Welcome to Santa Carla/The Mysterious Girls

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(A/N: A little background) Micheal was the oldest, he was kind of the protector of his younger brothers. He felt that he needed to keep an eye on them whenever he can, other than his brothers and his mom, his bike was the next thing he loved. James was the middle child, he really appreciated Micheal watching over him but, he thought that it was a little much, he was in a band, but it all fell apart, considering one of the band members mothers slept with his dad. James' dad cheated on his mom with one of his best friends' moms. After James found out, he beat his no longer friend up. Sam was the youngest Emerson, he loved comic books like there was no freaking tomorrow. He didn't want to leave Phenix considering all his friends were there. And now on with the story.

It was a nice and sunny day in California, the Emersons were driving down the highway, heading to Santa Carla. Lucy had just gone through a divorce with her ex-husband back in Phoenix. After the divorce was filed, she packed up took her three kids, Micheal, James, and Sam, and decided to head back to her hometown of Santa Carla. Lucy was driving, Sam was sitting in the front reading a comic, James, Micheal, and Nanook were sitting in the back. As Lucy drove, she was switching radio stations, but the boys disapproved of each station she found.

Lucy: How about this?

Mike: Keep going mom.

She switched to another station, and Lucy smiled as the song was Groovin' on a Sunday Afternoon. She started to sing along with the radio.

James, Mike, and Sam: Keep going.

Lucy: Wait, wait, wait, this is from my era, Groovin' on a Sunday Afternoon.

The boys looked at each other and smiled.

James, Micheal, and Sam: Keep going.

Lucy: Geez you guys are so rough. Hey we're almost there.

She pointed at the "Welcome to Santa Carla" sign. Sam took a sniff of the air, which made his face scrunch up with disgust.

Sam: Mom, what's that smell?

Lucy smelled the air and sighed.

Lucy: Oh, that's the smell of the ocean. Don't worry boys, you'll get used to it.

Sam: It smells like someone died.

Lucy sighed sadly and look at her boys.

Lucy: Sweeties, I know the past year has been rough, but things are going to change for the better.

As they drove passed the Santa Carla sign, Micheal and James looked back to see "Murder Captial of the World" painted on the back of the sign. As they entered the town, a light on the dash started flashing. Lucy pulled into a gas station and filled up the car, while Sam took Nanook for a walk, Micheal walked around asking if there are any places hiring, and James stood with his mom. He saw two young kids looking for food in a dumpster.

James: I'll be right back, mom.

He walked over to the kids eating out of the dumpster, he pulled out some money from his wallet. He gave the kids the money.

James: Here you go guys, go buy yourself something to eat.

Kids: Thank you, sir!

The kids ran to a hotdog stand as James walked back to the car. Micheal pulled his bike off the trailer, while Lucy, Sam, James, and Nanook got back in the car. After a few minutes of driving, they pulled into a long driveway leading up to a big house, but it looks more like a log cabin or something right out of a horror movie. Micheal parked his bike while Sam, Lucy, and James got out of the car.

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