizon, Mike, and Star were talking upstairs, James and Sarah were in the kitchen, and the Frog brothers, Sam, and Laddie were sitting in the living room. Edgar was explaining the rules about vampires.

Edgar: I got to warn you, if a vampire buys it, it's never a pretty sight, some implode some explode, some scream some go quietly, you got to go for the heart.

All of a sudden, there was barking coming from outside. Sam jumped up and ran to the door.

Sam: Nanook! I left him outside!

Alan: No Sam don't go out there!

Edgar: Stop him!

Mike: No Sam!

James: Sam get back here!

Sam ran outside to Nanook and tried to untie him. Mike and James ran after their brother.

Sam: Mike! James!

The old Emerson brothers worked together to get Nanook untied. Just then, the Frog brothers, Star, Sarah, and Laddie looked up at the sky to see the Lost Boys flying towards them.

Alan: Here they come!

Star: Micheal they're coming!

Laddie: Hurry up!

Edgar: Let's go!

Sarah: Come on!

The brothers got Nanook untied and started running back towards the house. Sam tripped but James caught him, he threw Sam on his shoulder and continued running to the house. Once everyone was inside Mike slammed the doors and locked them, James put Sam down.

Mike: Take them up stairs!

The Frog brothers took Star, Sarah, and Laddie upstairs while the Emerson's stayed downstairs. All of a sudden, there was a loud crash, Dwayne had busted through the fireplace kicking Mike and James in the face knocking all three of them down. When they fell down, Dwayne yanked the chandelier out of the ceiling making everything go dark. Sam checked on his brothers, but they were both unconscious. The Frog brothers led the half vampires into Sams room. When Edgar closed the door, he pulled out a wooden stake.

Edgar: I say we terminate them right now!

Sarah: Run!

Sarah, Star, and Laddie ran away from the brothers, once they rounded a corner they were met by Paul, causing the brothers to scream. He walks towards them while they were backing up into the bathroom.

Paul: Hey! You're mine! 

They tried to stab Paul with wooden stake and shoot him with their Holy Water guns, but he knocked them out of their hands.

Paul: You killed Marko!

Edgar: Yeah! And you're next!

Paul: No you're next!

The boys looked at the tub full of garlic and Holy Water, Paul grabbed both of them by the collar of their shirts.

Paul: Garlic don't work boys!

Edgar: Try Holy Water death breath!

Edgar broke out of Paul's grip and splashed him with the water. The water burned his face, Paul pushed Alan into Edgar knocking them both to the ground. Paul started walking towards the brother but stopped when he heard Nanook barking. Nanook came in running right at Paul, he jumped and knocked Paul into the tub full of Holy Water. Edgar, Alan, and Nanook got out of the bathroom. All of a sudden, all the pipes in the house burst with blood spewing out of them. Back down in the living room, Sam turned on a lamp looking around for Dwayne, while he was still trying to wake up his brothers. Just then, Dwayne reached down and grabbed Sam by his shirt, yanking him into the air. Sam reached to his side and grabbed his water gun, he squirted Dwayne in the eye, he dropped Sam who landed on the couch. Sam made his way to the table of weapons and grabbed a bow and arrow. Dwayne flew towards Sam, who shot the arrow and hit Dwayne, he fell to the ground. Dwayne hopped back to his feet with a chuckle.

Dwayne: You missed sucker!

Sam: Only once pal.

Sam grabbed another arrow and shot Dwayne right in the heart, Dwayne fell back into the stereo. Sam ran to his brother who regained consciousness. While Dwayne was getting electrocuted, his body exploded into many pieces. Sam looked up with a chuckle.

Sam: Death by stereo.

James: Let's go.

As the brother made their way upstairs, they stopped to see the kitchen overflowing. James and Micheal looked upstairs to see that Sam made his way into a room. When the two tried to go up the stairs, they were met by David who pushed them back downstairs. They got back up only to find nothing, just then, James felt a punch in the gut which made him drop to his knees. David flew by Mike scratching him on the neck. The brothers looked up to see the shadow of David.

Mike: You afraid to face us David?! Huh!?

David: I tried to make both of you immortal.

James: You tried to make us killers!

James and Mike, both got punched in the face by David who sat on one of the rafters, chuckling but stopped when the brother looked up at him, their faces have morphed into vampires.

David: You are killers.

James was the first to attack. He flew towards David who grabbed James by the neck and threw James against the wall. Next, it was Micheal's turn. He and David battled in the air, Mike flew David towards a pair of antlers but missed, David smiled and chuckled.

