Rise - Pursuing a Dream - Ing...

By DressaPP

8.2K 691 842

The team Warriors Of Night(Team formed by Phuwin, Dunk, Gemini, and Satang) is fighting through difficulties... More

Introduction of characters
Game Over
Wanted: a new player
Start Game part 1
Start Game Part II
Photo shoot
Let the Games Begin: Draw, Challenges, and Precautions
Between Challenges and Disappointments Part II
Phoenix part I
Phoenix part II
Dates and Misses Part 1
Dates and Misses Part 2
Between Secrets and Discoveries - Part I
Between Secrets and Discoveries - Part II
Le Petit Prince, Part I
Le Petit Prince, Parte II
Romance and Tension Part I
Romance and Tension Part II
End of the first phase
Moments of Tranquility
Before the storm arrives 🔞
In the center of the storm part I
In the center of the storm part Il
Before the fire burns
The Truth About the Rose, Part 1
The Truth About Rose, Part II
Koh Lipe parte I
Koh Lipe - PondPhuwin special 🔞🔞
Koh Lipe part II
The big final part I 🔞
The Big Final II

Between Challenges and Disappointments - Part 1

152 16 9
By DressaPP

Bônus Scene - Flashback From the End of the Competition that Determined the New Mid Laner of W.O.N."

Dunk was in an uncomfortable situation - trapped in one of the bathroom stalls and, worse yet, without his phone. Damn the moment he lent his phone to Gemini, because his had run out of battery. He thought as he tried to open the door that somehow seemed locked, without success once again. Frustration and embarrassment mingled within him, but there was no choice but to ask for help.

In the hallway, Joong thought he heard noises coming from the men's bathroom and decided to check.

"Hey? Is anyone out there?" Dunk's deep voice echoed as he knocked on the door.

"Hey, stuck in there, huh?" Joong's voice was filled with playful charm as he spoke.

"Yeah, can you help me out, please?" Dunk asked.

"Well, don't worry, I'll save you. Let's do this: you pull from there, and I'll push," Joong suggested after confirming that the door was indeed locked tightly.

"Okay," Dunk replied, wanting to get it over with.

"So, 1, 2, 3," Joong asked, and they did it that way. However, the force was so strong that when the door finally opened, Joong ended up colliding his body with Dunk's body, and Dunk, startled, held onto the bathroom wall with both arms, preventing them from falling to the ground.

With the sudden closeness, Joong was momentarily captivated by Dunk's beauty, his eyes shining with admiration. But, somewhat unintentionally, he let slip a comment about it, almost like a sigh.

"Wow, you're... impressive."

Dunk, frozen in place, felt heat rise to his face as embarrassment took hold of him. He wasn't used to receiving this kind of compliment so directly. Quickly, he coughed, trying to dispel the embarrassment he felt.

"Ah, thank you. But, uh, I think it's all right now. Can you step back?"

Joong seemed to snap back to reality, blushing slightly as he realized what he had said. He took a step back, mumbling a somewhat awkward apology.

"Sorry, that wasn't my intention... I just... you know."

Dunk smiled, feeling a bit more at ease now with the distance between them.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. And thanks for helping me with the door."

Joong leaned back slightly, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"By the way, I'm Joong. Maybe fate put us in this situation for a reason."

Joong's flirtatious demeanor met only a polite nod from Dunk, whose attention seemed to have shifted elsewhere. Despite the banter, Dunk's observations didn't go unnoticed by him. He noticed that Joong was one of the people closely following Pond's journey, so he decided to introduce himself as well.

"Dunk," he simply replied.

"I know who you are, the newest member of your team, Pond is my friend, and I came to support him." Joong leaned against the wall, starting a casual conversation.

"Hmm, cool," Dunk gave a quick response.

Joong couldn't help it; he felt enchanted and drawn to Dunk at first sight. A playful smile remained on his lips as he continued to speak, barely resisting throwing a bit more charm.

"You know, Dunk, you're like those characters in a game that capture everyone's attention. It's impressive."

Dunk, already in a hurry and feeling somewhat cornered by Joong's attitude, tried to maintain his composure.

