The Rescue/A Battle

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Sam was fast asleep but woke up when he heard a creaking sound. He turned on the light to see a stuffed owl sitting next to his bed, it caused him to scream. He grabbed the owl and put it in his closet.

Sam: I wish grandpa would stop giving me these stupid things.

He closed the closet door, he turned around to see James and Michael standing there.

Mike: It's ok, Sam. We know what we are now.

Sam: Don't kill me guys, I'm basically a good kid just don't kill me.

James: We're not going to hurt you buddy.

They heard someone yelling outside, James and Michael opened the window only to see Sarah.

Sam: It's one of the girls from the boardwalk, are they one of them?

Sarah: James, I need to talk to you and Michael, can I come up?

James: No. Sammy lock your door and window, we'll be back.

As Michael and James turned around to go downstairs, there was a gust of wind in the room, the brothers turned around to see that Sarah was already in the room, Sam gasped.

Sam: She's one of them! And don't tell it doesn't make her a bad person, James!

He hid under the covers of his bed.

James: You know where David took us tonight, don't you Sarah?

Mike: That wasn't wine that we drank the other night, it was blood, David's blood.

Sam: You drank someone's blood?! Are you crazy?!

Sarah: James, I'm so sorry. Me and Star tried to warn you guys.

Mike: Me and James are just like David now.

Sarah: No. You're like Star, Laddie, and me. You don't become full-

Sam: Until you make your first kill!

James thought for a second.

James: Why didn't you kill me last night?

Sarah: You were supposed to be my first. That's what David wanted.

James held Sarah by her arms making her look at him.

James: Why did you come here tonight?

Sarah had a few tears rolling down her cheek.

Sarah: I was hoping that you and Mike could help us. For you two it's easy, but for me, Star, and Laddie it's get harder and harder to resist.

James chuckled as he pushed Sarah away, she flew out the window and was gone in a flash.

James: Sarah!

Sam popped his head out the window.

Sam: Don't kill anyone until we get back to you!

Sam ran to his phone and started dialing a number.

Micheal: What're you doing?

Sam: Don't worry I got connections.

Later that day, the Frog brothers rode up the driveway to the Emerson house. Sam opened the door, Edgar and Alan entered the house.

Edgar: Alright where's Nosferatu?

Sam: Who?

Edgar: The nightcrawler.

Alan: The bloodsucker.

Edgar: El Vampiro.

Sam: Mike! James! They're here!

The Lost Boys (A OC Insert)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें