Ice. (DNF skating AU) angst.

By GirlinRed29

22.5K 946 2.6K

George was on the ice since he could walk. It was his passion. His future. His everything. His world would be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

1.3K 56 221
By GirlinRed29

♡George pov♡

I just want him to leave. I wanna be alone.

"Do you wanna talk about why you're crying?" He asked.

"I wasn't crying." I stated.

"Yes, you were. I heard it." He said.

I sighed and leaned my head back, hitting it against the wall.

"Just go away." I mumbled.

I heard the bathroom door open and shut.

"Is George in here?" I heard Levi ask.

I groaned and put my head in my hands.

"If you came in here to tell me I did shit, I've already heard it from enough people." I told him.

"That's not what I was doing. I just want to talk. I want to apologize." He said.

Might as well go with him. I've already hurt myself. What's the difference if someone else does it? I deserve it anyway.

"Fine." I mumbled.

I pulled myself up and gathered my stuff. I unlocked the stall door and grabbed my bag as the door swung open. Clay was still sitting on the ground.

"I don't want to go very far. I fucked up my ankle." I told Levi.

He nodded and started towards the door. I limped behind him. I heard Clay get up from the ground as the door shut behind me. I followed Levi to the locker room. He walked over to sit on the bench. I stood close to the door.

"Why don't you want to be with me anymore?" He asked.

I stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Are you serious right now? We were never together." I stated.

"Yes, we were George! I loved you!" He said, raising his voice.

"You had a boyfriend, Levi. A boyfriend that I didn't know about. You only wanted me for sex. Any time I tried to ask you about any kind of serious relationship, it was always your dick in my mouth to shut me up. I regret it. I regret all of it. Everything I did with you." I ranted.

"I didn't tell you about my boyfriend because I wanted you to stay. If I told you, you would just leave." He said.

"No. You didn't want me. You wanted my body. The only interactions we EVER had were just sex. Every single time we met up, it ended in you fucking me. You never cared. You never showed me any type of affection. You fucked me then left after you were satisfied." I told him, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

He was clearly getting pissed off.

"You don't know what you're talking about! I cared about you, George!" He yelled.

The tears began to roll down my face.

"You were the first person I even dared to love. I never had time for relationships, but I made time for you. I've canceled lessons to come to your hotel, hoping, just fucking hoping you actually wanted something real. But no. You fucked me and made me leave. You didn't love me, Levi. I loved you." I ranted through tears.

He was getting even more pissed off.

"So then why don't you want me back?" He asked.

"Because you're a piece of shit! Do you know how much pain you caused me!?" I yelled.

"That's in the past, George!" He shouted.

"It isn't in the past for me! Maybe for you, but not me." I stated.

He scoffed and stood up.

"Do you really think anybody would actually love you?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Well, it's a goddamn lie! You're fucking useless! You have too many problems for anyone to deal with! You can't even deal with them yourself!" He yelled, grabbing onto my sleeve.

He pulled it up. Dried blood coated my arm. I quickly pulled it back down.

He's the only person who knew besides Niki.

"Oh, and let's not talk about the fact that you fucking starve yourself. Or that you refuse to keep a meal down. It's always not eating or throwing it up with you, isn't it? I'm surprised they haven't sent your ass to a mental hospital yet." He said angrily.

He walked towards me as more tears ran down my face.

"Or that mommy and daddy used to hit you when you messed up? You tried to kill yourself in middle school. You cut yourself because you need to even out your mistakes. You push your body until it can't anymore because all you've ever wanted was to be enough. Well, guess what, George? You aren't, and you never will be. You're too fucked up." He stated.

He opened the door to the locker room and left. Once the door slammed, I slid down the wall and onto the floor. I curled my knees to my chest. I covered my face with my hands, letting out a choked sob.

I never should've told him all of that. He could tell anyone.

The door slowly opened. I felt myself freeze.

Vulnerable. You're vulnerable. Stop crying. Get it together. Be perfect. Be happy.

"What happened?" I heard Clay ask softly.

I tried to keep it together, but the caring tone of his voice fucking broke me.

"George." He mumbled.

I heard him sit next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug.

I've never been hugged before.

"Hey, it's okay. Calm down." He said quietly.

I kept my arms close to my chest. I don't know if I should hug him back or not. He tightened his grip on me.

"Everything's alright." He mumbled.

It's not alright. Nothing is alright. I'm a failure. A fucking disappointment.

I pushed myself away from Clay. I can't stand being in his space right now. I don't know how to handle his kindness.

"George I-"

"Just leave me alone." I muttered.

"I can't leave you alone. Not like this. You're clearly not okay." He stated.

I took a deep breath. I pulled myself up, and he did the same. He put a gentle hand on my shoulder, but I shoved him away.

"Fuck off!" I yelled.

He stared at me, looking a little shocked.

"Jesus Clay. Just fuck off." I said, more tears rolling down my face.

"I'm sorry, George." He mumbled.

♡Clay pov♡

I left the locker room and went down the hallway. I went up the stairs. I walked through the lobby and saw the media guys with their cameras. I left the arena and started towards my car.


I turned around to see Punz.

"Did you find him?" He asked.

I nodded. He frowned a bit, seeing my distraught expression.

"What happened?" He asked.

"He was crying in the bathroom. I was talking to him until that guy who won, Levi, came in. Levi wanted to talk to George alone, so they went to the locker room. When I went to go check on them, George was sitting on the ground crying. I tried to comfort him but he pushed me away and yelled at me to fuck off." I explained.

Punz looked a little shocked.

"I don't understand. I've been nothing but nice to him, and all I get is him being mean in return." I stated.

Punz nodded.

"That sucks honestly. I'd say just stop talking to him. If he's gonna be a dick then just don't interact." He told me.

It's not that easy. I can't keep my eyes away from the brunette.

"I can't." I mumbled.

Punz slightly raised an eyebrow.

"You like him?" He asked.

"I don't know. He's mean, but he's really hot." I admitted.

"So like, hookup with him and never talk to him again." He suggested.

"I don't know. Maybe." I replied.

Would he even want to have sex with me?

"What if he isn't gay?" I asked.

Punz stared at me like I was a fucking idiot.

"Dude, look him up on Google. He's openly gay." He stated.

I leaned back against my car and sighed.

"I'd say start flirting with him, wait for a reaction, and if it's positive, go for it." Punz said.

"Yeah, I guess. He doesn't seem like a relationship kind of guy. Plus, I haven't hooked up with anyone in a while." I told him.

"So go for it. Just don't get too serious. He seems like an asshole." He reminded me.

I nodded and opened my car door.

"Night, Punz." I said.

"Night." He replied, walking to his own car.

I got in and pulled out of my parking spot. I exited the arena parking lot and started towards my house. I turned on my Bluetooth, and it connected to my car. I went to Spotify and shuffled my liked songs. (Pls don't do anything on ur phone while driving.)

"Pretty little liar, what you gonna say?" I mumbled the words to myself.

I turned the volume higher as I drove. I arrived at my house a few minutes later. I parked and took the keys out of the ignition. I got out and locked my car. I walked up to my house and unlocked the door. I went inside and was immidiantly greeted by my cat Patches.

"Hi baby." I greeted, squatting down to pet her.

She leaned into my touch, purring as she did so.

"You're so cute." I told her.

She mewed in response. I scooped her up in one of my arms and walked down the hall to my room. I opened the door and went inside. I set the cat on the bed before throwing off my hoodie and jeans. I put on a pair of basketball shorts and dug my phone out of my jeans pocket. I jumped into my bed, accidently startling the cat.

"I'm sorry, baby." I mumbled.

I gently pet her head. I turned on my phone and went to my messages with Sapnap.

●Sappy: sorry Karl took my phone☹️

●me: it's okay. Are u awake?

I waited a couple of minutes.

●Sappy: only if u send me a picture of ur pp

●me: tempting


●Sappy: anyway. What's up??

●me: I'm gonna try to hook up with George.


●me: Yeah

●Sappy: faggot🤪🤪

●me: says u

●me: help me tho. What do I say to him?

●Sappy: ummm, idk. Just hit on him and make a move. Do u want something serious or just a hookup?

●me: just a hookup.



●Sappy: Okay if u don't want something serious don't admit feelings. Just flirt and make moves. If he has a positive reaction, go for it.

●me: Thanks, Sap. Appreciate it.

●Sappy: If u appreciate it so much suck my weenie next time I see u

●me: pull up rn. I don't back down, hoe.

●Sappy: omw. Pants r down, and I'm hard

●me: enough. Goodnight.

●Sappy: I thought u didn't back down??🤨🤨

●Sappy: just bc u got a pussy doesn't mean u have to act like one🤗

●me: I don't have a pussy.

●Sappy: Yeah, I know. I walked in on u changing that one time.

●me: I'm starting to think it wasn't an accident.

●Sappy: it wasn't😈

●me: ur a fucking queer🇺🇲🦅🤬

●Sappy: nuh uh


●me: ur disgusting. Die.

●Sappy: it's bc I'm GAY isn't it?

●me: Yeah. I hate u fags. Burn in hell sinner.

●Sappy: only if Satan lets me top him

●me: fax🗣🗣

●Sappy: tbh Satan kinda gives off monster cock energy

●me: no bc that's what I was thinking too

●Sappy: man idc anymore. The only men I'd bottom for are you and Satan.