"Oh, thanks... I guess. But I really need to go now; we have team commitments."

Joong seemed to understand the message and finally stepped back, not wanting to scare him, a little disappointed but still with a mischievous smile on his lips.

"Sure, sure. See you around."

And so, the two went their separate ways backstage at the event. A brief encounter left a lasting impression on both of them. While Joong was taken aback by the short moment they shared, hoping for a chance to meet again in the future, Dunk continued on his path, thinking that Pond's friend was a bit peculiar and bold.

Present days:

The interior of the aircraft that was soaring through the skies towards the Chinese capital was shrouded in a soft dimness, creating a cozy atmosphere. Phuwin and Maggie occupied adjacent seats, taking advantage of the flight time for a more intimate and relaxed conversation before reaching the eagerly anticipated esports event. Maggie didn't waste time in addressing the topic she had been dying to talk to her stepbrother about, but hadn't had a chance to discuss with him alone yet.

"So, Phuwin, now that it's just the two of us here away from the ears of the other team members, how about you tell me what's going on between you and our new Mid?" She asked with a mischievous tone, nudging Phuwin with her elbow.

"There's not much to talk about because of the team; we spend a lot of time together, so our closeness was natural. After all, he's a new player and a valuable member of the team. As the captain, I need to closely monitor his development," he replied casually, hiding a small smile.

"Come on, you don't have to play mysterious with me. I thought we were past that phase after the things you shared with me," Maggie pleaded, holding onto his arm as she rested her head against his shoulder. She felt happy to be closer to her stepbrother; after so many years of waiting, Phuwin was finally opening up to her.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Maggie," Phuwin replied, somewhat cynically. She shook her head and laughed, recognizing the irony in his response.

"Okay, I got it. You only want to talk to me about him when you don't know what to do, right? Like that time you called me in the middle of the night? I was sleeping soundly and had to wake up in the middle of the night because you were tormented, thinking he'd resent you after that cold and rude way you treated him on the first day," Maggie said, feigning mock annoyance.

Phuwin sighed, his expression revealing a certain guilt. "That day, you know how complicated it was. I just... wanted to make sure I hadn't hurt him."

Maggie gave him a teasing look. "Yeah, I knew. You have a heart after all, Phuwin."

He made a face at her teasing. "Don't overdo it."

Maggie laughed softly. "Well, you could share a secret of yours with me too, so we're even now that we're developing this sibling thing, you know."

Phuwin seemed to consider the suggestion for a moment before finally agreeing. "Okay."

Surprised by the ease, he asked, "That easy?"

She just nodded, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Phuwin then distanced himself a bit to grab a water bottle before asking the inevitable question. "So, what's your secret, after all?"

Maggie looked at him with a captivating gaze and after a brief moment, revealed softly, "Well, I've been dating for almost a year."

Phuwin took a distracted sip from his water glass, only to choke suddenly. His eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Maggie with a shocked expression, coughing swallowing his voice momentarily.

Maggie quickly patted his back, concerned. "Phuwin, are you okay?"

He managed to catch his breath, but his expression still conveyed disbelief. "Dating? Seriously?

She laughed, noticing her brother's almost comical reaction. "Yes, Phuwin, seriously. And, apparently, this was the most surprised reaction I've ever managed to get out of you."

He let out a sheepish laugh, scratching his neck. "Yeah... it seems like you caught me off guard. But is this serious? And nobody knows anything?" he asked, still surprised.

Maggie's mischievous look matched her sly smile. "I didn't find it necessary to announce it to everyone. We want to keep this just between us for now."

Phuwin raised an eyebrow, his smile becoming curious. "So I've gathered that asking who it is won't help."

She shook her head. "No, because then it would be another secret."

He chuckled, clearly enjoying the conversation. "Hmm, okay, but does he treat you well? Is he a good person?"

With a twinkle in her eyes, she replied, "He treats me well, don't worry. I know my worth. He's a good person, though a bit childish and sometimes a bit stubborn. But I know how to discipline him."

Phuwin nodded, seeming relieved by the answer. "Hmm. Anyway, if he hurts you, let me know."

