Double Trouble

By oXMoonBeamXo

56K 1.8K 291

Awakening in the world she thought she knew, Naruko quickly finds that everyone she knew was different and ev... More

A crowd
Getting used to it
The trip
All grown up
One hell of a walk
Its a secret?!
Quite the saunter
I am here
Getting it done
Strong arms
Trial # 2
on our way
Down the rabbit hole
Suprise its a girl
Taking me
Kiss me not
Yet again
For you
A small moment
A moment of silence
A great father
A lesson of sorts
Auther's note
Here we go
The reason we love
Authers note
Planet naruko
The last
A Special; Mizuki Hatake

Waking up

7.1K 120 22
By oXMoonBeamXo

I groaned, my head hurt like hell and my body ached. I rubbed my face as my mind finally started to kick into gear, what had happened? I tried to remember...After a few moments of blinking and rubbing my temples my blurred memories started to flood back. Which made my head hurt more...

Through the foggy memories I saw a man with an oddly patterned mask yellow and green. Who was he? The next flash of memories that washed over me was me running into him while going to meet up with Saku at the training area. He had blind sided me and knocked me down pretty hard. I remember trying to fight him off but he was pretty strong. I managed to get a couple of hard blows in... But I couldn't connect the ending...

Words echoed through my scrambled thoughts...I think it was a hidden world jutsu or something? I shook my head and tried to focus on the words again... It was no use they had faded into the void... It sounded kind of stupid to be honest.

I let a heavy breath out, opening my eyes staring up at the darkening sky. I looked around, I jumped to my feet and brushed the dirt off of myself. I noted a few cuts and felt a few tender spots that would definitely bruise.

I shrugged it off the best I could, the loser must have knocked me out and ran. Luckily it could have been alot worse. I was alive after all and still near home from the looks of it.

I took in the view of the training ground and suddenly this evening's plans flashed through my mind again, "Shit Saku!" I rasped. Oh man, Saku is going to kill me! I told him I would meet him at like 3 pm.

I looked up at the starry sky again, reminded of the obviously missed event. I groaned, I'm screwed... I'll just put up with him until he forgives me. I smirked, he owes me for ramen anyway.

I yawned as a wave of tiredness washed over me. I have to go see lord Hokage as well... he is going to be even more mad then Saku, I laughed nervously.

The 6th Hokage was a real pain, ever since the old lady died and he took over. All he does is drink and get mad. I sighed again and shrugged, then headed into the village. I might as well get it over with.

I leapt from building to building, a few people gave me weird looks. Which I hadn't seen them before... although they seemed familiar?

I was starting to get worried, something felt off. I would feel it in my bones, an ache from within. It wasn't from the lost fight I had earlier either. I reached the Hokage's building and jumped in through the window like I normally did. Sure he didn't like it but he even said at least I go to the meetings.

I stretched and yawned, rubbing my eyes as I walked. My vision blurred a bit from the eye rubbing. All could see his blonde hair at the desk.

"Lord Hokage, sorry I'm late, some guy knocked me out. I can't remember all of it but it's worrying me. Also, was there an event today? I saw a lot of new faces on the way here?" I grumbled it, closing my eyes and rubbing my temples in hope of subduing the splitting headache I had.

My questions only met with silence, I stopped and opened my eyes. I let out a loud gasp. What?!

"Are you calling me a man Naruto!? And stop it with that jutsu!!!I'm sick of it!!" A big busty woman with blonde hair hollered at me pointing into my face. She looked tired, annoyed... And she looked just like Lord Hokage... But... Female?!

I took a step back in shock, "what the heck?!?!" I gasped, "am I dreaming?!" I yelled and pinched my own arm. Which I'll admit, it seemed stupid but what else could I do?!

I heard a sigh from behind me. I whipped around. "Naruto please, just listen to Lady Hokage."A husky voice grumbled. "It's been a long day and we all just want to go home."

