The Hunter, Or Should I Say T...

By belieber4ever_08

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"Don't run from me Sweetheart!" I heard a whisper as a walked home from the bar. I don't know if it's because... More

The Hunter Or Should I Say The Hunted
Release date:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Important Authors Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Important authors note
Authors note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Im sorry
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Book Trailer
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Wanna meet me?
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note

Chapter 22

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By belieber4ever_08

I didn't have time to proofread so excuse the mistakes if any are there!
Thank you and enjoy!! (:

Kiestin's POV:

After untying my hands Jason had picked me up and carried me to this one room. I don't even know what it was.

It wasn't a bedroom nor a living room, but it was upstairs in the second story of the house.

He had just set me on the floor, walked out, and shut and locked the door. It didn't make any sense.

The room had white ceramic tile flooring with black walls. The only furniture in the room was a futon, a small metal table, and a little leather chair.

The furniture didn't really bother me. It was the other stuff in the room that bothered me.

There were chain linked cuffs connected to the wall, rope hanging from a part of the ceiling, a showcase of different operation tools, and other stuff insane people like Jason would have.

I didn't have a good feeling about what was going to happen in my future. I would be lucky if I would even make it home.

I had probably been laying in this room for about an hour now. I really wasn't in any shape to begin to try and move around.


I heard his voice. The voice of the person I hate the most in my life.


I was laying on my back, paralyzed by fear and pain.

I swallowed hard and closed my eyes hoping he'd think I was asleep.

With my luck though it didn't work. I could feel him grab my hands and pulled me until I felt my back hit the wall. I decided I might as well open my eyes since he knows.

Slowly one by one I opened my eyes and right in front of me was Jason kneeling down.

Jason's POV:

I pulled her over towards a wall so she could lean on it while I talk.

"Alright Kiestin. I need you and you need to heal. Which obviously you aren't healing. So I have come to a conclusion, no I'm not going to kill you nor will you ever have to worry about that, but I'm going to give you a drug. It's very rare and very expensive. I've had to go through a lot to get it and I figured it would be helpful to your healing process."

She cute me off and gave me a stern look.

"Listen here, Mr. drug addict. I will NOT be drugged. You may think drugs are the answer to everything, but they're not! The sooner you learn that the better."

As much as her smart mouth aggravates me I just took a deep breath and continued.

"This drug I'm giving you can knock a person out for 3 days. Every 3 days you'll get a new dose until you heal up. You will be staying in the room. I'm going to hook you up to some IVs to keep you hydrated and nourished. Since you won't willingly let your body heal I have to force you."

I took my arms and scooped Kiestin up bridal style and carried her over to the futon. I hadn't done anything to her and she was already silently crying. I mean you'd think I threatened to kill her or something.

"Y-you can't do this! Please don't. I don't want to sleep. I don't need it!" She was punching my chest as I carried her. She couldn't punch hard so it didn't hurt.

I gently set her down on the futon and connected one of her wrists to a pair of handcuffs I had connected to the futon frame. That way she couldn't try anything.

I then stood up and walked to a cabinet that was on the wall. I grabbed a couple IVs and the IV stand that was in the corner.

I got them all connected in then took the stand back over by Kiestin.

Once she saw the IVs she began to pull and tug trying to release herself.

I grabbed her opposit hand that wasn't cuffed and grabbed a needle to one IV.

"Alright Kiestin now hold still. I don't want to hurt you worse than what you already are."

Her silent cries turned into sobs and she just gave in. She let me do to her whatever without a struggle.

I then grabbed the other IV and stuck it in her as well.

I then stood up and grabbed the heart monitor so u could monitor her heart rate while she was out.

I grabbed a little wire with the pad on it and placed it over her heart.

She had closed her eyes at this point. I don't get what the big deal was, I mean I'm helping her heal quicker.

Kirstin's POV:

After Jason had connected the heart monitor I watched as he got up and walked to the showcase of medical supplies.

I had kept my eyes closed the majority of the time. I was scared I didn't know what this drug was or how it would affect me.

I looked over and saw Jason had a shot in his hand. Not too long after he began walking towards me.

My body trembled more and more the closer he got.

"Kiestin this might hurt a little, but I just want you to relax. You're just going to dream for a few days."

That's when I lost it. I was simply sobbing at this point.

Jason knelt down and moved my hair away from my neck.

Without hesitation I felt him insert the needle into my neck. Slowly, little by little, releasing the drug into me.

It felt like someone stabbed me with a knife in my neck and I gasped when he inserted the needle, but it wasn't long before my sobs began to quiet down and my heavy breathing slowed down.

"Shhhh there you go Kiestin. Relax."

Jason's POV:

I watched her body begin to calm down slowly. I noticed her eyes started to get droopy. It didn't take long before her eyes completely closed and one last tear fell down her cheek.

"Goodnight Kiestin."

I quietly stood up, put the needle back, and walked out of the room locking the door behind me.

This better work. I need her better immediately.

I walked downstairs and saw Kendrick flirting with Tatiana. What am I running here?

"Kendrick! What are you doing?!"

He stopped and quickly turned to look at me.

"We're you being friendly to our girl?" I began to walk closer to him.

"N-no sir. I just was telling her how to cook my food the right way." He ran his hand through his hair.

I put a hand on his shoulder."Uh huh. I see. Well tell her how to fix it and leave her alone and get back to your duties."

"Yes Jason."

With that I grabbed my car keys and walked out of the house.


Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't updated for a while! I'm going to try to update more, I've just been really busy. Like it hasn't even felt like summer it's so busy. I just got a job and I'm on a summer tennis league.

I would like to thank those who have stayed and supported me and those who have just joined this crazy roller coaster, all I've got to say is hold on for your life. (;

I love you all so much! You're all amazing people!

Much Love💜💜





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