Those words touched her, causing her to smile softly. "Okay."

Confessions seemed to flow between them. Phuwin turned slightly, looking out the airplane window. "Sister, I'm sorry for my behavior in the past. When you arrived, it was difficult for me to deal with everything. I shouldn't have ignored you back then, especially when it was dad's mistake."

Maggie sighed, a understanding expression on her face. "It's okay, Phuwin. You were so young back then. What matters is that we're understanding each other now."

He nodded, genuinely relieved to have opened this chapter from the past. After a moment, he looked at her again. "We still have some time before landing. Why don't you rest a bit?"

She smiled, thankful for his care. "You're right. The journey will be long and exciting. I think I'll take a nap. You should rest too, Nong."

As the plane continued its course towards the Chinese capital, the two siblings found a new harmony, an understanding that might have been missing before.

The break in training brought the players of Warriors Of Night the opportunity to gather to watch Phuwin's award ceremony. The atmosphere was charged with emotion, and the pride for their captain was palpable in the air, as they knew how hard Phuwin had worked to achieve this prominent position.

For Pond, emotions were complex. As he watched the award ceremony on the television screen, his mind was divided between joy for Phuwin's achievement and the agitation he felt every time he saw him on screen. He couldn't deny to himself that his feelings for Phuwin were growing deeper, even though he wasn't yet ready to name them. It was hard for him to look away from Phuwin on the screen. He was radiant at the ceremony, wearing stylish attire—a black blazer paired with matching dress pants, and a black lace shirt underneath that perfectly matched the event.

As the award ceremony continued, Pond also kept an eye on social media, observing the fans' and other players' reactions. He came across a photo of Phuwin on the red carpet before the ceremony, an angle that captured Phuwin's profile impressively. It was simply a stunning photo.

Unable to resist, Pond tapped the screen of his phone and saved the image. He knew it might seem like a silly gesture, but the truth was that the photo captured a part of Phuwin that he was beginning to know more deeply. It was an image he wanted to keep close, something to look at when he was alone and lost in thought.

As the event continued, Pond held his phone, observing the photo of Phuwin with a mix of admiration and tenderness. He knew his emotions were becoming more complex by the day, but for now, he was content with merely appreciating the beauty of that moment and holding the unspoken words in his heart.

The award ceremony was in progress, with bright lights and camera flashes all around. Phuwin stood center stage, expressing gratitude and humility. He was being interviewed by an enthusiastic host, eager to learn more about the journey of the Warriors of Night's captain.

The microphone was handed over to Phuwin, and he smiled at the crowd before he began to speak. His voice was firm and calm, reflecting the confidence he had gained over the years as a professional player.

"First and foremost, I want to thank all the fans and my family who have supported me throughout my journey," Phuwin started, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Receiving this recognition is an honor and a responsibility. I've always strived to give my best and elevate the level of the game."

The interviewer smiled, genuinely interested in Phuwin's and his team's aspirations. "Phuwin, with the recent growth and success of your team, Warriors of Night, many are wondering if the team will finally have the opportunity to compete on the international stage. Do you believe you'll achieve this goal in the near future?"

Phuwin looked directly at the camera, exuding confidence and determination. "Absolutely," he answered firmly. "We've worked tirelessly to elevate our gameplay and refine our strategies. We know the international scene is challenging, but it's precisely that kind of challenge that motivates us. When we founded Warriors of Night, we had a clear vision of not only being an elite team but also representing our country's people, showcasing our own work philosophy of creating a healthy and safe environment for each of our athletes, providing the best conditions for each one of them to be winners. We're working hard to make that vision a reality. And with the support of our fans and the dedication of every team member, I'm confident we're on the right path to compete and shine on the international stage in the future."

The interviewer decided to delve into slightly more personal territory. "Phuwin, we know the life of a professional e-sports player is very intense, but many fans are curious about your personal life. How do you manage relationships and love life while focusing so much on your career?"

Phuwin smiled, somewhat enigmatic. "Well, the life of a professional e-sports player is definitely filled with challenges and commitments. Our primary focus is, of course, our performance in the game and our teamwork. But, like anyone else, we also have our personal lives and relationships outside the gaming world."