My head was pounding and I was starting to feel faint from all of this. "I don't feel so good... I have no idea what's going on!" I said in a weak voice. I was looking at my sensei Kashi... but it wasn't her at the same time! It was some man's version.

The lady Hokage slammed her hands on the table, "Naruto now is not the-". She was cut short by the side door opening, everyone's head including mine snapped toward it, it was me? But not?

A face to my own likeness, body and even outfit stood only feet away. While there were differences due to him being a boy... It was close to the same.

"Sorry I'm late, old lady..." He gasped loudly then he locked eyes with me"..who is that?" He asked in disbelief, looking a bit scared.

Just as everyone turned to look at me the panicking and stress finally made something snap in my head. Everything went dark. I felt my small body thud against the floor before everything went silent.

"Naruto, are you sure it's not you?! Like it's not a clone?!" I heard the old ladies voice ask, mostly annoyed but slightly concerned.

"I said no already!" Naruto yelled in frustration. Seems he had been asked again, and again. " I'm just as shocked as you !"

I groaned sitting up slightly, I had heard a guy's voice. I opened my eyes to everyone around me. I freaked out and scooted away. "ah!" Way to close! I only stopped when my back was against a solid wall.

My sudden noise brought all the attention back to me. The busty blonde gripped me up fast with my jacket. I kicked my feet trying to gain balance only to realize my feet no longer touched the floor. Oh man!

"Who are you! Drop the jutsu!" She growled into my face. I could smell the saki on her breath, Lord's favorite as well... I wasn't going to waste anymore time. I could tell she wasn't going to hold back. I didn't want to end up as a pancake.

I Held my hands up, "I'm Naruko! And this is what I look like! I'm just as confused as you! Everyone is switched!" I tried to explain with a broken voice. My thoughts are rushing.

She blinked, "Naruko? That sounds like..." She said it turned toward the boy, my twin. She looked like she didn't believe it. I could see her running through thoughts in her head. She was trying to see if it was at all possible.

I myself in the moment took the time to look over at my identical twin... It was uncanny actually. If it wasn't for my long blonde pigtails and more slender feminine body... Like a copy... even our faces looked so alike, My eyes seemed to be more almond shaped and lips a little more full.

As if to give me a chance she rested my feet back on the ground, but her hand did not leave my throat. "switch? Explain it all." She demanded glaring down at me.

I could feel the sweat from the whole ordeal dripping down my back, I honestly was terrified. Nothing like this had ever happened to me... But I knew Lord Hokage and if she is anything like him I knew my only option was to just listen and answer.

In a low scared voice I began. "My name is Naruko Uzumaki, I'm from the village hidden in the leaves. Last thing I remember was going to the training field to meet up with Saku. I swear this guy attacked me out of the blue. I think he sent me to this opposite world or something! Everyone's genders are switched!" I spoke trying to stay calm, but my voice started to get raspy as tears poured down my face. Was I going to be trapped here? What about my life? Was I dead?

She tried to ignore my tears and broken mental state." Naruko, hard to believe and who exactly is your sensei? Your team?" She pressed on. She was a leader, she needed answers. I was lucky she wasn't handing me over for interrogations.

" My sensei is..." I glanced at the tall handsome man a few feet away. "Kashia Hatake." I said her name and I longed for her hug. " I'm on team 4 with Saku and Sasakia." I practically sobbed the last part.

She let me go and looked at the male Kashia. "this is strange...." She said it confused as she spoke to him, then turned to me. "What was the jutsu, do you remember?" She asked, a bit worried.

My legs gave way and I sank to the floor, " I can't... Remember it all, something about a Hidden world jutsu? I know it sounds unbelievable but I swear it's the truth." I locked my hands together begging her to listen.

It was only for a second but recognition flashed through her eyes, it was replaced with fear. She mumbled a bit to herself pacing, "Oh dear..." She looked like she was debating with herself. A thousand thoughts flashed through her eyes.

The male Kashia cleared his throat pulling everyone back in. "Don't mean to press but what is exactly happening?" He said it eying me almost in an annoyed manner. Seems even he was having a hard time keeping up.