●me: I appreciate it🙏🙏

●Sappy: ofc daddy😇😇

●me: RIDE ME

●Sappy: BET🙈🙈

●Sappy: jk that's George's job

●me: imma be so real with u rn

●Sappy: Go head🤑💅

●me: I POSSIBLY MAYBE might've gotten a bit of a boner watching George perform yesterday

●Sappy: do u get a boner when u watch me perform?🥺

●me: Obviously

●Sappy: on a real note. Gross!!🧚‍♀️🕺

●me: bro Punz was right next to me.

●Sappy: man wth. U were gonna let him suck it and not me? You're a LIAR and a FUCKING SNAKE. BITCH

●me: and that's why u gonna burn

●Sappy: where are u and George even gonna devil's tango?

●me: idk. Invite him to my house ig

●Sappy: I hope he's actually a serial killer, and he murders you

●me: Wow

I then got a notification from a news channel I'm subscribed to.

☆George Davidson, popular figure skater, blatantly rude to paparazzi and ignoring eating disorder accusations.

I clicked on the video. It showed George leaving the locker room. The guys with cameras immidiantly started asking him a variety of questions. He turned his back to them and started walking down the hall towards the back door. He opened it and started across the parking lot. I noticed he was hiding his limp.

"George, fans are worried about your weight. Are you eating okay?"

"Fans are concerned you have an eating disorder."

"You've gotten skinnier."

"Your ribs stick out too much."

"We're worried about you, George."

"You look underweight."

He got to his car and got in. He slammed the door shut. He began to slowly back up. The men stood behind his car. He slammed on the horn, causing them to jump back. He pulled out of the parking spot and out of the parking lot.

"The fuck." I muttered.

I clicked out of the video. I went to Google and searched his name. I read through some articles.

"George Davidson eating disorder."

"George is rude to fans?"

"Childhood exposed!"

"Does he deserve the fame?"

"Is George Davidson underweight?"

♡George pov♡

The men with cameras had followed me all the way to my house. I got out of my car and shut the door. I locked it and walked up the driveway. They weren't allowed on my property, but I could still hear them taking pictures. I opened the front door and slammed it shut behind me. I immidiantly went to the bathroom and opened the closet.

"Okay." I sighed.

I grabbed my scale. I had put it away while trying to recover from my eating disorder, but there was no point anymore. I set it on the ground next to the shower. I took a deep breath and stepped onto it. I was scared to look down at the numbers. I slowly looked down. 120 exactly.

"No." I mumbled.

The last time I weighed myself, I was 115. I stepped off the scale and looked in the mirror. I lifted my sweatshirt and turned to the side.

I hate it. I hate everything about it.

I feel sick just looking at myself. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out. I had a message from Niki. I turned on my phone and went to our messages.

●gf: Hi George. Hru??

●me: Good. You?

●gf: I'm good. Can I come over and we can celebrate your win?

What win? I got second.

●me: Sure

●gf: Yay! Omw gorgeous!!

I smiled down at the text. Niki is my best friend. We have a running joke that she's my girlfriend since everyone thought we were dating in middle school. She was truly one of the kindest people I've ever met. I left the bathroom and walked into the living room. I flopped onto the couch. About 30 minutes later, there was knocking on my door. I got up and walked to my door. I opened it and Niki stood there with a box of pizza and a small cake. I let her in, and she went into the kitchen. She set the food on the counter.

"I'm gonna piss real quick, babes! I'll be back in a minute!" She exclaimed.

She walked down the hall and into the bathroom. The smell of the pizza made me nauseous. I could feel my stomach turning just looking at the cake. A couple of minutes passed as I stared down the food.

"George." Niki mumbled.

I turned to look at her.

"Why is the scale on your floor?" She asked.

I immidiantly felt panic rise in my chest.

"I-I don't know." I stuttered.

"You told me you wouldn't weigh yourself anymore. You know it'll make you worse." She said.

I didn't respond.

"Will you have one slice of pizza for me? Just one. That's all I'm asking." She stated.

I looked over at the box, tears threatening to fall.

"Just one. I won't even bring up the idea of a second. It can be a small piece if you want. One George." She begged.

I looked towards the ground as the tears slid out of my eyes.

"I-I can't." I stuttered.

I really wanted a hug right now. Something like how Clay held me, but Niki knew I didn't like physical affection. That explained the shock on her face when I wrapped my arms around the back of her neck. Hers immidiantly went around my waist.

"I know how hard this is, George. Were you looking at stuff online?" She asked.

"I-I did yesterday. T-Today it was L-Levi." I stuttered.

"I'm sorry, baby. He's such a prick. He shouldn't have made you feel like this." She told me.

She pulled away from the hug and guided me over to the couch. We sat next to each other.

"Niki, can you- please hold me?" I asked in between cries.

"Of course I can gorgeous." She replied.

She wrapped her arms around me and laid her legs on the couch. I basically curled up on top of her. She ran a gentle hand through my hair.

"I hope you know I'll always be proud of you, George."

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