He paused before continuing. "Maintaining a balance between career and personal life is essential. It involves open communication and understanding between the parties involved. Fortunately, I have incredible support from my family and friends who understand the nature of my work. However, it's important to remember that the world of e-sports demands a lot of time and energy, so finding people who comprehend and respect that is crucial."

The interviewer pushed a bit further. "And what about matters of the heart, Phuwin? Is there room for romance and love in your busy life?"

Phuwin chuckled lightly, appearing somewhat uncomfortable. "Well, of course, we all desire meaningful connections and love in our lives. But, as I mentioned, finding that balance is essential. I can't say it's an easy task, but I'm open to those possibilities when the right time comes. For now, my primary focus remains my commitment to the team and the game."

The interviewer seemed satisfied with Phuwin's response, and the conversation moved on. On social media, fans commented on Phuwin's mature and realistic approach to his love life. Everyone seemed surprised by the captain's more open response on the topic, as he always used to dismiss it with disinterest, often emphasizing that he didn't think about that kind of thing yet. Theories began to spread about what might have happened to change the captain's mind.

After concluding all the activities for the day as they left the training area towards the dormitory, the players of Warriors Of Night began receiving a series of messages about a statement made by Akira Nakamura, a famous former Japanese Mid Laner in the League of Legends e-sports scene. Akira was known not only for his gaming skills but also for his past involvement as a team recruiter, and currently as a coach for one of the largest League of Legends teams in Japan.

In a rather sardonic move, he reacted to Phuwin's interview, in which the captain expressed his aspirations to take Warriors Of Night to the international stage. Akira revealed that he had proposed a practice match with him leading his current team and Warriors Of Night, but his proposal had been declined. He suggested that maybe Phuwin wasn't as confident in his team as he had demonstrated in the interview.

"Well, well, it seems the captain of Warriors Of Night is full of ambitions now," Akira said with an ironic smile in a video that quickly circulated on social media. "It's interesting to see how someone can talk so much about competing internationally but won't accept a simple practice challenge. Is there something they don't want us to know?"

A viewer during the broadcast couldn't help but ask why this was declined, and Akira replied with a sarcastic tone, "Well, maybe they don't want to show their 'noob' in action so soon. After all, we all know how these publicity stunts work, right? I wouldn't be surprised if this Pond guy is just a pawn in this whole scheme."

Another person during the broadcast asked Akira if he was suggesting that the new player of Warriors Of Night, Pond Naravit, wouldn't be used in the team during the national championship. Akira responded with a shrug, his expression still full of mockery. "I just find it curious, you know? The way everyone seems so concerned about protecting their new inexperienced 'prodigy'. After all, challenges are an essential part of any athlete's growth. I'm just wondering if Warriors Of Night is ready to face significant challenges or if they'll keep hiding behind pretty words."

The atmosphere within Warriors Of Night was tense and divided after Akira Nakamura's words. On social media, opinions were polarized, with some people supporting the team and others agreeing with Akira's statements. The public began to question the integrity of the competition that unveiled Pond and whether the addition of the new player was just a marketing strategy. The discussion quickly escalated, becoming one of the most talked-about topics.

The top executives of the organization that owned the team held a late-night meeting to make a decision. After intense debates, they agreed that accepting the challenge was the best option, mainly to dispel doubts and calm the situation. The match had to be scheduled and broadcast to the public as soon as possible.

Phuwin and Maggie, exhausted from the journey and recent events, were resting, unaware of the whirlwind of happenings. They had no idea that the decision about the challenge had been made and that the entire situation was unfolding at a frenetic pace.

In the morning, Force, the team manager, was under immense pressure from shareholders and the organization's president. He tried to justify the decision not to accept the challenge previously, emphasizing that they wanted to protect Pond from facing intense pressure before his debut in the national championship. However, his explanation wasn't enough to quell the shareholders' irritation.