She sat down at her desk clearly exhausted. " This is classified... So much so that... " She lowered her voice. " Stupid things have stupid names... It's a forbidden Jitsu. Dangerous even. I can't believe I'm saying this but she isn't lying." She grumbled then glared at me.. "she's telling the truth" she repeated, it sounded like she was not only trying to convince everyone in the room but also herself. " I don't remember much about it besides it being ancient and forbidden" she said, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples. " I will have to go look into the archives."

My head fell into my hands. What was going to happen to me? Why me? I was cursed, that's probably why. I truly felt like I was breaking apart.

As my mind went into a downward spiral I felt a large hand rest on my head. "Listen Naruko was it? You're safe ... So don't worry about that. " His husky voice came from above. He still sounded annoyed but his voice was softer than before. Maybe he was just tired of hearing me cry...

I sniffed trying to stop my sobbing, I looked up at my sensei... Or well the male version of her. "Thank you Kashi." I whispered then covered my mouth. " Oh I'm sorry, is your name even Kashia?" I asked him confused, I took deep breaths trying to relax.

He gave me a closed eye smile that made my heart skip a beat.... "Kakashi..." He said it simply, straightening up and stepping away. I could tell this was alien to him and he didn't like it.

But the name definitely wasn't too far off. This is so weird.... My thoughts cut short as arms went around me.

"It's ok girl me.... you might not know me but I will protect you." Naruto had wrapped his arms around me and was hugging me tight. The warm and aura of his body felt comforting, like a loved one. It was strange but comforting.

I hugged him back, "Thank you Naruto, I'm grateful, believe it." I said it to him sweetly in a low voice. I could feel his chakra, his aura was so similar to my own. I felt a distance yet a comfort from this boy. Like I was never supposed to meet him but that we could so easily become one.

He chuckled at my words. "She talks like me in a way." He said it, almost crying. Maybe he felt the same loneliness I had.

Kakashi groaned, "as if one Naruto wasn't enough..." He grumbled. The poor man looked just about defeated.

I took the moment to stand up and try to get my bearings. Naruto hovered near me. I glanced at him wearily. Was this guy version of myself a troublemaker? I brushed off my outfit trying to still get the dust from the whole day off me.

"What's this?" Naruto asked, picking something up off the ground.

I gasped, "oh! Look here! Here! Proof!" I took it and ran over to Kakashi and Lady Hokage. I handed them the photo...

Lady Hokage took the picture. Suddenly, Lady Hokage snickered. "Look at Jiraiya..." She said it covering her mouth to muffle her laughter.

Jiraiya? That must be the guy version of Jaya! It was a photo of Lord Hokage and Toad sage Jaya.

She sighed after calming down and looked up at me, " I'll tell you right now the chances of you getting back may not even be there." Her words hit me hard, and tears streamed down my face yet again.

She got up and hugged me, "as strange as it may seem... you are more than welcome here... I can even place you on kakashi's team." She said, wiping away my tears. She seemed to be getting kinder by the second. She gave Kakashi a warning look.

I took a deep breath, " really?" I asked hopefully. At least that wouldn't change. I'd have some part of my old life. But I wouldn't give up trying to get home.

She nodded as she sat back down," as long as Kakashi agrees I mean." She sipped some of her drink looking away. Her threatening look might have vanished but the aura of it had not.

I looked at Kakashi with pleading eyes. He sighed and nodded. Naruto looked so happy I thought he would explode. Two ends of an extreme chart.

I smile a little trying to see the bright side. Then I turned to her, "Alright... but I won't give up trying to get home..." I said it and they nodded. "so where... will I live?" I asked fiddling with my fingers. It was a nervous habit I had.

Everyone looked at naruto. "Is there room?" Lady Hokage questioned with a look of doubt.

Naruto scratched his head. "uhh...." He looked away. He looked really embarrassed. "It's a bit of a mess at the moment... " He mumbled.

She groaned and looked up at Kakashi from her seat. " Kakashi for tonight take her, you better take care of her!" She glared at him daring him to say no.