David: My turn.

David flew with Mike towards Grandpas taxidermy room which had a long pair of antlers sticking out. But Mike stopped by grabbing the doorway, his grip was slipping.

David: It's too late! My blood is in your veins, as well as your brothers!

Mike: So is ours!

Mike let go of the door and tossed David onto the antlers, stabbing David right through the heart. James and Mike looked at David's body, they were hoping something would change, but nothing happened. They heard running coming down the stairs, they stood to the side. It was Sarah and Star.

Sarah: James!

Star: Micheal!

The girls gasped at the sight of David's body. They were pulled aside by James and Mike.

Mike: Don't let them see us like this.

Sam: Mike! James!

Sam and the Frog brothers saw David's body.

Mike: Get away Sam.

Sam: Guys what's wrong?

Mike: I said get away!

Edgar: What's the matter? You destroyed the head vampire.

James: Nothing's changed.

Sarah: He's right, I don't feel different.

All of a sudden, they heard Lucy yelling.

Lucy: Michael?! Sam?! James?!

Sam: I'll handle mom, don't let her see the bodies.

Lucy and max came through the door to find that the whole house was trashed.

Max: What the hell's going on?

While Sam and the Frog brothers were distracting Lucy, Max came into the room a inspected David's body.

Lucy: I'm not speaking another word to you until I speak to Micheal or James.

Max: I'm sorry Lucy, this is all my fault. David and my boys misbehaved. I told you, boys need a mother.

Lucy: Max, what're you talking about?

Sam gasped.

Sam: I knew it! You're the head vampire!

Lucy: Sam don't start this again.

Alan: But you passed the test!

Max: Never invite a vampire into your house you silly boy, it renders you powerless.

Sam looked at Edgar.

Sam: Did you know that?

Edgar: Of course, everyone knows that.

Star and Sarah came around the corner.

Star: You were the secret that David was protecting.

Max nodded.

Lucy: Who the hell are these two?

Max looked at Lucy and smiled.

Max: It was you I was after along Lucy, I knew if I could get your boys into the family, there was no way you could say no.

Lucy: Where's James and Micheal?

Max: It was going to be so perfect. Your boys, and my boys. Like one big happy family.

The Frog brothers, Sam, and Lucy started backing away.

Edgar: Great, the bloodsucking Brady Bunch!

Max turned and looked at Lucy with his face now morphed into a vampire, causing everyone to gasp.

Max: I still want you Lucy! I haven't changed my mind about that!

Just then, James and Micheal came around the corner showing everyone their vampire faces.

James: We didn't invite you in this time you son of a bitch!

Lucy gasped and saw what had happened to her kids. First Michael tried to charge Max but ended up getting thrown on the balcony knocking him out. Then James tried to do something, but Max threw him into the bookshelf knocking him out. Star tried to stab Max but he pushed her down, Sarah charged at Max but was thrown at the same bookshelf as James which she landed in James' lap, then the Frog brothers went after him but they were tossed away. Sam stepped in front of Lucy.

Sam: Don't you touch my mother!

Sam tried to swing at Max but missed which allowed Max to put Sam in a headlock, he held out his hand to Lucy.

Max: Don't fight it Lucy. It's so much better if you don't fight.

Sam: Mom! Don't!

Lucy hesitantly took Max's hand, he pulled her to him and tried to bite her neck but stopped when he heard the sound of Grandpa's car horn. Mike and James had awoken, James grabbed Sam and Lucy and yanked them out of the way while Micheal came down from the balcony and pushed Max towards the Jeep, which had a giant wooden stake. The stake stabbed Max right in the heart, pushing him into the fireplace, Max erupted into a giant ball of fire. James covered Sarah while smoked, ash, and soot came from the fireplace. The smoke had cleared and everyone was coughing and looking around. Star looked at Mike to see his face had turned back to normal.

Star: It's over, it's over!

Just then Laddie came running down the stairs with Nanook.

Laddie: Star! Sarah!

Sarah and Star: Laddie!

The two girls ran and hugged Laddie.

Mike: Is everyone ok?

Lucy and Sam got up and went over to Michael and James.

Lucy: Oh my babies, thank God you're ok!

Grandpa walked into the kitchen and Lucy saw him and followed along with Michael, Sam, and James.

Lucy: Dad! Dad? Dad, you alright?

Grandpa took a root beer out from the fridge and drank it.

Grandpa: The one thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach. All the damn vampires.

James and Sarah went up to each other and hugged.

James: I think I'm ready for that tattoo.

Sarah smiled and leaned against James' chest.

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