The team's president, Mr. Tangsakyuen, was frustrated by the positive attention Phuwin's award had received, now overshadowed by the turmoil caused by Akira's remarks. He stressed the importance of quickly dealing with the situation, as the image of Warriors Of Night was being affected internationally.

"This experience will be good for the rookie. After all, he's now a professional player, and the sooner he faces this reality, the better for him. If he caught the attention of one of the top e-sports recruiters in the world, that must mean you made the right choice. At this moment, my secretary has already drafted the press release. She'll send it to you for review and immediate posting on our official page," ordered President Tangsakyuen.

"And if Phuwin doesn't agree with this? He's the captain, after all," Force murmured, his voice trembling. Phuwin's father could be even more intimidating than his son when he wished.

"He doesn't have to agree. The decision is already made. He might be the team captain, but he's still an employee, and this is a decision that was made by all of us in conjunction with our sponsors. You might think you know everything about LoL, but you have much to learn about team media management. Are we clear, Force? Within the next 5 minutes, I want that statement published," President Tangsakyuen concluded.

"Understood," Force replied, frustrated.

Phuwin woke up that morning with a strange feeling in his chest, and upon checking his phone, he realized his intuition was right. The news of Akira Nakamura's statements had spread like wildfire in a dry forest. Furious, he got out of bed and began to put on some clothes.

"This can't be happening..." Phuwin muttered to himself as he prepared to leave as quickly as possible amidst the chaos. They managed to reach the airport while desperately trying to reach Force.

"Take it easy, Phuwin, I'll try calling Satang again," Maggie said as she dialed Satang's number once more, attempting to reach someone from the team. Phuwin grabbed his phone and saw a notification. It was the press release that Force had just posted on the homepage. Phuwin opened the link and read the content, his face turning even redder with anger.

"I couldn't reach either of them," Maggie said a bit frustrated.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Look at this!" Phuwin said angrily, showing the phone to Maggie.

Press Release - Warriors Of Night Accepts Akira Nakamura's Training Challenge

Warriors Of Night, a team dedicated to the ongoing development of its players and the growth of the e-sports scene, would like to announce that we have accepted the training challenge proposed by Akira Nakamura. We understand the importance of facing challenges and believe that this is a valuable opportunity to test our skills and enhance our strategy.

It's true that we previously declined the offer due to our priority in finalizing the integration of a new member into our team. However, we now feel that we are ready to face this challenge fairly and openly. We want to make it clear that Warriors Of Night has nothing to hide and always seeks to improve our performance in the competitive scene.

We emphasize that Pond Naravit, our new Mid Laner, earned his spot through effort, dedication, and proven ability. He is an official member of the team and will be treated as such. As long as he is in physical and other conditions to compete, he will be utilized in our competitions, just like any other player on the team.

We thank Akira Nakamura for offering us this opportunity for growth and look forward to a challenging and productive training. We remain committed to progressing and achieving our goals in e-sports, upholding the values of transparency, integrity, and teamwork that are fundamental to us.

Stay tuned for further updates on tonight's training challenge and our ongoing progress. Together, as a team, we will continue to pursue excellence and take our name to the top of the competitive scene.

Warriors Of Night

"They released a statement without consulting you?" she asked, surprised after reading the entire text.

"This is outrageous! They can't just make a decision like this without talking to me. It's like I'm being excluded from the decisions of the team that I helped build. I can't believe Force allowed this," Phuwin said, clenching his fists. Maggie placed her hand on Phuwin's shoulder, offering some support.

"Calm down, we're in the middle of the airport. Maybe it's better for you to talk directly to him now. Our flight leaves in a few minutes," Maggie requested, and Phuwin nodded, then sighed, feeling utterly powerless in the face of the situation. He knew this decision couldn't be undone, but he wanted at least to understand why it was made without his consent. They had given Akira Nakamura exactly what he wanted. 

Author's Notes: This chapter turned out to be quite long, and fearing it might become tiresome for some readers, I decided to split it into two parts. I will post the next part later, hoping you'll enjoy it. Please vote and comment; it motivates me to continue, and it's good to know your opinions on the direction of this story. If you can share it with friends who also enjoy it, I would appreciate it.

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