Kakashi looked miserable but didn't argue. "sure..." He said, looking away.

She turned to naruto, "You better make room by tomorrow." She barked at him. He nodded violently in response.

I felt bad though... she let out a breath as I did.

"alright... I need to sleep for now... everyone beat it. I will inform people of the news in the morning." Everyone nodded and rushed from the room. " Be ready to come in at any moment for exams and questioning. Keep yourself out of trouble as well, I'd hate to take drastic measures.

Even I knew if she was anything like the male one she would throw us out legit. I nodded at her understanding that she was actually being very lenient.

"Alright see you tomorrow, me!!" Naruto yelled and took off in a random direction...

I was left on the steps confused and alone with a hand out reached toward him, "My ... name is... Naruko... " I said it breathlessly. It was too late of course he was long gone. I would have to really work at it to make sure I didn't just get looked at as a female Naruto...

Well at least he had run in the same direction that I would have if I was going home. Maybe we lived at the same place? The realization that I wouldn't see MY apartment ever again hit me... I could never go home... all my stuff...

"Naruko, are you coming?" Kakashi's voice called to me from a few yards away.

I snapped out of my thoughts rushing after him as he turned toward the road and started walking. I caught up and walked beside him.

I was looking around at the differences and sameness when I noticed him watching me with interest. My face flushed and I looked away. Uh oh... This kashia was so different... So tall and...

"What's wrong?" He asked it after I had turned away.

I twiddled my thumbs. "nothing..." I said it fast.

He shrugged and we walked in silence which I was perfectly fine with. We made it to his place in no time, "everything seems to be the same besides the gender switch." I said it once we had reached his door.

"Huh? Oh, does the female me live here?" He asked it with a little interest.

I nodded and followed him into the house. I looked around and then froze... " It's so clean..." I whispered in complete shock. I guess there are going to be differences.

He sweat dropped, looking confused. " Uhm?" He didn't say anything just watched me.

I relaxed after a bit of looking around, "kashia is a mess when it comes to her house, seems things might not be the same after all. Which is honestly a relief." I said it with a thoughtful smirk.

He sighed, "how odd, alright well we have training in the morning." He told me and waved me along.

I nodded, "right my bad." I yawned and followed him to the bedroom without thinking and started to unbutton my pants.

"Naruko!!" He yelled in horror.

I flinched while pulling my shirt off. "what?!?! Oh god, is there a spider?!?" I switched into my pajamas real fast and turned around with my bag over my head ready to eliminate the creature.

All I saw was Kashia standing with his face to the wall. "What's wrong with you?" I was confused. Then it clicked, " oh.. oh!! I forgot! What the hell! I'm so sorry!" I gasped in embarrassment. What the hell is wrong with me?

He looked over deadpanning. "You changed in front of me? Like the girl me?" He asked horror stricken. " You can't do that here... without question." He said it sternly.

I nodded blushing, "I actually... uhhh... lived with you...and we shared a bed, kinda weird I know....she cared about me a lot." I mumbled it.

He raised an eyebrow. "strange.." He mumbled. He didn't look like he believed me but then again why else would I do that.

I snickered, "Well we didn't live together technically but I would spend the night a lot." I told him, smiling.

He sighed, "are you sure it was me?" He grumbled unsure.

I laughed lightly, " so where am I sleeping?" I asked picking up a picture of Kakashi and his old team mates studying it, then put it back.

He nodded toward the bed, I frowned. "I can sleep on the couch..." I offered.

He sighed, "if you want to do it." shrugging he went into the bathroom.

After a few moments standing awkwardly in his room alone I grabbed my bag and headed to his couch. I can't blame him for acting weird, the poor man probably didn't know what to do. Plus he could get into some serious trouble if people thought he was allowing me to just change in front of him. Oh god... I had to be stern with myself. No more old habits...

I lay on the couch, my head resting on a lumpy pillow. Oh god... It felt so nice to finally... Rest...

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